Lol, 'Dead' Trump Grows His Lead in GOP Race

On another thread I wrote the following about our beloved Trump:

The Good.......
Trump is for Single-Payer HC insurance
Trump is for a woman's right to choose (pro-choice)
Trump is anti unfettered 2nd amendment rights
Trump is for the possibility of higher taxes from billionaires like himself
Trump's wealth makes it difficult for other billionaires to easily bribe
Finally, Trump is breaking the strangle-hold that FOX has among conservatives.

The Bad.....

Trump is an arrogant, self-aggrandizing clown
Trump's misogyny is not easily glossed over
Trump is (or at least was) a leader in the moronic "birther" movement
Trump demagoguery often pleases the hate-filled, racists among us
Trump thinks that international diplomacy can be "trumped" ((pardon the pun) by boardroom-like arm-twisting.

Trump use of the bankruptcy laws to his own advantage have many people grimacing about the fact that student and home loans CANNOT be so easily discarded as Trump did with his real estate holdings.

The Ugly......

Trump's disgusting and unapologetic assessment of the brown people who illegally cross our border as mostly rapists, drug dealers and all-out criminals.
I would trade an automatic Trump Presidency in 2016, for eliminating the chance that any of the others in the GOP field would get the chance at winning the job.
Interesting. You don't like anyone except Trump?
I like Jim Webb and that's pretty much it. I'll tolerate Hillary over everyone else. I think Trump is the smallest threat to America among the GOP nominees. As to the other Democrat candidates? I haven't given them much thought. I can't stand Sanders or O'Malley. I might prefer Trump over them I don't know.
I don't know much about Webb. What are his numbers like?
Absolutely terrible. Look him up though he's great. I didn't know much about him until he ran for Senate in 2004 in VA. He won against all odds, bitch-slapped Bush around for a while, and then left after 1 term because he didn't like the job. Highly decorated ex-Marine, Secretary of the Navy under Reagan, etc.
Sounds like a quitter.

We aren't talking about Trump's marriages. Stay on topic. :slap:
i think Carson,Christie and Paul will be the first three to bow out by February.

Paul is not going to bow out. He has an army that works for next to nothing and he has no funding issues when he gets media criticism..
Admit it. The candidate you want to see disappear the most is Jeb Bush...

Why would he? The Clintons supporters are also backing Jebba, so why wouldnt the Dems try to help Jebba get the nomination?

Let us recognize the truth:whomever is the RNC nominee can win the general. In that regard, there is one candidate We don't want to be the RNC nominee:Bush
I would trade an automatic Trump Presidency in 2016, for eliminating the chance that any of the others in the GOP field would get the chance at winning the job.
Interesting. You don't like anyone except Trump?
I like Jim Webb and that's pretty much it. I'll tolerate Hillary over everyone else. I think Trump is the smallest threat to America among the GOP nominees. As to the other Democrat candidates? I haven't given them much thought. I can't stand Sanders or O'Malley. I might prefer Trump over them I don't know.

I like Jim Webb also, but he seems to stand not a chance in the Dimbocratic Party.

With Hillary starting to show signs of faultering, the DNC is trying to draft Biden instead of supporting Webb! roflmao
On another thread I wrote the following about our beloved Trump:

The Good.......
Trump is for Single-Payer HC insurance
Trump is for a woman's right to choose (pro-choice)
Trump is anti unfettered 2nd amendment rights
Trump is for the possibility of higher taxes from billionaires like himself
Trump's wealth makes it difficult for other billionaires to easily bribe
Finally, Trump is breaking the strangle-hold that FOX has among conservatives.

The Bad.....

Trump is an arrogant, self-aggrandizing clown
Trump's misogyny is not easily glossed over
Trump is (or at least was) a leader in the moronic "birther" movement
Trump demagoguery often pleases the hate-filled, racists among us
Trump thinks that international diplomacy can be "trumped" ((pardon the pun) by boardroom-like arm-twisting.

Trump use of the bankruptcy laws to his own advantage have many people grimacing about the fact that student and home loans CANNOT be so easily discarded as Trump did with his real estate holdings.

The Ugly......

Trump's disgusting and unapologetic assessment of the brown people who illegally cross our border as mostly rapists, drug dealers and all-out criminals.

You are merely repeating lies which makes you an unimaginative liar.
New NBC News Survey Monkey Poll Donald Trump Still in the Lead After Debates - NBC News
1. Trump 23% +1
2. Cruz 13% +7
3. Carson 11% +3
4. Fiorina 8% +6
4. Rubio 8%
6. Jebba the Bush 7% -3
6. Walker 7%. -3
8. Huckabee 5% +1
9. Paul 5%. -1

So Jebba the Bush is having himself a good ole cry right now.

Hey RNC, this is what distrust, disgust and hate look like. Fuck you all with your god damned lies and broken promises.
It's biblical!

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.

Trump, according to your numbers, has a 10-point lead over the next closest rival. Hillary has a FORTY point lead over Sanders; yet you dont see Sanders supporters or even many political pundits concluding the Democrat race is over the way you see hand-wringing that Trump will be the nominee for republicans.
New NBC News Survey Monkey Poll Donald Trump Still in the Lead After Debates - NBC News
1. Trump 23% +1
2. Cruz 13% +7
3. Carson 11% +3
4. Fiorina 8% +6
4. Rubio 8%
6. Jebba the Bush 7% -3
6. Walker 7%. -3
8. Huckabee 5% +1
9. Paul 5%. -1

So Jebba the Bush is having himself a good ole cry right now.

