London on Lockdown

I think the general feeling when I talk to my neighbours and friends is that all these people
who think they can run amok destroying and robbing need to be taught a lesson. Things
have gone far enough, the police have been damaged by unfair critisism for too long. Many
of these young people in different parts of the country have laughed at authority for years.
Everyone of these scum has a lawyer to defend the undefenceable. We, the real English
people, have had just about enough. Hopefully, if we get more of this tonight, the police
can move in and dish out a real lesson that if you behave in this way, you will be punished.

You say the police have been damaged by unfair criticism and yet it looks like the police did shoot and kill that man without cause.

Having an illegal firearm is 'without cause'? Maybe where you live, but not in the UK. They shot first. He's dead. Better him than a police officer.

Having a firearm in your sock while you are in a taxi is clearly something the police are not even going to know and this is the very first time I have heard of police in the UK having a policy of 'shoot first'.

There is definitely something fishy about this shooting. The police lied at first saying he had shot first. We now know that is not true. What has not been cleared up is why the police shot him.
it would cost the country thousands of jobs when international companies decide they'd be better off elsewhere.

i don't get this conservative idea that companies are always so eager to tear down their business establishment and "go elsewhere" at the first sign of trouble. it's the same thing we always hear when we talk about trying to ask corporations in the US to pay a couple taxes now and then, it's, oh, we can't because they'll get huffy and pull up their stakes and leave. i can't imagine a company making decisions based on criteria like these. they make decisions based on whether they're making a profit. if they're making a profit in a particular country, they'll stay in that country whatever the tax rate is, and even if there is civil unrest and a few days' curfew. there are capital costs involved with moving a company's national operation, and a company's not going to incur those costs absent a damn good reason.
Well, it's the morning after the night before, most of the problems last night were in
Manchester near to me, not London. Hopefully, the massive manpower the police put on
the streets of London last night will be enough to stop this, hope so. I watched what was
going on in Manchester till the early hours, as someone else said, this has become about the
chance to steal sneakers and phones, not a shooting. The TV will be full of talking heads today, all with an explanation for these riots. But, as I said, the government can't find jobs
out of thin air, and many of these people who think they're entited to live their lives at the
expense of the poor hardworking taxpayer, will enjoy their new phones, most will never be
caught and punished. I know people who work hard, try to pay their way, and be law abiding.
They have to think long and hard before they have a child, but the underclass of this country
have no such worries. The more children they have, the more money the government gives
them. In the end, they will overwhelm us unless someone finds an answer.

Sounds like you are being bread away.. The Government wants a population that will be easily controlled. Its all part of the NWO effort.
They forgot about consequences again.
This same shits been going on in the US for quite some time...
Having an illegal firearm is 'without cause'? Maybe where you live, but not in the UK. They shot first. He's dead. Better him than a police officer.

In my country, people get arrested for illegal activities. Not executed on the street.

He wasn't 'executed', although I'm sure that sounds much more dramatic than the reality of the situation. He was armed. He had a criminal record. He was known to be potentially violent. Even his family are not outraged about the shooting, they were pissed that the police didn't inform them about what was going on.
It also appears that the police attempted a cover up. From what I have read a bullet to a police radio was used to excuse their action. But the bullet turns out to be from a police gun.
In my country, people get arrested for illegal activities. Not executed on the street.

He wasn't 'executed', although I'm sure that sounds much more dramatic than the reality of the situation. He was armed. He had a criminal record. He was known to be potentially violent. Even his family are not outraged about the shooting, they were pissed that the police didn't inform them about what was going on.
It also appears that the police attempted a cover up. From what I have read a bullet to a police radio was used to excuse their action. But the bullet turns out to be from a police gun.

There was allot of back peddling going on by the police in relation to the shooting. Two shots were fired by the Police, one hit the radio, one hit and killed the suspect, who had in possession a converted starting pistol, which was originally designed to shoot blanks. Probably not accurate beyond close range.

Something was not right there. Still, what was behind this revolt is about so much more than that. There was planning here that has been waiting for such a spark.
You say the police have been damaged by unfair criticism and yet it looks like the police did shoot and kill that man without cause.

Having an illegal firearm is 'without cause'? Maybe where you live, but not in the UK. They shot first. He's dead. Better him than a police officer.

Having a firearm in your sock while you are in a taxi is clearly something the police are not even going to know and this is the very first time I have heard of police in the UK having a policy of 'shoot first'.

There is definitely something fishy about this shooting. The police lied at first saying he had shot first. We now know that is not true. What has not been cleared up is why the police shot him.

