Look Out! .. for the Agencies


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We’ve all been taught about the 3 branches of government. But the government tree is actually bigger than that. There’s also the 4th branch. No, I’m not talking about the fake newsboys or the churches.

I’m talking about the AGENCIES. Yup. Just when you thought you had all the dangers of American life all figured out (terrorists, tornados, Ebola, etc.), along comes Protectionist with more stuff to worry about (that your school teachers probably neglected to mention).

Bad enough that they don’t teach squat about criminal law that we are commonly in proximity of. What’s as bad is all the pitfalls of lawbreaking you can fall into which you never even dreamed about. Look out for those agencies and their lurking, unknown laws.

Many of federal regulations enacted in recent years lack, or have weak, mens rea requirements – ie. Federal prosecutors don’t have to show criminal INTENT. This is a major change from the longstanding mens rea principle of English and American law, that distinguishes between those who willfully commit crime, and those who harm others unintentionally, sometimes just by accident.


1. Eddie Anderson – convicted of removing Indian arrowheads from federal land. A felony punishable by up to 2 years in prison.

2. Retired race car champion, Bobby Unser, inadvertently drove his snowmobile onto federal land, when he got lost in a snowstorm. He was charged with violating the Wilderness Act, and convicted of a misdemeanor, and fined $75.

3. Lawrence Lewis – convicted of violating the Clean Water Act, when he temporarily diverted a backed up sewer line to an outside storm drain, so it wouldn’t flood an area of housing for sick & elderly patients.

4. George Norris –charged with being the “kingpin” of an international smuggling ring. Actually, Norris, 72 years old and never arrested before, is an orchid collector, and ordered orchids from Latin America. They had confusing paperwork that failed to identify all the orchids. A federal agent posing as a fellow hobbyist, ordered orchids from Norris, and then charged him with violating regulations under the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species. The bewildered Norris was sentenced to 17 months in federal prison.

But take heart, embattled Americans. These troubling circumstances are quietly being cleaned up by the Trump administration, as part of their agenda to reduce government regulations, while Democrat politicians and MSM noisily attack him with whatever they can come up with.

Too many laws, too many prisoners
We hire people and give them outlandish perks to sit all day long and pass laws and regulations to strangle us with.
Waaay to much government intrusion into our lives....
Agencies don't create criminal laws .

I call BS on your examples . You really think Orchid guy didn't know what he was doing ? You are being naive .
We hire people and give them outlandish perks to sit all day long and pass laws and regulations to strangle us with.
Waaay to much government intrusion into our lives....
Currently being fixed, if only the left loonies would leave Trump alone, and let him do his job.
Agencies don't create criminal laws .

I call BS on your examples . You really think Orchid guy didn't know what he was doing ? You are being naive .
FALSE! Agencies DO create laws. Read >> What Washington Gets Wrong - The UNELECTED Officials Who Actually Run the Government and Their MISCONCEPTIONS About the American People, by Jennifer Bachner & Benjamin Ginsberg, Prometheus Books, 2016.

Yes, I really think the orchid guy didn't know what he was doing, just like YOU don't know what you're doing right now. Read this book and you'll see why.


Agencies don't create criminal laws .

I call BS on your examples . You really think Orchid guy didn't know what he was doing ? You are being naive .
FALSE! Agencies DO create laws. Read >> What Washington Gets Wrong - The UNELECTED Officials Who Actually Run the Government and Their MISCONCEPTIONS About the American People, by Jennifer Bachner & Benjamin Ginsberg, Prometheus Books, 2016.

Yes, I really think the orchid guy didn't know what he was doing, just like YOU don't know what you're doing right now. Read this book and you'll see why.


I said criminal laws .

Yeah agencies come up wh regs. Thet are given that power by laws passed by our reps .

I get how some can go too far . But no need to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I still call bullflop on orchid man. What kind orchid expert doesn't know about the illegal trade of protected flowers ?
I said criminal laws .

Yeah agencies come up wh regs. Thet are given that power by laws passed by our reps .

I get how some can go too far . But no need to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I still call bullflop on orchid man. What kind orchid expert doesn't know about the illegal trade of protected flowers ?
They ARE CRIMINAL laws, as I showed in the 4 examples in the OP. Did you read it ? Some of the people went to PRISON. That comes from CRIMES, not torts.

Just read the book. You'll see.
This is from the gov. Site. Tells a little different story .


Arias would then include in the shipment specimens of species not included on the CITES permit. Norris and Arias admitted by their pleas that to conceal their illegal activity, they would falsely label the protected species as a species included on the permit. Arias would provide Norris a code or ?key? that would provide a means for deciphering the false labels and identifying the true species of the orchids. One shipment in February of 2003 allegedly included some 1,145 specimens, of which approximately 490 were of species not authorized for export by the accompanying CITES permit. Norris and Arias admitted by pleading guilty that they used invalid permits for their shipments and falsely labeled many of the plants shipped to cover up the lack of a valid permit. Three of the shipments mentioned in Court were valued at more than $45,000, based on the
I said criminal laws .

Yeah agencies come up wh regs. Thet are given that power by laws passed by our reps .

I get how some can go too far . But no need to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I still call bullflop on orchid man. What kind orchid expert doesn't know about the illegal trade of protected flowers ?
They ARE CRIMINAL laws, as I showed in the 4 examples in the OP. Did you read it ? Some of the people went to PRISON. That comes from CRIMES, not torts.

Just read the book. You'll see.

Congress passes criminal laws . I'm trying to find the details of orchid guy, but there's criminal statute out there he violated .
Congress passes criminal laws . I'm trying to find the details of orchid guy, but there's criminal statute out there he violated .

Congress does indeed. So do the agencies. I know it's hard to take but read the book, and learn what's going on.

As for the word "violated", did you read the part in the OP about mens rea ?
Congress passes criminal laws . I'm trying to find the details of orchid guy, but there's criminal statute out there he violated .

Congress does indeed. So do the agencies. I know it's hard to take but read the book, and learn what's going on.

As for the word "violated", did you read the part in the OP about mens rea ?

Ignorance of the law is not a defense . As for orchid guy . Seems like there was plenty of mens rea to go around . Looks like they had a pretty complicated smuggling scheme going on.

That he plead guilty too by the way .
Most federal agencies should be dissolved.

TSA first. Useless warehousing plan for hoodrats on food stamps. Then DHS.

Do you remember why the TSA was created ?

Yes. To keep fat blacks and Mexican illegals out at work and off the couch. That and so all of dubya's pals who sold shit like x-ray machines can make bank. You know, everything a libtards is supposed to be against. So far it has a 95% fail rate at detecting threats. As in fake threats routinely get past them, so yeah, get rid of them. They are pointless.
Ignorance of the law is not a defense . As for orchid guy . Seems like there was plenty of mens rea to go around . Looks like they had a pretty complicated smuggling scheme going on.

That he plead guilty too by the way .
You're not getting this at all - but that's OK. Carry on.

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