LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

The brain and inner ear disproves ToE. The brain and inner ear mechanism are too complex for evolution to form. This thread should be called Lol - Evolution - Lol. I like Lol - abu afak - Lol better.

"This site will open your eyes to all the incredible technology we have wired inside of us. The human brain is a highly complex electronics system comprised of over 80 billion neurons making more than 60 trillion highly organized connections. Each connection or synapse works like a transistor, so we can estimate the brain processing power to be more than 34,000 iPhone processors. If you are willing, this site will provide all the engineering evidence necessary to prove that it is impossible for humans to evolve. So let me explain how all this research began.

As an engineer of the space shuttle guidance system, imagine
my surprise when I discovered that the vestibule of our inner ear was actually the same 3 axis gyro and accelerometer sensor we used to guide the space shuttle.

"The brain and inner ear disproves ToE. The brain and inner ear mechanism are too complex for evolution to form,"

"..... because I say so".

Jimmy Swaggert clones believe ignorance is a virtue.
There is zero geological evidence for a world wide flood .. The story came from Sumer.. It was the Gilgamesh myth.

There was a flood of the Euphrates River Basin in 2900 BC. The king's barges, hauling beer, grain and livestock, broke loose and he ended up in the Persian Gulf..

There is so much evidence, it would be nearly impossible to list it all here.

From marine fossils on mountain tops to footprints on sandstone in the flood carved Grand Canyon.

Startling Evidence for Noah's Flood | Answers in Genesis

Evidence for Noah's Flood: Marine fossils on mountaintops

I wonder what could have possibly created this..............


There is so much evidence, it would be nearly impossible to list it all here.

From marine fossils on mountain tops to footprints on sandstone in the flood carved Grand Canyon.

Startling Evidence for Noah's Flood | Answers in Genesis

Evidence for Noah's Flood: Marine fossils on mountaintops

I wonder what could have possibly created this..............

View attachment 559446

Even the ME didn't flood..No flood sediment. The oilbusiness has only provided a million core samples in the past 100 years.

I know DukeU teaches geology and tectonic plates.
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From marine fossils on mountain tops
Haha, that isn't evidence of a global flood. That is an error a child might make when first hearing about any of this.

This is why all of this is so embarrassing. These are questions 6th graders might ask. Errors an 8 year old would make.
There is zero geological evidence for a world wide flood .. The story came from Sumer.. It was the Gilgamesh myth.

There was a flood of the Euphrates River Basin in 2900 BC. The king's barges, hauling beer, grain and livestock, broke loose and he ended up in the Persian Gulf..
Then show me another planet where there is 3/4 surface water? We have the fountains of the deep that goes around the world. You and the atheists are crazy because you believe in nothing that is observable. Where is your evidence?

Even the good book talks about people like you who do not believe no matter what hard "proof" you give them. What's weird is you believe based on Darwin's two books. He didn't provide much evidence.

ETA: Here's more evidence. The dinosaurs could not have all died by an huge asteroid hit. The megaton nuclear bomb doesn't have the reach of a thousand miles. Nothing that we know has that sort of impact. Or maybe you'll show me something observable?
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Then show me another planet where there is 3/4 surface water? We have the fountains of the deep that goes around the world. You and the atheists are crazy because you believe in nothing that is observable. Where is your evidence?

Even the good book talks about people like you who do not believe no matter what hard "proof" you give them. What's weird is you believe based on Darwin's two books. He didn't provide much evidence.

Oil men and geologists have never found these fountains of the deep.

They reported that the flood was caused by spring snowmelt from the Zagross mountains combined with heavy spring rains.
Oil men and geologists have never found these fountains of the deep.

They reported that the flood was caused by spring snowmelt from the Zagross mountains combined with heavy spring rains.
I whipped your atheist arse like a bullwhip and get to continue doing it. Must be a sado with my mandom.

Your dinosaur fossils cutting a path through the US by the Chicxulub asteroid has been disproved.

There are no other planet with 3/4 surface water. Moreover, the fountains of the deep has a ring that circles the world. That's part of where the oceans below the surface of the planet came from. Why do you think NASA looks for a planet with oceans below its surface in order to find another planet that is habitable and alien life? You can't figure this out.
I whipped your atheist arse like a bullwhip and get to continue doing it. Must be a sado with my mandom.

Your dinosaur fossils cutting a path through the US by the Chicxulub asteroid has been disproved.

There are no other planet with 3/4 surface water. Moreover, the fountains of the deep has a ring that circles the world. That's part of where the oceans below the surface of the planet came from. Why do you think NASA looks for a planet with oceans below its surface in order to find another planet that is habitable and alien life? You can't figure this out.

Where on earth did you go to school?

In ancient times, the peoples of the Middle East held a deep-seated, superstitious awe for the oceans and other bodies of water. The deep water basins were abyssal, bottomless pits, full of monsters and evil spirits. The continents floated on the ocean waters, which were also the common source of springs and subterranean rivers, so these source w…
Where on earth did you go to school?

