London on Lockdown

The pictures mainly originate from sources that follow an editorial bias, like The Guardian, for instance. I understand that blacks have been joined by thugs of all ethnicities but that still doesn't dimiss the fact that the instigators of all this rampaging destruction were mainly black.

Duggen was killed because what he had in his possession posed a threat. He was armed with an illegal weapon that is beyond the normal reach of anyone wanting to counter such a portable threat. OK, recent reports indicate that he didn't fire upon the police. But he still possessed an illegal weapon that, by its very nature, the person carrying it would know that they'd be met with stiff resistence in doing so, possibly fatal, which was the case here. I can only ask you cease making yourself look even more stupid than you already are by not defending the indefensible.

I agree that curfews would be helpful, but I also believe that more aggressive measures would put a sooner stop to this chaos. The COBRA Committee has just sanctioned the deployment of water canons and baton rounds. This is a decision that I, along with any other sane individual, support. I suspect that such measures will send a very clear message to rioters and thieves that fire will be fought with fire, thus putting an an eventual stop to all this madness sooner than a soft approach i.e - curfews.

Disabling an already encrypted network would help, but it would also indirectly hinder law-abiding citizens. Though I hope that the Blackberry BM network records are examined during the ensuing insuing inquiry.

In times of emergency people are usually willing to give up convenience.

I say you are full of shit. The pictures we've seen are real. It is not only blacks that are acting like fucktards.

From reports, Duggan was killed as part of an attempted arrest. There was no evidence his gun was fired. Heck, there is no evidence that the gun was even his as far as I can tell. Sure, he sounded like a nasty bugger, but on the street executions are never right without a damn good reason.

Perhaps, rather than speculating on the actual events it would be wise to wait for the results of the inquiry. I would add that if anyone is seen HOLDING or pointing a gun and he refuses to drop it when warned, it is entirely legitimate for him to be shot.

Or.... if that person is firmly linked to other firearms offenses and 'intelligence led policing' has confirmed that he is armed. And....oh what a surprise.... he was actually armed.
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?
The pictures mainly originate from sources that follow an editorial bias, like The Guardian, for instance. I understand that blacks have been joined by thugs of all ethnicities but that still doesn't dimiss the fact that the instigators of all this rampaging destruction were mainly black.

Duggen was killed because what he had in his possession posed a threat. He was armed with an illegal weapon that is beyond the normal reach of anyone wanting to counter such a portable threat. OK, recent reports indicate that he didn't fire upon the police. But he still possessed an illegal weapon that, by its very nature, the person carrying it would know that they'd be met with stiff resistence in doing so, possibly fatal, which was the case here. I can only ask you cease making yourself look even more stupid than you already are by not defending the indefensible.

I agree that curfews would be helpful, but I also believe that more aggressive measures would put a sooner stop to this chaos. The COBRA Committee has just sanctioned the deployment of water canons and baton rounds. This is a decision that I, along with any other sane individual, support. I suspect that such measures will send a very clear message to rioters and thieves that fire will be fought with fire, thus putting an an eventual stop to all this madness sooner than a soft approach i.e - curfews.

Disabling an already encrypted network would help, but it would also indirectly hinder law-abiding citizens. Though I hope that the Blackberry BM network records are examined during the ensuing insuing inquiry.

In times of emergency people are usually willing to give up convenience.

I say you are full of shit. The pictures we've seen are real. It is not only blacks that are acting like fucktards.

From reports, Duggan was killed as part of an attempted arrest. There was no evidence his gun was fired. Heck, there is no evidence that the gun was even his as far as I can tell. Sure, he sounded like a nasty bugger, but on the street executions are never right without a damn good reason.

Perhaps, rather than speculating on the actual events it would be wise to wait for the results of the inquiry. I would add that if anyone is seen HOLDING or pointing a gun and he refuses to drop it when warned, it is entirely legitimate for him to be shot.

