London on Lockdown

Here's yet another reason that I don't understand why the lack of curfew.

He said those retailers can use a piece of 19th-century legislation called the Riot Damages Act to claim money back from the police for failing to protect them — but only if they apply within 14 days. Lowman said his association was trying to get the government to extend that period.

The Associated Press: Riots hit UK economy, from corner shops to tourism
That's odd, Alexa. The notoriously far-left Guardian made no mention of the boy who had his backpack "pillaged" being a rioter when they reported on the outrage yesterday. In fact, they referred to him as an "injured boy". But I suppose that no longer fits their sympathetic agenda towards London's rioting, theiving 'disadvantaged', aka criminals. Far better to label him as a rioter, so as to distract opinion away from the fact that the scum they're defending were caught robbing a bleeding and disorientated boy on camera.

I;m curious. What is the income tax rate in England? Does everyone pay income tax? or is it a progressive tax?
Here's yet another reason that I don't understand why the lack of curfew.

He said those retailers can use a piece of 19th-century legislation called the Riot Damages Act to claim money back from the police for failing to protect them — but only if they apply within 14 days. Lowman said his association was trying to get the government to extend that period.

The Associated Press: Riots hit UK economy, from corner shops to tourism

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: fucked up innit? we can sue the police and get money if they fail to protect us, but we won't give them the means or the authority to do so, cause if they do so we're gonna fuck up the city and burn it to the ground. fucked up fucked up and more fucked up.
Will someone intelligent in here just say what they believe the root of the problem is?

and, What should be done to correct it..........


I did. Identify them, find them, deport their sorry asses. The don't deserve to live in civilized soicety. they act like animals.

And you act like a raving lunatic. The nature of riots is they are out of control. You want to control the universe.

You demonize everyone. You have no business telling anyone who is allowed to live or where.
try and stop me bitch.
I did. Identify them, find them, deport their sorry asses. The don't deserve to live in civilized soicety. they act like animals.

And you act like a raving lunatic. The nature of riots is they are out of control. You want to control the universe.

You demonize everyone. You have no business telling anyone who is allowed to live or where.
try and stop me bitch.

You're definitely unstoppable now. You're out of control. I hope you stop before you end up killing someone.

Anger management.
That's odd, Alexa. The notoriously far-left Guardian made no mention of the boy who had his backpack "pillaged" being a rioter when they reported on the outrage yesterday. In fact, they referred to him as an "injured boy". But I suppose that no longer fits their sympathetic agenda towards London's rioting, theiving 'disadvantaged', aka criminals. Far better to label him as a rioter, so as to distract opinion away from the fact that the scum they're defending were caught robbing a bleeding and disorientated boy on camera.

I;m curious. What is the income tax rate in England? Does everyone pay income tax? or is it a progressive tax?

You don't even live in England, and yet, you think you can control riots there? What is this, some kind of superpower you have?

Sounds more like delusions of grandeur to me.
That's odd, Alexa. The notoriously far-left Guardian made no mention of the boy who had his backpack "pillaged" being a rioter when they reported on the outrage yesterday. In fact, they referred to him as an "injured boy". But I suppose that no longer fits their sympathetic agenda towards London's rioting, theiving 'disadvantaged', aka criminals. Far better to label him as a rioter, so as to distract opinion away from the fact that the scum they're defending were caught robbing a bleeding and disorientated boy on camera.

I;m curious. What is the income tax rate in England? Does everyone pay income tax? or is it a progressive tax?

You don't even live in England, and yet, you think you can control riots there? What is this, some kind of superpower you have?

Sounds more like delusions of grandeur to me.

would you stick your head back up your ass? you are much more attractive that way.
try and stop me bitch.

You're definitely unstoppable now. You're out of control. I hope you stop before you end up killing someone.

Anger management.

you drink too much gin

No, I don't. Buddhists avoid the use of intoxicants.

If you're really nosey about what Marie said and did go to her posts, look to her threads from the beginning of when she started to post her in March.

You will find a thread about Buddhism. She started it for no other reason than to bash Buddhism and convert me to Christianity.