In ancient times, the peoples of the Middle East held a deep-seated, superstitious awe for the oceans and other bodies of water. The deep water basins were abyssal, bottomless pits, full of monsters and evil spirits. The continents floated on the ocean waters, which were also the common source of springs and subterranean rivers, so these source w…
Instead of answering my post, you have no response. The atheist scientists are wrong again.

I went to this place -- Where did you go? Does my school whip your school?

The article doesn't address anything that the creation scientists presented to describe the "fountains of the deep."

"In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth ° day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." Genesis 7:11

The "great deep" doesn't mean just the surface water, but water from beneath the ocean floors. We had great reservoir of waters beneath the oceans and earth of ancient times. The earth beneath it was broken up and great rocks and dirt rose up to form some of the mountains and great wonders of catastrophism today such as Mt. Everest and the Himalayas.

This was the greatest supernatural event of ancient times witnessed by all those living and who died before back then. Just like we will all witness the second greatest supernatural event of modern times of the end of the Earth in modern times -- death by fire -- or The Rapture.

Here's what Jesus said about the atheists and their scientists, "and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22

I suppose this is why I get threads started about me :icon_rolleyes:.
Instead of answering my post, you have no response. The atheist scientists are wrong again.

I went to this place -- Where did you go? Does my school whip your school?

The article doesn't address anything that the creation scientists presented to describe the "fountains of the deep."

"In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth ° day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." Genesis 7:11

The "great deep" doesn't mean just the surface water, but water from beneath the ocean floors. We had great reservoir of waters beneath the oceans and earth of ancient times. The earth beneath it was broken up and great rocks and dirt rose up to form some of the mountains and great wonders of catastrophism today such as Mt. Everest and the Himalayas.

This was the greatest supernatural event of ancient times witnessed by all those living and who died before back then. Just like we will all witness the second greatest supernatural event of modern times of the end of the Earth in modern times -- death by fire -- or The Rapture.

Here's what Jesus said about the atheists and their scientists, "and you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22

I suppose this is why I get threads started about me :icon_rolleyes:.
This is the wrong forum for your Jimmy Swaggert style proselytizing.
Then show me another planet where there is 3/4 surface water? We have the fountains of the deep that goes around the world. You and the atheists are crazy because you believe in nothing that is observable. Where is your evidence?

Even the good book talks about people like you who do not believe no matter what hard "proof" you give them. What's weird is you believe based on Darwin's two books. He didn't provide much evidence.

ETA: Here's more evidence. The dinosaurs could not have all died by an huge asteroid hit. The megaton nuclear bomb doesn't have the reach of a thousand miles. Nothing that we know has that sort of impact. Or maybe you'll show me something observable?

A nonsense youtube video by "Genesis apologetics".

Please keep the nonsense at your madrassah out of the Science forums.
Sorry pal. All of that word salad is no substitute for empirical evidence.

And for the efficacy of acupuncture: There is exactly zero evidence.

Nothing else to say. Acupuncture makes you "feel" better. Great. Use it, then. But don't attempt to make any claims of efficacy, because you have zero evidence of them.
1. you can't deny or disprove rationally or logically what I 'm saying, so you blow smoke with a baseless accusation any G.E.D. reading comprehension can see through.
2. You speak out of sheer genuine or willful ignorance.
3. Truly, YOU have nothing else to say that isn't an insipidly stubborn display of willful or genuine ignorance. But hope springs eternal. If you have the cojones, read the following primer links:

A nonsense youtube video by "Genesis apologetics".

Please keep the nonsense at your madrassah out of the Science forums.
It's real science and something that is observable. Your atheist science has no foundation and nothing that is observable. For example, the atheist scientists claimed dinosaur fossils were 65 million years old, but that was debunked with C14 dating and soft tissues still remaining. We can go to a mainstream museum with dinosaur fossils and if you broke one open, then I can show you.

It would remind me of this commercial with an atheist:

. you can't deny or disprove rationally or logically what I 'm saying,
Nobody needs to do that. That's why we invented science in the first place. If you make claims of medical efficacy of acupuncture, YOU need to produce the mountains of empirical evidence demonstrating that efficacy.

Until then, you get to go sit in the corner with the spoon benders and the alien abductees and the faith healers.

That's how it works. I didn't invent this rule. So complaining to me isn't going to get you anywhere.
It's real science and something that is observable. Your atheist science has no foundation and nothing that is observable. For example, the atheist scientists claimed dinosaur fossils were 65 million years old, but that was debunked with C14 dating and soft tissues still remaining. We can go to a mainstream museum with dinosaur fossils and if you broke one open, then I can show you.

It would remind me of this commercial with an atheist:

Just more copy and paste from religious extremists.
Haha, that isn't evidence of a global flood. That is an error a child might make when first hearing about any of this.

This is why all of this is so embarrassing. These are questions 6th graders might ask. Errors an 8 year old would make.


Except that it's not children making the claims.

Scientists Believe That They May Have Discovered 2,000 ...

But, you know that because you so smart. Use you're education for something besides spreading fairytales and lies.

Except that it's not children making the claims.

Scientists Believe That They May Have Discovered 2,000 ...

But, you know that because you so smart. Use you're education for something besides spreading fairytales and lies.

Don't be an accomplice to another Ron Wyatt fraud.


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