London turning into a war zone


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
By the way, is that a Nokia cellphone? I think iPhone or at least Samsung Galaxy would have been a better choice.


The face of policing in London in the age of Islamic terrorism Daily Mail Online
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But think of the great Somalian restaurants that people can go to now. Throwing away one's culture in order to get good Somalian restaurants is a fair deal.

Multiculturalism is Britain's strength. Who actually liked British culture?
Hardly anything new.

I was not aware that this has been a norm.

However, I noticed a glaring problem with police armed with that much gear. How are they going to handle a situation which does not warrant shooting?
But think of the great Somalian restaurants that people can go to now. Throwing away one's culture in order to get good Somalian restaurants is a fair deal.

Multiculturalism is Britain's strength. Who actually liked British culture?

Having police officers that closely resemble soldiers is the ugly price we have to pay for multiculturalism. But like I said before, there is a positive to be drawn from this. Anyone who read the article knows where the anticipated threat came from: Muslims. So it'll be hard for a social justice campaigner to ignore the facts if you in their face in front of others. It's a good way of waking others up to the harsh truth of the situation.
Throwing away one's culture in order to get good Somalian restaurants is a fair deal.

Exactly what has Britain "thrown away"?



Yorkshire pud?

Posh Spice?


Last time I was in Britain, the culture seemed to have been more enhanced by multiculturalism than worsened by it.
England has Special Forces guarding Buckingham Palace.

I am shocked.

What next? Police outside Number 10 Downing Street?

They aren't "special forces". They are officers from SO19, the MET's Firearms Command unit. You don't just see them outside of Buckingham Palace, either. You see them all over the city. I know it's easy for you to adopt a mocking tone from the safety of lily-White Finland, but we have a problem in the U.K. It's called multiculturalism, and the images you're commenting on are an unfortunate consequence of this failed venture.
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I caught RTTV's documentary on the changing face of London, that is to say, it's quick slide into a balkanized Islamic criminal shithole. It's only 1/3 white now and dropping fast. There are 70 languages on the streets and nobody wants to assimilate into anybody else's anything. Thank a liberal for the wonderful melting pot LSD-induced catastrophe their mass Islamic immigration policies created. Everything the Western left ever touches turns to shit. You can kiss England off. It's a goner...unless we can arm the far right. It's the only mindset in Europe with the guts to fight back.
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Isn't diversity grand???

Yes it is.

Recently, I had a pleasure of passing through London's airport. One of the things that stuck out was beautiful Muslim girls (airport employees) with their beautiful head scarfs. One of them actually helped me find the airplane I was supposed to catch. Not only that, few minutes before the plane took off, she came in to talk to me to ensure that everything was OK. I was pretty impressed.
Isn't diversity grand???

Yes it is.

Recently, I had a pleasure of passing through London's airport. One of the things that stuck out was beautiful Muslim girls (airport employees) with their beautiful head scarfs. One of them actually helped me find the airplane I was supposed to catch. Not only that, few minutes before the plane took off, she came in to talk to me to ensure that everything was OK. I was pretty impressed.

I wonder how she would've treated you outside of work. You do realise her outgoing, helpful attitude is what keeps her in work, don't you?
Throwing away one's culture in order to get good Somalian restaurants is a fair deal.

Exactly what has Britain "thrown away"?



Yorkshire pud?

Posh Spice?


Last time I was in Britain, the culture seemed to have been more enhanced by multiculturalism than worsened by it.

This illustrates exactly what I wrote earlier in this thread. John Cleese is a member of the Liberal Democrats, the leftest-leaning establishment party, and is always campaigning on behalf of minorities and loves to call people who rub thier face in reality "racist". But now, like the video illustrates even their own members can't ignore the ugly truth. That concerns people, which lead them to question their party loyalty seeing as they're beginning to notice their own tribe's displacement.
By the way, is that a Nokia cellphone? I think iPhone or at least Samsung Galaxy would have been a better choice.

The face of policing in London in the age of Islamic terrorism Daily Mail Online

NO it is a special trunking radio that can be used to make secure calls via a system of repeater stations. Acts as a standard two way radio between the officer and base, or as a mobile phone between handset and telephone networks. A selective tone system means that the information is carried on a silent spread spectrum radio bandwidth that needs the same computer generated tone to resolve the signal
Rik -

You said British culture had been thrown away - what exactly has been thrown away?

And did you seriously just use UKIP as a source?
That's what it comes to when one lets 3rd world foreigners infiltrate their country.
Isn't diversity grand???

Yes it is.

Recently, I had a pleasure of passing through London's airport. One of the things that stuck out was beautiful Muslim girls (airport employees) with their beautiful head scarfs. One of them actually helped me find the airplane I was supposed to catch. Not only that, few minutes before the plane took off, she came in to talk to me to ensure that everything was OK. I was pretty impressed.

I wonder how she would've treated you outside of work. You do realise her outgoing, helpful attitude is what keeps her in work, don't you?

I have hard time believing that she would have been drastically different outside her work. Anyway, my wife and I are planning a London vacation so hopefully we will get to gauge the pulse of London.

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