Looking forward to government run medicine?

I'm pretty happy with my government run healthcare.

While I have the feeling the ACA will end up being a train wreck, I'll continue to hope it turns out just the way dems have promised.

and if you put your tooth under your pillow, it will turn into money overnight.

This can't be!! There must be some mistake. Obviously Redfish is an honest and intelligent individual who would never attempt to mislead and would thoroughly check information before he shared it with others.

I'm shocked I tell you....shocked!

Real Clear Politics: USA vs. Canada vs Britain Health Care Statistics ? UPDATE: WHO Report Refuted. « The IUSB Vision Weblog
Government run retirement plans, i.e. social security, have worked out so well, why should i be the least bit concerned about them running healthcare?

You should love Obamacare then because private insurers are even more entrenched now in our healthcare model.

But nope.....It was passed by Obama so you have to hate it as per the instructions of your overlords. Good sheep.

of course, obamacare was written to their benefit by corporate stooge obama. exactly the point i was arguing yesterday
Government run retirement plans, i.e. social security, have worked out so well, why should i be the least bit concerned about them running healthcare?

Social Security has worked for 75 years. I don't see many seniors who want to give it up

i don't see any who are happy with what they get vs what they put in. Tell me then, why isn't congress happy to just go on SS? Why do they need a separate plan if the one they run for us is so good?

Why would they give up what little they get when its all they've got? You've said a lot of stupid things, but honsestly, thats one of the studpidest responses you have ever made.

Congress has been paying into Social Security since 1984. Thought you would have realized it by now

So honestly, yours is one of the stupidest responses ever made
So, is this about govt. run medical treatments or a rant on this administration ?

Both. This administration is solely responsible for the disasterous Obamacare. It's a bad idea, too costly and will mean doled out care. Obama and the Dems deserve criticism for forcing this shit on us.
Yeah? Tell that to the folks coming along who have paid in for their whole lives and will get nothing. You really need to think things through there mr. sewer worker.

I haven't met any of those people. Neither have you

they are your kids and grandkids. funny that you have not met them.

funny how conservatives have been predicting the eminent demise of Social Security for 75 years........hasn't happened yet, won't happen for another 75 years
I haven't met any of those people. Neither have you

they are your kids and grandkids. funny that you have not met them.

funny how conservatives have been predicting the eminent demise of Social Security for 75 years........hasn't happened yet, won't happen for another 75 years

Obama, Biden, Clinton (both), Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, Rangel, et. al. have predicted it. When did they become conservatives?
they are your kids and grandkids. funny that you have not met them.

funny how conservatives have been predicting the eminent demise of Social Security for 75 years........hasn't happened yet, won't happen for another 75 years

Obama, Biden, Clinton (both), Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, Rangel, et. al. have predicted it. When did they become conservatives?

That was different, they predicted it when they wanted to raise taxes
Government run retirement plans, i.e. social security, have worked out so well, why should i be the least bit concerned about them running healthcare?

Social Security has worked for 75 years. I don't see many seniors who want to give it up

when you retire you put your papers in and you get what you are supposed to get.....when you need medical help.....now since everyone's problems will be different....you will have someone deciding what is covered or not.....some people may be in the same boat they are now.....fucked.....
they are your kids and grandkids. funny that you have not met them.

funny how conservatives have been predicting the eminent demise of Social Security for 75 years........hasn't happened yet, won't happen for another 75 years

Obama, Biden, Clinton (both), Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy, Rangel, et. al. have predicted it. When did they become conservatives?
No, they haven't predicted it

They have said......If we don't revise it

A simple fix to last generations
Government run retirement plans, i.e. social security, have worked out so well, why should i be the least bit concerned about them running healthcare?

Social Security has worked for 75 years. I don't see many seniors who want to give it up

when you retire you put your papers in and you get what you are supposed to get.....when you need medical help.....now since everyone's problems will be different....you will have someone deciding what is covered or not.....some people may be in the same boat they are now.....fucked.....
That is the reason we passed Medicare

if I get sick in my old age, who will cover me?
Social Security has worked for 75 years. I don't see many seniors who want to give it up

Yeah? Tell that to the folks coming along who have paid in for their whole lives and will get nothing. You really need to think things through there mr. sewer worker.

I haven't met any of those people. Neither have you

Allow me to introduce you to my wife, then.
The SSA held up her disability claim for so long..... appeal after appeal.....that by the time she was deemed disabled she didn't have enough work credits in the past 10 years to draw any money.
Now, after all that, as she gets closer to 65 we find out that she won't draw ANY social security retirement. ZERO.
Regardless of how much she paid in for her lifetime, because she doesn't have X amount of credits within X number of years.
Yeah? Tell that to the folks coming along who have paid in for their whole lives and will get nothing. You really need to think things through there mr. sewer worker.

I haven't met any of those people. Neither have you

Allow me to introduce you to my wife, then.
The SSA held up her disability claim for so long..... appeal after appeal.....that by the time she was deemed disabled she didn't have enough work credits in the past 10 years to draw any money.
Now, after all that, as she gets closer to 65 we find out that she won't draw ANY social security retirement. ZERO.
Regardless of how much she paid in for her lifetime, because she doesn't have X amount of credits within X number of years.

Does she have 40 quarters? If not, she is not eligible

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