LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Yet you are allover this thread pretending to know.

"When you vomit the first thought that fizzles into your colon and accidentally obliterate your entire argument."
No, I can't even imagine what happens in a million years. That's it. I don't know.

So you're saying you know what a million years mean or can relate to it? I'll make it easy for you so you can tell us what happened in 5,000 year increments. Just think about how much history happened in the past 5,000 years. I can see you describe 5K or 20K years, but not one million. However, we're talking about 4.5 M years. That's a crazy amount of time.

It isn't my first intuition. I can't even describe what happened on Earth the past 100,000 years.

If you nor the atheists here can do it, then what does my evolution website say or any other evolution website?
“Relating” to a million years has nothing to do with your version of religious extremism.

BTW, science and knowledge has not been destroyed by you. Your best efforts to use your religious extremism to destroy your credibility has been a success, however.

Do you not see the absurdity in your frantic attacks on knowledge and science while you reference a blog that links to science journals? Do-While is having a laugh at your expense.

Have you fallen down and bumped your head again?
The Bible goes up to around 5,000 years as you know. The believers can describe what happened during that time and how the Earth was.

It seems like you're making excuses. What I said was there is no observable nor testable evidence for evolution. It means that evolution isn't backed up by science and couldn't happen. It's BS. Just think if creation science had nothing observable nor testable. You would say I lost badly and would be lol'd off all the threads that we discussed all this time lol.
This is from james bond's link. LOLOL

Palaeontology: The rise of the lepidosaurs | Nature ...
Aug 26, 2021 · Palaeontology: The rise of the lepidosaurs. The skull of a lizard-like reptile from the Triassic of Argentina, dated to be around 231 million years old, sheds light on the origins of the group that gave rise to snakes, lizards and tuataras. The fossil is described in this week’s Nature…
LMAO at your bird brain thinking or is it dinosaur brain thinking.

Do-While and I are laughing our asses off at you.


Reptile Classification​

The abstract said there are three kinds of reptiles in the two branches of the mythical reptile evolutionary tree. Archosauromorphs (crocodiles, avian and non-avian dinosaurs) are in one branch. Lepidosauromorphs (squamates (lizards, snakes) and sphenodontians (tuataras)) are in the other branch. You are probably familiar with most of them—but not by their technical names.


You know what crocodiles are.

Non-avian dinosaurs are what you commonly think of as dinosaurs.

“Avian dinosaurs” is the new name for “birds.” Birds have been declared to be flying (avian) dinosaurs, so birds are now lizards. If you don’t believe us, just go to the American Museum of Natural History.

In the view of most paleontologists today, birds are living dinosaurs. In other words, the traits that we accept as defining birds -- key skeletal features as well as behaviors including nesting and brooding -- actually arose first in some dinosaurs. Most intriguing, and debated, is the evidence of feathers and featherlike structures on these dinosaurs, as seen throughout this exhibition. 2

Birds are dinosaurs. It must be true. Scientists say so. Don’t question them.


Lepidosauromorphs are divided into squamates and sphenodontians.

Squamates are lizards and snakes. You know what they are.

Sphenodontians are tuatara. You might not know what they are.

Tuatara were originally classified as lizards in 1831 when the British Museum received a skull. The genus remained misclassified until 1867, when Albert Günther of the British Museum noted features similar to birds, turtles, and crocodiles. He proposed the order Rhynchocephalia (meaning "beak head") for the tuatara and its fossil relatives.
At one point many disparately related species were incorrectly referred to the Rhynchocephalia, resulting in what taxonomists call a "wastebasket taxon". Williston proposed the Sphenodontia to include only tuatara and their closest fossil relatives in 1925. 3

What should be clear from that quote is that classification is nothing more than a matter of opinion, which could change at any time. Classification appears to be objective because specific criteria are used to determine classification—but the determination of those criteria is subjective and subject to change. Because the criteria changed, birds became dinosaurs.

Tuatara are reptiles that don’t really fit neatly in any category. Since all evolutionists believe that species evolved slowly (except those like Stephen J. Gould who don’t believe in gradual evolution) it should be easy for evolutionists to classify tuatara—but it isn’t, so they put species like tuatara (and the platypus) in a wastebasket taxon.

Tuatara were formerly “misclassified.” Now they are correctly classified because academics (who cannot be questioned) have decided they are properly classified, just like birds have now been properly classified as dinosaurs.
Tuatara are Sphenodontian"

What you posted are more evos' articles. What does it do with classification? Classification is just opinion which could change at any time like when someone who gets caught in a lie or like when you just got caught in attributing atheist science articles to me. Why don't you pay so we can read the whole article? You are a cheapskate lol.
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The Bible goes up to around 5,000 years as you know. The believers can describe what happened during that time and how the Earth was.

