LOL, lets watch Climate Change Predictions vs What Happened. Sigh.....

Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

That's strange. I know a lot of Republicans and not one of them is as you describe them. I wonder who is more suspect? Them? Or you who describe them as what they are not?
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Of course there is but is occurs naturally. Now duke it out with Ann Coulter pussy boy.
Wow, Denier stupidity at its best.

There are reasons antarctic sea ice is increasing. But hey, don't let science get in the way of your ignorance.

Al Gore cited a study from one scientist who said there was a good chance the Arctic could be ice free within a time period. That was over ten years ago based on the situation at that time like the rate of emission growth.

Ask NASA about arctic ice shrinking.
/---- Exactly. So why should we drastically alter our life style based on your sides wrong predictions? You clowns are never right.
Because scientists are way smarter than you & your children's future is at stake.

Say we go head & reduce our emissions globally & stave off a more difficult life for your grandchildren. What did it cost you? The really funny part is your idea it must change your lifestyle. I put in geothermal HVAC & drive a 45 mpg vehicle. I am just as warm in the winter & just as cool in the summer. I drive as much as I always did. Both save me money. Neither altered my lifestyle.

If we do this, reduce our use of fossil fuels, reduce emissions and the MMGW is false, we get cleaner air & water for future & less dependence on oil & gas taking economic power away from the Middle East & Russia. Wow that's really ugly.

If I hung a 20 ton slab of concrete from a crane, would you allow your children to stand under it? The crane is rated above 20 tin, as are the hook & straps.

No, but we'd pay you to. You've bought into every lie they've shoved at you. Good for you, you bought a YUGO, but if someone else wants to drive a Suburban fuck you, it isn't your business.
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

This is what you are denying.

According to the report, which has been peer reviewed by administrators, scientists and researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), and several of America’s leading universities, the data is completely bunk:

In this research report, the most important surface data adjustment issues are identified and past changes in the previously reported historical data are quantified. It was found that each new version of GAST has nearly always exhibited a steeper warming linear trend over its entire history. And, it was nearly always accomplished by systematically removing the previously existing cyclical temperature pattern. This was true for all three entities providing GAST data measurement, NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU.

As a result, this research sought to validate the current estimates of GAST using the best available relevant data. This included the best documented and understood data sets from the U.S. and elsewhere as well as global data from satellites that provide far more extensive global coverage and are not contaminated by bad siting and urbanization impacts. Satellite data integrity also benefits from having cross checks with Balloon data.

The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.

Finally, since GAST data set validity is a necessary condition for EPA’s GHG/CO2 Endangerment Finding, it too is invalidated by these research findings. (Full Abstract Report)

Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

That's strange. I know a lot of Republicans and not one of them is as you describe them. I wonder who is more suspect? Them? Or you who describe them as what they are not?
I stated the party stance. Why do they belong if they don;t agree with their leaders & the direction they take? Why do thet defend Trump, McConnell?
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

This is what you are denying.

According to the report, which has been peer reviewed by administrators, scientists and researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.), and several of America’s leading universities, the data is completely bunk:

In this research report, the most important surface data adjustment issues are identified and past changes in the previously reported historical data are quantified. It was found that each new version of GAST has nearly always exhibited a steeper warming linear trend over its entire history. And, it was nearly always accomplished by systematically removing the previously existing cyclical temperature pattern. This was true for all three entities providing GAST data measurement, NOAA, NASA and Hadley CRU.

As a result, this research sought to validate the current estimates of GAST using the best available relevant data. This included the best documented and understood data sets from the U.S. and elsewhere as well as global data from satellites that provide far more extensive global coverage and are not contaminated by bad siting and urbanization impacts. Satellite data integrity also benefits from having cross checks with Balloon data.

The conclusive findings of this research are that the three GAST data sets are not a valid representation of reality. In fact, the magnitude of their historical data adjustments, that removed their cyclical temperature patterns, are totally inconsistent with published and credible U.S. and other temperature data. Thus, it is impossible to conclude from the three published GAST data sets that recent years have been the warmest ever –despite current claims of record setting warming.

Finally, since GAST data set validity is a necessary condition for EPA’s GHG/CO2 Endangerment Finding, it too is invalidated by these research findings. (Full Abstract Report)

Yet abnother fake report from a denier too stupid to understand what the MIT report said.

MIT said this about global warming.

"At MIT, we take great care to get the science right. The scientific consensus is overwhelming: As human activity emits more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the global average surface temperature will continue to rise, driving rising sea levels and extreme weather.

Global warming is not a distant problem — not distant in time or space. Communities across the United States and around the world are already experiencing the impacts. Without immediate and concerted action, the damaging consequences will grow worse. As the Pentagon describes it, climate change is a “threat multiplier,” because its direct effects intensify other challenges, including mass migrations and zero-sum conflicts over existential resources like water and food. In short, global warming and its consequences present risks too grave to gamble with.

