Look At Cain Woop An On the Attack Agenda Driven MSLSD Anchor


Apr 22, 2007
Fireworks: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Hostile Interview With Herman Cain | RealClearPolitics

Look at this shithole dishonest anchor take dishonest attacks on Cain. His agenda, bring up useless crap and ask him questions about shit that doesn't matter!

Why not ask about the ECONOMY! That is what people care about!

Interesting that he calls it an interview. Anyone else would call it an attack! I commend Cain for going on MSLSD, since they are on Obama's payroll, going to take disingenuous attack and distort everything on the candidates.

Cain does it, because he is trying to reach out to left leaners that are question their misguided choices.

I never watched O'Donnell and this is why. I see O'Reilly and Hannity questioned liberals and they are NEVER this disrespectful nor do they ever distort like this troll does!

Cain kicked this asshole liberals face in!

What a piece of shit O'Donnell!
I don't feel Cain did that well here.

Are you kidding watch the entire thing. Disingenuous attack after disingenuous attack he had to repel and he did it. The Civil Rights question, the avoiding Vietnam bullshit (tossing out John Kerry's name was cute) and everything else was a meaningless attack. Then he only gave him two minutes out of 23 to talk about the economy! TWO MINUTES!!! Are you serious? That is what is on everyone's mind!
I’ve never seen Cain ‘do well’ in any venue. He’s a cipher.

Otherwise Cain only regurgitates the same stale rightist talking points about Obama’s ‘failed policies.’
Herman did great! It's a shame that not many will be seeing this interview for it was on MSNBC. He had to talk over the inexperienced attacker several times to make sure he understood the answer and where his accusations were off the mark. Cain did extremely well!

His experience with the Navy was very impressive as was his drive for getting ahead. He won't let himself be played as a victim as so many minorities do now. I believe he did have an advantage that many kids don't have these days, that of a hard working family that set a strong set of values for their children.

Not many could handle such an adversarial interview such as Mr. Gotcha attempted, but Herman won and I would bet Mr. Gotcha won't be interviewing many more candidates unless there is something in it for him. That appears to be how much integrity he has.
I loved when O'Donnell disingenuous called him a draft dodger when Cain kept repeating," I worked for Department of Navy as a ballistics analyst!"

He wasn't in the navy, but they employed him, because he us a math genius! If Cain isn't Mr/ Cool, he would have lost it and said "Douche Bag what do you know understand about working for the Navy as a Ballistics Analyst, is that not impressive enough for you or is only community organizing impressive enough? Did you ask Obama why he didn't serve in the military you piece of dogshit!"
Lawrence O'Donnell dodged...errr, avoided the Draft by taking college deferment.
Did O'Donnell march for Civil Rights?

Hypocrite much, Larry?

Everyone needs to see this interview because I don't think anyone would have handled the questions as well as Herman Cain did.

Herman Cain Kicks Lawrence O'Donnell's Ass

Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC accused Herman Cain of everything from insulting Blacks to Draft-Dodging.

Herman Cain kicked his ass on every topic even though O'Donnell tried to intentionally insult him and bait him into an angry exchange. There was even a question about if Cain would want to be VP to Mitt Romney which assumes that a black man couldn't possibly win the GOP nomination. Imagine if he did. What would the Dems say about that? That we're only doing it to get rid of our guilt? Racism by the left on display if you ask me.


Lawrence O'Donnell tries to pit Herman Cain as anti-black and a draft dodger in a bizarre interview that didn't seem have to a point other than to attack Mr. Cain. However, the GOP presidential candidate remained poised throughout.

Mr. Cain worked for the Navy in the field of ballistics during the war. Lawrence O'Donnell? He received a deferment since he was attending college.

O'Donnell tried to paint Cain as some sort of traitor to blacks because he didn't participate in protests and sit-ins during the Civil Rights era.

"I did not insult the intelligence of all black Americans," Herman Cain said about his 'brainwashing' comment. "I insulted the attitude of those that will not consider an alternate idea." He also said black voters "did not consider my statement insulting because a lot of them are thinking for themselves."

"Now, if they want to talk about insulting, they need to look at the president when he talks to the Congressional Black Caucus and insulted black people, in my opinion, by telling them to take off their slippers and put on their marching boots when he has had nothing but failed policies," Cain said in response to Lawrence accusing him of insulting black Americans.

I can imagine how Obama would have handled these tough questions. I could imagine how anyone would have handled them. They were pretty insulting.

What was interesting was how well Cain did. Instead of trying get confrontational Herman Cain to the last question remained in control. He tried very hard and very convincingly to correct the false assumptions that O'Donnell repeatedly made during the interview, but of course nobody can do that because it doesn't fit in the Democrat talking-points plan. A plan based around false assumptions, changing history, class-warfare, envy and guilt, and misinformation. But Cain remained upbeat and calm throughout, which is not what we've seen from anyone lately, including or whining Commander In Chief who seems to cry about everything bad said about him. He even went so far as to start up a ridiculous site to not only respond to attacks but nip them in the bud before they get started.


The Usual Suspects​
I can imagine how Cain might answer questions from foreign leaders. If his strategy/personality is that depicted in the interview he would likely do more damage than GWB.
Cain was thoroughly exposed for what he is in that interview. He showed how out of touch he is with our society and our history

Most will look at that interview and categorize Cain for what he is ......part of the lunatic fringe
Fireworks: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Hostile Interview With Herman Cain | RealClearPolitics

Look at this shithole dishonest anchor take dishonest attacks on Cain. His agenda, bring up useless crap and ask him questions about shit that doesn't matter!

Why not ask about the ECONOMY! That is what people care about!

Interesting that he calls it an interview. Anyone else would call it an attack! I commend Cain for going on MSLSD, since they are on Obama's payroll, going to take disingenuous attack and distort everything on the candidates.

Cain does it, because he is trying to reach out to left leaners that are question their misguided choices.

I never watched O'Donnell and this is why. I see O'Reilly and Hannity questioned liberals and they are NEVER this disrespectful nor do they ever distort like this troll does!

Cain kicked this asshole liberals face in!

What a piece of shit O'Donnell!

what whining.... every time any rightwing pet is called upon to answer questions, you the righties play victim and cry "unfair attack".

he didn't attack him. he made him answer questions. cain sounds like a putz when he tries to say that obama wasn't called hitler by name. seriously ... what a liar. everyone is brainwashed except repubs? really?

bubbalah, here's a hint... his "9, 9, 9 thing got applause" yes it did. but anyone who's looked at it knows it's trash designed to keep rich people rich... like forbes' "help the forbes keep their money plan".

cain looked like a twit.

which should tell you that he didn't get a single supporter from anyone but the people who are already disposed to support him.

... which is exactly what i told you his "candidacy" would be.

how's his book tour going?
My Uncle was old enough to have gone to Vietnam but his number never came up and he didn't volunteer. I don't blame him either.

I guess by Liberal standards that makes him a "Draft Dodger".
I saw no ass kicking by either side. Cain avoided a couple of questions answers by acting all insulted. Why does the right think their candidates should be handled with kid gloves?
Looks like the brainwashing has worked on the few libs that responded.

Trust me.....Cain handed him his ass and by the end he showed that he had a sense of himself and confidence that he was right that few leaders have.

Something that Obama is greatly lacking.

I don't know if he'll win but he showed something in this interview. Something that doesn't come out when you only have 60 seconds.

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