LOL!!! Zimmerman's Wife Retracts Claims

Sallow, these people are liberal democrats. They act like liberal democrats. They are not heroes to the right. We, on the right were simply defending THE LAW, and a person's right to self-defense.

Now the case is over and George and family are back, acting like their normal Obama-loving selves.

The shot through the heart was out of character, but a good shot, none the less.

He's one of yours, now ace. He's been making the rounds in conservative circles for quite some time.

And a point blank shot that killed a barely 17 year old is is a "good shot"?


Yep. Efficient use of ammunition.

GZ was sitting on Trayvon.

How could he miss???
I love the double standards of Libs.

For George Z, he is GUILTY of everything that anyone has ever accused him of - no discussion whatsoever, HE DID IT! (see above).

But we had a President who was a KNOWN liar, philanderer, and rapist, and we get, "Everybody lies about sex. What's the big deal?"

Fucking priceless.

Once you understand, and it hurts to admit it but it's true, that dimocraps are truly the scum of the Earth -- It all falls into line.

If you go at this whole thing believing that "they're just like us but with different beliefs'' you'll never get it, you'll always be confused and you'll wonder why.

If you approach it with the factual notion that they're scumbags, it will make perfect sense to you.

It does to me.

It's not just that they're scumbags, of course they're that too but it's far worse than just a lack of virtue and poor character.

These people are either the dumbest members of the species since modern humans began settling and farming, because people as stupid as these liberals would have been eaten by wild animals or died eating the same wild fungus all the other village idiots did.

Thanks to modern safety technology that keeps stupid people from killing themselves, and the warning labels that keep these morons from eating fish bait we're stuck with an extreme over abundance of "people" who should have died under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano.

Of course not all of them are the same sort of blithering idiots swallow and friends are. The ones in higher offices are generally criminallly insane sociopaths who seek power and wealth at all costs. The destruction they're waging is deliberate, they're motivated by hatred for the "proles". The GZ case is a testament to that fact.

Here you had a guy who acted within the boundary of the law, and shot a bastard who acted outside the law. Who's "side" does the left take? The outlaw's. Why? It's not just because the left needs outlaws to create chaos and destruction in order to advance their authortarianism, as a bonus they used the issue to divide people on racial hatred. Hatred that the left is desperate to keep alive. They had to have known this case would be lost, and what the result would be.

There is no question in my mind that...

In order to be a liberal you have to be a complete blithering idiot, or a criminally insane authortarian sociopath.

Now that they've created a person in GZ that's marked as a gun totting white fat redneck republicrat, so that anything else he does can be used to guilt their enemies by association. The truth is irrelevant in their "minds", because as we've seen from the bed wetters on this forum the truth is an obstacle.
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Such and dumb and desperate thing for you to write.

Are you saying that Dems have never or do not commit murder?

If so, my bet is that you're wrong.

And, now do YOU know they both are "life-long" Dems?

You don't. You're lying.


And, as usual.



They are starting to "disown" him, albeit, very slowly.

If he didn't murder a kid, we'd all be having a laugh about this moron.

I mean..look at his wife.


In one of the gazillion gz threads, someone here pointed out that being in an abusive relationship makes one do things they probably would not have done otherwise.

Even if he were not an abusive SOB, its not that surprising that a wife would "stand by her man".

IMO, she should have the chance to make a life for herself, away from gz and the murder of Trayvon.

Don't really know much about her..but it appears that they both may have been trying to cash in on this..well at least Zimmerman was..

And still is.

He was in financial trouble before he murdered a kid, which is part of the reason he failed to get employment as a police officer.

Looks to me, however, Zimmerman is hungry for matter how he gets it.
Yep. Efficient use of ammunition.

GZ was sitting on Trayvon.

How could he miss???

The evidence said otherwise.
The shot was fired upwards.
Eyewitnesses put trayvon on top of GZ engaging in an MMA style beating.

Fact don't matter.

Verdicts don't matter.

Juries don't matter.

Evidence doesn't matter.

Logic doesn't matter.

Liberals get emotionally invested, then make it up as they go along.

Their entire political ideology is based on this phenomena.
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Zimmerman should write a book on how to become a right wing idol.

1. Shoot a black kid.
2. Beat your girlfriends and wives.
3. Try to become a cop and fail.
4. Sexually assault your younger cousin.

