London on Lockdown

I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

If that's the way you see it, Blues, then you are wrong. Even the little thugs themselves don't know why. The media has asked quite a few of them.

And the British Government is not the 'worlds fucking asshole'. Their Government is actually about like ours - pretty crap - but a whole hell of a lot better than a host of other countries around the globe.

Think logically, then post. Thanks.
It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

Oppression and mistreatment from the government! Give me a fucking break! All I hear are excuses from some for the behaviour of these mindless lowlifes. I have watched the interviews with them. I come across them in real life. They are sociopaths. There are no fucking excuses for them. For every one of these lowlife bastards there are 100 from the same background who are decent and law abiding young people!

I couldn't give a fuck whether you can stand the British government. You clearly know fuck all about my country anyway. And before you refer to us as the world's fucking arsehole perhaps you need to take a fucking step back and look inwards!

Colin is there any rioting in your area? are people able to go to work with all this shit going on?
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.

What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.
It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.

What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

I agree that blagger's bullshit is, indeed, bullshit.... but.... and it is a but of significant size.... it is not true that 'a black man was killed for apparently no reason'. He just didn't shoot first. He was armed. That is reason enough for the police to use deadly force. That's not 'no reason', it is 'a good reason'.

The police are not 'cowering in fear', they are doing exactly what they are employed to do. UK police is 'policing by consent' not by Government. Big difference.... if you don't believe me, I suggest you read up on 'policing by consent'.

They can't impose a curfew. That is just a bit of spin from some no mark politician who wants to get some air time on the back of a crisis. SOP for politicians the world over.

As for the ridiculous idea of 'disabling' the mobile network... really, sweetie, think it through... you think the government should take down the whole country's mobile network.... with the impact on business, and the lives of other law abiding citizens?

Sledgehammer - meet nut. :lol:
Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

Oppression and mistreatment from the government! Give me a fucking break! All I hear are excuses from some for the behaviour of these mindless lowlifes. I have watched the interviews with them. I come across them in real life. They are sociopaths. There are no fucking excuses for them. For every one of these lowlife bastards there are 100 from the same background who are decent and law abiding young people!

I couldn't give a fuck whether you can stand the British government. You clearly know fuck all about my country anyway. And before you refer to us as the world's fucking arsehole perhaps you need to take a fucking step back and look inwards!

Colin is there any rioting in your area? are people able to go to work with all this shit going on?

No rioting in my neck of the woods, HG, but we do have a very swish shopping centre down town, so who knows. Perhaps the scumbags will decide to do their 'shopping' here sooner or later. Our police will be ready for them though, as no doubt will the squaddies who drink in our pubs. We're not far from Aldershot garrison town. I'm sure they would welcome the opportunity of some recreational unarmed combat!
It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

If that's the way you see it, Blues, then you are wrong. Even the little thugs themselves don't know why. The media has asked quite a few of them.

And the British Government is not the 'worlds fucking asshole'. Their Government is actually about like ours - pretty crap - but a whole hell of a lot better than a host of other countries around the globe.

Think logically, then post. Thanks.

This liberal bullshit is causing havoc.. There and in the USA.. The two Governments are joined at the hip now. They're selling us out. They are deliberately causing this kind of crap.. People are angry.. This is the result and its nowhere near over. This is just the beginning both in England and in the US.
My issue is never with people.. Its with powerful Governments and the Media.
I stand by my opinion.

Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.

What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

I agree that blagger's bullshit is, indeed, bullshit.... but.... and it is a but of significant size.... it is not true that 'a black man was killed for apparently no reason'. He just didn't shoot first. He was armed. That is reason enough for the police to use deadly force. That's not 'no reason', it is 'a good reason'.


Something found after the fact is not a good reason to kill someone. No, the fact that he had a gun in his sock will not be acceptable as a reason. He clearly was not an imminent danger to them and they clearly do not have eyes which can see through cars to his sock.

