LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Carbon dating has been proven to be inaccurate, and as for the galaxies, how does anyone actually know how many light years away they are? Were they measured?
Carbon is not a long lived isotope. The dating for oldest objects use uranium, osmium, radium, etc which have long lived isotopes. Look it up.

The distance of galaxies can be measured by spectrum shifts. They are more accurately measured by standard nova where the light intensity is known, and the distance is measured by the inverse square law.
That's just it. The above statement where the light intensity is known. Science is still changing and getting more accurate. Scientists have been wrong in the past, but might develop better measuring systems and better techniques in the future. I will wait until then, and nothing that people will tell me will convince me otherwise. I'll wait.
Suggesting that silly youtube videos, as opposed to peer reviewed studies, represent supportable evidence of science matters should suggest to a reasonable person that your arguments are really baseless.

Reasonable people don't take Flat Earther's as bothered by science.
Satan must really have dug his hooks onto you. I proved it with science and something observable and testable. OTOH, you atheists continue to believe in something that has nothing observable and is not testable. It is a fairy tale. Even the evolution website continues to believe in fairy tales as "theory" :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.

When you become rich and famous, please send us an email. You seem to have the debilitating disease called "Harun Yahya Syndrome"
Okay. I'll send you an e-mail and a picture.

How old do you think the earth is?
It's around 6,000 years old. The chronology in the Bible was to prove long time that evolution needed never existed. Evolution is dead, but it continues to lure in the suckers. You think that my Bible is religion, but science backs up the Bible. Nothing backs up evolution as its not observable nor testable. You made your bed, so now lie in it.
Satan must really have dug his hooks onto you. I proved it with science and something observable and testable. OTOH, you atheists continue to believe in something that has nothing observable and is not testable. It is a fairy tale. Even the evolution website continues to believe in fairy tales as "theory" :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.

Okay. I'll send you an e-mail and a picture.

It's around 6,000 years old. The chronology in the Bible was to prove long time that evolution needed never existed. Evolution is dead, but it continues to lure in the suckers. You think that my Bible is religion, but science backs up the Bible. Nothing backs up evolution as its not observable nor testable. You made your bed, so now lie in it.

You tested for Adam and Eve? How about the Red Sea crossing or Noah's flood?
You tested for Adam and Eve? How about the Red Sea crossing or Noah's flood?
You a smart guy who's gone looney tunes because of belief in evolution and atheism.

A&E are observable and testable in our common genetics. They are our common ancestor.

The Red Sea parting has:

"But carefully following the Biblical and historical records of the Exodus brings you to Nuweiba, a large beach in the Gulf of Aqaba, as Ron Wyatt discovered in 1978.

Repeated dives in depths ranging from 60 to 200 feet deep (18m to 60m), over a stretch of almost 2.5 km, has shown that the chariot parts are scattered across the sea bed. Artifacts found include wheels, chariot bodies as well as human and horse bones. Divers have located wreckage on the Saudi coastline opposite Nuweiba as well."

Noah's Flood has the fountains of the depth that forms a ring around the world. The Earth is the only planet covered by 3/4 surface water. There are flood myths around the world based on a true event.
Satan must really have dug his hooks onto you. I proved it with science and something observable and testable. OTOH, you atheists continue to believe in something that has nothing observable and is not testable. It is a fairy tale. Even the evolution website continues to believe in fairy tales as "theory" :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:.

Okay. I'll send you an e-mail and a picture.

It's around 6,000 years old. The chronology in the Bible was to prove long time that evolution needed never existed. Evolution is dead, but it continues to lure in the suckers. You think that my Bible is religion, but science backs up the Bible. Nothing backs up evolution as its not observable nor testable. You made your bed, so now lie in it.
"Long time". Obviously, lacking a science vocabulary, you're reduced to slogans from the Jimmy Swaggert madrassah.

I can understand why you use youtube for your science information. Lots of brightly colored graphics accompanied by a musical score tends to appeal to a certain... how shall we say... "less than critically thinking type".
None of your answers are rational nor scientific and typical of an atheist who has gone looney tunes due to being wrong and losing. I already posted the youtube of science backing up the Bible, the swan neck experiment, evidence for the global flood, the great creation scientists, no multiverses, no bipedal ape, no ape-humans, no common ancestor, no billions of years as radioisotope assumptions are unknown and do not match calendar year, etc. Heck, it even talks about global warming -- What Does the Bible Say About Global Warming?. I may be taking advantage of what I learned from the Bible and may become famous and multi-millionaire :TH_WAY~113:.
Ahh. Delusions of grandeur. It's clearer now with reference to the James Bond avatar. You fantasize about living that lifestyle, right?

Do you also spend your weekends commanding the French forces at Waterloo?
You a smart guy who's gone looney tunes because of belief in evolution and atheism.

A&E are observable and testable in our common genetics. They are our common ancestor.

The Red Sea parting has:

"But carefully following the Biblical and historical records of the Exodus brings you to Nuweiba, a large beach in the Gulf of Aqaba, as Ron Wyatt discovered in 1978.

Repeated dives in depths ranging from 60 to 200 feet deep (18m to 60m), over a stretch of almost 2.5 km, has shown that the chariot parts are scattered across the sea bed. Artifacts found include wheels, chariot bodies as well as human and horse bones. Divers have located wreckage on the Saudi coastline opposite Nuweiba as well."