It seems like you're making excuses. What I said was there is no observable nor testable evidence for evolution. It means that evolution isn't backed up by science and couldn't happen. It's BS. Just think if creation science had nothing observable nor testable. You would say I lost badly and would be lol'd off all the threads that we discussed all this time lol.

Your claim there is ''no testable evidence for evolution'', is demonstrably wrong as countered by the testable evidence for evolution.

See how easy that was? I simply present the facts to counter your nonsense claims.
LMAO at your bird brain thinking or is it dinosaur brain thinking.

Do-While and I are laughing our asses off at you.


Reptile Classification​

The abstract said there are three kinds of reptiles in the two branches of the mythical reptile evolutionary tree. Archosauromorphs (crocodiles, avian and non-avian dinosaurs) are in one branch. Lepidosauromorphs (squamates (lizards, snakes) and sphenodontians (tuataras)) are in the other branch. You are probably familiar with most of them—but not by their technical names.


You know what crocodiles are.

Non-avian dinosaurs are what you commonly think of as dinosaurs.

“Avian dinosaurs” is the new name for “birds.” Birds have been declared to be flying (avian) dinosaurs, so birds are now lizards. If you don’t believe us, just go to the American Museum of Natural History.

In the view of most paleontologists today, birds are living dinosaurs. In other words, the traits that we accept as defining birds -- key skeletal features as well as behaviors including nesting and brooding -- actually arose first in some dinosaurs. Most intriguing, and debated, is the evidence of feathers and featherlike structures on these dinosaurs, as seen throughout this exhibition. 2

Birds are dinosaurs. It must be true. Scientists say so. Don’t question them.


Lepidosauromorphs are divided into squamates and sphenodontians.

Squamates are lizards and snakes. You know what they are.

Sphenodontians are tuatara. You might not know what they are.

Tuatara were originally classified as lizards in 1831 when the British Museum received a skull. The genus remained misclassified until 1867, when Albert Günther of the British Museum noted features similar to birds, turtles, and crocodiles. He proposed the order Rhynchocephalia (meaning "beak head") for the tuatara and its fossil relatives.
At one point many disparately related species were incorrectly referred to the Rhynchocephalia, resulting in what taxonomists call a "wastebasket taxon". Williston proposed the Sphenodontia to include only tuatara and their closest fossil relatives in 1925. 3

What should be clear from that quote is that classification is nothing more than a matter of opinion, which could change at any time. Classification appears to be objective because specific criteria are used to determine classification—but the determination of those criteria is subjective and subject to change. Because the criteria changed, birds became dinosaurs.

Tuatara are reptiles that don’t really fit neatly in any category. Since all evolutionists believe that species evolved slowly (except those like Stephen J. Gould who don’t believe in gradual evolution) it should be easy for evolutionists to classify tuatara—but it isn’t, so they put species like tuatara (and the platypus) in a wastebasket taxon.

Tuatara were formerly “misclassified.” Now they are correctly classified because academics (who cannot be questioned) have decided they are properly classified, just like birds have now been properly classified as dinosaurs.
Tuatara are Sphenodontian"

What you posted are more evos' articles. What does it do with classification? Classification is just opinion which could change at any time like when someone who gets caught in a lie or like when you just got caught in attributing atheist science articles to me. Why don't you pay so we can read the whole article? You are a cheapskate lol.
More rants from the religious extremist.
Nobody can relate to million years. It's too long a time period and we do not know what happens during that time.
Maybe a layman can't but it's a scientists job to relate to events that are way outside of casual cognition. You have to "think outside the (earthly) box." Creationists have no reason to think in those extremes.

But, for example, scientists can relate to galaxies that existed billions of years in the past. Or the ability for lasers in a lab to emit pulses as short as a few fempto-seconds. Or the ability to measure gravity waves emanating millions of light-years away that reaches earth with a distortion a fraction of the size of a proton.

The inability to "relate" to extremes in dimension is no reason to dismiss any science.
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Your claim there is ''no testable evidence for evolution'', is demonstrably wrong as countered by the testable evidence for evolution.

See how easy that was? I simply present the facts to counter your nonsense claims.
You just say it and present nothing. All you got is atheist faith which is nothing. In real life, I wouldn't even get into these arguments as the atheists would get p*ssed off because of my victory in front of other people.

I got the 3/4 surface water, KCA, no life from non-life experiment, we all die from A&E's sin, the 3-to-1 majority, people contribute money to Christian churches, and more. Atheists have no money source for their religion. Losers all the way around lmao.
You just say it and present nothing. All you got is atheist faith which is nothing. In real life, I wouldn't even get into these arguments as the atheists would get p*ssed off because of my victory in front of other people.

