LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Will you rub shit on your face when you realize they were the greatest in history and had observable accomplishments -- 34 Great Scientists Who Were Committed Christians You do that on this forum daily with your dumb atheist religion posts and nosy religion questions in S&T. How stupid asf are you :aug08_031:?
Thats the dumbest post I’ve ever seen. You out did yourself. Did you know that early Christian / Catholic monks work on generics the foundation of evolutionary studies.

Gregor Mendel was one of the founders of modern evolution theory in genetics.
Every single one of your science persons contributed to modern Evo. theory. Regardless of what they say they believed at the time they were alive, ALL of them had a life time of work that supported evolution. ….
they didn’t believe in cell phones either. They didn’t believe in nuclear energy. They didn’t believe in climate change. Their work is proof positive that as man get smarter, he believes in modern science . You haven’t. Read about Mendals work. Every single other one of your great Christian scientist did work that supported evolution.

Here's a list of atheist scientists. Did they accomplish anything observable? Had shit rubbed in their faces?
Here is a list of non-creationist scientists:
Albert Einstein​
Erwin Schrödinger​
Paul Dirac​
Stephen Hawking​
Peter Higgs​
Wolfgang Pauli​
Richard Feynman​
John Archibald Wheeler​
Max Planck​

They are top scientists. Many of them are well known names to non-scientists.
Here's a joke I heard about atheists. Did you know atheists wanted to change Thanksgiving to Friendsgiving or Familygiving?

That's it. Lame, but what do you expect from an atheist joke?
Did you here the one about the clergyman who had claimed everything was an act of God.
When the church, the house of god, was stuck by lightening, his parishioners refused to donate much money because they felt it was stupid to rebuild a house that was set fire by the resident.
We went through this before. He points out with great glee his list includes great creationist scientists such as:
  • Sir Francis Bacon
  • Isaac Newton
  • Archimedes
  • Galileo
  • Kepler
  • Copernicus
  • And many more ancient scientists
Of course the irony is that his list was a time when almost everyone was religious and a creationist. This was pointed out to him along with the fact that the greatest of the last 100 years were not creationists, but that was met with indifference. He, in his fantasy world, continues to promote his "most greatest" meme.

And, of course, each of those people was successful as a scientist only and exactly to the degree that they ignored the iron age mythology and engaged in secular scientific method. Notice how Kepler hit the brick wall of his career and discoveries, when he made the error of just deferring to God as nudging the planets' orbits. Their discoveries happened quite in spite of their religious handicap, untilthe handicap overtook them, and the discoveries stopped
Thats the dumbest post I’ve ever seen. You out did yourself. Did you know that early Christian / Catholic monks work on generics the foundation of evolutionary studies.

Gregor Mendel was one of the founders of modern evolution theory in genetics.
Every single one of your science persons contributed to modern Evo. theory. Regardless of what they say they believed at the time they were alive, ALL of them had a life time of work that supported evolution. ….
they didn’t believe in cell phones either. They didn’t believe in nuclear energy. They didn’t believe in climate change. Their work is proof positive that as man get smarter, he believes in modern science . You haven’t. Read about Mendals work. Every single other one of your great Christian scientist did work that supported evolution.

Yawn. ShItface is a good nick for you even though shit for brainz is fitting. Gregor Mendel is on our side and that's what counts. He has observable accomplishments.
Every single one of your science persons contributed to modern Evo. theory.
More biased opinion. How can evolution even begin without a beginning? You can't answer my questions while I fight through your boring hot mess and provide an answer.
Did you here the one about the clergyman who had claimed everything was an act of God.
When the church, the house of god, was stuck by lightening, his parishioners refused to donate much money because they felt it was stupid to rebuild a house that was set fire by the resident.
Your joke even sounds like a lie. The Christians have money up the wazhoo. Are atheists poor because they have nothing observable in terms of support?

Tell me something Dagosa, what are four things you should promise your mate for life?
You mis-addressed your message that should be meant for surada, Dagosa, and other atheists here. It sounds as they lost badly to me in S&T, medicine, and can only discuss religion now. I can understand the bitterness and embarrassment, but it should be in R&E.

Here's a list of atheist scientists. Did they accomplish anything observable? Had shit rubbed in their faces?

Oh I am in no way an extremist.. I think we should wear our faith loosely like a fine garment that makes people want to be a part of it. I would never jam up some kid and tell him that the earth was created in 7 days or that man was made from dirt or that a man could live inside a fish.. I would never tell them snakes talk and men walk on water. The stories are important but not intended for a person to cripple their education.

You are saying that if you don't embrace myth and Bullshit you are an athiest.
Here's a joke I heard about atheists. Did you know atheists wanted to change Thanksgiving to Friendsgiving or Familygiving?

That's it. Lame, but what do you expect from an atheist joke?

What are you thankful for at Thanksgiving? You do know its secular, not Biblical.
Your joke even sounds like a lie. The Christians have money up the wazhoo. Are atheists poor because they have nothing observable in terms of support?