I objected, and I've taken nothing but shit from her christian friends ever since.
It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.

If this is the case why does the mob seem so ethnically diverse? why are there alot of whites involved in the riots?

Free Stuff??? ;)
She was accusing Muslims of being involved somehow even before she knew what was going on. This much is true. All I see going on in this thread is some people who care less about what's going on in the UK and rather people who just want to blame Blacks and Muslims. Very sad to say the least.

Hey dumbAss, did you see the post just above this, people were gleeful that the Norway guy was white,, smeared it all over the forum, white christian, so cry us a fucking river now, cause it happens to be blacks and muslims whydonchya?

The terrorist act in Norway was committed by a white christian. The looting and rioting in London is a multi-racial, multi-ethnic phenomenon.

Only racists see it's blacks only who are rioting.

I would make a wild guess here that the Terrorist Act here disqualifies him as a Christian. ;)
You're definitely unstoppable now. You're out of control. I hope you stop before you end up killing someone.

Anger management.

you drink too much gin

No, I don't. Buddhists avoid the use of intoxicants.

If you're really nosey about what Marie said and did go to her posts, look to her threads from the beginning of when she started to post her in March.

You will find a thread about Buddhism. She started it for no other reason than to bash Buddhism and convert me to Christianity.

I objected, and I've taken nothing but shit from her christian friends ever since.

Maybe it is more about your rough edges. ;)

[ame=]‪Kung Fu Grasshopper‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Kung Fu Grasshopper
Here's yet another reason that I don't understand why the lack of curfew.

He said those retailers can use a piece of 19th-century legislation called the Riot Damages Act to claim money back from the police for failing to protect them — but only if they apply within 14 days. Lowman said his association was trying to get the government to extend that period.

The Associated Press: Riots hit UK economy, from corner shops to tourism

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: fucked up innit? we can sue the police and get money if they fail to protect us, but we won't give them the means or the authority to do so, cause if they do so we're gonna fuck up the city and burn it to the ground. fucked up fucked up and more fucked up.

In the US a Police officer is not sworn to protect any individual only the public.
I have no issue with that. I can very well protect myself and have done so more than once.
Here's yet another reason that I don't understand why the lack of curfew.

He said those retailers can use a piece of 19th-century legislation called the Riot Damages Act to claim money back from the police for failing to protect them — but only if they apply within 14 days. Lowman said his association was trying to get the government to extend that period.

The Associated Press: Riots hit UK economy, from corner shops to tourism

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: fucked up innit? we can sue the police and get money if they fail to protect us, but we won't give them the means or the authority to do so, cause if they do so we're gonna fuck up the city and burn it to the ground. fucked up fucked up and more fucked up.

In the US a Police officer is not sworn to protect any individual only the public.
I have no issue with that. I can very well protect myself and have done so more than once.

Very True, and not very well understood by most.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: fucked up innit? we can sue the police and get money if they fail to protect us, but we won't give them the means or the authority to do so, cause if they do so we're gonna fuck up the city and burn it to the ground. fucked up fucked up and more fucked up.

In the US a Police officer is not sworn to protect any individual only the public.
I have no issue with that. I can very well protect myself and have done so more than once.

Very True, and not very well understood by most.

Glad you're on board.. Do you have a CCP? I've had mine over 20 years.. I don't have to interview anymore. I send in my renewal every 2 years, and its ready in less than a week.
Absolute respect from the AG's office and the state Marshall.
That's odd, Alexa. The notoriously far-left Guardian made no mention of the boy who had his backpack "pillaged" being a rioter when they reported on the outrage yesterday. In fact, they referred to him as an "injured boy". But I suppose that no longer fits their sympathetic agenda towards London's rioting, theiving 'disadvantaged', aka criminals. Far better to label him as a rioter, so as to distract opinion away from the fact that the scum they're defending were caught robbing a bleeding and disorientated boy on camera.

He was actually wrong though. The guy has been identified on News 24 as a Malaysian student who was first thrown off his bike by the rioters and is now recovering from his broken jaw in hospital. I imagine it was an honest mistake. All of Malaysia now knows and is questioning whether we are a safe and sane country to come to.

