LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

DukeU said:
With one question, you prick.

How did the universe come to exist?

Game, set, and match.

Your question is meant to insinuate a god, but the answer is We Don't know/Know YET, not 'god.'

They made up Fire, Lightning and Fertility gods because they didn't know YET.
But when they found out they dropped them

IOW it is NOT logical to make up a god for everything/anything you don't understand.
Never worked yet.
Your FALLACY is called 'God of the Gaps.'

Game, Set, and Match.
You have no logical or evidentiary basis for your beliefs.

See my thread on that, the most common of logic lapses/boners.
I just bumped it up with your reply.
Been there/done that, on anything your high school brain can 'think' up/down.

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Ever since Ronnie Raygun lifted the tent flap and let those tree stump preachers have a seat at the table, the GOP has really taken a turn towards full blown racism ... with less dependence upon "dog whistle" politics. This is why you have had neocons, teabaggers, alt right rummies and fibbertarians running around gerry mandering and trying to dismantle Civil Rights laws. Sowell tells them what they want to hear..."economic proof" that blacks are responsible for their own plight. And yes, ivy league academics, economist, etc., have all taken Sowell's screeds to task and found them wanting. That you are in denial of this is of no worth. I just pointed out that in addition to the absurd creationist clap trap you support yet another disproved theory (theorists) with religious fervor. Your last sentence confirms this. Carry on.

Your ignorance is appalling. Welcome to the Ignore Zone, you earned it.
Your ignorance is appalling. Welcome to the Ignore Zone, you earned it.
translation: Yet another creationist wonk in denial and unable to logically or factually refute what I say....he couldn't even sustain a viable debate .... I guess he wasn't up to the task. Good riddance.
Kind of pathetic how some of these creationist don't have the intellectual honesty, courage or capability to sustain a viable debate on this subject.....especially when they are presented with facts and logic they cannot easily brush away with dogma.
Yes, I made a mistake with the quote. Sorry.

And, never did I state that dinosaurs were on the Ark. My point was that IF they were on the Ark, they didn't have to be adult sized.

Carbon dating................. LOL

Carbon Dating: Why you cant trust it or other radiometric ...

your "point" is equal to debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.....assuming one believes angels exist.
That is to laugh at.
your proud ignorant dismisal of carbon dating is however, pathetic ... not funny. Carry on
your "point" is equal to debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.....assuming one believes angels exist.
That is to laugh at.
your proud ignorant dismisal of carbon dating is however, pathetic ... not funny. Carry on


Trillions of years ago.......................... LMAO
TheDefiantOne said:
your "point" is equal to debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.....assuming one believes angels exist.
That is to laugh at.
your proud ignorant dismisal of carbon dating is however, pathetic ... not funny. Carry on


Trillions of years ago.......................... LMAO
As the reader can see, when creationist actually cannot logically or factually debate the issue, that repsond as Ol' Duke here does.....pathetic, but not unexpected.
As the reader can see, when creationist actually cannot logically or factually debate the issue, that repsond as Ol' Duke here does.....pathetic, but not unexpected.

Nothing left to debate.

You can't prove how the universe was created no more than I can.

The End.
Nothing left to debate.

You can't prove how the universe was created no more than I can.

The End.
Once again Duke, you assign me an assertion that I didn't make. Please go over again the chronology of our exchanges. My criticism was of the absurd notion of dinosaurs on the Ark, as depicted by some jokers in Kentucky with a life sized (estimated) replica....this was done as a back door dismisal of the science of paleontology and archeologist...who document evidence of life and such way beyond what creationist would have you believe.

Creationist rely on their faith as evidence they are right. Scientist rely on the scientific method to prove evidence so their premise is right.

Me, I'm an agnostic....both parties rely on faith that will prove them right on day...I would like them to get together and maybe come up with better answers, but I'm afraid that won't happen. The duplicitous nature of your responses here are a testament to that. Carry on.
Once again Duke, you assign me an assertion that I didn't make. Please go over again the chronology of our exchanges. My criticism was of the absurd notion of dinosaurs on the Ark, as depicted by some jokers in Kentucky with a life sized (estimated) replica....this was done as a back door dismisal of the science of paleontology and archeologist...who document evidence of life and such way beyond what creationist would have you believe.

Creationist rely on their faith as evidence they are right. Scientist rely on the scientific method to prove evidence so their premise is right.

Me, I'm an agnostic....both parties rely on faith that will prove them right on day...I would like them to get together and maybe come up with better answers, but I'm afraid that won't happen. The duplicitous nature of your responses here are a testament to that. Carry on.

All those words, and you have said nothing really.

Keep shining the light on the fact that Science hasn't proven anything when it comes to the creation of the universe.

That was my purpose from the beginning.
Well that's your dumbest comment yet.

Because religion and ANYTHING can go "hand in hand". Because religion is undefined, magical nonsense that can be sprinkled on any idea to absolutely no effect whatsoever, when desired.




Actually, it depends on what particular religion you're looking at. Case in point, the science of acupuncture is based on the belief in the doctor told me I need to learn Chinese in order to get a basic grasp of how the conclusions were reached. What he did translate to me was fascinating...and damned if I didn't forget the brand of religion for the basis of it all. Bottom line: the stuff works...and western medicine is just beginning to wrap it's head around the basic.

Creationist's heads would explode tryin to contemplate a historically documented form of healing based on a religion that essentially does NOT recognize their religion per se.
TheDefiantOne said:
Once again Duke, you assign me an assertion that I didn't make. Please go over again the chronology of our exchanges. My criticism was of the absurd notion of dinosaurs on the Ark, as depicted by some jokers in Kentucky with a life sized (estimated) replica....this was done as a back door dismisal of the science of paleontology and archeologist...who document evidence of life and such way beyond what creationist would have you believe.

Creationist rely on their faith as evidence they are right. Scientist rely on the scientific method to prove evidence so their premise is right.

Me, I'm an agnostic....both parties rely on faith that will prove them right on day...I would like them to get together and maybe come up with better answers, but I'm afraid that won't happen. The duplicitous nature of your responses here are a testament to that. Carry on.

All those words, and you have said nothing really.

Keep shining the light on the fact that Science hasn't proven anything when it comes to the creation of the universe.

That was my purpose from the beginning.
1. translation: Duke denies and dismisses what he can't readily refute or deny.
2. Once again, Duke purposely misrepresents what I just posted. Either Duke has pathetic reading comprehension skill or is a pretty sad liar, given this is a printed medium with a quick back track of our exchanges.
3. Seems Duke has no real "purpose" other than to try and support all creationist clap trap while not seeming to commit to it out right....that is intellectualy dishonesty and cowardice on Duke's part....something he will continue to do.
1. translation: Duke denies and dismisses what he can't readily refute or deny.
2. Once again, Duke purposely misrepresents what I just posted. Either Duke has pathetic reading comprehension skill or is a pretty sad liar, given this is a printed medium with a quick back track of our exchanges.
3. Seems Duke has no real "purpose" other than to try and support all creationist clap trap while not seeming to commit to it out right....that is intellectualy dishonesty and cowardice on Duke's part....something he will continue to do.

Ok smart guy.

I'll give you a chance.

How was the universe created? I'll wait.
Ok smart guy.

I'll give you a chance.

How was the universe created? I'll wait.
It is not how. We cannot comprehend that. By who. A being who is both finite, and eternal at the same time, made what is.. He hides his power in his hands. It will be wise to not reject me, to not find yourself in his left hand.

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