Looking for something on TV. Guess what I find?



Looking for something to watch on TV, I find the GOP Second Tier debate with Carly "I brought down HP" Fiorino, Mike "kill the gays" Huckabee and Rick "education is for snobs" Santorum on Fox Business. It is hilarious. The best thing on TV.

Carly starts off with hating people that won't tell the truth. Then lists fully a dozen lies from everything about the economy to foreign policy to Obama letting North Korea having nuclear weapons. She especially hates that we need more jobs but can't say doing what.

And Huckabee "we have to rebuild our Navy because it's the smallest since 1919". Obviously Huckabee understands that dangerous people in the desert can only be taken out by Navy, which is what he seemed to be saying. Our job is not to help countries build roads and waterways. Our job it to kill and destroy.

Carly says we don't need to be lectured on why we are scared. It's because of immigrants. Obama isn't even checking out Twitter and Facebook. In the fight against Isis, Iran is our adversary (huh?),

I don't know how much longer I can watch this. It's so stupid. They say they are just getting started. And then Commercial.
Well at least you found it, I heard the next democrat debate will be on Sunday morning at 4 am on univision
Looking for something to watch on TV, I find the GOP Second Tier debate with Carly "I brought down HP" Fiorino, Mike "kill the gays" Huckabee and Rick "education is for snobs" Santorum on Fox Business. It is hilarious. The best thing on TV.

Carly starts off with hating people that won't tell the truth. Then lists fully a dozen lies from everything about the economy to foreign policy to Obama letting North Korea having nuclear weapons. She especially hates that we need more jobs but can't say doing what.

And Huckabee "we have to rebuild our Navy because it's the smallest since 1919". Obviously Huckabee understands that dangerous people in the desert can only be taken out by Navy, which is what he seemed to be saying. Our job is not to help countries build roads and waterways. Our job it to kill and destroy.

Carly says we don't need to be lectured on why we are scared. It's because of immigrants. Obama isn't even checking out Twitter and Facebook. In the fight against Isis, Iran is our adversary (huh?),

I don't know how much longer I can watch this. It's so stupid. They say they are just getting started. And then Commercial.

Wow ...you could have suggested watching the discovery channel's Alaska's last frontier season ender.
Otto has a blood clot that may kill him in 24 to 48 hours....

Or something on Netflix....

But why would one do that when one get's paid to trash the Republicans once every hour....

For me I want to see what happens to Otto....
A blood clot is serious when you are a few hundred miles from a hospital....

God speed Otto....God speed.
Otto will have to make it without me....
X Files premieres after the football game.

Sorry buddy...
Hope you make it and look forward to the new season.
That is if you make it and Discovery picks up the show....
Did you wet yourself?
Almost. How can half of America be this stupid?
you would have to be pretty stupid to actually believe some of the shit you believe ....here is something for you to contemplate,you have been told this before,so here it is again.....not every person on the right is like you depict them,not every person on the right does what you claim they do,not every person on the right agrees with all these far right idiots you quote.....yea i know,i was shocked too.....

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