LOL - "Creation Science" - LOL

Ok smart guy.

I'll give you a chance.

How was the universe created? I'll wait.
Duke since YOU are the ONLY one claiming in our exchanges that I made claims to knowing how the universe was created, it would interesting to see you copy & paste or quote IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS EXACTLY HOW I DID THIS IN WHAT POST. TWiCE now you've falsely portrayed what I've written. You copped and apologized once.

When you can produce that, then we can have the discussion in the avenue you've ducked down. If not, then you're just full of it as I previously explained to the reading audience.
Duke since YOU are the ONLY one claiming in our exchanges that I made claims to knowing how the universe was created, it would interesting to see you copy & paste or quote IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS EXACTLY HOW I DID THIS IN WHAT POST. TWiCE now you've falsely portrayed what I've written. You copped and apologized once.

What are you defending if you haven't made a claim? Why do you continue to respond if you don't want a response?

I never said you made a claim about the universe. You continued to respond to me. So, I figured you wanted to take a swing.

If you don't want your turn at bat, exit the plate.
Your question is meant to insinuate a god, but the answer is We Don't know/Know YET, not 'god.'

They made up Fire, Lightning and Fertility gods because they didn't know YET.
But when they found out they dropped them

IOW it is NOT logical to make up a god for everything/anything you don't understand.
Never worked yet.
Your FALLACY is called 'God of the Gaps.'

Game, Set, and Match.
You have no logical or evidentiary basis for your beliefs.

See my thread on that, the most common of logic lapses/boners.
I just bumped it up with your reply.
Been there/done that, on anything your high school brain can 'think' up/down.

The universe did not come about with our power. Our power is powerless to make what is seen. So is the human mind to think of how it came to be. The Bible says what God did. Incompetent pastors and priests are unable to teach people.
Case in point, the science of acupuncture is based on the belief in the spiritual...
The only "science" of acupuncture is psychology, when it studies the placebo effect and study of psychosomatic phenomena.

Medicine is a field of science. There is no such thing as "alt medicine". There is "medicine" and "not medicine".
The only "science" of acupuncture is psychology, when it studies the placebo effect and study of psychosomatic phenomena.

Medicine is a field of science. There is no such thing as "alt medicine". There is "medicine" and "not medicine".
Acupuncture and medicine is not precision upper cervical spesific chiropractic. They don't pop anything. Both don't want anyone to know anything about them. Upcspine, NUCCA, Upper Cervical health centers, TheSpesific. Wait 4 - 5 days after an accident.
Acupuncture and medicine is not precision upper cervical spesific chiropractic. They don't pop anything. Both don't want anyone to know anything about them. Upcspine, NUCCA, Upper Cervical health centers, TheSpesific. Wait 4 - 5 days after an accident.
"Straight chiro" is a total scam.
"Straight chiro" is a total scam.
Diversified, who pops the neck, are not good. Gonstead pops the condyles of the atlas and axis vertebra too, adjusting nothing. ABC and Core Chiropractors are not good. They push down on the upper back. Decompression does not work either. I know what is not good. I know what is good. Good precision upper cervical Spesific chiropractors cannot help when you have a Herniated Disc. Top bone needs to be in the neutral or orthogonal position under the opening at the base of the skull. Base Posterior X ray, under the chin shows how much that bone is pivoted to the right or left.
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Diversified, who pops the neck, are not good. Gonstead pops the condyles of the atlas and axis vertebra too, adjusting nothing. ABC and Core Chiropractors are not good. They push down on the upper back. Decompression does not work either. I know what is not good. I know what is good. Good precision upper cervical Spesific chiropractors cannot help when you have a Herniated Disc.
I can't down on all chiro. I don't find it to be an extraordinary claim of efficacy essentially to claim that people feel better after being manipulated by chiropractors (I mean that in the physical sense, not the mental sense. Though maybe there IS some overlap.;) )

It is only when chiropractry attempts to make unsupported claims of medical efficacy, that it runs into trouble.
The only "science" of acupuncture is psychology, when it studies the placebo effect and study of psychosomatic phenomena.

Medicine is a field of science. There is no such thing as "alt medicine". There is "medicine" and "not medicine".
Wrong. That is the best excuse Western/European medicine could come up with to explain the curative effects of acupuncture. All that went out the window back in the 1970's when the aforementioned doctors went to China to witness certain surgeries that were being done without traditional anesthesia. There are autonomic responses that react to invasive stimuli (i.e., pain), and certain operations that made traditional aneshesia dangerous or impossible. When you had first hand eye witness accounts, the Western/European doctors couldn't deny the reality. But, they couldn't fully allow the competition...which is why mainland trained Chinese doctors are prohibited to use a percentage of their trade (apothecarian mixtures). Alternative medicine is when "traditional" medicine does not or cannot apply. A personal example: I had a shoulder sports injury that wasn't critical but it was somewhat persistent and slightly debilitating. My GP explained that traditional examination of the area would incapacitate my arm for at least a week. I asked him about the acupuncture a friend recommended, and he said based on his 40 year experience, all indictions were that acupuncture could do things he couldn't and to give it a try. I found the right doctors, and had 95% improvement in 48 hours from just the first treatment.

To dismiss over a thousand years of a medical practice that has kept an entire civilization alive and viable is pure western arrogance. To suggest disease and ailments are treated and cured on pure 'psychosomatic' basis is absurd given evidence to the contrary.
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What are you defending if you haven't made a claim? Why do you continue to respond if you don't want a response?

I never said you made a claim about the universe. You continued to respond to me. So, I figured you wanted to take a swing.

