London Rioters: Why is the English and World Press So Scared to Call It a RACE RIOT!


Apr 22, 2007
Call a spade a spade already. The minority immigrant community in London is mad that England is trying to crack down on crime in the minority mostly Muslim and African Community. They are mad these communities are being targetted by police, even these areas are HOTBEDS for crime, drug abuse, terrorist and antiBritish activity! They should be targetted.

The spark of this RACE ROIT started because a violent, gun carrying drug dealer, with a history of violence got stopped by the police and he fired upon them, the police returned fired and killed the thug.

So the Black and Muslim community start to riot!!! Good move to prove the British polic should not target you, when you destroy your communities and "indiscriminately" attack White people!

London riots 2011: Hackney to Croydon violence shows no sign of abating | Mail Online
rioters are made up of almost exclusively Black and non-Whites – and that they are targeting White people:

Several commuters fell to the ground during the stampede as about 20 black men wearing balaclavas and riding BMXs chased them.

Elsewhere rioters were said to be targeting white people.

Mounted police formed a line as rioters set fire to four cars outside [predominately White] Pembury estate.


CCTV footage of one looter
Kara Mahoney said gangs were targeting white people to rob them.

She said: ‘About five white people just got beaten and robbed. There is a group of them. They hit a photographer and stole her cameras. She had blood gushing down her nose.’


The attackers were mostly black youths, but they were joined by white men, women and children.

One eye witness in Hackney saw a group of 100 Turkish Kurdish men chasing another group with sticks and bottles after their shops were looted.

The area has a large Turkish community, which normally coexists peacefully with people of other ethnic groups.
They aren't calling it a race riot because it isn't a race riot. Simple really. But please don't let that stop the hysterical ranting.
Does anyone know how this even started? All I read on the news was that a racial incident sparked it off.
No, it wasn't a "racial incident" (though the subsequent upheaval was and is being instigated by mainly black belligerents). The whole thing was sparked after a known (black) drug dealer opened fire on a (white) police officer, who subsequently returned fire (hitting him twice in the face) and killed him. The ethnic majority (and their anarchist allies) that live in the area took this as an opportunity to loot and pillage under the guise of outrage at the slaying of a parasitical member of their so-called community. They're continuing their crime spree under the new banner of retaliation against poverty and inequality, which is horse shit.

Their [the rioters] entire existence has been hindered by a liberal-encouraged culture of entitled idleness. I hope that by the lazy, ungrateful recipients of a lifetime of handouts showing their true colours, the general public, whose taxable incomes fund this idle existence, will become wise to the ungrateful malingers who are currently wreaking destruction throughout London.
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No, it wasn't a "racial incident" (though the subsequent upheaval was and is being instigated by mainly black belligerents). The whole thing was sparked after a known (black) drug dealer opened fire on a (white) police officer, who subsequently returned fire (hitting him twice in the face) and killed him. The ethnic majority (and their anarchist allies) that live in the area took this as an opportunity to loot and pillage under the guise of outrage at the slaying of a parasitical member of their so-called community. They're continuing their crime spree under the new banner of retaliation against poverty and inequality, which is horse shit.

Their [the rioters] entire existence has been hindered by a liberal-encouraged culture of entitled idleness. I hope that by the lazy, ungrateful recipients of a lifetime of handouts showing their true colours, the general public, whose taxable incomes fund this idle existence, will become wise to the ungrateful malingers who are currently wreaking destruction throughout London.

So everyone rioting in Longon is an ungrateful welfare recipient?
They aren't calling it a race riot because it isn't a race riot. Simple really. But please don't let that stop the hysterical ranting.

It started with the shooting of Duggard (a black immigrant). They are calling him the Rodney King of London.

The protests started peaceful, but soon escalated into an all out riot of most non-whites on white violence. Of course there are whites also rioting. London is still majority White. But the thrust of this riot is by the Black and Muslim immigrant community!
No, it wasn't a "racial incident" (though the subsequent upheaval was and is being instigated by mainly black belligerents). The whole thing was sparked after a known (black) drug dealer opened fire on a (white) police officer, who subsequently returned fire (hitting him twice in the face) and killed him. The ethnic majority (and their anarchist allies) that live in the area took this as an opportunity to loot and pillage under the guise of outrage at the slaying of a parasitical member of their so-called community. They're continuing their crime spree under the new banner of retaliation against poverty and inequality, which is horse shit.

Their [the rioters] entire existence has been hindered by a liberal-encouraged culture of entitled idleness. I hope that by the lazy, ungrateful recipients of a lifetime of handouts showing their true colours, the general public, whose taxable incomes fund this idle existence, will become wise to the ungrateful malingers who are currently wreaking destruction throughout London.

So everyone rioting in Longon is an ungrateful welfare recipient?

Nope, just like in every riot (going back to the NY draft riots during the civil war) there are always opportunitists. In the LA riot there were a lot of rioters (do I dare say the majority :eek:) that didn't give a shit about Rodney King, rather they saw an electronic store being looted and wanted in on the score!

