CDZ LOL, Wray Appologizes for FISA Abuse, the Court Appoints Obama Judge to do a Coverup, OMG


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just Insane. Our Oligarchs do not know how to Bullshit us very well in the new Information AGe, lol.

Wray Apologizes for FISA Abuse, But People Have Concerns About Former Obama Official Appointed to Assess Reforms

On Friday, FBI Director Chris Wray apologized for the FBI’s FISA abuse outlined in the IG’s report.

The FISA court had asked for a plan from him to rectify the abuse by January 10.

The IG report had identified 17 severe errors and omissions. Perhaps one of the worst actions was an agent who, when sent an email from the CIA saying that Carter Page had been a source for them, changed the email to say Page had NOT been and then passed that along to be used to get another warrant to spy on Page.

While that FBI attorney is reportedly under investigation, what about the consequences for all the other folks who lied/ommitted/or otherwise deceived the FISA court?

Perhaps we’ll still see that coming from the investigation by U.S. Attorney John Durham. Both he and Barr have been putting a lot on the line to get to the truth.

But Wray’s response feels more than a little hollow.

He said they would give further training on what to do and what not to do using the Carter Page situation as an example. Are we to believe they really didn’t understand they weren’t supposed to lie or hoodwink the FISA court? That they just need more training to get that?

Of course they knew. They did it anyway. What can you do to stop that from happening again? What safeguards will prevent agents from lying or manipulating to the court?

The FISA court had asked for a game plan when it was headed by Judge Rosemary Collyer. But she resigned last month for health reasons.

The new judge, Judge James Boasberg, has appointed David Kris, who was an Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice under President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, as amicus curiae to review the FBI’s proposals for improvement and advise the court.

Christopher Wray Isn’t the Right Man to Fix the FBI

Wray’s 15-page mea culpa is loaded with bureaucratese in its most obnoxious form; solemn promises about very serious government forms and training classes and instructional videos and manuals and processes and working groups. There are no penalties for failing to follow the rules, no consequences for bad behavior.

(And, as if to shred any pesky concerns about the court’s objectivity, FISC’s presiding judge immediately appointed a Trump-hating collusion truther, David Kris, to oversee the alleged reform efforts. In March, Kris, disappointed with the Mueller report, predicted “that SDNY (or NYAG) will get [Trump] fair and square for campaign finance or other crimes.”)

Wray was forced to address the FBI’s use of sketchy confidential human sources. An audit of the FBI’s CHS program—also conducted by Horowitz and released the month before his FISA abuse report—identified extensive problems with the way the FBI handled that program, too. Just more errors and omissions, I suppose.

But it’s not just Wray’s fecklessness in the aftermath of the Horowitz report that merits his ouster. The chief has tried to cover up and excuse the scandal since he took the reins of the agency in August 2017.

Wray strenuously objected to the release of the February 2018 memo prepared by then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, which detailed how Comey’s FBI used the bogus Steele dossier as evidence in its application to the court and then withheld disclosing Steele’s Democratic funders.​

James E. Boasberg - Wikipedia

The FBI needs to be broken up into constituent agencies that cannot be easily controled by one man. The FISA courts need to be scraped from the face of the Earth, their buil;dings raised and salt sown in their fields.

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