LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

These creationists think the earth was flat before the flood and the flood pushed up the mountains. This ring of subterranean water doesn't exist. Maybe he's thinking of the Ring of Fire.
I thought creationists were referring to hydrothermal vents. It's kind of a sorry state when non-creationists try to put meaning into the ambiguous statements that creationists make. But it's to their best interests to remain ambiguous so they can take measures not to be backed into a corner.

I thought creationists were referring to hydrothermal vents. It's kind of a sorry state when non-creationists try to put meaning into the ambiguous statements that creationists make. But it's to their best interests to remain ambiguous so they can take measures not to be backed into a corner.


They usually say dinosaur bones and fossils were planted by God.

Thousands of years ago the ancients also found fossils and dinosaur bones.
They usually say dinosaur bones and fossils were planted by God.

Thousands of years ago the ancients also found fossils and dinosaur bones.
So God made no dinosaurs? Just broken bones? God can be such a joker at times.
Most of the other posters think you're stupid.
So what do YOU think I'm stupid about? Most of them can't answer my questions while I have answered all of theirs. I'm done now with evolution. Atheists can believe what they want.
So what do YOU think I'm stupid about? Most of them can't answer my questions while I have answered all of theirs. I'm done now with evolution. Atheists can believe what they want.

What do you understand natural selection to mean?

natural selection

the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution. Compare with survival of the fittest (see survival).
What do you understand natural selection to mean?

natural selection

the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution. Compare with survival of the fittest (see survival).
Just look at my sig. I don't want to discuss Darwin nor evolution again. They're both stupid imo. Let others have a chance to argue for or against it.

Here's a better definition from Webster:


Definition of natural selection

: a natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals or groups best adjusted to their environment and that leads to the perpetuation of genetic qualities best suited to that particular environment"

Just look at my sig. I don't want to discuss Darwin nor evolution again. They're both stupid.

Here's a better definition from Webster:


Definition of natural selection

: a natural process that results in the survival and reproductive success of individuals or groups best adjusted to their environment and that leads to the perpetuation of genetic qualities best suited to that particular environment"


Same thing you have a problem with critical thinking and reading comprehension?
Same thing you have a problem with critical thinking and reading comprehension?
That's right. I used critical thinking and reading comprehension and more. I was able to answer the atheists questions, but they couldn't answer mine. One got so upset he had to start various threads like this against me. That was really stupid lol.
I don't think we humans will ever fully understand how the things that "exist" came to be. Some are content to simply believe God created the universe and that God has always existed. Well, if God has always existed, then energy/matter has always existed, because God certainly has energy as an attribute, an we have learned that matter and energy can be transformed from one to the other.

We will never fully understand "what came before that, and before that, and before........
A blog by someone calling himself Do-While Jones.

Is there a laugh track you can queue up while Do-While is making a fool of himself... and you?

This is from james bond's link. LOLOL

Palaeontology: The rise of the lepidosaurs | Nature ...
Aug 26, 2021 · Palaeontology: The rise of the lepidosaurs. The skull of a lizard-like reptile from the Triassic of Argentina, dated to be around 231 million years old, sheds light on the origins of the group that gave rise to snakes, lizards and tuataras. The fossil is described in this week’s Nature…
We all know science backs up the Bible.
Noah's Flood has the fountains of the depth that forms a ring around the world. The Earth is the only planet covered by 3/4 surface water. There are flood myths around the world based on a true event.
Here is a question you never answered. What are the fountains of the deep? What is the scientific mechanism on how they were able to supply the amount of water that would cover the mountain tops. Is there a link that explains the science?

A blog by someone calling himself Do-While Jones.

Is there a laugh track you can queue up while Do-While is making a fool of himself... and you?
He knows evolution is a BIG LIE and science does not back it up, i.e. science is against it.

Furthermore, here's my UC Berkeley website admitting that evolution is not observable nor testable -- Misconceptions about evolution - Understanding Evolution. Smart people know that they admit defeat and is just hypothesis which goes nowhere.

