LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

1. No one created God. He is timeless, spaceless, all powerful supernatural Being, etc. It's in the Bible and it explains all.

After being at it at this long, I just go heh. Atheists can die and find out who won.
Really, god only has to be around longer then man to be idolized. Btw, which god are we talking about ? I’ve ask that question several times and get no real answer from the believers. Give him a name. Who is the lucky religion that claims the correct god ? You have seven to choose from. Or is that six ? Whatever.
You're stupid and mean.. You think God is going to cut a life short for you?
He isn't going to cut it for me. It's intuition and God's wrath.

Furthermore, I know how to deal with a troll (already in place) while he doesn't.
Really, god only has to be around longer then man to be idolized. Btw, which god are we talking about ? I’ve ask that question several times and get no real answer from the believers. Give him a name. Who is the lucky religion that claims the correct god ? You have seven to choose from. Or is that six ? Whatever.
No. The Bible states God has been around forever. He is timeless and spaceless. It proves my point that you didn't understand KCA.
Btw, which god are we talking about ?
Lol. This is the S&T forum. Why don't you ask it in the R&E forum?

Lol @ the atheists here. They start a LOL -- "Creation Science" -- LOL forum and all they can discuss is religion.

Maybe they already lost in the science forum because of the KCA and the gif I posted. Furthermore, evolution is not observable, i.e. no evidence for evolution. Abiogenesis, or the origins of evolution, did not happen as Louis Paster's swan neck experiment proved.
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Maybe they already lost in the science forum because of the KCA and the gif I posted.
So you are saying the KCA and the gif are scientific proof? Of what? The KCA does not prove that the entity that created the universe is going to kill people because they don't believe the Bible is backed by science. That simply does not follow. Also, just what kind of proof is a GIF animation?
Abiogenesis, or the origins of evolution, did not happen as Louis Paster's swan neck experiment proved.
All Pasteur proved is that bacteria in the air contaminated a sterile broth.
He did not disprove abiogenesis. You should read science sites for scientific information. Your creationist brethren are misleading you.
What does planets and galaxies beyond our reach mean? The Bible explains that God did it to show us his vast power. It wasn't enough to just create spacetime, the universe, Earth, and everything in it. (It's part of His kingdom, power, and glory if this was R&E forum.) Evolution loses right there.
The part you quoted/SHORT QUOTED was just the title piece from the thread in which I TOLD you what you had cut and pasted - You NOT Knowing it Was- was Called the Kalam Cosmological Argument.

So being the embarrassed and Dishonest religionist you are, you did Not quote that part of my post in this thread, instead claiming it was your idea. And you didn't quote of that part of my post from that thread with MY use of the term/name/Intro of "Kalam...." to the board.
Now you refer to it like an old friend ("KCA"), but in fact you were just introduced to it by ME.
You did not know what it was called until I told you.

You give Christians a bad name.
Again, it was my intuition and God's wrath.

Evolution and atheism are death, but there is no way to change you and atheism since you and atheists have to find the true God through faith.
Lol. This is the S&T forum. Why don't you ask it in the R&E forum?

Lol @ the atheists here. They start a LOL -- "Creation Science" -- LOL forum and all they can discuss is religion.

Maybe they already lost in the science forum because of the KCA and the gif I posted. Furthermore, evolution is not observable, i.e. no evidence for evolution. Abiogenesis, or the origins of evolution, did not happen as Louis Paster's swan neck experiment proved.
So, we’ll just assume you never had a science course. That’s the only explanation for the sad remarks.
No. The Bible states God has been around forever. He is timeless and spaceless. It proves my point that you didn't understand KCA.
Still no answer. Which of the six or seven gods are we talking about ?
Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism.
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Why Do So Many Reject Creation Science? | Answers in Genesis
Jul 15, 2020 · Why do so many people reject creation science? Why do 98% of professional scientists accept evolution? This page seeks to answer these questions by documenting the behavior of opponents of young-earth creation science.

Jul 15, 2020 · Why do so many people reject creation science? Why do 98% of professional scientists accept evolution? This page seeks to answer these questions by documenting the behavior of opponents of young-earth creation science.
I still get 404 error missing link.
Still no answer. Which of the six or seven gods are we talking about ?
Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism.
Again, what is the point of your asking for my religion in an S&T forum? What is yours? I found the atheists here aren't the most honest people and they can't accept losing an argument.

I'm still waiting for you to provide a link to how evolution is connected to medicine; You mentioned communicable disease. I provided links to show Christians invented medicine.
I still get 404 error missing link.
I still get 404 error missing link.

Try this:

Two major competing models of the Earth's past are:
New Earth creation Scientists generally conclude that:

God created all of the species during a short period of time, perhaps about 4004 BCE, and certainly not before 10,000 BCE.
bullet God created all of the species of bacteria, primitive one-celled creatures, trilobites, dinosaurs, humans, etc. within a few days of each other. Just as The Flintstones cartoon shows, humans and dinosaurs wandered about the earth together.

During the 40 days of rain and the approximately nine months of drainage of the Noachian flood, all of the land animals outside the ark were drowned. Various deposits were formed with sediment and the bodies of dead animals; their remains became fossils, embedded in rock layers.

