London on Lockdown

High Gravity, I would'nt dream of trying to get into a verbal dueling match with you, I read
ypur many entries elsewhere and know you would run rings round me. I try to speak the
truth as I see it, I could'nt give a toss about the colour or race of people. I'm only concerned
with their actions, and at 58 years of age, I've seen a lot come and go in my country. I do
not blame muslims and black people for all the ills of my country. We have a massive problem
with white people who don't give a damn. But the massive immigration into my country has
made things much worse. My doctor is black, the local hospital has many asian and black
doctors. But in citiesd like London, Birmingham and others we have had very large
immigration from people all over the world. Some of them think my country owes them a
living. I'm sorry if this offends some, I can only state what I see with my own eyes.
High Gravity, I would'nt dream of trying to get into a verbal dueling match with you, I read
ypur many entries elsewhere and know you would run rings round me. I try to speak the
truth as I see it, I could'nt give a toss about the colour or race of people. I'm only concerned
with their actions, and at 58 years of age, I've seen a lot come and go in my country. I do
not blame muslims and black people for all the ills of my country. We have a massive problem
with white people who don't give a damn. But the massive immigration into my country has
made things much worse. My doctor is black, the local hospital has many asian and black
doctors. But in citiesd like London, Birmingham and others we have had very large
immigration from people all over the world. Some of them think my country owes them a
living. I'm sorry if this offends some
, I can only state what I see with my own eyes.

give us some insight on why they think that?
High Gravity, I would'nt dream of trying to get into a verbal dueling match with you, I read
ypur many entries elsewhere and know you would run rings round me. I try to speak the
truth as I see it, I could'nt give a toss about the colour or race of people. I'm only concerned
with their actions, and at 58 years of age, I've seen a lot come and go in my country. I do
not blame muslims and black people for all the ills of my country. We have a massive problem
with white people who don't give a damn. But the massive immigration into my country has
made things much worse. My doctor is black, the local hospital has many asian and black
doctors. But in citiesd like London, Birmingham and others we have had very large
immigration from people all over the world. Some of them think my country owes them a
living. I'm sorry if this offends some
, I can only state what I see with my own eyes.

give us some insight on why they think that?

A sense of entitlement they think our colonial past should oblige them, mainly. Even though that often violent history of conquest has laid the foundations for the life of humble security they enjoy, before they start making demands on our benefit/welfare system, that is.
We have in this country a guesstimate by politicians 1 million illegal immigrants, on top of
every tom dick and harry from europe who want to come here. French shores are awash
with people from far and wide who make their way through europe to try to get to here.
Why don't they say in Spain? Or France? Because when they get here they plug into our
benefits system and NHS. We can't cope with further immigration, we're struggling to cope
with past immigrants and their children. We are a small island with a quickly growing
population caused by immigrants. We are seeing the results of past immigration in our cities
and towns. We are heading in some cities to only 50% white English. I believe Leicester is
the first English city to go below 50% white English. It would'nt matter if everybody got
along - they don't. Racial groups in the main live what has been said to be parallel lives. Living
in different parts, and having little to do with each other. The future looks problematic.
The fact that you are so certain of your claims, only proves how out of touch with reality you are. Nothing cultural or racial going on here. Move on now. Got it. ;) WTFU.

She was accusing Muslims of being involved somehow even before she knew what was going on. This much is true. All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.

Hey dumbAss, did you see the post just above this, people were gleeful that the Norway guy was white,, smeared it all over the forum, white christian, so cry us a fucking river now, cause it happens to be blacks and muslims whydonchya?

The terrorist act in Norway was committed by a white christian. The looting and rioting in London is a multi-racial, multi-ethnic phenomenon.

Only racists see it's blacks only who are rioting.
High Gravity, I would'nt dream of trying to get into a verbal dueling match with you, I read
ypur many entries elsewhere and know you would run rings round me. I try to speak the
truth as I see it, I could'nt give a toss about the colour or race of people. I'm only concerned
with their actions, and at 58 years of age, I've seen a lot come and go in my country. I do
not blame muslims and black people for all the ills of my country. We have a massive problem
with white people who don't give a damn. But the massive immigration into my country has
made things much worse. My doctor is black, the local hospital has many asian and black
doctors. But in citiesd like London, Birmingham and others we have had very large
immigration from people all over the world. Some of them think my country owes them a
living. I'm sorry if this offends some, I can only state what I see with my own eyes.

Its all good I understand where you are coming from, Englands mass immigration has seemed to cause alot of problems for them.
Will someone intelligent in here just say what they believe the root of the problem is?

and, What should be done to correct it..........


Right now... the reason is

because they can.... plain and simple.

its not about being poor... its not about race...

its about being out of control... stealing and burning.... simply because the can.
She was accusing Muslims of being involved somehow even before she knew what was going on. This much is true. All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.

Hey dumbAss, did you see the post just above this, people were gleeful that the Norway guy was white,, smeared it all over the forum, white christian, so cry us a fucking river now, cause it happens to be blacks and muslims whydonchya?

The terrorist act in Norway was committed by a white christian. The looting and rioting in London is a multi-racial, multi-ethnic phenomenon.

Only racists see it's blacks only who are rioting.
racist cameras!!!:piss2::afro:
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?:doubt:
nah asians are ok:razz:
Will someone intelligent in here just say what they believe the root of the problem is?

and, What should be done to correct it..........


Right now... the reason is

because they can.... plain and simple.

its not about being poor... its not about race...

its about being out of control... stealing and burning.... simply because the can.

