Lol, Liberals Want Laws Against Global Warming Deniers.

I do wish their was a law that when a politician speaks he would be held to account for lying in an official capacity. I know its a long shot but some of these ads and comments are flat out lying on both sides and then the paper, websites, blogs etc quote them then it becomes its own animal.

A lie gets half way around the world before the truth gets his pants on

We have freedom of speech and with that comes everyone's own responsibilities not laws.
You should see some of newspapers back in 1700 and early 1800's about political attack ads.
It makes the ones today seem tame.
This is why our founders emphasized heavily on the voters to be well informed on the issues, because when they are well informed the attack ads become a non issue.

I understand that but as you can see the public aint well informed. How do we deal with that moving forward knowing that just hoping they pay attention to political matters and not American Idol aint gonna happen?

We who are well informed are doing it right now on social networks.
It will take some time but they are already starting to know more than they have been in the past.

A majority of U.S. adults continue to say the major U.S. political parties do such a poor job representing Americans that a third party is needed. The 58% wanting a third party is little changed from last year.
Gallup.Com - Daily News Polls Public Opinion on Politics Economy Wellbeing and World

Our biggest problem is the people themselves who don't vote. This is what we need to work on..
So, Marty joins the ranks of proud Stalinists who wants scientists tossed in the gulag for doing science.

No surprise. He's a conservative. I still haven't found even one conservative on this board who'll criticize their party's Stalinist tactics here. Instead, they all double down on the Stalinism, declaring that those scientists are criminals and EnemiesOfTheState who deserve to be in the gulag. You know, exactly like the actual Stalinists did.

The lesson? Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist. After all, not even one of them here will dare speak up against their party's Stalinism.

The day climatologist stop manipulating data and create models that routinely accurately predict something, we can call them scientists. Until then they are snake oil salesmen.
So, Marty joins the ranks of proud Stalinists who wants scientists tossed in the gulag for doing science.

No surprise. He's a conservative. I still haven't found even one conservative on this board who'll criticize their party's Stalinist tactics here. Instead, they all double down on the Stalinism, declaring that those scientists are criminals and EnemiesOfTheState who deserve to be in the gulag. You know, exactly like the actual Stalinists did.

The lesson? Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist. After all, not even one of them here will dare speak up against their party's Stalinism.

The day climatologist stop manipulating data and create models that routinely accurately predict something, we can call them scientists. Until then they are snake oil salesmen.

No models are 100% correct thats why they are models and not psychic premonitions
Just "wishing" for that law makes a person a Statist Asshat.

Your attempt at nuance is fail. He IS advocating silencing critics.

Thanks for sharing: why call his wife a slut? Why do you even care if he did advocate silencing critics, you do, or at least try.

How do I try to silence my critics? Where have I advocated jailing of people who disagree with me politically? Where have I posted support for someone who WANTS to jail people for political reasons?

And stick to my posts when you make a criticism of it, not someone else's post.

Attacking a person's wife is one way to silence someone; calling people Libtards is another. Ad hominem strategy is a failure, and something ubiquitous to the posts by the far right crazy fringe.
You say that as if liberals hardly ever use ad hominem. How clever.

I can't speak for all liberals, but I attempt to argue without name calling when a conservative posts something close to a rational argument; some people (CrusaderFrank comes to mind) never offer an argument - he's too stupid I suspect - and simply posts over and over, "ain't it awful" (it being any Democratic President, Policy, candidate or not a fellow member of the echo chamber). Thus I consider him to be a dimwit, that is, a wit somewhat dumber than a half-wit; especially when he dresses in dresses and post as Stephanie.

See, when I post an ad hominem I add a little flare, some humor and still make my point.
Me thinketh thou dost generalize too much.
So, Marty joins the ranks of proud Stalinists who wants scientists tossed in the gulag for doing science.

No surprise. He's a conservative. I still haven't found even one conservative on this board who'll criticize their party's Stalinist tactics here. Instead, they all double down on the Stalinism, declaring that those scientists are criminals and EnemiesOfTheState who deserve to be in the gulag. You know, exactly like the actual Stalinists did.

The lesson? Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist. After all, not even one of them here will dare speak up against their party's Stalinism.

The day climatologist stop manipulating data and create models that routinely accurately predict something, we can call them scientists. Until then they are snake oil salesmen.

No models are 100% correct thats why they are models and not psychic premonitions

Yes, but 50-50 is random chance and they often can't even get that high.
So, Marty joins the ranks of proud Stalinists who wants scientists tossed in the gulag for doing science.

No surprise. He's a conservative. I still haven't found even one conservative on this board who'll criticize their party's Stalinist tactics here. Instead, they all double down on the Stalinism, declaring that those scientists are criminals and EnemiesOfTheState who deserve to be in the gulag. You know, exactly like the actual Stalinists did.

The lesson? Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist. After all, not even one of them here will dare speak up against their party's Stalinism.