That issue is not solved. The police still have to provide an acceptable reason for killing him and while that one may be acceptable to you personally, it is not as per British Justice. We do not as you said, shoot first.
I stand by what I say about the police, they have an unenviable job, even more so in
London. They have criminal gangs to deal with their from eastern europe, involved with
forced prostitution, black gangs which is a growing problem, pick pocket gangs and many
others. Now this, massive groups of muggers and thieves. The police get abuse from black
people with their stop and search policy - the reason for this is because most of the muggings
in London are done by black people, so who should they stop and search - little old white
ladies? If a way isn't found to reverse these things, what are we heading for in the future?
Before someone comes on and asks me to prove this, I watched a TV documentary which
said this is so, I'm sure someone with better computer abilities than me can prove this to be

It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.

If this is the case why does the mob seem so ethnically diverse? why are there alot of whites involved in the riots?
Good morning High... It was a mix of assholes. This shouldn't be pinned on any race.
The way I see it is these people are sick and tired of the oppression and mistreatment from the government and police. Although damage was done... It may have been for a dam good reason. Personally I can't stand the British Government. Look at their history?
They're the worlds fucking asshole!

If that's the way you see it, Blues, then you are wrong. Even the little thugs themselves don't know why. The media has asked quite a few of them.

And the British Government is not the 'worlds fucking asshole'. Their Government is actually about like ours - pretty crap - but a whole hell of a lot better than a host of other countries around the globe.

Think logically, then post. Thanks.

This liberal bullshit is causing havoc.. There and in the USA.. The two Governments are joined at the hip now. They're selling us out. They are deliberately causing this kind of crap.. People are angry.. This is the result and its nowhere near over. This is just the beginning both in England and in the US.
My issue is never with people.. Its with powerful Governments and the Media.
I stand by my opinion.


Liberal policies are a huge part of the problem, I agree. But rationally speaking, our governments are not 'fucking worlds assholes'.... that would be... say.... Zimbabwe, China, Russia, most Islamic countries, etc etc etc. Rational thought - use it.
It seems to me that you are trying really hard to pin this on the Black people in the UK, I don't live there but from what I have seen Black people are not alone in these riots, in the pics I saw online I see alot of whites and Arabs as well.

Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.

What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

The pictures mainly originate from sources that follow an editorial bias, like The Guardian, for instance. I understand that blacks have been joined by thugs of all ethnicities but that still doesn't dimiss the fact that the instigators of all this rampaging destruction were mainly black.

Duggen was killed because what he had in his possession posed a threat. He was armed with an illegal weapon that is beyond the normal reach of anyone wanting to counter such a portable threat. OK, recent reports indicate that he didn't fire upon the police. But he still possessed an illegal weapon that, by its very nature, the person carrying it would know that they'd be met with stiff resistence in doing so, possibly fatal, which was the case here. I can only ask you cease making yourself look even more stupid than you already are by not defending the indefensible.

I agree that curfews would be helpful, but I also believe that more aggressive measures would put a sooner stop to this chaos. The COBRA Committee has just sanctioned the deployment of water canons and baton rounds. This is a decision that I, along with any other sane individual, support. I suspect that such measures will send a very clear message to rioters and thieves that fire will be fought with fire, thus putting an an eventual stop to all this madness sooner than a soft approach i.e - curfews.

Disabling an already encrypted network would help, but it would also indirectly hinder law-abiding citizens. Though I hope that the Blackberry BM network records are examined during the ensuing insuing inquiry.
What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

I agree that blagger's bullshit is, indeed, bullshit.... but.... and it is a but of significant size.... it is not true that 'a black man was killed for apparently no reason'. He just didn't shoot first. He was armed. That is reason enough for the police to use deadly force. That's not 'no reason', it is 'a good reason'.


Something found after the fact is not a good reason to kill someone. No, the fact that he had a gun in his sock will not be acceptable as a reason. He clearly was not an imminent danger to them and they clearly do not have eyes which can see through cars to his sock.

That issue is not solved. The police still have to provide an acceptable reason for killing him and while that one may be acceptable to you personally, it is not as per British Justice. We do not as you said, shoot first.

I agree.... What it has lead to is what I have been saying about the British and US Governments.
They have caused anger in the people.. All they needed was something like this to happen and they're set off. Its taken years for it to come to this... It didn't just happen over night or in a moment.

What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

I agree that blagger's bullshit is, indeed, bullshit.... but.... and it is a but of significant size.... it is not true that 'a black man was killed for apparently no reason'. He just didn't shoot first. He was armed. That is reason enough for the police to use deadly force. That's not 'no reason', it is 'a good reason'.