Tell me something Dagosa, what are four things you should promise your mate for life?
Number one is,I won’t make up sht and lie. Maybe you should follow suit.
Your joke even sounds like a lie. The Christians have money up the wazhoo. Are atheists poor because they have nothing observable in terms of support?

Tell me something Dagosa, what are four things you should promise your mate for life?
Btw, the joke doesn’t say, Christians are poor. Good grief, even your reading skills are deceptive.
Four things are to protect, love, care for, and support them. There is no right or wrong answer, but Dagosa can't answer a simple question about his values. Typical atheist and awful bore.
I'm not sure what is worse -- boring-ism or Judasism. Did he even talk about S&T? I'll opt for boring-ism or Dagosa although Judasism is much, much, much worse lol.
Here's something new I learned from my UC Berkeley website. Evolution is not observable nor testable. May as well be the kiss of death as science does not back it up lmao.
Oh I am in no way an extremist.. I think we should wear our faith loosely like a fine garment that makes people want to be a part of it. I would never jam up some kid and tell him that the earth was created in 7 days or that man was made from dirt or that a man could live inside a fish.. I would never tell them snakes talk and men walk on water. The stories are important but not intended for a person to cripple their education.

You are saying that if you don't embrace myth and Bullshit you are an athiest.
I think you're more Judas-like as you pretended to be religious or Christian, but actually is an atheist. I'll let it go. Why don't you just believe where your faith takes you? You spend a lot of time here and side with the atheists. Maybe it's more intellect on your part than "faith." Atheist intellect is usually wrong.
Evolution is not observable nor testable. May as well be the kiss of death as science does not back it up lmao.
Creationism is neither observable nor testable. It is the kiss of death as science does not back up creationism.

Gregor Mendel is on our side and that's what counts. He has observable accomplishments.
Sorry to break this to any dufus who thinks other wise , Mendal is dead.
We can all tell when you get had and know it. You start cursing people and act about as Christian as Trump the king dufus.
Creationism is neither observable nor testable. It is the kiss of death as science does not back up creationism.

Typical atheist wrongness and wanting atheism so bad to be right :aargh:. It's why we have dumb threads like this in S&T lmao.

Creationism is observable. We worship every Sabbath. We have Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up. The creationists have the majority 3-to-1. History backs up the events in the Bible. The Bible isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible. We test it with the swan neck experiment for life only comes from adult life. We also have discovered the fountains of the deep that goes around the world. We have witnesses from the believers and their enemies of Jesus' Resurrection. The global flood and The Resurrection are the two major supernatural events which happened in history. If creation science was taught more widely, then the smarter students would realize evolution is not observable nor testable and is a crock.
Creationism is observable. We worship every Sabbath. We have Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up.
That is a stretch beyond rationality.
The creationists have the majority 3-to-1. History backs up the events in the Bible.
A Gallup Poll says only 40% believe YEC, but that is irrelevant to the unobservability of creationism.
The Bible isn't a science book, but science backs up the Bible.
The Bible fails science right from the first several paragraphs.
We test it with the swan neck experiment for life only comes from adult life.
That showed life came from microbes. He also showed live cannot come from a boiled sterile broth. That's no mystery.
We also have discovered the fountains of the deep that goes around the world.
If you are talking about hydrothermal vents, that has no bearing on creationism.

That is a stretch beyond rationality.

A Gallup Poll says only 40% believe YEC, but that is irrelevant to the unobservability of creationism.

The Bible fails science right from the first several paragraphs.

That showed life came from microbes. He also showed live cannot come from a boiled sterile broth. That's no mystery.

If you are talking about hydrothermal vents, that has no bearing on creationism.

None of your answers are rational nor scientific and typical of an atheist who has gone looney tunes due to being wrong and losing. I already posted the youtube of science backing up the Bible, the swan neck experiment, evidence for the global flood, the great creation scientists, no multiverses, no bipedal ape, no ape-humans, no common ancestor, no billions of years as radioisotope assumptions are unknown and do not match calendar year, etc. Heck, it even talks about global warming -- What Does the Bible Say About Global Warming?. I may be taking advantage of what I learned from the Bible and may become famous and multi-millionaire :TH_WAY~113:.
None of your answers are rational nor scientific and typical of an atheist who has gone looney tunes due to being wrong and losing. I already posted the youtube of science backing up the Bible, the swan neck experiment, evidence for the global flood, the great creation scientists, no multiverses, no bipedal ape, no ape-humans, no common ancestor, no billions of years as radioisotope assumptions are unknown and do not match calendar year, etc. Heck, it even talks about global warming -- What Does the Bible Say About Global Warming?. I may be taking advantage of what I learned from the Bible and may become famous and multi-millionaire
I see that you are not able to address my points. That is because you don't know and are unable to defend the Bible. You can only mindlessly repeat your errors with no retort.
The youtube video did not address much of anything. There was absolutely no scientific explanation concerning a global flood; where the water came from and where it went. The genesis 6 days creation story has the actual science of the earth's creation totally out of order. These difficulties have not been explained by you nor creationists. It is no wonder why the YEC has died down to a minority of only 40% and continues to drop.


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