LOL, lets watch Climate Change Predictions vs What Happened. Sigh.....

Based on what? Like corn loses production with each degree day above 90/95. More severe droughts. More severe weather. Coastline flooding?

Based on history, moron. Humanity flourished during the Roman warm period, the Medieval warm period and the Minoan warm period.


Funny hw you deniers bring up events like Medieval Warming, a local event. I have news, during the Medieval period, what was it like in North America?
The Medieval Warming was not a local event, moron. Michael Mann tried to erase it with his hockey stack fraud, but he failed.

You said you had news, then you asked me a question. What's the news?

Study undercuts idea that 'medieval warm period' was global
Yeah, I'm sure it does. The warming cultist have been trying to do that for about 20 years now. Unfortunately, there's abundant evidence indicating it was a global phenomenon.

The Medieval Warm Period – a global phenomenon, unprecedented warming, or unprecedented data manipulation?
Most Republicans depend on good science and the actual facts rather than artificial models created by people who have strong motive to promote AGW as a serious, even deadly, problem with serious consequences if we don't buy the government line.

You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: "

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!

I go with NASA

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus

Deflect that,Dumbass.
NASA fakes its data. Hansen is a crook. his 2006 FEAR monger movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore predicted ocean water would be washing up on Manhattan in 10 years among several other FAILED predictions!

In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse. Again.

Read more at: Apocalypse Delayed
You bought the fossil fuel line. Republicans are anti-science.

They want to teach intelligent design, evolution as just a possibility, cavemen rode dinosaurs, and that it is impossible for man to have an effect on our climate.
You bitch about abortions while making birth control more difficult to get. My God, just how fucking stupid is that.

So, when we have a hurricane forming in the gulf, you think we should just ignore the potential path or should we use some of those "worthless models" to predict potential landfall?

You keep proving my point: Republicans are dumber than shit. They ignore science.

NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: "

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!

I go with NASA

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus

Deflect that,Dumbass.
NASA fakes its data. Hansen is a crook.
Ummmm. Do I believe NASA or a dumbfuck like you? Let me think........ his 2006 FEAR monger movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore predicted ocean water would be washing up on Manhattan in 10 years among several other FAILED predictions!

In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse. Again.

Read more at: Apocalypse Delayed
I would expect that dumbass like you would not understand what the point of no return meant.

The point of no return meant we would be at a time when reduction of our emissions could not stop the rise in temperatures. We overloaded the planet's ability to remove CO2 fast enough. It would take decades for the Earth to put our CO2 concentration back to where it was.

As it is, we are looking at holding the rise in ave global temperatures to 2 degrees C.

By the time your assfuck orange buddy gets done, we will likely be too far gone for that.

You dumbasses are dooming your own grandchildren & could care less.
Based on what? Like corn loses production with each degree day above 90/95. More severe droughts. More severe weather. Coastline flooding?

Based on history, moron. Humanity flourished during the Roman warm period, the Medieval warm period and the Minoan warm period.


Funny hw you deniers bring up events like Medieval Warming, a local event. I have news, during the Medieval period, what was it like in North America?
The Medieval Warming was not a local event, moron. Michael Mann tried to erase it with his hockey stack fraud, but he failed.

You said you had news, then you asked me a question. What's the news?

Study undercuts idea that 'medieval warm period' was global
Yeah, I'm sure it does. The warming cultist have been trying to do that for about 20 years now. Unfortunately, there's abundant evidence indicating it was a global phenomenon.

The Medieval Warm Period – a global phenomenon, unprecedented warming, or unprecedented data manipulation?
What was the Midwest like then? Flourishing in a major drought?
NASA: "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: "

This person is a GASLIGHTER. He has repeated the lie so much, he might even believe his own propaganda now.

So REALDUM......errr I mean DAVE------------->when are you going to say the very infamous "98% of scientists agree with what I am saying!"

HELLO, do you know where that actually came from? That was an ONLINE survey of LESS than 200 supposed scientists. They threw out a bunch and ended up with somewhere around 90........want me to spell that for you........NINETY so called climate scientists, and 98% of those 90 agreed with YOUR asinine position, lololol.

So the next time you smugly proclaim that 98% of scientists agree with your position, remember.............less than 100 supposed scientists were the sample size, and it was ONLINE-)

This is why we consider you FAR LEFTISTS, incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial. Once the light of truth is shown upon your supposed facts, your whole argument crumbles like dust!

You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!

I go with NASA

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus

Deflect that,Dumbass.
NASA fakes its data. Hansen is a crook.
Ummmm. Do I believe NASA or a dumbfuck like you? Let me think........

Since you're a gullible dumbfuck snowflake tool, you believe NASA - a primary source of government propaganda.
Based on history, moron. Humanity flourished during the Roman warm period, the Medieval warm period and the Minoan warm period.


Funny hw you deniers bring up events like Medieval Warming, a local event. I have news, during the Medieval period, what was it like in North America?
The Medieval Warming was not a local event, moron. Michael Mann tried to erase it with his hockey stack fraud, but he failed.

You said you had news, then you asked me a question. What's the news?

Study undercuts idea that 'medieval warm period' was global
Yeah, I'm sure it does. The warming cultist have been trying to do that for about 20 years now. Unfortunately, there's abundant evidence indicating it was a global phenomenon.

