Look whose talking of secession now


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Pima County the 51st state?
A political committee made up of attorneys, including the former chairman of the Pima County Democratic Party, has been formed to try to get Southern Arizona to secede from the rest of the state.
Start Our State, which is asking other like-minded counties to join the effort, hopes to put the question before Pima County voters in 2012.
The concept of a Southern Arizona state - Baja Arizona - has been around for ages as a way to differentiate the region from its more conservative brethren to the north. The notion of secession has been bandied about, but there was never a serious effort in that direction - until now.
Could Baja Arizona be 51st state in US?

I believe that only requirement to form a state is to have 60,000 residents. There is actually a clause in the Texas State Constitution reserving the future right to break into four separate states if ever desired. I'm surprised the more conservative parts of California haven't tried this already.
Read COTUS, Taz

let's not have the tired secession bicker, it's even less interesting than the obama eligibility moot. no state or any group within the us can seceed from the union. while there is nothin specific about it in the constitution it's considered "settled law". no state has an "opt out clause". i live in vermont, voted the state "most likely to secede". there has been a long standing myth that we are the only state that can do it. no state can do it, because of the threat that would come from surrounding states. then there was the civil war. so sorry texas wisconsin and california, you can't just vote yourselves to be switzerland.
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Read COTUS, Taz

let's not have the tired secession bicker, it's even less interesting than the obama eligibility moot. no state or any group within the us can seceed from the union. while there is nothin specific about it in the constitution it's considered "settled law". no state has an "opt out clause". i live in vermont, voted the state "most likely to secede". there has been a long standing myth that we are the only state that can do it. no state can do it, because of the threat that would come from surrounding states. then there was the civil war. so sorry texas wisconsin and california, you can't just vote yourselves to be switzerland.

I respectfully disagree.

If there is an advantage to be had by the Party in Power then secession is not only possible but probable.

The 13 Counties of West Virginia stepped out from Virginia and were immediately accepted into the Union as an Independent State.

Not to mention that bagful of electoral votes for 1864.

Southern AZ would most assuredly send two Uber Liberal Senators and at least one Liberal Rep to DC at a time when the Dems need all the help they can get.

Politics is a dirty undertaking.

The only problem I see is getting such an idea through the House & Senate without some quid pro quo.
I believe that only requirement to form a state is to have 60,000 residents. There is actually a clause in the Texas State Constitution reserving the future right to break into four separate states if ever desired. I'm surprised the more conservative parts of California haven't tried this already.

Google "State of Jefferson".
Read COTUS, Taz

let's not have the tired secession bicker, it's even less interesting than the obama eligibility moot. no state or any group within the us can seceed from the union. while there is nothin specific about it in the constitution it's considered "settled law". no state has an "opt out clause". i live in vermont, voted the state "most likely to secede". there has been a long standing myth that we are the only state that can do it. no state can do it, because of the threat that would come from surrounding states. then there was the civil war. so sorry texas wisconsin and california, you can't just vote yourselves to be switzerland.


If 60% of the people of a state voted to end their relationship with Washington DC, would any politician there have the stones to enforce that "settled law" with troops? Would those troops have the stones to disobey an order to shoot the rowdy bastards?

I'm betting a dollar that Alaska will be the test case.
I believe that only requirement to form a state is to have 60,000 residents. There is actually a clause in the Texas State Constitution reserving the future right to break into four separate states if ever desired. I'm surprised the more conservative parts of California haven't tried this already.

US Constitution
Article IV Sec 3
New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.
So, yes, it can be done, but only if the AZ legislature lets it.
There is a difference between forming a new state within the Union and succeeding from the Union itself. the difference being that the first is constitutional
I believe that only requirement to form a state is to have 60,000 residents. There is actually a clause in the Texas State Constitution reserving the future right to break into four separate states if ever desired. I'm surprised the more conservative parts of California haven't tried this already.

California did think about it about 15 years back. One of the issues concerns sending Northern water to Southern CA to wash their cars, while the North are put on water restrictions along with the farmers, and salt water intrusion fills the fertile valley.

Pima: A reason to seek secession is when people pay taxes and then watch them all go to the rich areas of the state, while their poor areas suffer. Or when they have issues that their state will refuse to address, like the Southern border and need for policing and protection.
It was just fine and dandy with them when the Phx. Legislature was far left but now that repubs are in charge they want to succeed? Talk about intolerance. This isn't going anywhere.
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I believe that only requirement to form a state is to have 60,000 residents. There is actually a clause in the Texas State Constitution reserving the future right to break into four separate states if ever desired. I'm surprised the more conservative parts of California haven't tried this already.

California did think about it about 15 years back. One of the issues concerns sending Northern water to Southern CA to wash their cars, while the North are put on water restrictions along with the farmers, and salt water intrusion fills the fertile valley.

Pima: A reason to seek secession is when people pay taxes and then watch them all go to the rich areas of the state, while their poor areas suffer. Or when they have issues that their state will refuse to address, like the Southern border and need for policing and protection.
It's in the south that they let the illegals through without a care. It's up in Phoenix that they actually try to stop them.

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