London on Lockdown

You're definitely unstoppable now. You're out of control. I hope you stop before you end up killing someone.

Anger management.

you drink too much gin

No, I don't. Buddhists avoid the use of intoxicants.

If you're really nosey about what Marie said and did go to her posts, look to her threads from the beginning of when she started to post her in March.

You will find a thread about Buddhism. She started it for no other reason than to bash Buddhism and convert me to Christianity.

I objected, and I've taken nothing but shit from her christian friends ever since.
Do all Bhuddist's incessently whine like you, or are you out of the norm?

Maybe ya' need to go do a few OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMSSSSSS, and rub that fat lil' bastards belly to find some inner peace, or whatever it is you weird lil' cultists partake in.
I see the three killed by the hit and run driver were Muslims.

That seems so but I don't think it had anything to do with them being Muslims - just one maniac to mad.

For some reason this has brought up concern that this could lead to race violence

3 Asians killed, fear of race violence in UK - Hindustan Times

The father of one of the dead has been quietly expressing his grief and love of his son and asking that people stop before any one else loses their lives.

England riots: pressure to scrap police cuts as Birmingham mourns its dead | UK news | The Guardian

The streets are quiet tonight.
You're definitely unstoppable now. You're out of control. I hope you stop before you end up killing someone.

Anger management.

you drink too much gin

No, I don't. Buddhists avoid the use of intoxicants.

If you're really nosey about what Marie said and did go to her posts, look to her threads from the beginning of when she started to post her in March.

You will find a thread about Buddhism. She started it for no other reason than to bash Buddhism and convert me to Christianity.

I objected, and I've taken nothing but shit from her christian friends ever since.

I asked for a link, I expect the courtesy of a link, otherwise have some more gin
you drink too much gin

No, I don't. Buddhists avoid the use of intoxicants.

If you're really nosey about what Marie said and did go to her posts, look to her threads from the beginning of when she started to post her in March.

You will find a thread about Buddhism. She started it for no other reason than to bash Buddhism and convert me to Christianity.

I objected, and I've taken nothing but shit from her christian friends ever since.

I asked for a link, I expect the courtesy of a link, otherwise have some more gin

I don't care what you asked for or what you expect. If you want to know so bad, look it up yourself.
Scotland Yard has told the public that suspected rioters and looters can be hit with weapons if they are honestly thought to pose a danger.

In a document sent to businesses in the capital on Wednesday, police gave explicit guidance on what constitutes "reasonable force", saying people do not have to wait to be attacked, if they are in their own home or business.

With police numbers stretched to the limit, the Metropolitan police said if someone "honestly and instinctively" believed they, their business or another person was in danger, they could use force.

The guidance adds that a weapon can be used and says: "The more extreme the circumstances and the fear felt, the more force you can lawfully use in self-defence."

The Met guidance says use of a weapon could also be lawful and constitute reasonable force, even if the person attacked proves to be innocent.

It is understood the guidance was issued after business owners asked for advice about how much force they could use to defend themselves and their property.

The police guidance is contained in a document called "MPS disorder update for business", which was sent out on Wednesday afternoon.

In a passage on reasonable force, the Met says: "Anyone can use reasonable force to protect themselves or others, or to carry out an arrest or to prevent crime.

"You are not expected to make fine judgments over the level of force you use in the heat of the moment. So long as you only do what you honestly and instinctively believe is necessary in the heat of the moment that would be the strongest evidence of you acting lawfully and in self-defence.

"This is still the case if you use something to hand as a weapon.

Police tell public rioters can be hit with weapons if they pose a danger | UK news |
No, I don't. Buddhists avoid the use of intoxicants.

If you're really nosey about what Marie said and did go to her posts, look to her threads from the beginning of when she started to post her in March.

You will find a thread about Buddhism. She started it for no other reason than to bash Buddhism and convert me to Christianity.

I objected, and I've taken nothing but shit from her christian friends ever since.

I asked for a link, I expect the courtesy of a link, otherwise have some more gin

I don't care what you asked for or what you expect. If you want to know so bad, look it up yourself.
Noooooooo, it's up to you to provide the link. Unless can provide said link, one can only surmise you're full o' shit.

