Looking for reasonable explanations for the Paluxy River footprints.

I don't have to "tell myself" that. The man who faked it told us that. His name is, " Basilio Uschuya". You can look him up.

Sorry buddy, you got fooled.
Dufus thinks it is in Peru.

Close! Only on the other side of the world from Peru!
Was I mistaken? Okay, where was it found? Don't worry, you guys rest. I will do all the research on who dated the rock and the carving and how. You just tell me where it was found. Thanks.

Pretty common for people to attack things that they don't understand.
Jungles of Cambodia. Oxidized the same as all of the other hundreds of thousands of carvings in the vast number of temples covering an area the size of Manhattan.
I know, I saw it.
Cambodia? Could you please be more specific? That's an entire country. A nearby town name would help. Or any sort of identifier, like the name of the caves.
I don't have to "tell myself" that. The man who faked it told us that. His name is, " Basilio Uschuya". You can look him up.

Sorry buddy, you got fooled.
Dufus thinks it is in Peru.

Close! Only on the other side of the world from Peru!
Was I mistaken? Okay, where was it found? Don't worry, you guys rest. I will do all the research on who dated the rock and the carving and how. You just tell me where it was found. Thanks.

Pretty common for people to attack things that they don't understand.
Jungles of Cambodia. Oxidized the same as all of the other hundreds of thousands of carvings in the vast number of temples covering an area the size of Manhattan.
I know, I saw it.
FOrget it. i found it myself.

now, before we proceed, let's compare the following explanations with the idea of examining which makes the most sense, is simpler, and is more likely and in line with every piece of mutually supportive evidence which exists in science:

1) Dinosaurs were alive a few hundred years ago.

2) A man hundreds of years ago was granted some sort of divine vision, enabling him to carve a likeness that resembles an animal he could not otherwise have possibly known anything about

3) the carving is not of a dinosaur at all, and seeing a dinosaur in it is a case of "seeing what we want to see". This is supported by the fact that the head looks nothing like a dinosaur head, nor are the shapes claimed to be the plates on the back shaped like those on a Stegosaurus.... oh, and it's supported by the idea that Stegosaurus died out 60+ million years ago, according to all of the evidence (and it is a LOT of evidence).

4) It's a hoax.

So, which of these explanations do you find to be simpler and more likely?
Cambodia? Could you please be more specific? That's an entire country. A nearby town name would help. Or any sort of identifier, like the name of the caves.
<forehead slap>

Happy hunting. I know you'll find at least one person who claims it's a fake and cling to it. It threatens your brainwashing.

dinosaur cambodia - Bing

"I know you'll find at least one person who claims it's a fake"

I think a lot more people think it's not a fake of a dinosaur, but rather a case of people seeing what they want to see.
Cambodia? Could you please be more specific? That's an entire country. A nearby town name would help. Or any sort of identifier, like the name of the caves.
<forehead slap>

Happy hunting. I know you'll find at least one person who claims it's a fake and cling to it. It threatens your brainwashing.

dinosaur cambodia - Bing

"I know you'll find at least one person who claims it's a fake"

I think a lot more people think it's not a fake of a dinosaur, but rather a case of people seeing what they want to see.
The Temples are covered with hundreds of thousands of images. The artists were very very good.
What do you see?
The artists may have been decent, but their realism lacked. Thanks for bringing that up, as it is another reason to think that is not a carving of a dinosaur and helps make my case. For instance, here is a carving of en elephant from that temple. Note the poorly shaped tusks and ears, and the poor representation of the bodily shape and proportions:


I see a rhinocerous, or some other large mammal. I think "large mammal", in part because of the leg structure (note knee, and heel).
The artists may have been decent, but their realism lacked. Thanks for bringing that up, as it is another reason to think that is not a carving of a dinosaur and helps make my case. For instance, here is a carving of en elephant from that temple. Note the poorly shaped tusks and ears, and the poor representation of the bodily shape and proportions:


I see a rhinocerous, or some other large mammal. I think "large mammal", in part because of the leg structure (note knee, and heel).
Yet everyone knows its an elephant.
I don't have to "tell myself" that. The man who faked it told us that. His name is, " Basilio Uschuya". You can look him up.

Sorry buddy, you got fooled.
Dufus thinks it is in Peru.

Close! Only on the other side of the world from Peru!
Was I mistaken? Okay, where was it found? Don't worry, you guys rest. I will do all the research on who dated the rock and the carving and how. You just tell me where it was found. Thanks.

Pretty common for people to attack things that they don't understand.
Jungles of Cambodia. Oxidized the same as all of the other hundreds of thousands of carvings in the vast number of temples covering an area the size of Manhattan.
I know, I saw it.
FOrget it. i found it myself.

now, before we proceed, let's compare the following explanations with the idea of examining which makes the most sense, is simpler, and is more likely and in line with every piece of mutually supportive evidence which exists in science:

1) Dinosaurs were alive a few hundred years ago.

