LOL the pathetic skinny marxist DOJ last ditch effort to make Trump seem illegitimate. LOL!!!


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The Justice Department Inspector General says he will review how the FBI and Justice Department handled certain aspects of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

The probe by Michael E. Horowitz will include a review of FBI Director James Comey's news conference in July and his two letters to lawmakers in late October and early November.

"In response to requests from numerous Chairmen and Ranking Members of Congressional oversight committees, various organizations, and members of the public, the Office of the Inspector General will initiate a review of allegations regarding certain actions by the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in advance of the 2016 election," the Justice Department said in a statement.

Justice Department to review FBI, DOJ actions before 2016 election

The pathetic lame last ditch attempt. Nothing has worked. Nothing, and this pathetic piece of lying shit on his way out creating just a smooth transition. It is so fucking transparent.

Dear God I hope Trump decides to appoint an independent council to truly investigate ALL of the shit this pathetic president has done. Including Benghazi and exactly what happened in that so called mission those SEALS were on when they were put on that flying school bus in the sky a short time after our beloved SEALS killed that sandNIGGER bin laden.
Trump needs to investigate the investigators and get the leftist operators out of our government. Then go after the corrupt Democrat machine, misusing the IRS, FBI, CIA, etc.
Accusations of Marxism have lost their sting now that Trump can let his bromance flourish.
This could get very ugly. There are powerful forces arrayed against Trump including the Neocons, Crazy Ds, and the MSM....and apparently much of the intelligence community. If they try to impeach or murder Trump, the nation will be turned upside down.

At the link below is a very good analysis of the fake Buzzfeed news. The author claims this is all an effort to impeach Trump...a political coup d'etat the US gov is famous for committing in OTHER nations.

The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump
This does not make this document any less dangerous, however.

First, and this is the really crucial part, there is more than enough here to impeach Trump on numerous grounds both political and legal. Let me repeat again – this is an attempt at removing Donald Trump from the White House. This is a political coup d’etat.

As I predicted it before the election, the USA are about to enter the worst crisis in their history. We are entering extraordinarily dangerous times. If the danger of a thermonuclear war between Russia and the USA had dramatically receded with the election of Trump, the Neocon total war on Trump put the United States at very grave risk, including civil war (should the Neocon controlled Congress impeach Trump I believe that uprisings will spontaneously happen, especially in the South, and especially in Florida and Texas). At the risk of sounding over the top, I will say that what is happening now is putting the very existence of the United States in danger almost regardless of what Trump will personally do. Whatever we may think of Trump as a person and about his potential as a President, what is certain is that millions of American patriots have voted for him to “clear the swamp”, give the boot to the Washington-based plutocracy and restore what they see as fundamental American values. If the Neocons now manage to stage a coup d’etat against Trump, I predict that these millions of American will turn to violence to protect what they see as their way of life, their values and their country. In spite of the image which Hollywood likes to give of them, most Americans are peaceful and non-violent people, but if they are pushed too far they will not hesitate and grab their guns to defend themselves, especially if they lose all hopes in their democracy. And I am not talking only about gun-toting hillbillies here, I am talking about the local, state and county authorities, who often care much more about what their local constituents think and say than what the are up to in DC. If a coup is staged against Trump and some wannabe President à la Hillary or McCain gives the order to the National Guard or even the US Army to put down a local insurrection, we could see what we saw in Russia in 1991: a categorical refusal of the security services to shoot at their own people. That is the biggest and ultimate danger for the Neocons: the risk that if they give the order to crack down on the population the police, security and military services might simply refuse to take action. If that could happen in the “KGB-controlled country” (to use a Cold War cliché) this can also happen in the USA.

The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump | The Vineyard of the Saker
I'm not into Alex Jones stuff and the military and LE are not going to go to war against us.
If you post is aimed at mine, your above comment is off the mark. My reference is not Alex Jones and has no comments about the military or LE going to war with Americans.
This could get very ugly. There are powerful forces arrayed against Trump including the Neocons, Crazy Ds, and the MSM....and apparently much of the intelligence community. If they try to impeach or murder Trump, the nation will be turned upside down.