It's kinda easy.

Idol may be too strong a word.

It's sort of the whole Sandra Fluke thing; both are someone who we'll [likely] never meet, never meet anyone who knows them, only know them from the utterly few words and utterly brief appearances in public and we draw these monsterous conclusions about them based on political ideology.

You can throw Trayvon Martin into that mix as well. "Just as every cop is a criminal and all those sinners are saints" as the song goes.

I don't know Ms. Fluke and would likely find her annoying if I knew her personally. Feminist activists don't seem to have an "off" switch and too much of anything is maddening no matter what personality you like in moderation. But I put her as my avatar to draw the reaction that has come in spades... The right wing seems to be given to extremes in support based on the smallest nuggets of evidence and it's fun to watch...and bewildering at the same time....who they embrace instantly or castigate instantly due to what a talking head says on their radio program or writes in their blog.

I heard one time that if you were to get Army Ants to march in a circle, they would do so until they die from exhaustion since the ant in front of them doesn't stop...I wonder what would happen if we could get the right wing to march in that circle wearing a sign on their back that says "Rush says don't stop".

George Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, wants to walk away from divorce with permanent life insurance and the couple's dogs* - NY Daily News

Shellie Zimmerman's divorce petition includes demands for life insurance, the dogs, and an equal distribution of all the couple's assets. She says she's been left with 'pieces of broken glass' after her husband was acquitted of Trayvon Martin's death.

Read more: George Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, wants to walk away from divorce with permanent life insurance and the couple's dogs* - NY Daily News

What insurance company would write a policy on this idiot who painted a target on his own back?
Candy Corn
Feminist activists don't seem to have an "off" switch ...

Not just feminists. I suspect that has more to do with age than anything else. With youth comes the misguided belief that you can contribute to real social change. As you get older, you get more jaded and realistic.

...The right wing seems to be given to extremes in support based on the smallest nuggets of evidence and it's fun to watch...and bewildering at the same time....who they embrace instantly or castigate instantly due to what a talking head says on their radio program or writes in their blog.

I heard one time that if you were to get Army Ants to march in a circle, they would do so until they die from exhaustion since the ant in front of them doesn't stop...I wonder what would happen if we could get the right wing to march in that circle wearing a sign on their back that says "Rush says don't stop".

Agree. What we're seeing with their blind adoration of Putin even though he has now backed down from President Obama (more accurately, from the military that Obama commands as well as his history of the use of drones). The right is very traitorous. They just are. And, long after they're proven wrong, they will go right on being traitors blindly marching behind Rush Limbaugh.

I enjoy reading your posts.
Candy Corn
I heard one time that if you were to get Army Ants to march in a circle, they would do so until they die from exhaustion since the ant in front of them doesn't stop...I wonder what would happen if we could get the right wing to march in that circle wearing a sign on their back that says "Rush says don't stop".

And, here they are!

Hilarious Examples Of People Who Can?t Think For Themselves
After yesterday's breathless headlines about that mean ol' George Zimmerman beating his wife, threatening people and murdering three defenseless Black kids just for fun...

Guess what? It was all bullshit. All of it.

Despite all the wishing and hoping and lying by the left.... Despite the allegations....

It's all BULLSHIT....

Police: Zimmerman wife not pressing charges

H/T Asaritis. He called it right away

I'm sure the New Yawk Slimes, WaPo, ABC, NBC, and CBS will all headline that fact as soon as they can find the time :lmao:

Suck on it libturds. Trayvon is still dead and George Zimmerman is still walking around a Free Man.

Embrace the butt hurt


This doesn't change much of anything. He murdered an innocent kid and he beats up on women.

Why are you rw's STILL celebrating this scumbag? You consistently choose scum to idolize.

Why is this in Politics?

He didn't "murder" anyone.

The jury said so in open court. :thup:

But the juries verdict is only relevant to libtards if they agree with it. Otherwise juries are just an archaic institution.

Their preference3 is for Stalin Show Trials. Much cleaner and simpler to have the verdict BEFORE the trial, ya know.
Candy Corn
I heard one time that if you were to get Army Ants to march in a circle, they would do so until they die from exhaustion since the ant in front of them doesn't stop...I wonder what would happen if we could get the right wing to march in that circle wearing a sign on their back that says "Rush says don't stop".

And, here they are!