If you don't want your turn at bat, exit the plate.
All one has to do is read the following posts: #41, 44, 130, 133, 135, 138, 141 to see intellectual dishonesty that Duke. He just dodges, lies and creates whatever is necessary for him to avoid making a declarative statement of belief, much less than whatever silly little hair split he wanted to introduce just doesn't stand scrutiny. His latest ploy is a bit of convoluted "logic" that defies/denies all precedings exchanges. I find people like Duke pathetic, as this is a anonymous venue. No one who personally knows Duke will know that he conceded to being wrong on a point regarding creationist clap trap from a certain angle. Yet Duke will blow smoke untile doomsday. So be it. Once exposing such, I don't waste time or space with the likes of Duke's mindset.
The only "science" of acupuncture is psychology, when it studies the placebo effect and study of psychosomatic phenomena.
You're jumping to conclusions and don't accept Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine promotes the idea of the body having a flow of energy called Qi or Chi . The problem of scientifically evaluating acupuncture is there does not appear to be any placebo. For example, there are many studies that show it helps with chronic pain, stress relief, mental health, headaches, addiction, and more, but what can be used to replace it? You can't just use psychology to treat those. There isn't anything scientifically accepted to use as a placebo.
Wrong. That is the best excuse Western/European medicine could come up with to explain the curative effects of acupuncture. All that went out the window back in the 1970's when the aforementioned doctors went to China to witness certain surgeries that were being done without traditional anesthesia. There are autonomic responses that react to invasive stimuli (i.e., pain), and certain operations that made traditional aneshesia dangerous or impossible. When you had first hand eye witness accounts, the Western/European doctors couldn't deny the reality. But, they couldn't fully allow the competition...which is why mainland trained Chinese doctors are prohibited to use a percentage of their trade (apothecarian mixtures). Alternative medicine is when "traditional" medicine does not or cannot apply. A personal example: I had a shoulder sports injury that wasn't critical but it was somewhat persistent and slightly debilitating. My GP explained that traditional examination of the area would incapacitate my arm for at least a week. I asked him about the acupuncture a friend recommended, and he said based on his 40 year experience, all indictions were that acupuncture could do things he couldn't and to give it a try. I found the right doctors, and had 95% improvement in 48 hours from just the first treatment.

To dismiss over a thousand years of a medical practice that has kept an entire civilization alive and viable is pure western arrogance. To suggest disease and ailments are treated and cured on pure 'psychosomatic' basis is absurd given evidence to the contrary.
Sorry pal. All of that word salad is no substitute for empirical evidence.

And for the efficacy of acupuncture: There is exactly zero evidence.

Nothing else to say. Acupuncture makes you "feel" better. Great. Use it, then. But don't attempt to make any claims of efficacy, because you have zero evidence of them.
Some people argue politics, but I like to discuss/argue religion. I didn't know about Abu Afak until I met abu afak here. In fact, I wouldn't have known about the real Abu Afak's life story until our abu afak said to google him. Why pick the name of a loser assassin lol?
You have no ability to discuss religion. You cut and paste propaganda nonsense repetitively.
You have no ability to discuss religion. You cut and paste propaganda nonsense repetitively.
Wrong section. This is not R&E. I can discuss Christianity and debunk atheism. Also, creation science in the S&I section.

It's you who gets forums mixed up and was wrong about the flat Earth that was attributed to atheist scientists. Atheist science also claimed the eternal universe and was wrong. What are YOU going to claim next in S&I?
The brain and inner ear disproves ToE. The brain and inner ear mechanism are too complex for evolution to form. This thread should be called Lol - Evolution - Lol. I like Lol - abu afak - Lol better.

"This site will open your eyes to all the incredible technology we have wired inside of us. The human brain is a highly complex electronics system comprised of over 80 billion neurons making more than 60 trillion highly organized connections. Each connection or synapse works like a transistor, so we can estimate the brain processing power to be more than 34,000 iPhone processors. If you are willing, this site will provide all the engineering evidence necessary to prove that it is impossible for humans to evolve. So let me explain how all this research began.

As an engineer of the space shuttle guidance system, imagine
my surprise when I discovered that the vestibule of our inner ear was actually the same 3 axis gyro and accelerometer sensor we used to guide the space shuttle.

and debunk atheism
You can debunk atheism?

You can prove there is a God?

Then why do you never post in the religion section? There are like a hundred posters over there who would love to see your proof of God.

So, uh, why is that? Why DO you virtually never post in the religion section?

You can debunk atheism?

You can prove there is a God?

Then why do you never post in the religion section? There are like a hundred posters over there who would love to see your proof of God.

So, uh, why is that? Why DO you virtually never post in the religion section?

Atheism and evolution were debunked. I just gave you more OBSERVABLE evidence of complexity, but your atheism won't accept it. There is no science that backs up evolution. What do you have to debunk me?
I'm in the right place.

Science and Religion go hand in hand.

There is zero geological evidence for a world wide flood .. The story came from Sumer.. It was the Gilgamesh myth.

There was a flood of the Euphrates River Basin in 2900 BC. The king's barges, hauling beer, grain and livestock, broke loose and he ended up in the Persian Gulf..
Atheism and evolution were debunked. I just gave you more OBSERVABLE evidence of complexity, but your atheism won't accept it. There is no science that backs up evolution. What do you have to debunk me?

LOLOL..Neither has been debunked.. Your lack of education is your problem..
There is zero geological evidence for a world wide flood .. The story came from Sumer.. It was the Gilgamesh myth.

There was a flood of the Euphrates River Basin in 2900 BC. The king's barges, hauling beer, grain and livestock, broke loose and he ended up in the Persian Gulf..

Do you know the main difference between the floods
and the archetypes of Gilgamesh a Noah?

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