Noah's Flood has the fountains of the depth that forms a ring around the world. The Earth is the only planet covered by 3/4 surface water. There are flood myths around the world based on a true event.
More Bible thumping not at all appropriate in the Science forum.

Are you suffering from Marshall Applewhite Syndrome?
That's just it. The above statement where the light intensity is known. Science is still changing and getting more accurate. Scientists have been wrong in the past, but might develop better measuring systems and better techniques in the future. I will wait until then, and nothing that people will tell me will convince me otherwise. I'll wait.

You're pretty young. What church/Sunday school did you attend?
Noah's Flood has the fountains of the depth that forms a ring around the world. The Earth is the only planet covered by 3/4 surface water. There are flood myths around the world based on a true event.
That is not science. If it were science there would be a detailed investigation into:

How was the water stored below the earth crust so that a flood could cover all mountain tops.
The extra water would have to be several times the volume of the ocean water.
How big were the openings in the fountains.
What was the physical mechanism to eject the water to the surface.
What was the required velocity of water through the openings to escape from below the crust within 40 days.
What was the temperature of water beneath the earth crust.
What was the physical mechanism that allowed the water to recede.
Where did all that water drain
With many historical floods in many cultures. How is it determined that they they all occurred within a 40 day window.

If creation "scientists" cannot explain a global flood mechanism, then it is not science at all.

. I will wait until then
Haha, what a load of crap. You don't even know squat about the current dating systems. So how will you know when they have been refined, or when they are "satisfactorily accurate" for you?

They never will be. Ever. You have rigged the game and set an impossible standard. Just a little cheap parlor trick. An excuse, because you think it sounds more reasonable than "nuh uh, mah Bible says so".

And you can ignore my request about the fossils. You will play the same childish game with those.
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Ahh. Delusions of grandeur. It's clearer now with reference to the James Bond avatar. You fantasize about living that lifestyle, right?

Do you also spend your weekends commanding the French forces at Waterloo?
Now, you're getting personal. I must've really put the butthurt on the atheists here and their religion.

More Bible thumping not at all appropriate in the Science forum.

Are you suffering from Marshall Applewhite Syndrome?
You should reply to surada as he's reduced to babbling his complaints about Christianity as evolution was destroyed yesterday by yours truly.

>>Are you suffering from Marshall Applewhite Syndrome?<<


Lol. What about Anton Lavey? Isn't he more up your and atheists' alley and speed?

I didn't know they had a 600 Club (take off on 700 Club) for atheistic Satanists lol -- Satanism Today | Exploring The Past Present & Future of Satanism.
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Haha, what a load of crap. You don't even know squat about the current dating systems. So how will you know when they have been refined, or when they are "satisfactorily accurate" for you?

They never will be. Ever. You have rigged the game and set an impossible standard. Just a little cheap parlor trick. An excuse, because you think it sounds more reasonable than "nuh uh, mah Bible says so".
Now, you're getting personal. I must've really put the butthurt on the atheists here and their religion.
Haha, the typical jbond declaration of victory, after getting his ass stomped for 10 pages. Good stuff.
Haha, the typical jbond declaration of victory, after getting his ass stomped for 10 pages. Good stuff.
What was the last argument I lost? We all know science backs up the Bible. I guess I should count your weak post as another victory. You see why my avatar is JB as he keeps on going without a loss.
Now, you're getting personal. I must've really put the butthurt on the atheists here and their religion.

You should reply to surada as he's reduced to babbling his complaints about Christianity as evolution was destroyed yesterday by yours truly.

>>Are you suffering from Marshall Applewhite Syndrome?<<

View attachment 563238

Lol. What about Anton Lavey? Isn't he more up your and atheists' alley and speed?

I didn't know they had a 600 Club (take off on 700 Club) for atheistic Satanists lol -- Satanism Today | Exploring The Past Present & Future of Satanism.

Most of the other posters think you're stupid.
That is not science. If it were science there would be a detailed investigation into:

How was the water stored below the earth crust so that a flood could cover all mountain tops.
The extra water would have to be several times the volume of the ocean water.
How big were the openings in the fountains.
What was the physical mechanism to eject the water to the surface.
What was the required velocity of water through the openings to escape from below the crust within 40 days.
What was the temperature of water beneath the earth crust.
What was the physical mechanism that allowed the water to recede.
Where did all that water drain
With many historical floods in many cultures. How is it determined that they they all occurred within a 40 day window.

If creation "scientists" cannot explain a global flood mechanism, then it is not science at all.


These creationists think the earth was flat before the flood and the flood pushed up the mountains. This ring of subterranean water doesn't exist. Maybe he's thinking of the Ring of Fire.
Now, you're getting personal. I must've really put the butthurt on the atheists here and their religion.

You should reply to surada as he's reduced to babbling his complaints about Christianity as evolution was destroyed yesterday by yours truly.

>>Are you suffering from Marshall Applewhite Syndrome?<<

View attachment 563238

Lol. What about Anton Lavey? Isn't he more up your and atheists' alley and speed?

I didn't know they had a 600 Club (take off on 700 Club) for atheistic Satanists lol -- Satanism Today | Exploring The Past Present & Future of Satanism.
You can't have missed the reality that you add nothing of substance / value to the science forum. Repetitive cutting and pasting of the same slogans and endless Bible thumping makes you seem quite the religious extremist.

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