Something found after the fact is not a good reason to kill someone. No, the fact that he had a gun in his sock will not be acceptable as a reason. He clearly was not an imminent danger to them and they clearly do not have eyes which can see through cars to his sock.

That issue is not solved. The police still have to provide an acceptable reason for killing him and while that one may be acceptable to you personally, it is not as per British Justice. We do not as you said, shoot first.

It's called 'intelligence led policing'. They didn't just find some guy and think 'hey, let's shoot him'. They had the intel on him. They knew - for a fact - that he was armed. On the day that you face the same threats that the police face every day, I'll value your opinion. Until then, I will dismiss you as an overly opinionated, facts be damned, fool. Social scientists.... :lol::lol::lol:
I agree that blagger's bullshit is, indeed, bullshit.... but.... and it is a but of significant size.... it is not true that 'a black man was killed for apparently no reason'. He just didn't shoot first. He was armed. That is reason enough for the police to use deadly force. That's not 'no reason', it is 'a good reason'.


Something found after the fact is not a good reason to kill someone. No, the fact that he had a gun in his sock will not be acceptable as a reason. He clearly was not an imminent danger to them and they clearly do not have eyes which can see through cars to his sock.

That issue is not solved. The police still have to provide an acceptable reason for killing him and while that one may be acceptable to you personally, it is not as per British Justice. We do not as you said, shoot first.

I agree.... What it has lead to is what I have been saying about the British and US Governments.
They have caused anger in the people.. All they needed was something like this to happen and they're set off. Its taken years for it to come to this... It didn't just happen over night or in a moment.


Yea... that's smart.... agree with someone who has no fucking idea of the facts of this situation.... :lol:
Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.

What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

I agree that blagger's bullshit is, indeed, bullshit.... but.... and it is a but of significant size.... it is not true that 'a black man was killed for apparently no reason'. He just didn't shoot first. He was armed. That is reason enough for the police to use deadly force. That's not 'no reason', it is 'a good reason'.

The police are not 'cowering in fear', they are doing exactly what they are employed to do. UK police is 'policing by consent' not by Government. Big difference.... if you don't believe me, I suggest you read up on 'policing by consent'.

They can't impose a curfew. That is just a bit of spin from some no mark politician who wants to get some air time on the back of a crisis. SOP for politicians the world over.

As for the ridiculous idea of 'disabling' the mobile network... really, sweetie, think it through... you think the government should take down the whole country's mobile network.... with the impact on business, and the lives of other law abiding citizens?

Sledgehammer - meet nut.

If you think that what I've written (at length, I admit) is "bullshit", then counter it without resorting to such sweeping generalisations. Though in truth I reckon you've only echoed Ravi ignorant dismissal so as not to incur her disapproval.
Sorry, High_Gravity, I'm afraid users can't provide links to the public's feelings/observations at street level. But I can tell you that the visible majority of violent crime at street level in the UK is perpetrated by young black men who know full well that the organisation(s) tasked to enforce the law is so stigmatised by racism (justifiably so, in some cases). This stigma is compounded by the fact that police forces across the UK are staffed predominately by whites (though the UK is, demographically/ethnically speaking, a predominantly caucasian country) who can easily be tarnished as racists by those acting on behalf of the accused. The very utterance of the word 'racist', or the slightest suggestion of 'racism' is so tipped in the favour of minorities that it frequently obstructs common sense - in this case the informal questioning and legally permissable search of a young black man on the street who is (consiously or not) exhibitting suspicious behaviour, thus warranting their temporary, ad hoc detention by police officers patrolling the area. And the undeniable fact that is obvious to anyone that walks the street in the UK (and the US, for that matter) is that a conspicuous majority of young black men are seemingly eager to impress upon strangers via clothing, ostentatious jewllery, stature and anything else at their disposal that will exude a comparatively negative, that they're easily provoked and will meet any slight against their person with aggression. This, I'm willing to concede, is a survival instinct all in itself.