Most scientists believe that a very different sequence of events happened:

That a primitive, one-celled life form came into existence by some series of natural processes, billions of years ago. Scientists are currently only dimly aware of the nature of these processes.

Billions of years later, this primitive life form had evolved into more complex species (e.g. trilobites), even as the primitive life forms became extinct.

Later species evolved into Dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago. They died out, probably becuuse of extreme environmental changes brought about by a massive collision of an asteroid with the Earth. But new species that evolved from the dinosaurs and other species that were on earth with the dinosaurs continued to evolve.
Homo Sapiens, Neanderthals, and some of the higher apes appeared much more recently, and shared a common ancestor. Neanderthals became extinct.

bullet All during this extinction of old species and arrival of new species, individual animals died. A very small fraction of those with hard shells or a skeleton became converted to fossils and were embedded in rocks.

Most scientists do not believe that any world-wide flood has occurred. There are serious questions about where all the water came from and went.

In addition, there are some Christians who believe that God created the universe billions of years ago. There are also hundreds of stories of origins taught by various religions around the world. We concentrate here on new earth creationism and the scientific consensus because these are the most commonly discussed belief systems.

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Try this:
Third time is not the charm? Where did you go to school? It's not hard.
Try this:

Two major competing models of the Earth's past are:
New Earth creation Scientists generally conclude that:

bullet God created all of the species during a short period of time, perhaps about 4004 BCE, and certainly not before 10,000 BCE.
bullet God created all of the species of bacteria, primitive one-celled creatures, trilobites, dinosaurs, humans, etc. within a few days of each other. Just as The Flintstones cartoon shows, humans and dinosaurs wandered about the earth together.

During the 40 days of rain and the approximately nine months of drainage of the Noachian flood, all of the land animals outside the ark were drowned. Various deposits were formed with sediment and the bodies of dead animals; their remains became fossils, embedded in rock layers.

Most scientists believe that a very different sequence of events happened:

bullet That a primitive, one-celled life form came into existence by some series of natural processes, billions of years ago. Scientists are currently only dimly aware of the nature of these processes.
bullet Billions of years later, this primitive life form had evolved into more complex species (e.g. trilobites), even as the primitive life forms became extinct.
bullet Later species evolved into Dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago. They died out, probably becuuse of extreme environmental changes brought about by a massive collision of an asteroid with the Earth. But new species that evolved from the dinosaurs and other species that were on earth with the dinosaurs continued to evolve.
bullet Homo Sapiens, Neanderthals, and some of the higher apes appeared much more recently, and shared a common ancestor. Neanderthals became extinct.

bullet All during this extinction of old species and arrival of new species, individual animals died. A very small fraction of those with hard shells or a skeleton became converted to fossils and were embedded in rocks.

Most scientists do not believe that any world-wide flood has occurred. There are serious questions about where all the water came from and went.

In addition, there are some Christians who believe that God created the universe billions of years ago. There are also hundreds of stories of origins taught by various religions around the world. We concentrate here on new earth creationism and the scientific consensus because these are the most commonly discussed belief systems.

The simple answer is ToE isn't true as evolution and evolutionary thinking is weak in regards to origins. For example, life didn't spring up from non-life. Nor spacetime and the universe just spring up from nothing. Nor complexity spring up from randomness.

Instead, God created all adult living creatures and formed the basics of it first. We're still learning about what he did. He created spacetime and the universe by creating the basic necessities first. We're still learning about it, too.
Again, what is the point of your asking for my religion in an S&T forum? What is yours? I found the atheists here aren't the most honest people and they can't accept losing an argument.

I'm still waiting for you to provide a link to how evolution is connected to medicine; You mentioned communicable disease. I provided links to show Christians invented medicine.
Simple. You’re so into creation science, we need to establish what it means. That can only be done if you tell us WHICH of these religions is your god affiliated with. All seven may be quite different. So really, in your mind, you don’t think anyone who agrees with you is an atheist. Where just trying to establish where ALL the atheists reside.

So simply, YOU. need to tell us WHICH religion is your god affiliated with. Well, are you going to let the cock crow and still deny your own god ? Are you goin* to put false gods before him ? Be a man about it and tell us.
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I'm still waiting for you to provide a link to how evolution is connected to medicine; You mentioned communicable disease. I provided links to show Christians invented medicine.
I’ve asked my question first and the answer to yours totally depends upon what god you believe in. Right now, every thing you spout appears to be dribble with no cohesiveness. Just tell us WHICH GOD you align yourself with. You do know what this thread is about ? So which is it ?
Again, what is the point of your asking for my religion in an S&T forum? What is yours? I found the atheists here aren't the most honest people and they can't accept losing an argument.

I'm still waiting for you to provide a link to how evolution is connected to medicine; You mentioned communicable disease. I provided links to show Christians invented medicine.
Now tell us which God you align with in this discussion ?

1. No one created God. He is timeless, spaceless, all powerful supernatural Being, etc. It's in the Bible and it explains all.

After being at it at this long, I just go heh. Atheists can die and find out who won.
Living in trembling fear of spooks and goblins is a sad existence.

Using your fears and prejudices to threaten others examples nothing but portraying your religion as extremist and punitive.

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