The police should have said that to begin with. Instead they claimed he shot at them and that doesn't appear to be the case.
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?
Are you Swaggart's live in lover?
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

Only to bleeding heart social workers! After all, without claiming it isn't the fault of these poor little lowlifes, they would have no job!
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?:doubt:
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?:doubt:

No, but a lot of problems are due to the uncontrolled immigration of the last ten years. Another legacy dumped on us by the Labour party.
You say the police have been damaged by unfair criticism and yet it looks like the police did shoot and kill that man without cause.

Having an illegal firearm is 'without cause'? Maybe where you live, but not in the UK. They shot first. He's dead. Better him than a police officer.

In my country, people get arrested for illegal activities. Not executed on the street.

Liar. in your country and mine the thugs walk right up to policemen and execute them in the street.
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?:doubt:

No, but a lot of problems are due to the uncontrolled immigration of the last ten years. Another legacy dumped on us by the Labour party.

That is true.
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?:doubt:

He didn't say that jackrabbit.
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?:doubt:

He didn't say that jackrabbit.

Yes, he did.:doubt:
Oppression and mistreatment from the government! Give me a fucking break! All I hear are excuses from some for the behaviour of these mindless lowlifes. I have watched the interviews with them. I come across them in real life. They are sociopaths. There are no fucking excuses for them. For every one of these lowlife bastards there are 100 from the same background who are decent and law abiding young people!

I couldn't give a fuck whether you can stand the British government. You clearly know fuck all about my country anyway. And before you refer to us as the world's fucking arsehole perhaps you need to take a fucking step back and look inwards!

Colin, The post had nothing to do with you or the Citizens of England. You're Government Sucks and they're convincing our Government to be just the same.


I am no fan of politicians, but you want to position our government as the arsehole of the world...expect me to come back! And as for blamig it on oppression and mistreatment...well, you just show your ignorance. Sorry, but there it is.

I'm with you bud, Remember when the illegals Mexicans marched in the Streets of America protesting AMERICA and Flying the Mexican flag? Me? I lost all sympathy for illegal immigrants and thier illegal actions.
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?
Are you Swaggart's live in lover?

Predictably pathetic on your part, Ravi. But then I suppose that's all we can expect from someone who's resorted to deflection after they're unable to offer any reasonable rebuttal. I accept your tacitly offered surrender, young lady. Although that won't prevent me from pitying you.
Actually, wasn't it Australia that was your penal colony? That worked out real well... for Australia. :lol:

Australia was indeed our penal colony. I was talking about deporting citizens. Highlanders were sent to the US.

They lucked out. Trace them and ask. As did the 'criminals' y'all deported to Australia. Look how many Brits are applying to get into Australia now. No disrespect intended - I love Britain.


What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

The pictures mainly originate from sources that follow an editorial bias, like The Guardian, for instance. I understand that blacks have been joined by thugs of all ethnicities but that still doesn't dimiss the fact that the instigators of all this rampaging destruction were mainly black.

Duggen was killed because what he had in his possession posed a threat. He was armed with an illegal weapon that is beyond the normal reach of anyone wanting to counter such a portable threat. OK, recent reports indicate that he didn't fire upon the police. But he still possessed an illegal weapon that, by its very nature, the person carrying it would know that they'd be met with stiff resistence in doing so, possibly fatal, which was the case here. I can only ask you cease making yourself look even more stupid than you already are by not defending the indefensible.

I agree that curfews would be helpful, but I also believe that more aggressive measures would put a sooner stop to this chaos. The COBRA Committee has just sanctioned the deployment of water canons and baton rounds. This is a decision that I, along with any other sane individual, support. I suspect that such measures will send a very clear message to rioters and thieves that fire will be fought with fire, thus putting an an eventual stop to all this madness sooner than a soft approach i.e - curfews.

Disabling an already encrypted network would help, but it would also indirectly hinder law-abiding citizens. Though I hope that the Blackberry BM network records are examined during the ensuing insuing inquiry.