Hey RNC, this is what distrust, disgust and hate look like. Fuck you all with your god damned lies and broken promises.
It's biblical!

The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.

But you will never get sober.
Another useless Trump thread lol.

Another useless whiner post.

If the thread is useless in your opinion, why did you bother coming in and making your lame ass comment? Apparently it isn't that useless, dweeb.
New NBC News Survey Monkey Poll Donald Trump Still in the Lead After Debates - NBC News
1. Trump 23% +1
2. Cruz 13% +7
3. Carson 11% +3
4. Fiorina 8% +6
4. Rubio 8%
6. Jebba the Bush 7% -3
6. Walker 7%. -3
8. Huckabee 5% +1
9. Paul 5%. -1

So Jebba the Bush is having himself a good ole cry right now.

Hey RNC, this is what distrust, disgust and hate look like. Fuck you all with your god damned lies and broken promises.

I love the fact that Jeb is 6th. May he sink into oblivion never to be heard from again.
Trump, according to your numbers, has a 10-point lead over the next closest rival. Hillary has a FORTY point lead over Sanders; yet you dont see Sanders supporters or even many political pundits concluding the Democrat race is over the way you see hand-wringing that Trump will be the nominee for republicans.
I think it could get very interesting if Biden got in. He'd take quite a bit from Hillary and maybe a little from Sanders supporters who think Biden would have a better chance.

I'd love to see it, this campaign season is great fun so far.


Yeah, but you think the Clinton Mafia will have an easy time with this guy? roflmao

The professional political class has been totally wrong about everything Trump has done and about how the public would react. Mr Inevitable Jebba the Bush is now down to a 6th place tie with Walker in polls released today.

I really hope and pray that the rest of the libtards stay as stupid and dull witted the rest of the election as you continue to display yourself to be.
Lol what? Go Trump! Take back America!!!


And more sarcasm.

That is all you tired old Marxists have left any more; sarcasm and ridicule as you have no facts, nor arguments to stand on.


Now why don't you go find yourself a street to go play in?
In all truthfulness, I actually do believe Trump is the best GOP candidate. He's the only one who doesn't terrify me that they'll toss the well-being of America into the flames to appease their lunatic base.

That's truly ironic coming from someone who voted for Obama.

Trump, according to your numbers, has a 10-point lead over the next closest rival. Hillary has a FORTY point lead over Sanders; yet you dont see Sanders supporters or even many political pundits concluding the Democrat race is over the way you see hand-wringing that Trump will be the nominee for republicans.

Well, the key thing that worries the GOP establishment, and I think those are the main people worrying, them and their suck ups, is that this kills Jebba's 'inevitability' argument which is really about all he has going for him. He has the establishment behind him and big bucks is supposed to equal 'sure winner'.

Only it isn't working out that way and Jebba is now out of the top FIVE and in the lower rung of the top ten.

Doesn't sound so inevitable now, does it?
The GOP establishment RINO brigade must be pulling its hair out over Trump. :laugh:

Trump: The GOP establishment is stupid.

Trump: Yeah I called her a fat pig so what.

Trump: You can shove PC where the sun don't shine.

Trump: Eat my poll numbers fools.


Yeah, but you think the Clinton Mafia will have an easy time with this guy? roflmao

The professional political class has been totally wrong about everything Trump has done and about how the public would react. Mr Inevitable Jebba the Bush is now down to a 6th place tie with Walker in polls released today.

I really hope and pray that the rest of the libtards stay as stupid and dull witted the rest of the election as you continue to display yourself to be.
Lol what? Go Trump! Take back America!!!


And more sarcasm.

That is all you tired old Marxists have left any more; sarcasm and ridicule as you have no facts, nor arguments to stand on.


Now why don't you go find yourself a street to go play in?
In all truthfulness, I actually do believe Trump is the best GOP candidate. He's the only one who doesn't terrify me that they'll toss the well-being of America into the flames to appease their lunatic base.

That's truly ironic coming from someone who voted for Obama.
It's not. Now run along.
Yeah, but you think the Clinton Mafia will have an easy time with this guy? roflmao

The professional political class has been totally wrong about everything Trump has done and about how the public would react. Mr Inevitable Jebba the Bush is now down to a 6th place tie with Walker in polls released today.

I really hope and pray that the rest of the libtards stay as stupid and dull witted the rest of the election as you continue to display yourself to be.
Lol what? Go Trump! Take back America!!!


And more sarcasm.

That is all you tired old Marxists have left any more; sarcasm and ridicule as you have no facts, nor arguments to stand on.


Now why don't you go find yourself a street to go play in?
In all truthfulness, I actually do believe Trump is the best GOP candidate. He's the only one who doesn't terrify me that they'll toss the well-being of America into the flames to appease their lunatic base.

That's truly ironic coming from someone who voted for Obama.
It's not. Now run along.

Hmmm, yes it is, but to get it you have to admit reality.

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