LOL! White People Please Stop

He titled the thread wrong. He usually calls whities Cave Monkeys.
I only call racist whites cave monkeys.
Every white person is a racist to you.
You arent every white person.
You should feel thankful for that.
I am. Can you imagine if all white people were sissies like you? All my white acquaintances would be afraid of me.
Wrong. You would not still be residing in this country.
This is just wrong.

White version

Original version

Mexican version

Asian version

When you say "white", does that refer to all the white people around the world?

For instance, Japanese, are they asian, or white?

Or Ruskis?

Or "white" mean white people in America?

This is all confusing :)

In this instance i would say its just generally white people in america. The white people in Canada and europe seem to be more relaxed
I only call racist whites cave monkeys.
Every white person is a racist to you.
You arent every white person.
You should feel thankful for that.
I am. Can you imagine if all white people were sissies like you? All my white acquaintances would be afraid of me.
Wrong. You would not still be residing in this country.
Yeah Ok tough cave chimp. :laugh:
This is just wrong.

White version

Original version

Mexican version

Asian version

When you say "white", does that refer to all the white people around the world?

For instance, Japanese, are they asian, or white?

Or Ruskis?

Or "white" mean white people in America?

This is all confusing :)

In this instance i would say its just generally white people in america. The white people in Canada and europe seem to be more relaxed

I dont know, Canada whites outdid themselves with bieber tho... :lmao:
I did it in South Carolina and Georgia.
Funny, I never got the same reaction. In fact, the people I've spoke to, white people and black people alike, actually joke about people who get offended by that sort of thing. Are we talking about the same Georgia?
This is just wrong.

White version

Original version

Mexican version

Asian version

When you say "white", does that refer to all the white people around the world?

For instance, Japanese, are they asian, or white?

Or Ruskis?

Or "white" mean white people in America?

This is all confusing :)

In this instance i would say its just generally white people in america. The white people in Canada and europe seem to be more relaxed

I dont know, Canada whites outdid themselves with bieber tho... :lmao:

My first out of country experience was Canada. I'll never forgot how relaxed the white people were up there.
I did it in South Carolina and Georgia.
Funny, I never got the same reaction. In fact, the people I've spoke to, white people and black people alike, actually joke about people who get offended by that sort of thing. Are we talking about the same Georgia?

Theres only one Georgia in the US that I am aware of. You know where Augusta is? It was some small town about 100 miles from there. This redneck was staring at me and I asked if he had a problem and called him a honky.
Theres only one Georgia in the US that I am aware of. You know where Augusta is? It was some small town about 100 miles from there. This redneck was staring at me and asked if he had a problem and called him a honky.
There's actually another Georgia outside of the US, I assumed you were talking about that one, since I've never experienced racism of any sort in 13 years I've lived here.
I did it in South Carolina and Georgia.
Funny, I never got the same reaction. In fact, the people I've spoke to, white people and black people alike, actually joke about people who get offended by that sort of thing. Are we talking about the same Georgia?

Theres only one Georgia in the US that I am aware of. You know where Augusta is? It was some small town about 100 miles from there. This redneck was staring at me and I asked if he had a problem and called him a honky.
Generation gap here guys.

What millennials give a shit about is a far cry from what Gen X and Boomers will get their panties in a bunch over.
Theres only one Georgia in the US that I am aware of. You know where Augusta is? It was some small town about 100 miles from there. This redneck was staring at me and asked if he had a problem and called him a honky.
There's actually another Georgia outside of the US, I assumed you were talking about that one, since I've never experienced racism of any sort in 13 years I've lived here.
Yeah if I meant in europe i would have said that since you we were talking about he US. Of course you've experience racism. Your state flag has the confederate flag in it.
Yeah if I meant in europe i would have said that since you we were talking about he US. Of course you've experience racism. Your state flag has the confederate flag in it.
That actually stands for state rights, but so many the people who conform to the racial stereotype would love to believe that the Civil War was all about them.
Yeah if I meant in europe i would have said that since you we were talking about he US. Of course you've experience racism. Your state flag has the confederate flag in it.
That actually stands for state rights, but so many the people who conform to the racial stereotype would love to believe that the Civil War was all about them.
Nope it stands for the enslavement of Blacks. If it stood for state rights then they wouldnt have mentioned slavery as their main reason for leaving the union. Read their own words.

" The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution."
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Nope it stands for the enslavement of Blacks. If it stood for state rights then they wouldnt have mentioned slavery as their main reason for leaving the union.
Slavery wasn't even an issue mentioned between either side until halfway through the war. The north didn't even attempt to take steps to release the slaves until it looked like it would give them an advantage in the war. The south mainly didn't want the Federal Government to become more powerful than the State Governments.
Nope it stands for the enslavement of Blacks. If it stood for state rights then they wouldnt have mentioned slavery as their main reason for leaving the union.
Slavery wasn't even an issue mentioned between either side until halfway through the war. The north didn't even attempt to take steps to release the slaves until it looked like it would give them an advantage in the war. The south mainly didn't want the government to become more powerful than the state governments.
Slavery was mentioned by the southerners from the outset as proven by anyone that can read the cornerstone speech. I posted the relevant part above. Its also the reason stated in the southern states articles of secession. The north had nothing to do with confederate flag so I am at a loss to why you even mentioned them.

The Declaration of Causes of Seceding States

"Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun."
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Nope it stands for the enslavement of Blacks. If it stood for state rights then they wouldnt have mentioned slavery as their main reason for leaving the union.
Slavery wasn't even an issue mentioned between either side until halfway through the war. The north didn't even attempt to take steps to release the slaves until it looked like it would give them an advantage in the war. The south mainly didn't want the Federal Government to become more powerful than the State Governments.
I just looked at your profile. Are you really 15?
Why do you want to separate the races Asclepias ? Deny it all you want but what you are saying is racism, even though I know you are just doing it for attention.
I thought you were fun. But, it seems others are right. You are a racist. A bigot. I don't get it.
I know you are a smart man. So, why (other than attention) do you do this?
Why are you asking me questions if you think you already have the answer?

I don't think it. I know it. I watch and read....then watch and read. I want to understand WHY.
If you know then we have an issue. You think you know something so how can i answer why to a false assumption?

Okay. Then tell me why you made the thread.
Because its funny seeing a white choir take a song a Black rapper made and try to turn it into white music. If you notice even the white parents are laughing in the video.

I kinda get your point, but you might note that the choir was 6th graders. At that age, it's more about them learning the basics of music and enjoying it enough to learn more. It was never meant to be a perfect performance. You wouldn't say anything if a sixth grade kid couldn't hit a 90 mph pitch would you? Give them time to learn..

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