Looks like Do-While Jimmy smacked you around some using science against evolution. You're dizzy.
He knows evolution is a BIG LIE and science does not back it up, i.e. science is against it.

Furthermore, here's my UC Berkeley website admitting that evolution is not observable nor testable -- Misconceptions about evolution - Understanding Evolution. Smart people know that they admit defeat and is just hypothesis which goes nowhere.

Looks like Do-While Jimmy smacked you around some using science against evolution. You're dizzy.

Odd, then, that Do-While is using links from the journal Nature. Isn’t that publication affiliated with those evilutionist, atheist scientists?

From the link posted by surada:
“Aug 26, 2021 · Palaeontology: The rise of the lepidosaurs. The skull of a lizard-like reptile from the Triassic of Argentina, dated to be around 231 million years old, sheds light on the origins of the group that gave rise to snakes, lizards and tuataras.”

231 million years?

I thought snakes (talking snakes), we’re invented 6,000 years ago by your various gods.

Could it be that Do-While, (and life in general), has played a cruel joke on you?
Furthermore, here's my UC Berkeley website admitting that evolution is not observable nor testable -- Misconceptions about evolution - Understanding Evolution. Smart people know that they admit defeat and is just hypothesis which goes nowhere.
This is a big irony. You quote a site saying they admit that, "evolution is not observable nor testable"
You obviously did not read your own website because it says exactly the opposite, that it is a misconception!!! I think you just shot yourself in the foot.

From the link you cited.

MISCONCEPTION: Evolution is not science because it is not observable or testable.
CORRECTION: This misconception encompasses two incorrect ideas: (1) that all science depends on controlled laboratory experiments, and (2) that evolution cannot be studied with such experiments.

the site goes on to say,
To date, evolution is the only well-supported explanation for life’s diversity.
Odd, then, that Do-While is using links from the journal Nature. Isn’t that publication affiliated with those evilutionist, atheist scientists?

From the link posted by surada:
“Aug 26, 2021 · Palaeontology: The rise of the lepidosaurs. The skull of a lizard-like reptile from the Triassic of Argentina, dated to be around 231 million years old, sheds light on the origins of the group that gave rise to snakes, lizards and tuataras.”

231 million years?

I thought snakes (talking snakes), we’re invented 6,000 years ago by your various gods.

Could it be that Do-While, (and life in general), has played a cruel joke on you?
Nobody can relate to million years. It's too long a time period and we do not know what happens during that time. What happens to the earth and rocks. What kind of weather occurs? What kind of catastrophes happen such as volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, and so on. If the Earth was 6,000 years young, then we know what kind of changes could happen as with the global flood. No one has been able to explain or have a theory.

You should continue to read his monthly newsletter and website as evolution has been destroyed by yours truly. It will go deeper into the evo articles and going against them or letting you know what the atheist scientists have come up with, but we know they're wrong. Atheists are usually wrong.
Nobody can relate to million years. It's too long a time period and we do not know what happens during that time.
Yet you are allover this thread pretending to know.

"When you vomit the first thought that fizzles into your colon and accidentally obliterate your entire argument."
Nobody can relate to million years. It's too long a time period and we do not know what happens during that time. What happens to the earth and rocks. What kind of weather occurs? What kind of catastrophes happen such as volcanoes, earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, and so on. If the Earth was 6,000 years young, then we know what kind of changes could happen as with the global flood. No one has been able to explain or have a theory.

You should continue to read his monthly newsletter and website as evolution has been destroyed by yours truly. It will go deeper into the evo articles and going against them or letting you know what the atheist scientists have come up with, but we know they're wrong. Atheists are usually wrong.
“Relating” to a million years has nothing to do with your version of religious extremism.

BTW, science and knowledge has not been destroyed by you. Your best efforts to use your religious extremism to destroy your credibility has been a success, however.

Do you not see the absurdity in your frantic attacks on knowledge and science while you reference a blog that links to science journals? Do-While is having a laugh at your expense.

Have you fallen down and bumped your head again?

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