The Medieval Warm Period – a global phenomenon, unprecedented warming, or unprecedented data manipulation?
What was the Midwest like then? Flourishing in a major drought?

There's no evidence for drought during the Medieval Warm period, moron. Droughts are more prevalent when the Earth is colder, not when it's warmer. his 2006 FEAR monger movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore predicted ocean water would be washing up on Manhattan in 10 years among several other FAILED predictions!

In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse. Again.

Read more at: Apocalypse Delayed
I would expect that dumbass like you would not understand what the point of no return meant.

The point of no return meant we would be at a time when reduction of our emissions could not stop the rise in temperatures. We overloaded the planet's ability to remove CO2 fast enough. It would take decades for the Earth to put our CO2 concentration back to where it was.

As it is, we are looking at holding the rise in ave global temperatures to 2 degrees C.

By the time your assfuck orange buddy gets done, we will likely be too far gone for that.

You dumbasses are dooming your own grandchildren & could care less.

The concentration of CO2 in the past has been 25 times the current level, and what you describe didn't occur. We even had ice ages at those concentrations.
You only listen to your heroes like Limbaugh, Infowars, Fox & El Cheeto. You don't know shit about science. You are just dumbass Republican Trumpette.

I post science, You post fossil fuel industry propaganda like the good little Trumpette you are.

Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!

I go with NASA

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus

Deflect that,Dumbass.
NASA fakes its data. Hansen is a crook.
Ummmm. Do I believe NASA or a dumbfuck like you? Let me think........

Since you're a gullible dumbfuck snowflake tool, you believe NASA - a primary source of government propaganda.
Oh those evil NASA scientists. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Funny hw you deniers bring up events like Medieval Warming, a local event. I have news, during the Medieval period, what was it like in North America?
The Medieval Warming was not a local event, moron. Michael Mann tried to erase it with his hockey stack fraud, but he failed.

You said you had news, then you asked me a question. What's the news?

Study undercuts idea that 'medieval warm period' was global
Yeah, I'm sure it does. The warming cultist have been trying to do that for about 20 years now. Unfortunately, there's abundant evidence indicating it was a global phenomenon.

The Medieval Warm Period – a global phenomenon, unprecedented warming, or unprecedented data manipulation?
What was the Midwest like then? Flourishing in a major drought?

There's no evidence for drought during the Medieval Warm period, moron. Droughts are more prevalent when the Earth is colder, not when it's warmer.
The characteristics and likely causes of the Medieval megadroughts in North America

Wow, dickweed, yet another one of your posts shoved down your throat. his 2006 FEAR monger movie, An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore predicted ocean water would be washing up on Manhattan in 10 years among several other FAILED predictions!

In January, 2006 — when promoting his Oscar-winning (yes, Oscar-winning) documentary, An Inconvenient Truth — Gore declared that unless we took “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gasses, the world would reach a “point of no return” in a mere ten years. He called it a “true planetary emergency.” Well, the ten years passed today, we’re still here, and the climate activists have postponed the apocalypse. Again.

Read more at: Apocalypse Delayed
I would expect that dumbass like you would not understand what the point of no return meant.

The point of no return meant we would be at a time when reduction of our emissions could not stop the rise in temperatures. We overloaded the planet's ability to remove CO2 fast enough. It would take decades for the Earth to put our CO2 concentration back to where it was.

As it is, we are looking at holding the rise in ave global temperatures to 2 degrees C.

By the time your assfuck orange buddy gets done, we will likely be too far gone for that.

You dumbasses are dooming your own grandchildren & could care less.

The concentration of CO2 in the past has been 25 times the current level, and what you describe didn't occur. We even had ice ages at those concentrations.
And what is it like? Ocean levels hundreds of feet higher, dinosaurs in the Antarctic. Palm trees above the arctic circle?

Greenhouse gases are just one driver of our climate. Not the only one like you claim.
Do you DISPUTE what I am saying about the 98% Mr Realdumb? If so, say so, and then I can prove your full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey.

But, if all you have is your classic leftist deflections, then we are done, because then it becomes obvious you are NOT interested in finding truth, but rather, are interested in spewing climate change PROPAGANDA!

I go with NASA

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus

Deflect that,Dumbass.
NASA fakes its data. Hansen is a crook.
Ummmm. Do I believe NASA or a dumbfuck like you? Let me think........

Since you're a gullible dumbfuck snowflake tool, you believe NASA - a primary source of government propaganda.
Oh those evil NASA scientists. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Jim Hansen isn't a scientist. He's a con artist..
The Medieval Warming was not a local event, moron. Michael Mann tried to erase it with his hockey stack fraud, but he failed.

You said you had news, then you asked me a question. What's the news?

Study undercuts idea that 'medieval warm period' was global
Yeah, I'm sure it does. The warming cultist have been trying to do that for about 20 years now. Unfortunately, there's abundant evidence indicating it was a global phenomenon.

The Medieval Warm Period – a global phenomenon, unprecedented warming, or unprecedented data manipulation?
What was the Midwest like then? Flourishing in a major drought?

There's no evidence for drought during the Medieval Warm period, moron. Droughts are more prevalent when the Earth is colder, not when it's warmer.
The characteristics and likely causes of the Medieval megadroughts in North America

Wow, dickweed, yet another one of your posts shoved down your throat.
ROFL! Sorry, asshole, but your warmist cult propaganda has been debunked 1000 times already.

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