A global problem demands a global solution..."

read it here: Letter regarding US withdrawal from Paris climate agreement

Donald Trump was an ass for withdrawing from the Paris Accord. Republicans & you prove you hate real science when you agree with your orange buddy,.

MMGW is real & your stupidity & ignorance will doom your own children & you don't care.
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.
Worst case scenarios may be possible but the more likely scenarios are not pleasant.
Actually, if all the warming the cultists predict actually occurred, the result would be a world more conducive to human and animal life. History shows that a warmer world is a wetter world and it has a milder climate. Crops grow better and larger areas of the world become more habitable. Contrary to cultist hysteria, storms are milder and less frequent. Droughts are less frequent, not more frequent.
Based on what? Like corn loses production with each degree day above 90/95. More severe droughts. More severe weather. Coastline flooding?

Based on history, moron. Humanity flourished during the Roman warm period, the Medieval warm period and the Minoan warm period.


Funny hw you deniers bring up events like Medieval Warming, a local event. I have news, during the Medieval period, what was it like in North America?

Geological processes. Man has had nothing to do with glowarm. Only the gullible such as yourself will believe the lies.
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

You post garbage. I've studied it.
Worst case scenarios may be possible but the more likely scenarios are not pleasant.
Actually, if all the warming the cultists predict actually occurred, the result would be a world more conducive to human and animal life. History shows that a warmer world is a wetter world and it has a milder climate. Crops grow better and larger areas of the world become more habitable. Contrary to cultist hysteria, storms are milder and less frequent. Droughts are less frequent, not more frequent.
Based on what? Like corn loses production with each degree day above 90/95. More severe droughts. More severe weather. Coastline flooding?

Based on history, moron. Humanity flourished during the Roman warm period, the Medieval warm period and the Minoan warm period.


Funny hw you deniers bring up events like Medieval Warming, a local event. I have news, during the Medieval period, what was it like in North America?
The Medieval Warming was not a local event, moron. Michael Mann tried to erase it with his hockey stack fraud, but he failed.

You said you had news, then you asked me a question. What's the news?
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

That's strange. I know a lot of Republicans and not one of them is as you describe them. I wonder who is more suspect? Them? Or you who describe them as what they are not?
I stated the party stance. Why do they belong if they don;t agree with their leaders & the direction they take? Why do thet defend Trump, McConnell?

You stated the talking points your side tells you to say. You sure as aren't stating anything the Republicans have said.
Actually, if all the warming the cultists predict actually occurred, the result would be a world more conducive to human and animal life. History shows that a warmer world is a wetter world and it has a milder climate. Crops grow better and larger areas of the world become more habitable. Contrary to cultist hysteria, storms are milder and less frequent. Droughts are less frequent, not more frequent.
Based on what? Like corn loses production with each degree day above 90/95. More severe droughts. More severe weather. Coastline flooding?

Based on history, moron. Humanity flourished during the Roman warm period, the Medieval warm period and the Minoan warm period.


Funny hw you deniers bring up events like Medieval Warming, a local event. I have news, during the Medieval period, what was it like in North America?
The Medieval Warming was not a local event, moron. Michael Mann tried to erase it with his hockey stack fraud, but he failed.

You said you had news, then you asked me a question. What's the news?

Study undercuts idea that 'medieval warm period' was global
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!
Do we get to discuss Republican climate change predictions too?

How about we start with there is no such thing

Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: "

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!

I go with NASA

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus

Deflect that,Dumbass.
Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: "

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!

I go with NASA

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus

Deflect that,Dumbass.

Well REALDUMB, then you are dumber than I thought. CONSENSUS means in science. You either prove it, or you don't. You haven't proven a thing besides people on the dole, want it to keep going. Betcha you like OBYSMALCARE too-)

I have a whole bunch of scientists that say your scientists are full of bunk. That not only means it isn't proven, it means YOU DO NOT have a consensus, phony-baloney!
You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: "

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!

I go with NASA

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus

Deflect that,Dumbass.

Well REALDUMB, then you are dumber than I thought. CONSENSUS means in science. You either prove it, or you don't. You haven't proven a thing besides people on the dole, want it to keep going. Betcha you like OBYSMALCARE too-)

I have a whole bunch of scientists that say your scientists are full of bunk. That not only means it isn't proven, it means YOU DO NOT have a consensus, phony-baloney!
You brought up consensus asshole, not me. I prove you to be the jerkoff you are & now you pretend you never posted about it.

The vast majority of climate scientists agree. S C I E N T I S T S . Agreeing with a scientist

I am sure you can find lots of scientists at Exxon & Shell that agree with you.

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