Now, OooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
You will find a thread about Buddhism. She started it for no other reason than to bash Buddhism and convert me to Christianity. I objected, and I've taken nothing but shit from her christian friends ever since.
What part of Buddhism allows profanity? :confused:
By Andrew Hough, Tim Ross and Richard Alleyne

12:15AM BST 11 Aug 2011

Riot police were hit with “missiles” including bottles as more than 1,000 officers battled with dozens of middle-aged men on the streets Eltham, south-east London.

Witnesses reported that many of the 200 men were chanting in support of the English Defence League, the controversial Right-wing group.

The group had promised to defy police orders and mobilise their own forces to protect their families and businesses from mobs of looters.

Last night hundreds of police from eight separate forces tried to restore calm from the mainly white, middle aged men.

Earlier they had claimed they were “protecting” local shops and businesses for a second consecutive night.

London riots: vigilantes hurl bottles at police in Eltham - Telegraph
Sorry bout that,

1. Its about time that *Ol Whitey* in England are awake now!
2. But they should be ready to focus on the problems, not the police.

Witnesses reported that many of the 200 men were chanting in support of the English Defence League, the controversial Right-wing group.

The group had promised to defy police orders and mobilise their own forces to protect their families and businesses from mobs of looters.

Last night hundreds of police from eight separate forces tried to restore calm from the mainly white, middle aged men.
Now all the Libs will call this a "race riot" :lol:
By Andrew Hough, Tim Ross and Richard Alleyne

12:15AM BST 11 Aug 2011

Riot police were hit with “missiles” including bottles as more than 1,000 officers battled with dozens of middle-aged men on the streets Eltham, south-east London.

Witnesses reported that many of the 200 men were chanting in support of the English Defence League, the controversial Right-wing group.

The group had promised to defy police orders and mobilise their own forces to protect their families and businesses from mobs of looters.

Last night hundreds of police from eight separate forces tried to restore calm from the mainly white, middle aged men.

Earlier they had claimed they were “protecting” local shops and businesses for a second consecutive night.

London riots: vigilantes hurl bottles at police in Eltham - Telegraph
That's terrible. Sounds like they need to deputize some military police to assist them in this situation. I hate to see London in flames. It's just not right. Before it was the Nazis bombing them. Now it's from the people they welcomed into their country who were seeking assylum of one kind or another.

I'm hoping for a miracle for our dear, torn Brits.
Scotland Yard has told the public that suspected rioters and looters can be hit with weapons if they are honestly thought to pose a danger.

In a document sent to businesses in the capital on Wednesday, police gave explicit guidance on what constitutes "reasonable force", saying people do not have to wait to be attacked, if they are in their own home or business.

With police numbers stretched to the limit, the Metropolitan police said if someone "honestly and instinctively" believed they, their business or another person was in danger, they could use force.

The guidance adds that a weapon can be used and says: "The more extreme the circumstances and the fear felt, the more force you can lawfully use in self-defence."

The Met guidance says use of a weapon could also be lawful and constitute reasonable force, even if the person attacked proves to be innocent.

It is understood the guidance was issued after business owners asked for advice about how much force they could use to defend themselves and their property.

The police guidance is contained in a document called "MPS disorder update for business", which was sent out on Wednesday afternoon.

In a passage on reasonable force, the Met says: "Anyone can use reasonable force to protect themselves or others, or to carry out an arrest or to prevent crime.

"You are not expected to make fine judgments over the level of force you use in the heat of the moment. So long as you only do what you honestly and instinctively believe is necessary in the heat of the moment that would be the strongest evidence of you acting lawfully and in self-defence.

"This is still the case if you use something to hand as a weapon.

Police tell public rioters can be hit with weapons if they pose a danger | UK news |

You KNOW things are getting bad when the authorities expressly say you can use a weapon to defend yourself. In the UK that's simply extraordinary.
By Andrew Hough, Tim Ross and Richard Alleyne

12:15AM BST 11 Aug 2011

Riot police were hit with “missiles” including bottles as more than 1,000 officers battled with dozens of middle-aged men on the streets Eltham, south-east London.

Witnesses reported that many of the 200 men were chanting in support of the English Defence League, the controversial Right-wing group.

The group had promised to defy police orders and mobilise their own forces to protect their families and businesses from mobs of looters.

Last night hundreds of police from eight separate forces tried to restore calm from the mainly white, middle aged men.

Earlier they had claimed they were “protecting” local shops and businesses for a second consecutive night.