In short, it's otherwise entirely natural for a police officer to stop and question anyone that fits the profile (regardless of race) of the criminals they're tasked with monitoring, arresting and bringing to justice. But since the concept of racism has been blown out of all proportion, the ordinary police officer is justifiably reluctant to be vilified in the press as a racist, which will often precede the loss of their job or suspension from duty, if they're lucky. This atmosphere is what's hindering the police in putting a stop to the riots and looting that's happening all over the UK. All parties involved know that the majority of the perpetrators are black, and don't don't want to be photographed executing tough measures for the fear of being on the front pages of the tabloid and left-wing press under the headline: 'Racist police target black man'. Until such a time has passed that the accusation of racism can be refuted before a board, committee or whatever who won't in turn be vilified as a result of a not guilty verdict, the accusation of racism will remain an understandable fear, and hinder the those tasked with making or executing unenviable decisions.

What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

The pictures mainly originate from sources that follow an editorial bias, like The Guardian, for instance. I understand that blacks have been joined by thugs of all ethnicities but that still doesn't dimiss the fact that the instigators of all this rampaging destruction were mainly black.

Duggen was killed because what he had in his possession posed a threat. He was armed with an illegal weapon that is beyond the normal reach of anyone wanting to counter such a portable threat. OK, recent reports indicate that he didn't fire upon the police. But he still possessed an illegal weapon that, by its very nature, the person carrying it would know that they'd be met with stiff resistence in doing so, possibly fatal, which was the case here. I can only ask you cease making yourself look even more stupid than you already are by not defending the indefensible.

I agree that curfews would be helpful, but I also believe that more aggressive measures would put a sooner stop to this chaos. The COBRA Committee has just sanctioned the deployment of water canons and baton rounds. This is a decision that I, along with any other sane individual, support. I suspect that such measures will send a very clear message to rioters and thieves that fire will be fought with fire, thus putting an an eventual stop to all this madness sooner than a soft approach i.e - curfews.

Disabling an already encrypted network would help, but it would also indirectly hinder law-abiding citizens. Though I hope that the Blackberry BM network records are examined during the ensuing insuing inquiry.

In times of emergency people are usually willing to give up convenience.

I say you are full of shit. The pictures we've seen are real. It is not only blacks that are acting like fucktards.

From reports, Duggan was killed as part of an attempted arrest. There was no evidence his gun was fired. Heck, there is no evidence that the gun was even his as far as I can tell. Sure, he sounded like a nasty bugger, but on the street executions are never right without a damn good reason.
What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

The pictures mainly originate from sources that follow an editorial bias, like The Guardian, for instance. I understand that blacks have been joined by thugs of all ethnicities but that still doesn't dimiss the fact that the instigators of all this rampaging destruction were mainly black.

Duggen was killed because what he had in his possession posed a threat. He was armed with an illegal weapon that is beyond the normal reach of anyone wanting to counter such a portable threat. OK, recent reports indicate that he didn't fire upon the police. But he still possessed an illegal weapon that, by its very nature, the person carrying it would know that they'd be met with stiff resistence in doing so, possibly fatal, which was the case here. I can only ask you cease making yourself look even more stupid than you already are by not defending the indefensible.

I agree that curfews would be helpful, but I also believe that more aggressive measures would put a sooner stop to this chaos. The COBRA Committee has just sanctioned the deployment of water canons and baton rounds. This is a decision that I, along with any other sane individual, support. I suspect that such measures will send a very clear message to rioters and thieves that fire will be fought with fire, thus putting an an eventual stop to all this madness sooner than a soft approach i.e - curfews.

Disabling an already encrypted network would help, but it would also indirectly hinder law-abiding citizens. Though I hope that the Blackberry BM network records are examined during the ensuing insuing inquiry.

In times of emergency people are usually willing to give up convenience.

I say you are full of shit. The pictures we've seen are real. It is not only blacks that are acting like fucktards.

From reports, Duggan was killed as part of an attempted arrest. There was no evidence his gun was fired. Heck, there is no evidence that the gun was even his as far as I can tell. Sure, he sounded like a nasty bugger, but on the street executions are never right without a damn good reason.

"Execution"? No, Ravi, there was no execution. There was the fatal removal of a very viable threat. He wasn't executed, however which way you attempt to suggest otherwise.
Something found after the fact is not a good reason to kill someone. No, the fact that he had a gun in his sock will not be acceptable as a reason. He clearly was not an imminent danger to them and they clearly do not have eyes which can see through cars to his sock.