2) A man hundreds of years ago was granted some sort of divine vision, enabling him to carve a likeness that resembles an animal he could not otherwise have possibly known anything about

3) the carving is not of a dinosaur at all, and seeing a dinosaur in it is a case of "seeing what we want to see". This is supported by the fact that the head looks nothing like a dinosaur head, nor are the shapes claimed to be the plates on the back shaped like those on a Stegosaurus.... oh, and it's supported by the idea that Stegosaurus died out 60+ million years ago, according to all of the evidence (and it is a LOT of evidence).

4) It's a hoax.

So, which of these explanations do you find to be simpler and more likely?
paleontology, for those who loves dinosaurs
The artists may have been decent, but their realism lacked. Thanks for bringing that up, as it is another reason to think that is not a carving of a dinosaur and helps make my case. For instance, here is a carving of en elephant from that temple. Note the poorly shaped tusks and ears, and the poor representation of the bodily shape and proportions:


I see a rhinocerous, or some other large mammal. I think "large mammal", in part because of the leg structure (note knee, and heel).
Yet everyone knows its an elephant.

Then, by the same token, you should know that is NOT a stegosaurus. Everyone know it is an elephant because it has a trunk, big ears, and tusks that are shaped like a trunk, big ears, and tusks, and it has no body parts not found on an elephant. However, the "not a stegosaurus" has body parts that are not shaped like those of a stegosaurus, and parts that never appeared on a stegosaurus (or any known dinosaur related to them). Careful with your logic...you may end up stepping in it. ;)
Before I sign out of this absurd debate, I will leave you with a few thoughts:

1) First, you have this all backwards. The onus is on exactly nobody to prove or even argue that the carving you presented is not a carving made 500+ years ago of a dinosaur by a human. The onus is on someone claiming it *is* to both prove it is this, and to explain exactly how it came to be there.

2) Second, we have mountains upon mountains of mutually supportive evidence that tell us when and where dinosaurs lived, and when and where they died (in case you forgot, that's how you learned what a dinosaur is in the first place!). You will not only have to get past this daunting wall of evidence which contradicts you, you will also have to undermine all of it.

3) No, a carving which could be interpreted in a myriad of ways is not proof that dinosaurs lived with humans, or that ancient humans had divine visions. It's not even evidence, much less proof.

4) People (and scientists specifically) will always (and rightfully so) decide on the simplest explanation which best matches all the evidence. So, even if you were able to somehow present a shred of evidence that this is an ancient carving of a dinosar, your idea would STILL be rejected as absurd, and rightfully so.

Have a nice night, thanks for the discussion.
I do believe in evolution. Personally, not sure how both cannot be true. Never have understood. Could evolution and intelligent design be the same thing? Who knows? There has been more than enough evidence to show that species have evolved.

The Paluxy footprints have always fascinated me.


The notion of dinosaur footprints side by side with human footprints. I have heard the notion from scientists that those are not human footprints but a dinosaur?


I think there needs to be a more reasonable explanation. Those footprints are clearly human or a humanoid.

Close to where these footprints are found are these drawings on walls from ancient people.


Are these interesting to you?
Perhaps the foot prints were not made at the same time?
So rock turned to mud, the dino tracks did not erode, and it all turned to rock again?

From the Sumerians, to the Hopi Indians, all the way back to Gobekli Tepe - the oldest dated human monolithic structure at ~10,500 BCE.
Where do you get such information in regard to the civilization who built Gobekli Tepi? I find Gobekli Tepi to be very interesting. However very little is known about it, or the people who built it. So wherever you got such information... Well let's just say, "I'd like to read it.". If you could link said info to a credible source I'd be ecstatic to read it.

I have no knowledge of the civilization/culture itself, other than to say it existed, and so-called cavemen built it using stones in excess of 14 tons, quarried from over a day's travel away, supposedly without the invention of the wheel. The structure itself is a testament to their mathematical/geometric knowledge.

As far as the Vulture Stone and the tale of the flood:

Ancient stone pillars offer clues of comet strike that changed human history

"(Phys.org)—A team of researchers with the University of Edinburgh has found what they describe as evidence of a comet striking the Earth at approximately the same time as the onset of the Younger Dryas in carvings on an ancient stone pillar in southern Turkey. The group has published their findings in the journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry."

Ancient stone carvings confirm how comet struck Earth in 10,950BC, sparking the rise of civilisations

Ancient Stone Tablet Found: Reveals Comet Impact Sparking The Rise Of Civilization
The Younger Dryas


This near-glacial period is called the Younger Dryas, named after a flower (Dryas octopetala) that grows in cold conditions and that became common in Europe during this time.
The Younger Dryas is one of the most well known examples of abrupt change. About 14,500 years ago, Earth's climate began to shift from a cold glacial world to a warmer interglacial state. Partway through this transition, temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere suddenly returned to near-glacial conditions. This near-glacial period is called the Younger Dryas, named after a flower (Dryas octopetala) that grows in cold conditions and that became common in Europe during this time. The end of the Younger Dryas, about 11,500 years ago, was particularly abrupt. In Greenland, temperatures rose 10°C (18°F) in a decade (Alley 2000(link is external)). Other proxy records, including varved lake sediments in Europe, also display these abrupt shifts (Brauer et al. 2008(link is external)).

