London terrorists, Palestinian terrorists, what's the difference? Nothing

If even one Palestinian does not support Hamas then Hamas does not represent all Palestinians as you claim!

It's not rocket science!

So, do you have a link that supports your theory that every Palestinian supports Hamas?
Ha ha ha. yup, you're fucked up.

So you don't have anything to support your fucked up ideas...

Nuff said...
There is no country that "every single person" would support it's leader, dickhead. But I have destroyed every single one of your idiotic claims, with facts. Now squirm some more for me.

So stop suggesting that is the case in Palestine DICKHEAD! :cuckoo:
Of course, it is, asshole. There is no difference between the the ideology and methods of the London ISIS terrorist animals, and the Hamas Palestinian terrorist animals. Even though "not every single Palestinian support it". It is notable that a majority of Palestinians do indeed support the terrorist activities of Hamas.

Oh dear, oh very dear... :cuckoo:
Well from the "Jewish Press" it has to be objective reporting. However, comparing terrorism to resisting a military occupation is ridiculous. Violent resistance to German military occupation was also classified as terrorism by the Nazis. The Zionists make similar claims about actions against their military occupation. They are false claims in both cases.
Well from the "Jewish Press" it has to be objective reporting. However, comparing terrorism to resisting a military occupation is ridiculous. Violent resistance to German military occupation was also classified as terrorism by the Nazis. The Zionists make similar claims about actions against their military occupation. They are false claims in both cases.

Are you saying that the Paris attacker did not use a hammer and kitchen knives imitating the Palestinian attacks on Israelis?

Or that the car and truck rammings in Europe are not a direct copy of what Arab Palestinians have been doing for the past few years against Israelis?

That is what the article is talking about.

Because that is what has been happening. They did not use the Palestinian methods before. They are doing it now.

Enjoy your Turkish coffee.
Well from the "Jewish Press" it has to be objective reporting. However, comparing terrorism to resisting a military occupation is ridiculous. Violent resistance to German military occupation was also classified as terrorism by the Nazis. The Zionists make similar claims about actions against their military occupation. They are false claims in both cases.
Hah? Again, both are committing suicide bombings on civilians, both are running over civilians using vehicles, both are committing random stabbings, etc. etc. etc. in other words you can take a Palestinian terrorist animal and call him an ISIS terrorist animal, and not know the difference based on the crimes against humanity they are committing.

It is understandable why this is such a difficult thing for you to grasp, being the Internet jihadi terrorist ass kisser that you are.
People resisting military occupation are not committing crimes against humanity, the occupier is committing crimes against humanity. You still can't get it through your thick skull that Palestian resistance to occupation is not Islamic terror, the occupation is Jewish terror. Israel is a colonial occupier, it has nothing in common with western democracies. Plus, since Christian Palestinians are also part of the resistance, it can't be simply Islamic resistance.

I despise Islamic terrorists asshole. I support people that resist occupation and oppression. Get it. For example, the people being occupied could be Muslim (Kurds), Buddhists (Tibet), Muslim (Western Sahara) etc.
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The animals running over, stabbing, or bombing innocent people are committing crimes against humanity, whether they are Palestinian or ISIS.
People resisting military occupation are not committing crimes against humanity, the occupier is committing crimes against humanity. You still can't get it through your thick skull that Palestian resistance to occupation is not Islamic terror, the occupation is Jewish terror. Israel is a colonial occupier, it has nothing in common with western democracies. Plus, since Christian Palestinians are also part of the resistance, it can't be simply Islamic resistance.

Such nonsense. You can offer your usual slogans and cliche's to make excuses for Islamic terrorism but they fail now as before.

So-called "Pal'istanians" waging Islamist gee-had with street stabbings and running into crowds of people with cars is right out of the ISIS playbook. Your Islamic terrorist heroes who murder or attempt to murder Israeli citizens is not "resistance", it's Islamic terrorism. All of it is encouraged and promoted by the Islamic terrorist "government" enclaves in Gaza'istan and Fatah'istan and obviously by slugs like you waging your gee-had from behind a keyboard.
I despise Islamic terrorists asshole. I support people that resist occupation and oppression.

You are making an error in determining whether an act is one of terror or one of "resistance" by using just cause as a measure. The problem with just cause is that it is subjective. Everyone who commits an act of violence believes they are acting for a just cause. The only difference is that their just cause may not seem so just to you, so you call it terrorism instead.

The Israeli Arab conflict is a perfect example of that. The Arab Palestinians are fighting against occupation and oppression, right? A just cause if ever there was one.

The kicker is that the Jewish people are fighting for the exact same just cause -- against occupation of their historical, ancestral, and religious territory of origin and the thousands-year-old oppression of their people. A just cause if ever there was one.

Now, I know you don't agree with my assessment of the equivalency of these two just causes. But, it doesn't matter. As I said, its subjective. People act based upon the causes they perceive as just. If that were our only measure, then there is no such thing as terrorism as differentiated from resistance. Every terrorist is resisting something, according to his own perception.

I would suggest we need another measure to distinguish between terrorism and resistance. I would suggest it depends on achievable goals and whether or not those goals can be achieved through other means. It depends on whether chosen targets minimally attempt an objective towards achieving those goals.

For example, attacking Israeli police forces at checkpoints, could reasonably be seen as an act of resistance in that, at least nominally, it is a military objective to disrupt the military and police forces in order to achieve the stated goal of "end oppression and occupation."