But to return to the article it was simply saying the different angles people have with their blame.

I am just hoping things settle down now particularly after the murder of the three men in Birmingham last night.
In the US a Police officer is not sworn to protect any individual only the public.
I have no issue with that. I can very well protect myself and have done so more than once.

Very True, and not very well understood by most.

Glad you're on board.. Do you have a CCP? I've had mine over 20 years.. I don't have to interview anymore. I send in my renewal every 2 years, and its ready in less than a week.
Absolute respect from the AG's office and the state Marshall.

I'm Lifetime NRA and support gun ownership for self defense. I do not currently own any fire arms, though I have owned Rifles and hand guns in the past. I've always loved target shooting. I currently live in NYC, which is a place that will charge you for using anything as a weapon, even in self defense, arbitrarily. Tough nut to crack there. I advocate using necessary force to meet and neutralize a threat, I also advocate Trial by Jury.
I condone neither Riot or Lynch mob.
We will use water cannons on them: At last Cameron orders police to come down hard on the looters (some aged as young as NINE)

Officers will have 24 hours' notice to roll out powerful water cannons on yobs
U-turn on 'softly softly' approach earlier this week as police finally vow to come down hard on offenders
Ed Miliband heckled and called 'Dave' on Manchester visit
Police name man shot in Croydon as 26-year-old Trevor Ellis
Three men killed in Birmingham as hit-and-run prompts triple murder investigation
Serious disorder in Manchester, but also unrest in Wolverhampton, West Bromwich and Salford
Violence in Liverpool, Leicester and Nottingham where police station is fire-bombed by gang
Police investigating reports that shots were fired at police officer in Birmingham
800 police officers on patrol in Manchester city centre
109 arrests in West Midlands, 110 in Manchester and Salford, 50 across Merseyside and 19 in Bristol
805 people arrested in London since Saturday and 211 charged.
Liam Gallagher's Manchester boutique smashed and ransacked
eBay and Gumtree will help police to identify stolen goods being sold online

'Whatever resources the police need they will get. What ever tactics they feel they need they will have legal backing to do so.'

Mr Cameron said that the police would be checking offenders 'picture by picture' and they would not let 'phoney human rights' stand in the way of bringing rioters to justice.

He said that something was 'seriously wrong' with society 'when you see children as young as 12 or 13 looting and laughing'.

Mr Cameron insisted the 'fightback' by police was succeeding today after a fourth night of rioting across the country. He said a 'more robust approach' by Scotland Yard last night had prevented a repeat of the worst trouble.

The PM said it was 'simply not acceptable' that violence was taking place and had spread to Manchester, Birmingham and Nottingham overnight.

'We will not put up with this in our country. We will not allow a culture of fear to exist on our streets.

'There are pockets of our society that are not only broken, but frankly sick...It is a complete lack of responsibility in parts of our society, people allowed to feel that the world owes them something.'

Later, the Prime Minister also described the apparent hit-and-run killing of three men in Birmingham who were trying to protect shops from looters as a 'truly dreadful incident' and offered his condolences to their families.

Labour leader Ed Miliband was quickly mobbed by members of the public and a large group surrounded and followed him as he made his way slowly around Market Street in Manchester.

One man, mistaking the Labour leader for his older brother, shouted: 'All platitudes, Dave, as usual. You are all the same.'

Standing outside the burnt-out Miss Selfridge store, Mr Miliband told members of the public the first thing that had to be done was to 'restore public order'.

Read more: UK RIOTS 2011: Manchester and Midlands burn but London is 'under control' | Mail Online
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All of Malaysia now knows and is questioning whether we are a safe and sane country to come to.

BBC News also said it had decided to refer to the unrest as ''England riots'', rather than ''UK riots''.

It said the change was ''in recognition of the sensitivities involved for people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland'', and was in the interest of geographical precision and clarity.

London riots: BBC apologises for accusing Darcus Howe - Telegraph

At last. We don't want our reputation ruined ;)

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