The Younger Dryas | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

10,950 BC would be 13,000BP. That would have been about 1500 years after the beginning of the Younger Dryas.
I do believe in evolution. Personally, not sure how both cannot be true. Never have understood. Could evolution and intelligent design be the same thing? Who knows? There has been more than enough evidence to show that species have evolved.

The Paluxy footprints have always fascinated me.


The notion of dinosaur footprints side by side with human footprints. I have heard the notion from scientists that those are not human footprints but a dinosaur?


I think there needs to be a more reasonable explanation. Those footprints are clearly human or a humanoid.

Close to where these footprints are found are these drawings on walls from ancient people.


Are these interesting to you?

No links to original sources.

The top photo is from a Creation museum.

Where are the links?
Here's the question that I've never gotten an answer to:

If dinosaurs and man lived in the same time, why are dinosaur bones fossilized and human bones not?
Here's the question that I've never gotten an answer to:

If dinosaurs and man lived in the same time, why are dinosaur bones fossilized and human bones not?
There is no answer, because man did not exist at the same time as dinosaurs...
Or a tar pit, or a flash flood, or a mass extinction. Aside from those facts you must understand that there were thousands of species of dinosaurs at any given time and perhaps millions of each species. They all die. Yet we don't have the bones from every one of them. That's because 99.9999% of the time, what you described actually did happen.
So we just happen to find thousands of creatures immediately covered by mud? Pffft.

You also have to understand that any particular species, T-Rex say, roamed the earth for tens of thousands of years. That's a lot of dead T-Rexes. Yet what do we have, like six complete skeletons?

How is that hard to believe?
I didnt think we had any. We have "sue" which is like 80 or 85% complete. The others are like 50 and 60%. Maybe i am wrong?
I'm going fossil hunting next week. I will likely find dozens of intact fossils.
I have read about marine fossils found on MT Everest.


Not sure if that is an actual example from Everest, but I believe there are ones like that.

If it is true that fossils of MARINE ANIMALS are on Everest, which is around 30K feet high, how long did the Himalayas take to rise so high out of sea level?

Just curious.
They are still rising due to the Indian plate ramming into the Asian plate.
Perhaps the foot prints were not made at the same time?
So rock turned to mud, the dino tracks did not erode, and it all turned to rock again?

From the Sumerians, to the Hopi Indians, all the way back to Gobekli Tepe - the oldest dated human monolithic structure at ~10,500 BCE.
Where do you get such information in regard to the civilization who built Gobekli Tepi? I find Gobekli Tepi to be very interesting. However very little is known about it, or the people who built it. So wherever you got such information... Well let's just say, "I'd like to read it.". If you could link said info to a credible source I'd be ecstatic to read it.

I have no knowledge of the civilization/culture itself, other than to say it existed, and so-called cavemen built it using stones in excess of 14 tons, quarried from over a day's travel away, supposedly without the invention of the wheel. The structure itself is a testament to their mathematical/geometric knowledge.

As far as the Vulture Stone and the tale of the flood:

Ancient stone pillars offer clues of comet strike that changed human history

"(Phys.org)—A team of researchers with the University of Edinburgh has found what they describe as evidence of a comet striking the Earth at approximately the same time as the onset of the Younger Dryas in carvings on an ancient stone pillar in southern Turkey. The group has published their findings in the journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry."

Ancient stone carvings confirm how comet struck Earth in 10,950BC, sparking the rise of civilisations

Ancient Stone Tablet Found: Reveals Comet Impact Sparking The Rise Of Civilization
The Younger Dryas


This near-glacial period is called the Younger Dryas, named after a flower (Dryas octopetala) that grows in cold conditions and that became common in Europe during this time.
The Younger Dryas is one of the most well known examples of abrupt change. About 14,500 years ago, Earth's climate began to shift from a cold glacial world to a warmer interglacial state. Partway through this transition, temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere suddenly returned to near-glacial conditions. This near-glacial period is called the Younger Dryas, named after a flower (Dryas octopetala) that grows in cold conditions and that became common in Europe during this time. The end of the Younger Dryas, about 11,500 years ago, was particularly abrupt. In Greenland, temperatures rose 10°C (18°F) in a decade (Alley 2000(link is external)). Other proxy records, including varved lake sediments in Europe, also display these abrupt shifts (Brauer et al. 2008(link is external)).

The Younger Dryas | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) formerly known as National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

10,950 BC would be 13,000BP. That would have been about 1500 years after the beginning of the Younger Dryas.
Abriupt climate change without the influence of man, imagine that.
Here's the question that I've never gotten an answer to:

If dinosaurs and man lived in the same time, why are dinosaur bones fossilized and human bones not?
They do exist.

Human Fossils | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

Well look at that! I learned something today. A "fossil" is not always made of stone as I had thought. I have to change the question now.

If man and dinosaurs lived in the same time period, why are dinosaur bones made of rock, but not human bones?

Learn something new every once in a while.

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