Look who cares more.. Mitt is on his way to New Orleans

I'm thinking Romney and Jindal are pretty good friends. I'm thinking Jindal would be just as happy if Obama didn't show his face, waiting for his photo op.

And Jindal should spend his time during this recovery hanging out with his unemployed 'friends'?
Funny, Obama had no plans to be there until after Romney said he was going.
Funny, Romney had no plans until after OohPooPahDoo had already travelled through 4 affected Parishes, speaking to relief workers, businessmen, and local residents along the way. Obviously Mitt is just copying off of OohPooPahDoo.

Waste of time for Obama, it's a red state and there are no votes there for him. Now the leader is doing the following, I guess he might have been shamed a little...........well not really, I think his other wife Valerie told him he should go.

Perhaps its because he has a job to do?

What's Mitt's job in the Isaac ecovery? To show up and get his photo taken?

I'm sure coddling OohPooPahDoo was high on Mitt Romneys to PooPooToDo list. Again numbnuts... It's called campaigning. Unless suddenly Mitt Romney has recently become the Head of the National Guard or the American Red Cross I'd venture to guess he is doing nothing more than expressing civility, and showing his support to people who have been seriously burdened by Mother Nature. That's Mother Nature... Not George Bush.
Mitt is on a photo op. Do you think he visited and surveyed hurricane Katrina damage?

Harry Reid: Romney visit to La. is ‘hypocrisy’

Why would Mitt visit Katrina damage when he was Governing Mass?

Romney visits storm-ravaged Louisiana, Obama on his way - CNN.com

(CNN) -- With all sides vowing politicking isn't in order, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney got a close-up view Friday of the devastation caused this week by Hurricane Isaac -- days ahead of a visit by his November foe, President Barack Obama.
Romney went to Louisiana's Jefferson Parish, glimpsing the flooding and downed trees along with Gov. Bobby Jindal and Sen. David Vitter, both fellow Republicans.
The former Massachusetts governor, accompanied by his wife, Ann, said the trip was "to learn and obviously to draw some attention to what's going (on) here... so that people around the country know that people down here need help."
Hours earlier, the White House announced that Obama canceled a trip to Cleveland and would instead head Monday to Louisiana.

Did Obama visit LA during Katrina? MS? AL?
Lakhota has the intellect of a gnat, so it's going to ask stupid questions.
Hmmmmm, I seem to remember how bad President Bush was when he didn't go there when the left thought he should.

OMG the double standards are killing me. :cuckoo:

Really? Yes there were idiots like you and others that expect a president to arrive in a storm torn area and distract the recovery.

Bush showed up after Katrina moved out but was severely criticized for not going sooner. Obama should get the same treatment.
I'm sure NO is praying that Barry doesn't come to their fair city.

Its a disaster when the POTUS lands anywhere. Security is a nightmare and the whole city is shut down to accomodate the POTUS.

I'm sure they are busy enough without having Barry boy land.

No President has yet to beat LBJ during Betsy, who showed up a New Orleans shelter with no power, in the night, lighting himself up by flashlight, saying in a megaphone: "My name's Lyndon Johnson, and I'm your President. I'm here to help, and we'll do everything we can to get y'all sorted out as soon as we can . . ."

And before LBJ left the city later the next day, he slashed the federal red tape and made sure the wheels of help were in motion.

That was LBJ not Barry.

Hope you ain't holdin your breath for Barry to pull an LBJ. I'm sure not.

I think Barry should practice saying what LBJ said in 1968:

I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.
Is Mittens handing out thousand dollar bills to those effected by the storm? No you say.

Then what the fuk does mittens think he is gonna do. Send in FEMA? LMAO.

Maybe Mitt Romney isn't aware of this, but he isn't the President. Unless he plans on picking up a chainsaw to clear roads or piloting a rescue craft, he can't actually do anything but get in the way.

Why would he go to New Orleans anyway? New Orleans made it out of the storm pretty good. The areas around New Orleans were hit much harder. Makes no sense. Maybe he isn't and you were just ignorant of basic geography when you wrote the subject line?

Now you understand how President Obama is in the same predicament as was President Bush.....flying in there would just be getting in the way. You are right.....areas around New Orleans were hit harder....just like they were in 2005.

Obama didn't appoint a horse show judge to manage FEMA. When you hire competant people you don't have to run around frantically and clean up after them and appologise to everybody.

Obama doesn't have to show up and make excuses. He has given his crew time to make an impact and he will be there soon to thank his peeps and consol the few that could not be helped.
We KNOW obama hires competent people because Eric Holder is attorney general. Tim Geithner is secretary of the treasury.

obama had no intention of seeing the damage. He has better things to do, like play golf or campaign.
lol! Just heard the Dear Leader is changing his plans. He will be heading to New Orleans after all. Man, Romney sure has spooked him on this one. The tide seems to be turning in this campaign. Romney's beginning to take control and lead. The Dear Leader can only follow now.
lol! Just heard the Dear Leader is changing his plans. He will be heading to New Orleans after all. Man, Romney sure has spooked him on this one. The tide seems to be turning in this campaign. Romney's beginning to take control and lead. The Dear Leader can only follow now.

Why does everyone keep saying New Orleans? Did you fucks get the memo that Orleans Parish is far from the hardest hit by the storm, or do you just think all of southeast Louisiana is one big New Orleans?
If Mitt was an honest man he would go to the region and point out to everyone how well the Obama administration responded with FEMA help and how well the levees in New Orleans performed after repairs implemented during his administration.

But Romney isn't an honest man he's merely an opportunistic piece of shit. Will people in Louisiana be intelligent enough to realize that?
Romney will go to Louisiana and say "Watch me embarrass the presidebt into doing what he should have done. Watch as I lead him around like he's got my ring in his nose."
If Mitt was an honest man he would go to the region and point out to everyone how well the Obama administration responded with FEMA help and how well the levees in New Orleans performed after repairs implemented during his administration.

But Romney isn't an honest man he's merely an opportunistic piece of shit. Will people in Louisiana be intelligent enough to realize that?

So our piece of shit president only gets credit for the good things that happened during his regime, but gets a pass on all his failures... those are Boosh's fault.
lol! Just heard the Dear Leader is changing his plans. He will be heading to New Orleans after all. Man, Romney sure has spooked him on this one. The tide seems to be turning in this campaign. Romney's beginning to take control and lead. The Dear Leader can only follow now.

Why does everyone keep saying New Orleans? Did you fucks get the memo that Orleans Parish is far from the hardest hit by the storm, or do you just think all of southeast Louisiana is one big New Orleans?

Aw, Obama piss on your corn flakes this mornin? So pissy. :lol:

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