In times of emergency people are usually willing to give up convenience.

I say you are full of shit. The pictures we've seen are real. It is not only blacks that are acting like fucktards.

From reports, Duggan was killed as part of an attempted arrest. There was no evidence his gun was fired. Heck, there is no evidence that the gun was even his as far as I can tell. Sure, he sounded like a nasty bugger, but on the street executions are never right without a damn good reason.
You are such a loony fuckin' idiot, Ravi.

The dude pulls a gun on cops, cops shoot his sorry ass as they should........GOOD!.....Just one less dirtbag in this world.

You bleeding heart moronic liberals are too much.
The fact that you are so certain of your claims, only proves how out of touch with reality you are. Nothing cultural or racial going on here. Move on now. Got it. ;) WTFU.

She was accusing Muslims of being involved somehow even before she knew what was going on. This much is true. All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.

Hey dumbAss, did you see the post just above this, people were gleeful that the Norway guy was white,, smeared it all over the forum, white christian, so cry us a fucking river now, cause it happens to be blacks and muslims whydonchya?
Someone a few pages back quoted one of my comments,and put BNP? This is shameful,
but, as usual this is what people like that person say when someone speaks the truth as
they see it. Another favourite is racist. My father and his brother, and my wife's father
fought fascism in the second world war - you think I'd vote for fascists? I'm tired of seeing
my country shown all over the world in this light. Every riot in my memory has been started
by blacks or asians. I saw my home town 10 years ago blow up with asian unrest. I never
hoped or wanted things to turn out like this. I hoped many years ago this would never come
to pass. We have enough trouble trying to deal with the white trash like we saw on TV last
night, without people constantly defending minorities actions. Do you see people from India
rioting? Or chinese? Or poles? The English people are sick with worry of what's coming in the
future - does that make us racists?

So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?:doubt:

No, but a lot of problems are due to the uncontrolled immigration of the last ten years. Another legacy dumped on us by the Labour party.
Sounds like you all need to do exactly what this great country needs to do........Put AT LEAST a 10 year moratorium on all new immigration to get your house in order and take care of your own, while aggressively going after the illegal dirtbags who are nothing more than common criminals who are breaking the law by being there illegally......And screw what the bleeding hearts have to say about it. They're moronic fools anyway.
So all the problems in England is because of asians and Blacks?

No, but a lot of problems are due to the uncontrolled immigration of the last ten years. Another legacy dumped on us by the Labour party.
Sounds like you all need to do exactly what this great country needs to do........Put AT LEAST a 10 year moratorium on all new immigration to get your house in order and take care of your own, while aggressively going after the illegal dirtbags who are nothing more than common criminals who are breaking the law by being there illegally......And screw what the bleeding hearts have to say about it. They're moronic fools anyway.

If only...

Though I can almost guarantee you that there'd be some bleeding heart opposition to such a nugget of sanity. Not borne out of any plea for equality, you understand. No, such opposition would only be borne out of the left's enduring axiom: to appear cool and attract love from the disadvantaged they claim to represent - who, coincidentally, regard them as niave mugs whose policies are ripe for exploitation (but if you tell them that they'll shriek 'racist').
Last edited:
What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

I agree that blagger's bullshit is, indeed, bullshit.... but.... and it is a but of significant size.... it is not true that 'a black man was killed for apparently no reason'. He just didn't shoot first. He was armed. That is reason enough for the police to use deadly force. That's not 'no reason', it is 'a good reason'.


Something found after the fact is not a good reason to kill someone. No, the fact that he had a gun in his sock will not be acceptable as a reason. He clearly was not an imminent danger to them and they clearly do not have eyes which can see through cars to his sock.

That issue is not solved. The police still have to provide an acceptable reason for killing him and while that one may be acceptable to you personally, it is not as per British Justice. We do not as you said, shoot first.

Sounds great donut? It's much more acceptable to have dead policemen innit?

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