The day climatologist stop manipulating data and create models that routinely accurately predict something, we can call them scientists. Until then they are snake oil salesmen.

No models are 100% correct thats why they are models and not psychic premonitions

Yes, but 50-50 is random chance and they often can't even get that high.

Well, even one in one hundred is better than Cheney and his other pals from the Reagan Administraton and their prediction on the invasion of Iraq.

Iraq war Predictions made and results -

Now, in unison the echo chamber will together say, "buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuush".
I do wish their was a law that when a politician speaks he would be held to account for lying in an official capacity. I know its a long shot but some of these ads and comments are flat out lying on both sides and then the paper, websites, blogs etc quote them then it becomes its own animal.

A lie gets half way around the world before the truth gets his pants on
Didn't you defend Obama recently by saying all politicians lie and that campaign promises mean nothing?
Just when you thought there was no way for liberals to possibly get more insidiously moronic, they have to claim this.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of climate change’s loudest activists, said there should be a law that lets authorities punish skeptics and deniers - those who engage in “selling out the public trust,” he said, in an interview with Climate Depot during New York City’s recent People’s Climate March.

“I wish there were a law you could punish them with,” he said, in the videotaped interview. “I don’t think there is a law that you can punish these politicians under … [and skeptical politicians are] selling out the public trust.”

He accused politicians who failed to act on climate change policy as serving special interests.

“Those guys are doing the Koch Brothers bidding and are against all the evidence of the rational mind, saying global warming does not exist,” Mr. Kennedy said, Climate Depot reported. “They are contemptible human beings.”

He then turned his attacks directly at the Koch Brothers, accusing them of “polluting our atmosphere,” he said, the blog reported.

“I think it’s treason. Do I think the Koch Brothers are treasonous — yes, I do,” Mr. Kennedy said, Climate Depot reported.

Read more: Robert Kennedy Jr. We need laws to punish global warming skeptics - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter


^^^^Look at his stupid face taking a picture with his slut Curb Your Enthusiasm wife.

He is a pure Stalinist tyrant who has no respect for freedom of speech. If you don't believe in his global warmist ideology, government should squash you.

The immediate past president of the Czech Republic, Dr. Vaclav Klaus, hit the nail on the head when he observed that the global warmists were ''a budding totalitarian ideology that is the greatest threat to freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the world today''.

RGK, Jr. "wished" there were a law, but in reality - something which challenges bigots and conservatives, but I repeat myself - he is not advocating such a law. Yet the author of the OP uses RFK, Jr's comment to castigate the man and call his wife a slut. I wish there was a law to send posters filled with hate into therapy, clearly the author of this thread needs it.

Bullshit, "wishing"there was a Law IS advocating it.

"Progressive Founding Fathers Hitler, Mao and Stalin all had their wishes too. Once they got control of an unarmed populace, they made their wishes come true."

Appeal to Ignorance ^^^
This fallacy occurs when you argue that your conclusion must be true, because there is no evidence against it. This fallacy wrongly shifts the burden of proof away from the one making the claim.

Provide probative evidence that 1) Hitler, Mao and Stalin were progressives by comparing them to a well known and respected American Progressive: TR:

"Teddy Roosevelt was widely popular due to his status as a hero of the Spanish-American War and his belief in “speaking softly and carrying a big stick.” Taking over the presidency in 1901 after the assassination of William McKinley, he quickly assured America that he would not take any drastic measures. He then demanded a “Square Deal” that would address his primary concerns for the era—the three C’s: control of corporations, consumer protection, and conservation."

^^ Poster Wants to be Freddo Corleone when he grows up

This happens when the poster has an over inflated vision of his intelligence and demands other take notice of his "Obvious" intellectual
superiority.Think of Freddo saying, "I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!"
Um, Wry, if everyone is saying you're dumb maybe it's time for introspection.
Modern American Progressives are from the Hitler, Mao and Stalin wing of political ideology. Teddy and FDR were only dabbling, the Progressive Holy Trinity did it right and set the standard to which American Progressives aspire

If I try to impress people with my intellect, in your opinion; IMO you seem very successful in impressing people with your stupidity.


You have no intellect , you are no more than one more zealot to be laughed at.
So, Marty joins the ranks of proud Stalinists who wants scientists tossed in the gulag for doing science.

No surprise. He's a conservative. I still haven't found even one conservative on this board who'll criticize their party's Stalinist tactics here. Instead, they all double down on the Stalinism, declaring that those scientists are criminals and EnemiesOfTheState who deserve to be in the gulag. You know, exactly like the actual Stalinists did.

The lesson? Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist. After all, not even one of them here will dare speak up against their party's Stalinism.

The day climatologist stop manipulating data and create models that routinely accurately predict something, we can call them scientists. Until then they are snake oil salesmen.

