LOL...republicans are learning the hard way with man baby TRump


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
huh... looks like the media overlord has given up on the "ME war is bad" programming.
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
This post is need to point out the judge is black....and I don't like Trump, but I don't think he did this because of Flynn...Trump wanted to do this months ago but was talked out of it by the neo-cons...

Trump is the only way we can finally disengage from all of these extended wars....I don't switch my principles based on which president is making the call, I have always been for getting out of Iraq, Syria, and AFG
I also see no reason to stay there, its Assad's country and so what if Russia is helping Assad. Everyone needs friends and allies.
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
It was so interesting that Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize for being the first 1/2 white faggot who ended up not getting US out of Afghanistan but creating ISIS by killing Kaddafi in Libya. So here is a time when we dont need to shed any more precious US blood to the savages over in the middle east, because we have to do something about the savages in the inner city in our own country.

Savages being bred by the liberal media.

Trump knows more about ISIS than the Generals

As long as he does what Putin tells him he will be OK
Donald Trump is by far the worst human being in the country and the lies are just incredible. A man, quits in protest, Trump wants to spin it as dude is retiring. I personally don't mind the US finally ending this fuckin war, we're not gonna win, history has shown, you can't win with these mf's, everybody has tried, so lets call it day and come home....I'm glad. I'm also glad that it exposes Israel to the danger it has imposed on muslims seemingly forever, Karma, mf's Karma.

But what is angering me about Donald is that unless you kiss Trump ass, dude got no use for in the hell can you run a nation when you and you alone want to run everything? ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR THE DUMBEST CLUELESS BITCH ON THE PLANET??? The only thing smart about Trump is his phone and even that is causing problems. And this wall shit...How the fuck you gonna hold America hostage over a wall, you rallied Mexico will pay for? And get away with it???

Please, Dear God, allow the democrats next year to send Trump packing
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
This post is need to point out the judge is black....and I don't like Trump, but I don't think he did this because of Flynn...Trump wanted to do this months ago but was talked out of it by the neo-cons...

Trump is the only way we can finally disengage from all of these extended wars....I don't switch my principles based on which president is making the call, I have always been for getting out of Iraq, Syria, and AFG
As a black woman, I am once again proud to see a person of color, especially this judge....stand firm and hold a Trump puppet accountable. You don't like my pointing that out, get over it. Also note, I too am glad we're leaving....this shit has no end game for our troops, we've been there forever, its time to go. However, he could have at least let a mf know before he did it.
Donald Trump is by far the worst human being in the country and the lies are just incredible. A man, quits in protest, Trump wants to spin it as dude is retiring. I personally don't mind the US finally ending this fuckin war, we're not gonna win, history has shown, you can't win with these mf's, everybody has tried, so lets call it day and come home....I'm glad. I'm also glad that it exposes Israel to the danger it has imposed on muslims seemingly forever, Karma, mf's Karma.

But what is angering me about Donald is that unless you kiss Trump ass, dude got no use for in the hell can you run a nation when you and you alone want to run everything? ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR THE DUMBEST CLUELESS BITCH ON THE PLANET??? The only thing smart about Trump is his phone and even that is causing problems. And this wall shit...How the fuck you gonna hold America hostage over a wall, you rallied Mexico will pay for? And get away with it???

Please, Dear God, allow the democrats next year to send Trump packing
My dear, I think you should find a mirror, because "YOU" are the worst human being in this country, and the lies are just incredible about President Trump.
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
This post is need to point out the judge is black....and I don't like Trump, but I don't think he did this because of Flynn...Trump wanted to do this months ago but was talked out of it by the neo-cons...

Trump is the only way we can finally disengage from all of these extended wars....I don't switch my principles based on which president is making the call, I have always been for getting out of Iraq, Syria, and AFG
As a black woman, I am once again proud to see a person of color, especially this judge....stand firm and hold a Trump puppet accountable. You don't like my pointing that out, get over it. Also note, I too am glad we're leaving....this shit has no end game for our troops, we've been there forever, its time to go. However, he could have at least let a mf know before he did it.
Poor, Poor, black woman, another victim of liberalism who only wants free stuff. Is this you Tig and typical of the liberal black woman?

Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
President Trump said in the campaign he would get in destroy ISIS and leave. This is NOT a neo con globalist president like Bush and Obama etc...he is doing what's right. Its not our business anymore.
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
This post is need to point out the judge is black....and I don't like Trump, but I don't think he did this because of Flynn...Trump wanted to do this months ago but was talked out of it by the neo-cons...

Trump is the only way we can finally disengage from all of these extended wars....I don't switch my principles based on which president is making the call, I have always been for getting out of Iraq, Syria, and AFG
As a black woman, I am once again proud to see a person of color, especially this judge....stand firm and hold a Trump puppet accountable. You don't like my pointing that out, get over it. Also note, I too am glad we're leaving....this shit has no end game for our troops, we've been there forever, its time to go. However, he could have at least let a mf know before he did it.
Poor, Poor, black woman, another victim of liberalism who only wants free stuff. Is this you Tig and typical of the liberal black woman?

If I was black and a woman, I would be embarrassed so much, when Obamaphone lady, is shown. It is unbelievable how stupid this woman is, yet seems like the typical type that always votes for Democrats.
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.

"will rule the day....":auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Idk...maybe it's just me but is a 6th grade level of reading ability in here too much to ask for?:abgg2q.jpg:

These people dont even realize when they've pwn'd themselves.
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
This post is need to point out the judge is black....and I don't like Trump, but I don't think he did this because of Flynn...Trump wanted to do this months ago but was talked out of it by the neo-cons...

Trump is the only way we can finally disengage from all of these extended wars....I don't switch my principles based on which president is making the call, I have always been for getting out of Iraq, Syria, and AFG
As a black woman, I am once again proud to see a person of color, especially this judge....stand firm and hold a Trump puppet accountable. You don't like my pointing that out, get over it. Also note, I too am glad we're leaving....this shit has no end game for our troops, we've been there forever, its time to go. However, he could have at least let a mf know before he did it.
Poor, Poor, black woman, another victim of liberalism who only wants free stuff. Is this you Tig and typical of the liberal black woman?

Not sure......but a dollar to 1,000 stale donuts there is an approximate resemblence! Fat ass, miserable and on the hopelessly homely side.:113:
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.

Soooo, you worry that your witch hunt is not getting enough attention, and that makes you mad?

You should worry about what the blow back with be on your witch hunt,
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.

You're so desperate for someone hear you scream, that you keep forcing bold letters on all of us. It doesn't matter how bold, and how large your text is, it's still a bullshit.

The leftist butthurt continues. Great stuff.
Syria....folks, as I type we are pulling out of Syria. Yes, pulling out of Syria. Everyone save for man baby is just jaw dropping frustrated, pissed the fuck off and just dumb founded...everyone but Trump. Michael Flynn is the blame for all this and that wonderful black judge thats gonna send his white ass to jail unless he cough up some more juicy shit on Trump is the reason man baby did this Syria move... the greatest deflector of all times, and its working. Move over Flynn, wag the dog is doing his best to keep the media at bay and no longer talking about Flynn.

But at what cost? Folks say permanently good by to our allies, this move will most definitely give them finally a reason to let of America and our history and can you blame them?

The GOP and this monster they've created, will rule the day, they turned a blind eye and a deaf ear on checking this out of control corrupt white bastard when they had the chance...Trump is so greed with power, its enough to make you puke.
Trump already backtracked and said we're not pulling out of Syria

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