That issue is not solved. The police still have to provide an acceptable reason for killing him and while that one may be acceptable to you personally, it is not as per British Justice. We do not as you said, shoot first.

I agree.... What it has lead to is what I have been saying about the British and US Governments.
They have caused anger in the people.. All they needed was something like this to happen and they're set off. Its taken years for it to come to this... It didn't just happen over night or in a moment.


Yea... that's smart.... agree with someone who has no fucking idea of the facts of this situation.... :lol:
Well I clearly have more knowledge than you. You believe police in the UK can just shoot at anyone they want and if it is found out later the person is a criminal then all is well.

I happen to know that is not so.
I agree that blagger's bullshit is, indeed, bullshit.... but.... and it is a but of significant size.... it is not true that 'a black man was killed for apparently no reason'. He just didn't shoot first. He was armed. That is reason enough for the police to use deadly force. That's not 'no reason', it is 'a good reason'.


Something found after the fact is not a good reason to kill someone. No, the fact that he had a gun in his sock will not be acceptable as a reason. He clearly was not an imminent danger to them and they clearly do not have eyes which can see through cars to his sock.

That issue is not solved. The police still have to provide an acceptable reason for killing him and while that one may be acceptable to you personally, it is not as per British Justice. We do not as you said, shoot first.

I agree.... What it has lead to is what I have been saying about the British and US Governments.
They have caused anger in the people.. All they needed was something like this to happen and they're set off. Its taken years for it to come to this... It didn't just happen over night or in a moment.


I possibly agree. I think with us it comes from when we started buying into American ideology in the '80's. It is not just one thing, there are several things which need to be looked into. The RW's are going crazy. Screaming 'scum' and 'no reason' and without question a great deal, but not all of it is just mindless looting and thuggery.

That does not mean, as the RW's claim that there is not underlying issues which need to be addressed with the marginalised and the young who see no hope.
What a bunch of bullshit. We've all seen the pictures, it is a combination of idiots across the racial spectrum.

It is also true that a black man was killed for apparently no reason.

Instead of the British police cowering in fear about being labeled racist, why don't they impose curfews and arrest anyone on the street after dusk? Why don't they disable the cell phone web that apparently lets the rioters plan their attacks?

They appear as a bunch of hand-wringing pussies.

The pictures mainly originate from sources that follow an editorial bias, like The Guardian, for instance. I understand that blacks have been joined by thugs of all ethnicities but that still doesn't dimiss the fact that the instigators of all this rampaging destruction were mainly black.

Duggen was killed because what he had in his possession posed a threat. He was armed with an illegal weapon that is beyond the normal reach of anyone wanting to counter such a portable threat. OK, recent reports indicate that he didn't fire upon the police. But he still possessed an illegal weapon that, by its very nature, the person carrying it would know that they'd be met with stiff resistence in doing so, possibly fatal, which was the case here. I can only ask you cease making yourself look even more stupid than you already are by not defending the indefensible.

I agree that curfews would be helpful, but I also believe that more aggressive measures would put a sooner stop to this chaos. The COBRA Committee has just sanctioned the deployment of water canons and baton rounds. This is a decision that I, along with any other sane individual, support. I suspect that such measures will send a very clear message to rioters and thieves that fire will be fought with fire, thus putting an an eventual stop to all this madness sooner than a soft approach i.e - curfews.

Disabling an already encrypted network would help, but it would also indirectly hinder law-abiding citizens. Though I hope that the Blackberry BM network records are examined during the ensuing insuing inquiry.

In times of emergency people are usually willing to give up convenience.

I say you are full of shit. The pictures we've seen are real. It is not only blacks that are acting like fucktards.

From reports, Duggan was killed as part of an attempted arrest. There was no evidence his gun was fired. Heck, there is no evidence that the gun was even his as far as I can tell. Sure, he sounded like a nasty bugger, but on the street executions are never right without a damn good reason.

Perhaps, rather than speculating on the actual events it would be wise to wait for the results of the inquiry. I would add that if anyone is seen HOLDING or pointing a gun and he refuses to drop it when warned, it is entirely legitimate for him to be shot.

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