London riots: vigilantes hurl bottles at police in Eltham - Telegraph

The EDL who in case people do not know are the people who Breivak was in close contact with, are the people who came on our tv after the terrorism in Norway saying they would not be surprised if we got the same within the next 5 years and demanded a debate among themselves as to whether they should kill our Prime Minister and The Archbishop of Cantebury

A senior member of the English Defence League, who founded a far-right website carrying articles by bloggers closely monitored by the Norwegian gunman Anders Behring Breivik, published an online essay discussing the execution and torture of the UK's political and religious leaders.

EDL leader demanded debate on killing David Cameron and archbishop | Patrick Henry Press News

They were already working to step things up and broaden the turmoil

Several miles to the south, in Eltham, hundreds of local people, almost exclusively white, took to the streets, amid rumours that the English Defence League was mobilising in the area in an attempt to exploit community tensions.

-snip -

Guardian reporters witnessed one incident in Enfield in which a group of visibly drunk older men chased local youths shouting that they wanted to get the "blacks" and "pakis", but it was an isolated and relatively minor skirmish.

Up to 300 people, mostly white men, were kettled by police at around 11pm on Tuesday in Eltham, after turning out for what some said was a defence of "a white working-class area". "No smashing up, no looting, just protecting the fucking proper people," said one man in his 40s. But he said: "Please get this – this is not a race thing at all, it really ain't."

Clive Efford, the local Labour MP, who was on the streets on Tuesday evening, said EDL activists, who he said were outsiders, were "very unwelcome" in the area.

UK riots: 'Those who seek to racialise this problem are taking us backwards' | UK news | The Guardian

Possibly being the people who actually sent out at least a psychological message to spread this rioting and looting over the rest of the UK. Should be remembered that they are based in thug land.

I have thought there are two different dimensions to this. The beginning which seems to have a basic grievance in London and then the spread over England of thugs on the street. Not that the thugs are not there but it is not impossible that the BNP and the EDL have been stirring them up. The thought has been in my mind for a couple of days. Now seeing that they have been involved has strengthened it.

The BNP are wanting to do a march at the weekend

Far-right groups have sought to exploit the tensions. The BNP says it will hold its "biggest ever day of action" this weekend and has published a leaflet titled: Looter beware: British defenders protect this area. The EDL claims its supporters are organising across the country and will provide "a strong physical presence, and discourage troublemakers from gathering in our town and city centres".

But Nick Lowles, from anti-racist organisation Hope Not Hate, described it as an attempt to divide communities: "They are trying to use what has happened in London and elsewhere to drum up support for their divisive agenda but the reality is that most communities have come together following these disturbances."

UK riots: 'Those who seek to racialise this problem are taking us backwards' | UK news | The Guardian

It is not impossible that these people have been stirring it up on the ground and would go some way to explaining why there have been no riots and looting in Scotland where they have a very low presence.

No one should see this as a good thing. These people want to destroy democracy, most of them seem to want to implement a Christian State, with them of course ruling it and according to Breivik the want to murder people like me - and you Ravi.

Obviously one of the things which we will be being looked into is the extent to which they have been spreading this.

P.S if they were trying to get people on the streets saying they were doing it because of Muslims and immigration, which I have heard some people trying to suggest on other sites, then they obviously blew it because the one man interviewed in Manchester who mentioned immigration said he had to do it because of the immigration of all those Poles taking his job!! :lol: -( it was really a new pair of boots.)
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Fuck you bitch.

Better a filthy mouth then a worthless mind. When are you going to develop your mind caveman?

He doesn't have a mind! Haven't you seen the photo he posted of himself? He's one step down from a knuckle dragging moron who spent his formative years looking for a brain cell. He, was of course, unsuccessful as when he came across a dog turd he thought it was a brain and placed it within the vacant space in his cranium. Hence the phrase, shit for brains.
It was a quiet night in Manchester, the nearest place to me suffering these riots. It rained
heavily, which was maybe something to do with it. The police of course would have been
out all night watching and waiting. If this is over for now I suppose it is a relief. The talking
heads are on TV with their explanation for events. The trouble with many of our MPs is
that many of them have large amounts of minorities in their areas, many of whom do vote.
So they have to be very careful what they say, or they will lose their very well paid jobs. I
hope the powers that be realise we can't go on like this, waiting for the next outbreak of
violence. It'll take much cleverer people than me to come up with solutions. All I can do, is
wait for things to pick up so I can sell my house, and move away from this area of England
for good. We will go to live by the coast where our daughter is, and leave this for younger
and hopefully very smart people to deal with.

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