Long time FOX staffer dies from COVID after helping downplay it

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.
This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Congratulations. What are you drinking tonight to celebrate his death?
Decisions have consequences....Herman wanted to shake everyone's hand and not wear a mask. There was a consequence. It was a long tortuous death. I do not wish that kind of death...when you end up face, down with your bare butt shining, sucking for air...but decisions, particularly bad ones, have consequences.

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.
Straight out of QAnon. Just in time...

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Yup....right....and he is still dead.

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Since the outset of the pandemic, Fox has downplayed the severity of the coronavirus. The network's hosts have peddled misinformation about the virus and railed against restrictions put into place to protect public health. While Fox did air a Sunday night special in February devoted to the vaccines, the network's top host, Tucker Carlson, has most recently used his nightly show to undermine public confidence in the vaccines.

Why does FOX want to kill people with lies? Why do they not want people to be vaccinated with vaccines that could save their life? What does FOX hate Americans? Is it an Australian plot to take down America?

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Yup....right....and he is still dead.
The first paragraph of the article in the OP contains a falsehood. Therefore the article is fake news.

Don't post fake news and I will not issue a fake news alert.

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This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Yup....right....and he is still dead.
The first paragraph of the article in the OP contains a falsehood. Therefore the article is fake news.
Only in your tiny mind. Everyone knows FOX is a pit of lies and falsehoods. They even allow the lying Pillow guy to take up media space. That is the guy, along with Rudy and Sydney, who are going to be sued into oblivion by Dominion voting machines. They won't be missed.

The FOX Producer was fit and in good heath. COVID-19, the deadly disease that he denied for months, killed him. I am sorry for his family and for all those who believed the people he booked to lie to their viewers.
Tarts and pears.

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Decisions have consequences....Herman wanted to shake everyone's hand and not wear a mask. There was a consequence. It was a long tortuous death. I do not wish that kind of death...when you end up face, down with your bare butt shining, sucking for air...but decisions, particularly bad ones, have consequences.

And you were elated to hear of his torturous passing and immediately came here to share the good news. So, what are you drinking to toast his demise?

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.
I think you are celebrating your own hatred.
To politicize a deadly disease until there are those out there that refuse to admit the severity...is as close to contributing to the death of the victims as I can imagine. FOX is a cesspool of lies and misinformation. And those who refuse to even consider other media sources are flat earthers. They are doomed to accept ignorance and lies as truth.

I truly feel sorry for you, unless of course you are part of the misinformation, itself.
who in fucking hell is forcing you to watch fox news?????????????????????????????????
3. “And in life, it is all about choices we make. And how the direction of our lives comes down to the choices we choose.” – Catherine Pulsifer

Chose wisely!

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

So I guess there really is such a thing as Karma.

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

You're a fucking moron.

She must be tweeting from the afterlife:

It wasn't Bartiromo who books the guests and died from Covid, you idiot.
Whatever you do do NOT go outside, some rightwing asshole might infect you.
It's a warm sunny afternoon in the A, I'm outside as we type. About to get me some jerk chicken. Life is good.

Are you OK?
You are what you eat. You say “life is good” but your posts here reflect otherwise. Guess you forgot your victim mentality for a bit?

This person booked the parade of fools that vomited misinformation for a year. Now COVID-19 catches up to him.

Since the outset of the pandemic, Fox has downplayed the severity of the coronavirus. The network's hosts have peddled misinformation about the virus and railed against restrictions put into place to protect public health. While Fox did air a Sunday night special in February devoted to the vaccines, the network's top host, Tucker Carlson, has most recently used his nightly show to undermine public confidence in the vaccines.

Why does FOX want to kill people with lies? Why do they not want people to be vaccinated with vaccines that could save their life? What does FOX hate Americans? Is it an Australian plot to take down America?
People die everyday. Where is your post on heart disease? You’re such a snowflake.

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