Hilarious Examples Of People Who Can?t Think For Themselves

lol, back to lies, smears and irrational diatribes.

Fact is, you idiots are obsolete.
Zimmerman should write a book on how to become a right wing idol.

1. Shoot a black kid.
2. Beat your girlfriends and wives.
3. Try to become a cop and fail.
4. Sexually assault your younger cousin.

It's kinda easy.

Idol may be too strong a word.

It's sort of the whole Sandra Fluke thing; both are someone who we'll [likely] never meet, never meet anyone who knows them, only know them from the utterly few words and utterly brief appearances in public and we draw these monsterous conclusions about them based on political ideology.

You can throw Trayvon Martin into that mix as well. "Just as every cop is a criminal and all those sinners are saints" as the song goes.

I don't know Ms. Fluke and would likely find her annoying if I knew her personally. Feminist activists don't seem to have an "off" switch and too much of anything is maddening no matter what personality you like in moderation. But I put her as my avatar to draw the reaction that has come in spades... The right wing seems to be given to extremes in support based on the smallest nuggets of evidence and it's fun to watch...and bewildering at the same time....who they embrace instantly or castigate instantly due to what a talking head says on their radio program or writes in their blog.

I heard one time that if you were to get Army Ants to march in a circle, they would do so until they die from exhaustion since the ant in front of them doesn't stop...I wonder what would happen if we could get the right wing to march in that circle wearing a sign on their back that says "Rush says don't stop".


Do you libtards have to keep repeating each one of your lies to maintain belief, or do you just regard belief in your lies to be an annoying irrelevance?

Just wondering, since you guys keep trotting out the same disproven bullshit over and over and over.
Oh're fighting for a guy who as a kid, sexually assaulted his younger cousin.
Who as a grown man, lost a job as a security guard for throwing a woman around.
Who as a grown man, got into with his fiancee who got a restraining order against him.
Who, now, punched his father in law in the nose and tossed his wife around while threatening to shoot them.

And, oh yeah, he shot an innocent kid through the heart.

Great "underdog" betcha!

Sallow, these people are liberal democrats. They act like liberal democrats. They are not heroes to the right. We, on the right were simply defending THE LAW, and a person's right to self-defense.

Now the case is over and George and family are back, acting like their normal Obama-loving selves.

The shot through the heart was out of character, but a good shot, none the less.

He's one of yours, now ace. He's been making the rounds in conservative circles for quite some time.

And a point blank shot that killed a barely 17 year old is is a "good shot"?


Yeah when the thug is sitting on your chest pounding your head into the pavement; you cant line it up in the sights, moron.
I love the double standards of Libs.

For George Z, he is GUILTY of everything that anyone has ever accused him of - no discussion whatsoever, HE DID IT! (see above).

But we had a President who was a KNOWN liar, philanderer, and rapist, and we get, "Everybody lies about sex. What's the big deal?"

Fucking priceless.

You nailed it.

For them it is all about the agenda; facts are for idiots that think there actually is a right and wrong thingy.

And everything she said was a fucking lie.

But to libtards, facts don't matter.

Lying is just a normal way of communicating for these slimeballs.

And don't forget, that whole family is Democrat. How many of the latest big scandals have centered on Democrats that the Left has decided to turn on and sacrifice for the cause as poster-boys of some movement?

Paula Deen: Democrat.

Martha Stewart: Democrat.

Mike Tyson: Democrat.

Going all the way back to the Founding Father who started the Democrat party itself: Thomas Jefferson is accused of raping a slave girl for years! And they are so stupid, they think the DNA evidence has proven Jefferson fathered all of Hemmings children, despite the fact the science actually proves Jefferson could only possibly have father Eston and none of the others. DNA proof does not matter if it contradicts the libtard narrative, so they go around saying Jefferson was a rapist of young teen girls anyway.
Zimmerman is not a very smart man, he did vote for obama.

Ignored by media: Zimmerman voted for Obama, tutored black kids - Wilmington Conservative |

He just smartened up enough to not die like this.

Union Square ?I hate white people? beating victim dies; suspect in court | PIX 11

The whole liberal argument against George Zimmerman is because he didn't die. He was supposed to die. Whenever a non black person gets attacked by a black person they are supposed to die. Not defend themselves, die. Zimmerman didn't go along with that program.

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