London on Lockdown

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[ame=]‪We Didn't Start the Fire w/ Lyrics‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
We Didn't Start the Fire w/ Lyrics
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Is the little piece of shit on the right trying to figure out what brand of smokes he's going to steal?

I was warned about you.. I should have listened . You're a fucking loser.

:lol: OOOh watch out for Val, she makes you accountable for your posts! EEEEEEEk!

Well then, I guess Fuck You again is in order.. You're trouble Val. No reason for you doing what you did. It wasn't any of your business that Ravi and I were at it. There was no malice between us. We were playing tit for tat... That's all. Then here you come with the -. It all started when she changed one of my posts in a quote, I made light of it and let it go. Keep it up, I know how to get even if that's what you really want between. You can pm me if you want to discuss further. Personally I see no need. Just apologize and we'll move on and give me back the -. If you chose to go deeper that's fine with me. I'll take my chances and trust my integrity.

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I was warned about you.. I should have listened . You're a fucking loser.

:lol: OOOh watch out for Val, she makes you accountable for your posts! EEEEEEEk!

Well then, I guess Fuck You again is in order..

You're trouble Val.

No reason for you doing what you did.

It wasn't any of your business that Ravi and I were at it.

There was no malice between us. We were playing tit for tat... That's all.

Then here you come with the -.

It all started when she changed one of my posts in a quote,

I made light of it and let it go.

Keep it up,

I know how to get even

if that's what you really want between. You can pm me if you want to discuss further.

Personally I see no need.

Just apologize and we'll move on and give me back the -.

If you chose to go deeper that's fine with me.

I'll take my chances and trust my integrity.



As will I. :thup:
Come on, you two. Can you take this bickering to the flame zone or to PM?

I'm really interested in this story and don't want to unsubscribe because of this derail.

Thanks in advance.

I ASKED..... se the little question mark????? that is not blaming anyone.

now if i had said yeah... those damn muslims fucking everything up, rioting and looting again.... then you could say something..

I never said anything about blame. I simply pointed out your first assumption was that Muslims must be behind it, hence why you asked whether or not they were.

And to answer your question, no it's not because of the Muslims.

Edit @ 7:21 PM: I should have used the word accuse, not blame.

well the last big one that this appears to be mirroring was the bruhaha in Paris....I believe the progenitor was...muslim? *shrugs*
Once unemployment in These United Socialist States of Soviet America reach the same level as they have for under 25's in Britain we can expect something similar. Only more inventive. It's all in the timing.

Not BS.... not by a long shot.

It has nothing to do with "punishing" the poor. Its about personal responsibility. You want children... damn well be able to feed and house them...or at least TRY to. If you want something more for yourself and your life..... DO something other then sitting on your ass whining about what is not being given to you.

As to third world countries... i am very sure anyone in a third world country would trade their lives to wealthy life these "poor" do.

And gang members dont die in gang wars? :cuckoo:

You don't know shit about the poor. If it was up to you, poor people would have NOTHING. No food stamps, no cash aid, no UI.

Just like in India. I've been to third world countries. It's not a pretty picture. They have no welfare, no charities, no food stamps, no shelters, nothing.

If that's what you want, move there.

Old people in the US freeze to death because they can't afford utilities. They go hungry, because they have to choose between medicine and food.

In my county, 20% of our population is unemployed. Without UI and food stamps a lot of people would go hungry.

Forgive me ...but i know plenty about the poor.

If it was up to me... the requirements for assistance would be very strict. Quite a difference. If you want the assistance... follow the rules. If the rules are to much for you... feel free to not accept it. Rather simple.

This is FAR from a third world country. So comparing the two is dishonest of you. I am sure anyone in a thrid world country would trade places with the "poor" here... and i would LOVE to see the "poor" here try and eek out a life in a third world country... maybe they would stop complaining about their privileged lives for once.

Old people are not the healthy young and able....
Old people are not the ones having children they cant afford.

Look toots. I don't know what state you're living in, but in my state the rules for getting cash aid are damn strict. People in my state follow the rules or they lose their aid. You've got a big ass, right wing myth going on, that all poor people are cheats.

If it was up to you, we wouldn't have any cash aid, UI or food stamps. Like it or not, poor kids need their parents. If they can't find work, they need help.

That is, unless you'd rather we mimicked India, and took care of nobody.

The poor in America ARE more fortunate. Would you rather we hold our heads high and care for our people or be more like a third world country?

YOU don't get to sterilize poor people. That is so Nazi.
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