At the link below is a very good analysis of the fake Buzzfeed news. The author claims this is all an effort to impeach Trump...a political coup d'etat the US gov is famous for committing in OTHER nations.

The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump
This does not make this document any less dangerous, however.

First, and this is the really crucial part, there is more than enough here to impeach Trump on numerous grounds both political and legal. Let me repeat again – this is an attempt at removing Donald Trump from the White House. This is a political coup d’etat.

As I predicted it before the election, the USA are about to enter the worst crisis in their history. We are entering extraordinarily dangerous times. If the danger of a thermonuclear war between Russia and the USA had dramatically receded with the election of Trump, the Neocon total war on Trump put the United States at very grave risk, including civil war (should the Neocon controlled Congress impeach Trump I believe that uprisings will spontaneously happen, especially in the South, and especially in Florida and Texas). At the risk of sounding over the top, I will say that what is happening now is putting the very existence of the United States in danger almost regardless of what Trump will personally do. Whatever we may think of Trump as a person and about his potential as a President, what is certain is that millions of American patriots have voted for him to “clear the swamp”, give the boot to the Washington-based plutocracy and restore what they see as fundamental American values. If the Neocons now manage to stage a coup d’etat against Trump, I predict that these millions of American will turn to violence to protect what they see as their way of life, their values and their country. In spite of the image which Hollywood likes to give of them, most Americans are peaceful and non-violent people, but if they are pushed too far they will not hesitate and grab their guns to defend themselves, especially if they lose all hopes in their democracy. And I am not talking only about gun-toting hillbillies here, I am talking about the local, state and county authorities, who often care much more about what their local constituents think and say than what the are up to in DC. If a coup is staged against Trump and some wannabe President à la Hillary or McCain gives the order to the National Guard or even the US Army to put down a local insurrection, we could see what we saw in Russia in 1991: a categorical refusal of the security services to shoot at their own people. That is the biggest and ultimate danger for the Neocons: the risk that if they give the order to crack down on the population the police, security and military services might simply refuse to take action. If that could happen in the “KGB-controlled country” (to use a Cold War cliché) this can also happen in the USA.

The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump | The Vineyard of the Saker
Oh yeah. Been saying this for a while. Make no mistake. It is not just the marxist negro in the white house and the pathetic marxist media. His worst enemy are the RINOS, highlighted by the yap dog rubio the other day.

Hard for me to not say I told you all so..

This is going to be the longest 4 years and I honestly have no idea how he is going to survive it. Figuratively and literally that is.
This could get very ugly. There are powerful forces arrayed against Trump including the Neocons, Crazy Ds, and the MSM....and apparently much of the intelligence community. If they try to impeach or murder Trump, the nation will be turned upside down.

At the link below is a very good analysis of the fake Buzzfeed news. The author claims this is all an effort to impeach Trump...a political coup d'etat the US gov is famous for committing in OTHER nations.

The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump
This does not make this document any less dangerous, however.

First, and this is the really crucial part, there is more than enough here to impeach Trump on numerous grounds both political and legal. Let me repeat again – this is an attempt at removing Donald Trump from the White House. This is a political coup d’etat.

As I predicted it before the election, the USA are about to enter the worst crisis in their history. We are entering extraordinarily dangerous times. If the danger of a thermonuclear war between Russia and the USA had dramatically receded with the election of Trump, the Neocon total war on Trump put the United States at very grave risk, including civil war (should the Neocon controlled Congress impeach Trump I believe that uprisings will spontaneously happen, especially in the South, and especially in Florida and Texas). At the risk of sounding over the top, I will say that what is happening now is putting the very existence of the United States in danger almost regardless of what Trump will personally do. Whatever we may think of Trump as a person and about his potential as a President, what is certain is that millions of American patriots have voted for him to “clear the swamp”, give the boot to the Washington-based plutocracy and restore what they see as fundamental American values. If the Neocons now manage to stage a coup d’etat against Trump, I predict that these millions of American will turn to violence to protect what they see as their way of life, their values and their country. In spite of the image which Hollywood likes to give of them, most Americans are peaceful and non-violent people, but if they are pushed too far they will not hesitate and grab their guns to defend themselves, especially if they lose all hopes in their democracy. And I am not talking only about gun-toting hillbillies here, I am talking about the local, state and county authorities, who often care much more about what their local constituents think and say than what the are up to in DC. If a coup is staged against Trump and some wannabe President à la Hillary or McCain gives the order to the National Guard or even the US Army to put down a local insurrection, we could see what we saw in Russia in 1991: a categorical refusal of the security services to shoot at their own people. That is the biggest and ultimate danger for the Neocons: the risk that if they give the order to crack down on the population the police, security and military services might simply refuse to take action. If that could happen in the “KGB-controlled country” (to use a Cold War cliché) this can also happen in the USA.