No models are 100% correct thats why they are models and not psychic premonitions

About 2% of the global warming models turned out to be anywhere near correct. The models are far worse than "not correct." They're fairy tales.
So, Marty joins the ranks of proud Stalinists who wants scientists tossed in the gulag for doing science.

No surprise. He's a conservative. I still haven't found even one conservative on this board who'll criticize their party's Stalinist tactics here. Instead, they all double down on the Stalinism, declaring that those scientists are criminals and EnemiesOfTheState who deserve to be in the gulag. You know, exactly like the actual Stalinists did.

The lesson? Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist. After all, not even one of them here will dare speak up against their party's Stalinism.

The day climatologist stop manipulating data and create models that routinely accurately predict something, we can call them scientists. Until then they are snake oil salesmen.

No models are 100% correct thats why they are models and not psychic premonitions

Too fucking funny.

PROVE the "models" (using data supplied by people who are in the tank for the whole thing) are 100% correct.

You are one of the stupidest people I have ever encountered despite your high opinion of yourself punk.
So, Marty joins the ranks of proud Stalinists who wants scientists tossed in the gulag for doing science.

No surprise. He's a conservative. I still haven't found even one conservative on this board who'll criticize their party's Stalinist tactics here. Instead, they all double down on the Stalinism, declaring that those scientists are criminals and EnemiesOfTheState who deserve to be in the gulag. You know, exactly like the actual Stalinists did.

The lesson? Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist. After all, not even one of them here will dare speak up against their party's Stalinism.

The day climatologist stop manipulating data and create models that routinely accurately predict something, we can call them scientists. Until then they are snake oil salesmen.

No models are 100% correct thats why they are models and not psychic premonitions

Bullshit!!! The retroactive AGWCult Models are 100% Accurate!! They predict warming, cooling, floods, droughts, locusts and avalanches.

Fuck off, Denier
Uh.....Nazis and communists.....are all about controlling your beliefs.
So, Marty joins the ranks of proud Stalinists who wants scientists tossed in the gulag for doing science.

No surprise. He's a conservative. I still haven't found even one conservative on this board who'll criticize their party's Stalinist tactics here. Instead, they all double down on the Stalinism, declaring that those scientists are criminals and EnemiesOfTheState who deserve to be in the gulag. You know, exactly like the actual Stalinists did.

The lesson? Scratch a conservative, find a Stalinist. After all, not even one of them here will dare speak up against their party's Stalinism.

The day climatologist stop manipulating data and create models that routinely accurately predict something, we can call them scientists. Until then they are snake oil salesmen.

No models are 100% correct thats why they are models and not psychic premonitions

Bullshit!!! The retroactive AGWCult Models are 100% Accurate!! They predict warming, cooling, floods, droughts, locusts and avalanches.

Fuck off, Denier

So they are predicting everything....we are fucked ;)
Just when you thought there was no way for liberals to possibly get more insidiously moronic, they have to claim this.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of climate change’s loudest activists, said there should be a law that lets authorities punish skeptics and deniers - those who engage in “selling out the public trust,” he said, in an interview with Climate Depot during New York City’s recent People’s Climate March.

“I wish there were a law you could punish them with,” he said, in the videotaped interview. “I don’t think there is a law that you can punish these politicians under … [and skeptical politicians are] selling out the public trust.”

He accused politicians who failed to act on climate change policy as serving special interests.

“Those guys are doing the Koch Brothers bidding and are against all the evidence of the rational mind, saying global warming does not exist,” Mr. Kennedy said, Climate Depot reported. “They are contemptible human beings.”

He then turned his attacks directly at the Koch Brothers, accusing them of “polluting our atmosphere,” he said, the blog reported.

“I think it’s treason. Do I think the Koch Brothers are treasonous — yes, I do,” Mr. Kennedy said, Climate Depot reported.

Read more: Robert Kennedy Jr. We need laws to punish global warming skeptics - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter


^^^^Look at his stupid face taking a picture with his slut Curb Your Enthusiasm wife.

He is a pure Stalinist tyrant who has no respect for freedom of speech. If you don't believe in his global warmist ideology, government should squash you.

The immediate past president of the Czech Republic, Dr. Vaclav Klaus, hit the nail on the head when he observed that the global warmists were ''a budding totalitarian ideology that is the greatest threat to freedom, democracy, and prosperity in the world today''.

RGK, Jr. "wished" there were a law, but in reality - something which challenges bigots and conservatives, but I repeat myself - he is not advocating such a law. Yet the author of the OP uses RFK, Jr's comment to castigate the man and call his wife a slut. I wish there was a law to send posters filled with hate into therapy, clearly the author of this thread needs it.

Bullshit, "wishing"there was a Law IS advocating it.


Well then, I wish you didn't have your head up you ass and were bright enough to see the vulgarity of calling a man's wife a slut. But I suppose that's okay with you, as a member of the moral majority and the echo chamber such hypocrisy is expected.

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