I got the 3/4 surface water, KCA, no life from non-life experiment, we all die from A&E's sin, the 3-to-1 majority, people contribute money to Christian churches, and more. Atheists have no money source for their religion. Losers all the way around lmao.
You've got 100% Illogical Trash.
How does no life from experiments (yet) prove there's a god. YOUR god no less?
(those experiments have yielded many long chain molecules that Tend to form naturally.)
I don't see any gods springing up from nowhere either!
The Bible rather than the Koran or Bhagavad Gita?
You've just got one classic "God of the Gaps".. again.

Yawner #11,081 from James Bond.
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You've got 100% Illogical Trash.
How does no life from experiments (yet) prove there's a god. YOUR god no less?
(those experiments have yielded many long chain molecules that Tend to form naturally.)
The Bible rather than the Koran or Bhagavad Gita?
You've just got one classic "God of the Gaps".. again.

Yawner #11,081 from James Bond.
I can add all the evidence and realize science backs up the Bible. I've learned both the Bible and evolution. All you have is evolution of the gaps. You're ignorant of the Good Book. I doubt you've even read the evolution website. What books have you read about evolution? It's irony that what your ignorant claims about God has turned 180 and bit you in the ass :abgg2q.jpg:.

It's like St. George sword got shoved up your you know where.

ETA: I realize that Christians even have better weapons than you. Libs got what? Nothing. Just like their science. No wonder they turn atheist.
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I got the 3/4 surface water, KCA, no life from non-life experiment, we all die from A&E's sin, the 3-to-1 majority, people contribute money to Christian churches, and more. Atheists have no money source for their religion. Losers all the way around lmao.
You are off the rails. None of that has anything to do with Creation Science.
You just say it and present nothing. All you got is atheist faith which is nothing. In real life, I wouldn't even get into these arguments as the atheists would get p*ssed off because of my victory in front of other people.

I got the 3/4 surface water, KCA, no life from non-life experiment, we all die from A&E's sin, the 3-to-1 majority, people contribute money to Christian churches, and more. Atheists have no money source for their religion. Losers all the way around lmao.

I can present verifiable data. You don't seem to realize that outside of religious extremism, there is a world that understands knowledge and learning.

You rely on ancient tales and fables that calm an emotional requirement to shield yourself within a burqa of fear and ignorance.
I can add all the evidence and realize science backs up the Bible. I've learned both the Bible and evolution. All you have is evolution of the gaps. You're ignorant of the Good Book. I doubt you've even read the evolution website. What books have you read about evolution? It's irony that what your ignorant claims about God has turned 180 and bit you in the ass :abgg2q.jpg:.

It's like St. George sword got shoved up your you know where.

ETA: I realize that Christians even have better weapons than you. Libs got what? Nothing. Just like their science. No wonder they turn atheist.
And yet, you continuously fail to offer any evidence for your claims to magic and supernaturalism.

You fail to understand that ''the Bible says so'' is not a supportable argument outside of your Jimmy Swaggert madrassah.

You're welcome to point out where I've said, "Democrats are atheists and communists and want the government to give free stuff to the poor?"

Shit for brains abu afak agrees with you.
I agree you haven't said anything .. and never do.
You are a low IQ emptily combative idiot.
You never post any meat, and can't write a paragraph on any topic.
So I might indeed 'agree' with any post that mocks your idiocy.

You're welcome to point out where I've said, "Democrats are atheists and communists and want the government to give free stuff to the poor?"

Shit for brains abu afak agrees with you.
You might be in the wrong thread. I forgot the context. You will have to remind me where I said that.
I can present verifiable data. You don't seem to realize that outside of religious extremism, there is a world that understands knowledge and learning.

You rely on ancient tales and fables that calm an emotional requirement to shield yourself within a burqa of fear and ignorance.
You can't just say I need billions of years to support my data.

Basically, all you have are ideas. I like ideas and am for them, but not for atheism and atheist science.
abu afak

I got a question for you. Is there mining still done on mountain tops?

Mining done there found the fossils of animals who died long ago. Follow up question is how did they get up there lmao?

Did I win again?
You can't just say I need billions of years to support my data.

Basically, all you have are ideas. I like ideas and am for them, but not for atheism and atheist science.

I can say you have presented no data to support your specious claims.

On the other hand, if you were not a slave to dogma you have been indoctrinated with at the Jimmy Swaggert madrassah, you would find overwhelming evidence for biological evolution, a spherical and very old planet… you know, “sciencey” stuff.
abu afak

I got a question for you. Is there mining still done on mountain tops?

Mining done there found the fossils of animals who died long ago. Follow up question is how did they get up there lmao?

Did I win again?
You are unfamiliar with Plate Tectonics and have 'proved' that wrong too?
ie, it's taken the Himalayas 50,000,000 years to rise to their current height and they are STILL rising a little each year.
THAT'S how the the fossils 'get up there.'
You ignorant **** licker.


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