Esp with youthful rioters (doesn't matter if their white, black, arab, asian or latino), they don't think of the consequences of destroying someone's car or family store. They don't see the immoral act of stealing from a corporate giant like Best Buy or Walmart (stealing from these stores is called the "victimless crime," which is horseshit)!
Clearly there are a LOT of people who are not fond of the Police.
Don't care what color the rioters are. Shoot the cocksuckers as a means of thinning the herd.
Of course. I didn't even hear about this until today, and I've been watching CNN, (simply because it was on when I found out) from the videos of the "riots" it didn't even look like riots just idiots with bandanas on their faces running around throwing things and burning cars, and the idiots with bandanas were pretty diverse racially, I saw some blacks, some arab-looking fellows, and yes if I'm not mistaking I saw white rioters as well. Most of the black people in the videos on CNN were just standing around watching bewildered. This isn't a race riot, those who started it probably intended for it to be one, but the VAST majority of the black/muslim community in London seem to be calm, if not confused. It's a riot of idiotic young opportunists who have nothing better to do with themselves. They're idiots, regardless of color. As are those who are assuming that they are all black and muslim welfare recipients. I highly doubt that. Most welfare recipients, both in America and London are pretty content being such.
No, it wasn't a "racial incident" (though the subsequent upheaval was and is being instigated by mainly black belligerents). The whole thing was sparked after a known (black) drug dealer opened fire on a (white) police officer, who subsequently returned fire (hitting him twice in the face) and killed him. The ethnic majority (and their anarchist allies) that live in the area took this as an opportunity to loot and pillage under the guise of outrage at the slaying of a parasitical member of their so-called community. They're continuing their crime spree under the new banner of retaliation against poverty and inequality, which is horse shit.

Their [the rioters] entire existence has been hindered by a liberal-encouraged culture of entitled idleness. I hope that by the lazy, ungrateful recipients of a lifetime of handouts showing their true colours, the general public, whose taxable incomes fund this idle existence, will become wise to the ungrateful malingers who are currently wreaking destruction throughout London.
Turns out the guy didn't fire at the cops.

You really should stop jumping to conclusions.
[ame=]‪London Street Battles: Video of mad clashes, riots out of control‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
No, it wasn't a "racial incident" (though the subsequent upheaval was and is being instigated by mainly black belligerents). The whole thing was sparked after a known (black) drug dealer opened fire on a (white) police officer, who subsequently returned fire (hitting him twice in the face) and killed him. The ethnic majority (and their anarchist allies) that live in the area took this as an opportunity to loot and pillage under the guise of outrage at the slaying of a parasitical member of their so-called community. They're continuing their crime spree under the new banner of retaliation against poverty and inequality, which is horse shit.

Their [the rioters] entire existence has been hindered by a liberal-encouraged culture of entitled idleness. I hope that by the lazy, ungrateful recipients of a lifetime of handouts showing their true colours, the general public, whose taxable incomes fund this idle existence, will become wise to the ungrateful malingers who are currently wreaking destruction throughout London.

BBC News - London rioters: 'Showing the rich we do what we want'

[ame=]‪EXCLUSIVE - London rioters - Girls brag about riot 'Showing the rich we do what we want'‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
During a race riot the best place to take cover is the library, blacks will never loot there.

Yes, because when whites riot after rock concerts and hockey/college football games they go straight for the libraries to go steal the precious knowledge that makes them the wonderful race they are.:cool:

Nobody wants books when they riot retard.
The media, cops and politicians in the UK are as per usual, pathetic. PC shoved so far up their asses they daren't mention the word 'black' in the context of anything negative. Let's not beat around the bush here, this is another typical young black male instigated riot as we have had plenty of in the UK in the past. The usual excuse of racism is bandied about, but the ethnic minority that bears a far greater weight of racial discriminated (i.e. Pakistanis/ Indians) is not or barely involved. It was telling that the only person interviewed by the bbc to mention the fact that the rioters were overwhelmingly black and were giving black people a bad name was black himself. It was also telling that the volunteers who came out to clean up the mess this morning during mayor Boris Johnson's walkabout were nearly all white. What is it about so many young black people? Too much listening to rap music? Or are they just :cuckoo:. Given the general state of the continent of their ancestors perhaps we shouldn't be surprised. Must be in their DNA or something...
Dem hackerberrys is helpin' the rioters...
London Riots 2011: Protesters Use BlackBerry Messenger; Hackers Back Them
Aug. 9, 2011 - The riots raging across north London have been fueled, in part, by the use of BlackBerry Messenger. When BlackBerry's parent company promised to cooperate with British police, its Inside BlackBerry blog was promptly hacked by protesters.
Credit for the hacking was claimed by a group that calls itself TeaMp0isoN. It has been linked to other shadowy groups, such as Lulz Security and Anonymous, which have taken credit for breaking into the websites of police departments, the U.S. Senate, the CIA, Sony's PlayStation network and Citibank. As the London riots spread, BlackBerry's Canadian parent company, Research In Motion, or RIM, put up this blog post:

"We feel for those impacted by this weekend's riots in London. We have engaged with the authorities to assist in any way we can. As in all markets around the world Where BlackBerry is available, we cooperate with local telecommunications operators, law enforcement and regulatory officials."

This morning a reply appeared on the BlackBerry blog:

"Dear Rim; You Will _NOT_ assist the UK Police because if u do innocent members of the public who were at the wrong place at the wrong time and owned a blackberry will get charged for no reason at all," it said. "The Police are looking to arrest as many people as possible to save themselves from embarrassment. ... If you do assist the police by giving them chat logs, gps locations, customer information & access to peoples BlackBerryMessengers you will regret it. ..."

MORE London Riots 2011: Protesters Use BlackBerry Messenger, Hackers Back Them on RIM Blog - ABC News

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