Stabbing or fire bombing children in their homes, running over civilians in trucks, attacking civilians with hammers has no objective other than to create fear. Thus, terrorism and not resistance.

You can apply the same measure to London. If the intent is to topple the British government in order to achieve an Islamic Caliphate and you do it by blowing up Parliament, one could argue that there was a military objective to that action.

Setting off a bomb at a concert attended mostly by children is terrorism.
Comparing native people resisting colonization and military occupation to terrorist attacks in western europe demonstrates how absurd the Zionists have become. Israel is a colonial settler colony, it is not a western democracy, it is a theocratic state, not different than Muslim theocracies.
Yada yada yada repetitive irrelevant garbage and lies.

Look, ISIS terrorist animal, Pali terrorist animal. No difference. They both operate in exactly in the same manner. Deal with it.

You need to deal with the fact that Israel has the Palestinian under a belligerant military occupation, and occupied people have the right to resist. You just don't get it. Israel is theocratic colonial oppressor state, not a western democracy.
So, same Islamist propoganda from the Internet Jihadi next door.

I don't think it's Islam so much as Middle-Easterners behaving as they do.

Tatars are Muslim, and have far less terrorism than even many European groups have had.

Tatars actually have less Middle-Eastern DNA, than much of Europe.
"the Jewish people are fighting for the exact same just cause -- against occupation of their historical, ancestral, and religious territory of origin and the thousands-year-old oppression of their people. A just cause if ever there was one."
So, a Canadian born Jew has the right of return to His " Ancestral territory of origin" but a Palestinian forced off his land at gunpoint doesn't?
Comparing native people resisting colonization and military occupation to terrorist attacks in western europe demonstrates how absurd the Zionists have become. Israel is a colonial settler colony, it is not a western democracy, it is a theocratic state, not different than Muslim theocracies.
Yada yada yada repetitive irrelevant garbage and lies.

Look, ISIS terrorist animal, Pali terrorist animal. No difference. They both operate in exactly in the same manner. Deal with it.

You need to deal with the fact that Israel has the Palestinian under a belligerant military occupation, and occupied people have the right to resist. You just don't get it. Israel is theocratic colonial oppressor state, not a western democracy.
So, same Islamist propoganda from the Internet Jihadi next door.

I don't think it's Islam so much as Middle-Easterners behaving as they do.

Tatars are Muslim, and have far less terrorism than even many European groups have had.

Tatars actually have less Middle-Eastern DNA, than much of Europe.
Correct, culture has a lot to do with it, but as Islam is basically Arab imperialism, the religion has a lot to do with how this culture was formed, for over 1400 years.
"the Jewish people are fighting for the exact same just cause -- against occupation of their historical, ancestral, and religious territory of origin and the thousands-year-old oppression of their people. A just cause if ever there was one."
So, a Canadian born Jew has the right of return to His " Ancestral territory of origin" but a Palestinian forced off his land at gunpoint doesn't?
Wrong thread again.
People resisting military occupation are not committing crimes against humanity, the occupier is committing crimes against humanity. You still can't get it through your thick skull that Palestian resistance to occupation is not Islamic terror, the occupation is Jewish terror. Israel is a colonial occupier, it has nothing in common with western democracies. Plus, since Christian Palestinians are also part of the resistance, it can't be simply Islamic resistance.

Such nonsense. You can offer your usual slogans and cliche's to make excuses for Islamic terrorism but they fail now as before.

So-called "Pal'istanians" waging Islamist gee-had with street stabbings and running into crowds of people with cars is right out of the ISIS playbook. Your Islamic terrorist heroes who murder or attempt to murder Israeli citizens is not "resistance", it's Islamic terrorism. All of it is encouraged and promoted by the Islamic terrorist "government" enclaves in Gaza'istan and Fatah'istan and obviously by slugs like you waging your gee-had from behind a keyboard.
According to Monte and his socks, when Palestinian animals run over and stab kids and innocent people, somehow that is either justified, or cannot be considered terrorism. Just another indication of exactly insane this Jew hater and his internet propaganda jihadi compatriots are.
"the Jewish people are fighting for the exact same just cause -- against occupation of their historical, ancestral, and religious territory of origin and the thousands-year-old oppression of their people. A just cause if ever there was one."
So, a Canadian born Jew has the right of return to His " Ancestral territory of origin" but a Palestinian forced off his land at gunpoint doesn't?

Not what I am arguing here. I'm arguing that both sides see their cause as a just one. Its subjective. You are proving my case by arguing against the opposing premise. If you don't think my cause is just. And I don't think your cause is just. And we are measuring terrorism by which cause is just .... you see the problem, yes?

And not what I am arguing elsewhere -- see my previous arguments about zero-sum games.
"the Jewish people are fighting for the exact same just cause -- against occupation of their historical, ancestral, and religious territory of origin and the thousands-year-old oppression of their people. A just cause if ever there was one."
So, a Canadian born Jew has the right of return to His " Ancestral territory of origin" but a Palestinian forced off his land at gunpoint doesn't?

Most Palestinians were convinced by other Arabs to leave or they fled like cowards. In any case, many still live in Israel as Israelis, others live in the West Bank and call themselves Palestinians, and whatever is left over have 22 countries to choose from.
Apparently Monte thinks it's OK for a Palestinian to mow down people with a car.
Apparently Monte thinks it's OK for a Palestinian to mow down people with a car.

Its just fine to murder people if you have a just cause.


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