Anybody can lose it and do the wrong thing at anytime... There has to be more to this.

Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?:doubt:
nah asians are ok:razz:

Fuck you bitch.
Will someone intelligent in here just say what they believe the root of the problem is?

and, What should be done to correct it..........


Right now... the reason is

because they can.... plain and simple.

its not about being poor... its not about race...

its about being out of control... stealing and burning.... simply because the can.

Anybody can lose it and do the wrong thing at anytime... There has to be more to this.


no its that simple.
Will someone intelligent in here just say what they believe the root of the problem is?

and, What should be done to correct it..........


I did. Identify them, find them, deport their sorry asses. The don't deserve to live in civilized soicety. they act like animals.

Right now... the reason is

because they can.... plain and simple.

its not about being poor... its not about race...

its about being out of control... stealing and burning.... simply because the can.

Anybody can lose it and do the wrong thing at anytime... There has to be more to this.


no its that simple.

I think this is an excellent article highlighting different aspects.

At home, the spectacle of cohesive minority groups – Sikhs or Bangladeshi traders – coming together to protect their property and their church/temple/mosque is both impressive and potentially alarming, though the Guardian centre spread photo on Wednesday – middle-class white folk waving brooms in Clapham Junction – suggests the majority community can do that, too.


Strange, then, to note – as more and more observers are confirming – that the week's rioters are a pretty mixed bunch in ethnic terms. Even the Daily Mail's ("Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated.." etc, etc) coverage has belatedly included photos of white rioters and looters, including the now-famous YouTube footage of the white riot victim's backpack being pillaged by one of his own.

What we are seeing here, by general consent, is an urban underclass with little or no sense of a stake in society, few ties to their local communities or, very probably, to each other in their feral, fragmented families. "Darren, where did you get those three new bikes?" "Shurrup, mum, I'm listening to me new iPhone."

Liberals can legitimately point to their marginalisation in the workforce and at school (some of these kids can barely speak proper English), in part the consequences of globalising economic forces and the evaporation of low-skilled jobs.

Social conservatives can point to the collapse of family and discipline, happily unaware that capitalism can be pretty devastating to all but the strongest families, both in terms of depressed wage rates and raised expectations


London and other troubled inner cities need some answers: firmness against disorder, but also stronger efforts to address underclass issues.


Note that he says the Met police spent a lot of Tuesday rounding up gang leaders. That's another under reported so far aspect of the riots – the role of gangs for once abandoning their narcissistic and petty local rivalries to take on the law and the shops, like minor Afghan warlords uniting against the Russians/Nato.

-snip-We have to police our own children, as some parents (too busy looting themselves?) are clearly failing to do. But the law is there to keep streets safe. August still has 21 days to go.

Riots and the righteous: now comes the game of blame | Michael White | Politics |
That's odd, Alexa. The notoriously far-left Guardian made no mention of the boy who had his backpack "pillaged" being a rioter when they reported on the outrage yesterday. In fact, they referred to him as an "injured boy". But I suppose that no longer fits their sympathetic agenda towards London's rioting, theiving 'disadvantaged', aka criminals. Far better to label him as a rioter, so as to distract opinion away from the fact that the scum they're defending were caught robbing a bleeding and disorientated boy on camera.
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That's odd, Alexa. The notoriously far-left Guardian made no mention of the boy who had his backpack "pillaged" being a rioter when they reported on the outrage yesterday. In fact, they referred to him as an "injured boy". But I suppose that no longer fits their sympathetic agenda towards London's rioting, theiving 'disadvantaged', aka criminals. Far better to label him as a rioter, so as to distract opinion away from the fact that the scum they're defending were caught robbing a bleeding and disorientated boy on camera.

I did not know whether he was a rioter or not but I did know he was injured. You are making a fuss over nothing.

If the article had not included the deaths of the 3 people in Birmingham last night and another death, I would have described it as humorous. It had a light hearted slightly tongue in cheek attitude. No sense of humour?
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Will someone intelligent in here just say what they believe the root of the problem is?

and, What should be done to correct it..........


I did. Identify them, find them, deport their sorry asses. The don't deserve to live in civilized soicety. they act like animals.

And you act like a raving lunatic. The nature of riots is they are out of control. You want to control the universe.

You demonize everyone. You have no business telling anyone who is allowed to live or where.
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We have in this country a guesstimate by politicians 1 million illegal immigrants, on top of
every tom dick and harry from europe who want to come here. French shores are awash
with people from far and wide who make their way through europe to try to get to here.
Why don't they say in Spain? Or France? Because when they get here they plug into our
benefits system and NHS. We can't cope with further immigration, we're struggling to cope
with past immigrants and their children. We are a small island with a quickly growing
population caused by immigrants. We are seeing the results of past immigration in our cities
and towns. We are heading in some cities to only 50% white English. I believe Leicester is
the first English city to go below 50% white English. It would'nt matter if everybody got
along - they don't. Racial groups in the main live what has been said to be parallel lives. Living
in different parts, and having little to do with each other. The future looks problematic.
I'll say it again. You all need to do what this great country seriously needs to do. Enact a moratorium on all new immigration for at least 10 years, and aggressivelly pursue the illegalls who are nothing more than common criminals who have no respect for the law simply by being here illegally........Like here, it's time to start looking out for your own, and stop coddling common criminals. And if the bleeding heart liberal idiots don't like it, too fuckin' bad.

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