LOL!!! Zimmerman's Wife Retracts Claims

Zimmerman should write a book on how to become a right wing idol.

1. Shoot a black kid.
2. Beat your girlfriends and wives.
3. Try to become a cop and fail.
4. Sexually assault your younger cousin.

It's kinda easy.

George Zimmerman's own actions have put a target on his own back. He won't lay low and let this wound heal. He will continue to get into scrapes. The article states he has been stopped twice for speeding. And, it was reported that he has been accused of other domestic violence and with more women than just his wife.

Sooner or later, his own actions will catch up to him and then you rw's can really idolize him. He can join Putin in your list of heroes.
Zimmerman should write a book on how to become a right wing idol.

1. Shoot a black kid.
2. Beat your girlfriends and wives.
3. Try to become a cop and fail.
4. Sexually assault your younger cousin.

It's kinda easy.

Don't forget - murdering a black kid gets you a pass on two speeding stops - so far.
Fox News played her 911 call in its entirety yesterday. It was obvious she was lying and making it up as she went along. The dispatcher who took the call knew it too.

What a sad case that the public and the media finds it necessary to persecute this man because he defended himself against a black thug.

Of course she was lying.
A convicted perjurer would hardly be an honest person now would she!!

She was never convicted of perjury, nor was she charged with perjury, ever. Liberals made it up. That's what liberals do. They make things up to fit the narrative they want told. Shellie Zimmerman lied to the 911 operator because she knew that if she told the truth the police would not show up or if they did show up, it would take longer than if she told the truth. She is not a sophisticated woman and got bollixed up in her lie.

Zimmerman should write a book on how to become a right wing idol.

1. Shoot a black kid.
2. Beat your girlfriends and wives.
3. Try to become a cop and fail.
4. Sexually assault your younger cousin.

It's kinda easy.

Don't forget - murdering a black kid gets you a pass on two speeding stops - so far.

I saw the one. Zimmerman seemed pissed the cop didn't know who he was and he was eager to get him riled. He was like, "You don't know who I am? Wait a minute I got this gun here!"

And of course there was his laughable "rescue" of a family from the SUV.
Fox News played her 911 call in its entirety yesterday. It was obvious she was lying and making it up as she went along. The dispatcher who took the call knew it too.

What a sad case that the public and the media finds it necessary to persecute this man because he defended himself against a black thug.

Of course she was lying.
A convicted perjurer would hardly be an honest person now would she!!

She was never convicted of perjury, nor was she charged with perjury, ever. Liberals made it up. That's what liberals do. They make things up to fit the narrative they want told. Shellie Zimmerman lied to the 911 operator because she knew that if she told the truth the police would not show up or if they did show up, it would take longer than if she told the truth. She is not a sophisticated woman and got bollixed up in her lie.


You're wrong. She was charged with perjury, and plead guilty.

George Zimmerman's wife pleads guilty to perjury
Zimmerman's wife.





Obviously, an Obama supporter.

So was George Zimmerman, both of them lifelong democrats.

Such and dumb and desperate thing for you to write.

Are you saying that Dems have never or do not commit murder?

If so, my bet is that you're wrong.

And, now do YOU know they both are "life-long" Dems?

You don't. You're lying.


And, as usual.

Zimmerman's wife.





Obviously, an Obama supporter.

So was George Zimmerman, both of them lifelong democrats.

Such and dumb and desperate thing for you to write.

Are you saying that Dems have never or do not commit murder?

If so, my bet is that you're wrong.

And, now do YOU know they both are "life-long" Dems?

You don't. You're lying.


And, as usual.



They are starting to "disown" him, albeit, very slowly.

If he didn't murder a kid, we'd all be having a laugh about this moron.

I mean..look at his wife.

Of course she was lying.
A convicted perjurer would hardly be an honest person now would she!!

She was never convicted of perjury, nor was she charged with perjury, ever. Liberals made it up. That's what liberals do. They make things up to fit the narrative they want told. Shellie Zimmerman lied to the 911 operator because she knew that if she told the truth the police would not show up or if they did show up, it would take longer than if she told the truth. She is not a sophisticated woman and got bollixed up in her lie.


You're wrong. She was charged with perjury, and plead guilty.

George Zimmerman's wife pleads guilty to perjury

I thought it was just making false statements since there was no trial just a bond hearing. But she wasn't convicted of anything and got no jail time.
Of course she was lying.
A convicted perjurer would hardly be an honest person now would she!!

She was never convicted of perjury, nor was she charged with perjury, ever. Liberals made it up. That's what liberals do. They make things up to fit the narrative they want told. Shellie Zimmerman lied to the 911 operator because she knew that if she told the truth the police would not show up or if they did show up, it would take longer than if she told the truth. She is not a sophisticated woman and got bollixed up in her lie.


You're wrong. She was charged with perjury, and plead guilty.

George Zimmerman's wife pleads guilty to perjury

Her apology to Trayvon's family was really quite touching.

I didn't think much of Shelly Zimmerman but really, she's caught in the middle of her husband's crimes. Hopefully, she can get away from him and have a normal life.
Oh're fighting for a guy who as a kid, sexually assaulted his younger cousin.
Who as a grown man, lost a job as a security guard for throwing a woman around.
Who as a grown man, got into with his fiancee who got a restraining order against him.
Who, now, punched his father in law in the nose and tossed his wife around while threatening to shoot them.

And, oh yeah, he shot an innocent kid through the heart.

Great "underdog" betcha!

Sallow, these people are liberal democrats. They act like liberal democrats. They are not heroes to the right. We, on the right were simply defending THE LAW, and a person's right to self-defense.

Now the case is over and George and family are back, acting like their normal Obama-loving selves.

The shot through the heart was out of character, but a good shot, none the less.

He's one of yours, now ace. He's been making the rounds in conservative circles for quite some time.

And a point blank shot that killed a barely 17 year old is is a "good shot"?


Yep. Efficient use of ammunition.
So was George Zimmerman, both of them lifelong democrats.

Such and dumb and desperate thing for you to write.

Are you saying that Dems have never or do not commit murder?

If so, my bet is that you're wrong.

And, now do YOU know they both are "life-long" Dems?

You don't. You're lying.


And, as usual.



They are starting to "disown" him, albeit, very slowly.

If he didn't murder a kid, we'd all be having a laugh about this moron.

I mean..look at his wife.


In one of the gazillion gz threads, someone here pointed out that being in an abusive relationship makes one do things they probably would not have done otherwise.

Even if he were not an abusive SOB, its not that surprising that a wife would "stand by her man".

IMO, she should have the chance to make a life for herself, away from gz and the murder of Trayvon.
She was never convicted of perjury, nor was she charged with perjury, ever. Liberals made it up. That's what liberals do. They make things up to fit the narrative they want told. Shellie Zimmerman lied to the 911 operator because she knew that if she told the truth the police would not show up or if they did show up, it would take longer than if she told the truth. She is not a sophisticated woman and got bollixed up in her lie.


You're wrong. She was charged with perjury, and plead guilty.

George Zimmerman's wife pleads guilty to perjury

I thought it was just making false statements since there was no trial just a bond hearing. But she wasn't convicted of anything and got no jail time.

Pleading guilty = conviction.

And courts usually don't give jail time for perjury.

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