Long time FOX staffer dies from COVID after helping downplay it

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Where did it show that Eric Spinato "downplayed the pandemic"?

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Do you have another source that is not a far left wing nut job site because I don’t look or read far left or far right nut job sites.

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Its terrible. The right wing has BS'd themselves into some pretty dangerous decisions.

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Its terrible. The right wing has BS'd themselves into some pretty dangerous decisions.

How many people who work for Fox News have died from China Virus?

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Its terrible. The right wing has BS'd themselves into some pretty dangerous decisions.
You one way view of the world is amusing and yet frightening

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.


The article sucked from the start.

Life happens.

What's the matter.....

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.
How old was this person. Obese? Comorbids??

Guess you don't have to j/o later, you done finished.
Does it matter? Those that are obese and with underlying health issues were warned. He helped dismiss those warnings and fed the low information audience lies about the deadly nature of COVID. Now....COVID takes he life.

Is he going to Tweet from beyond the grave that COVID is not so bad like Herman Cain. Ignorance and Lies will kill you.

I dunno, are the people who died from the vaccine going to tweet something from beyond the grave ?

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

You're pathetic.

Yeah! A Fox News employee died.

..... fire ants ...
To politicize a deadly disease until there are those out there that refuse to admit the severity...is as close to contributing to the death of the victims as I can imagine. FOX is a cesspool of lies and misinformation. And those who refuse to even consider other media sources are flat earthers. They are doomed to accept ignorance and lies as truth.

I truly feel sorry for you, unless of course you are part of the misinformation, itself.

WHO politicized it?

You're a sicko.

I wouldn't wish death on you or family.
Nor would I party and gloat if I learned that you or yours had died, period, doesn't matter from what.
This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Congratulations. What are you drinking tonight to celebrate his death?
Decisions have consequences....Herman wanted to shake everyone's hand and not wear a mask. There was a consequence. It was a long tortuous death. I do not wish that kind of death...when you end up face, down with your bare butt shining, sucking for air...but decisions, particularly bad ones, have consequences.

You don't know sh!t about Herman.

But you like shitting on his grave.

Shame on you!!!

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Since the outset of the pandemic, Fox has downplayed the severity of the coronavirus. The network's hosts have peddled misinformation about the virus and railed against restrictions put into place to protect public health. While Fox did air a Sunday night special in February devoted to the vaccines, the network's top host, Tucker Carlson, has most recently used his nightly show to undermine public confidence in the vaccines.

Why does FOX want to kill people with lies? Why do they not want people to be vaccinated with vaccines that could save their life? What does FOX hate Americans? Is it an Australian plot to take down America?

Don't post in red unless you're part of the mod team.

I didn't know you were such a FOX fan!!
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This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

First off my condolences to the person family...

Next, DailyKos and the OP should take a step back and realize people have a right to their own opinion and many times those invoking the Kos and Huff~n~Puff to drive home their opinion are not much different than those they are arguing with...

I wear my mask and go in public daily and have no issue with being vaccinated but I am not going to take joy into someone death like the Kos and the OP!

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Its terrible. The right wing has BS'd themselves into some pretty dangerous decisions.

How many people who work for Fox News have died from China Virus?
Not sure.

But the right wing has BS'd themselves into some pretty dangerous decisions. Be it believing that the virus was a hoax (as right wingers here say), or storming the capitol and not being able to understand why they are still in jail, or to believing election fraud when the AG tells you there was very little fraud, the courts have told you to go away, and the lead attorney making the argument of fraud now says that nobody should have believed her.

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Its terrible. The right wing has BS'd themselves into some pretty dangerous decisions.

How many people who work for Fox News have died from China Virus?
Not sure.

But the right wing has BS'd themselves into some pretty dangerous decisions. Be it believing that the virus was a hoax (as right wingers here say), or storming the capitol and not being able to understand why they are still in jail, or to believing election fraud when the AG tells you there was very little fraud, the courts have told you to go away, and the lead attorney making the argument of fraud now says that nobody should have believed her.

The GOPQ has become the biggest threat to our Democratic Republic.

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Its terrible. The right wing has BS'd themselves into some pretty dangerous decisions.

How many people who work for Fox News have died from China Virus?

And you wonder where violence on Asians comes from?

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