I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

Totally understandable. What was not understandable was the false information that got out about the suspect shooting the police radio. However that got out, it was harmful. From my perspective the Riot was a fire waiting for a match to light it. If not this opportunity, it would have been another.
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

Since you don't answer questions I can only conclude that you are a troll.

I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

I seem to remember stop and search had something to do with the 81 riots

[ame=]‪Black Youth Rise Up: Summer of 1981‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Here is a guy who was involved in '81 Brixton. The reporter clearly does not know him.

he says

They have been stopping and searching the young for no reason. I have a grandson. The police slapped him up against the wall and searched him.....I asked him how many times have the police searched you and he said 'papa, I can't even count, there are so many times”

[ame=]‪London Riots. (The BBC will never replay this. Send it out)‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

As for racism in the Met. Unfortunately not yet a thing of the past

Metropolitan Police faces influx of racism claims following Tarique Ghaffur case - Telegraph

Racism 'alive and vile' in Metropolitan Police, says Boris Johnson - Times Online

BBC News - Metropolitan Police 'still institutionally racist'
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!
Ravi called me a troll - I don't even know what that is!! This is the first time I've got involved
in a discussion like this. Not being very good with computers, I still did look online for
evidence of what I say. I quote from the Mailonline: Police hold black men responsible for
more than two thirds of shootings and more than half of robberies and street crimes in
London according to figures released by Scotland Yard in 2009-10. This is what I mean, this
is what we're dealing with in this country today. In Manchester last night a lot of the thieves
were white, I know perfectly well not all our problems are caused by black people, but in
London they are a big problem. But why should English people who never wanted or asked
for the massive immigration we've had suffer in this way?
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

Oppression and mistreatment from the government! Give me a fucking break! All I hear are excuses from some for the behaviour of these mindless lowlifes. I have watched the interviews with them. I come across them in real life. They are sociopaths. There are no fucking excuses for them. For every one of these lowlife bastards there are 100 from the same background who are decent and law abiding young people!

I couldn't give a fuck whether you can stand the British government. You clearly know fuck all about my country anyway. And before you refer to us as the world's fucking arsehole perhaps you need to take a fucking step back and look inwards!
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

I don't really know for sure why the rioters are unhappy I never lived in England just stopped through there a few times back when I was in the service to and from deployments, all I know is that its not just Blacks rioting and causing all this chaos, this crowd is fairly diverse and there are alot of whites involved as well.
It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

Oppression and mistreatment from the government! Give me a fucking break! All I hear are excuses from some for the behaviour of these mindless lowlifes. I have watched the interviews with them. I come across them in real life. They are sociopaths. There are no fucking excuses for them. For every one of these lowlife bastards there are 100 from the same background who are decent and law abiding young people!

I couldn't give a fuck whether you can stand the British government. You clearly know fuck all about my country anyway. And before you refer to us as the world's fucking arsehole perhaps you need to take a fucking step back and look inwards!

Colin, The post had nothing to do with you or the Citizens of England. You're Government Sucks and they're convincing our Government to be just the same.

Ravi called me a troll - I don't even know what that is!! This is the first time I've got involved
in a discussion like this. Not being very good with computers, I still did look online for
evidence of what I say. I quote from the Mailonline: Police hold black men responsible for
more than two thirds of shootings and more than half of robberies and street crimes in
London according to figures released by Scotland Yard in 2009-10. This is what I mean, this
is what we're dealing with in this country today. In Manchester last night a lot of the thieves
were white, I know perfectly well not all our problems are caused by black people, but in
London they are a big problem. But why should English people who never wanted or asked
for the massive immigration we've had suffer in this way?

BNP I imagine rather than EDL
Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

Oppression and mistreatment from the government! Give me a fucking break! All I hear are excuses from some for the behaviour of these mindless lowlifes. I have watched the interviews with them. I come across them in real life. They are sociopaths. There are no fucking excuses for them. For every one of these lowlife bastards there are 100 from the same background who are decent and law abiding young people!

I couldn't give a fuck whether you can stand the British government. You clearly know fuck all about my country anyway. And before you refer to us as the world's fucking arsehole perhaps you need to take a fucking step back and look inwards!

Colin, The post had nothing to do with you or the Citizens of England. You're Government Sucks and they're convincing our Government to be just the same.


I am no fan of politicians, but you want to position our government as the arsehole of the world...expect me to come back! And as for blamig it on oppression and mistreatment...well, you just show your ignorance. Sorry, but there it is.

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