The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump | The Vineyard of the Saker
Oh yeah. Been saying this for a while. Make no mistake. It is not just the marxist negro in the white house and the pathetic marxist media. His worst enemy are the RINOS, highlighted by the yap dog rubio the other day.

Hard for me to not say I told you all so..

This is going to be the longest 4 years and I honestly have no idea how he is going to survive it. Figuratively and literally that is.
The forces against Trump are likely to attack him non-stop...a so-called Flood The Zone strategy. If Trump is constantly forced to put out fires, he can't promote his agenda.
This could get very ugly. There are powerful forces arrayed against Trump including the Neocons, Crazy Ds, and the MSM....and apparently much of the intelligence community. If they try to impeach or murder Trump, the nation will be turned upside down.

At the link below is a very good analysis of the fake Buzzfeed news. The author claims this is all an effort to impeach Trump...a political coup d'etat the US gov is famous for committing in OTHER nations.

The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump
This does not make this document any less dangerous, however.

First, and this is the really crucial part, there is more than enough here to impeach Trump on numerous grounds both political and legal. Let me repeat again – this is an attempt at removing Donald Trump from the White House. This is a political coup d’etat.

As I predicted it before the election, the USA are about to enter the worst crisis in their history. We are entering extraordinarily dangerous times. If the danger of a thermonuclear war between Russia and the USA had dramatically receded with the election of Trump, the Neocon total war on Trump put the United States at very grave risk, including civil war (should the Neocon controlled Congress impeach Trump I believe that uprisings will spontaneously happen, especially in the South, and especially in Florida and Texas). At the risk of sounding over the top, I will say that what is happening now is putting the very existence of the United States in danger almost regardless of what Trump will personally do. Whatever we may think of Trump as a person and about his potential as a President, what is certain is that millions of American patriots have voted for him to “clear the swamp”, give the boot to the Washington-based plutocracy and restore what they see as fundamental American values. If the Neocons now manage to stage a coup d’etat against Trump, I predict that these millions of American will turn to violence to protect what they see as their way of life, their values and their country. In spite of the image which Hollywood likes to give of them, most Americans are peaceful and non-violent people, but if they are pushed too far they will not hesitate and grab their guns to defend themselves, especially if they lose all hopes in their democracy. And I am not talking only about gun-toting hillbillies here, I am talking about the local, state and county authorities, who often care much more about what their local constituents think and say than what the are up to in DC. If a coup is staged against Trump and some wannabe President à la Hillary or McCain gives the order to the National Guard or even the US Army to put down a local insurrection, we could see what we saw in Russia in 1991: a categorical refusal of the security services to shoot at their own people. That is the biggest and ultimate danger for the Neocons: the risk that if they give the order to crack down on the population the police, security and military services might simply refuse to take action. If that could happen in the “KGB-controlled country” (to use a Cold War cliché) this can also happen in the USA.

The Neocon’s declaration of war against Trump | The Vineyard of the Saker
Oh yeah. Been saying this for a while. Make no mistake. It is not just the marxist negro in the white house and the pathetic marxist media. His worst enemy are the RINOS, highlighted by the yap dog rubio the other day.

Hard for me to not say I told you all so..

This is going to be the longest 4 years and I honestly have no idea how he is going to survive it. Figuratively and literally that is.
The forces against Trump are likely to attack him non-stop...a so-called Flood The Zone strategy. If Trump is constantly forced to put out fires, he can't promote his agenda.
Then they will destroy him for not "keeping his promises. "

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