Looking forward to government run medicine?

I haven't met any of those people. Neither have you

My gosh but you're an ignorant twat. The people you claim to have not met are right next door. Instead of toeing the party line, open your damned eyes why don't you.

"This year, the system will pay out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes, an important threshold it was not expected to cross until at least 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office."


Why you soulless ****...

Do you really think Social Security is incapable of being adjusted? Why do dickbreaths such a yourself assume that SS must either remain the same or go bankrupt

Dude...both sides of the political aisle get just as frothy in nature any and every time any adjustments to SS comes up.
But both sides KNOW something needs to be done.

Now all we need is a strong enough leader that can manage these discussions.
Any ideas on who that should be?
A recent "Investor's Business Daily" article provided very interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations International Health Organization.
Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:




Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who
received treatment within six months:




Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received
it within six months:




ANOTHER Dim post from Righty.

This "information" is from an EMAIL that was started in 2010 as you can see from my link.

Daily Kos: Lies and the Lying Liars who Spam it

YOU PROVIDE NO LINK to your lies either.

I searched the words
"Investor's Business Daily+United Nations International Health Organization"


silly cons

you guys have anything but lies?
I haven't met any of those people. Neither have you

My gosh but you're an ignorant twat. The people you claim to have not met are right next door. Instead of toeing the party line, open your damned eyes why don't you.

"This year, the system will pay out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes, an important threshold it was not expected to cross until at least 2016, according to the Congressional Budget Office."


Why you soulless ****...

Do you really think Social Security is incapable of being adjusted? Why do dickbreaths such a yourself assume that SS must either remain the same or go bankrupt

well when some people want to change it,or give an alternative.....how do they get treated?....
Yep. Finally the people are beginning to realize just how much they have been screwed by Obama care.

you cons with your head in the sand.

In Reality, millions of people are getting refunds from their insurance companies. they love Obama care!
"Insurance companies to 'give back' $1 billion+"
Insurance companies to 'give back' $1 billion+ - HT Health

In Reality, millions of young adults who are still on their parents insurance, they love Obama care!

In Reality, millions of UN-insurable are just WAITING for Obama care to KICK IN in 2014. they love Obama care!

In Reality, millions are happy that corporate death panels have been stopped,
they love Obama care!

In Reality, millions are happy that they get free yearly checkups, they love Obama care!

Many, many more people are going to die of disease thanks to it.
CAUSE?? your flapping gums say so? you could at least try linking to some wackadoodle blog.

But I think that was their ultimate goal.
So you wacky cons think the "liberals" (which Obama has a long way to get to) want people to die of disease, on purpose?

Right Wing brain washing is pretty effective it seems.

It's like a damn cult.
Redfish ........... you are failing to understand the importance of government controled health care.
In Europe it is a powerful tool to guaranteed conformity of the sheeple.
Lets say you have a gun advocate in European country with high blood pressure, you then make arrangements with his doctor to switch his medication to Exforge, Exforge causes the arteries to leak fluid that is later removed by the lymph system, but there are NO lymphnodes in the brain and spinal fluid, this will build up pressure in his brain & spinal fluids to a point that will cause swelling in the optic nerves and eventually separation from the eyes causing blindness, now the only preventative measures to take is to drain some spinal fluid to bring the pressure down to between 8 to 12 ................ this requires a needle into your spinal chord .......... and if the gun loving fucker maintains his gun advocacy after all that, he can choose to go blind ............ or take the needle in the spine and ........ well .............. you know.
Yep. Finally the people are beginning to realize just how much they have been screwed by Obama care.

you cons with your head in the sand.

In Reality, millions of people are getting refunds from their insurance companies. they love Obama care!
"Insurance companies to 'give back' $1 billion+"
Insurance companies to 'give back' $1 billion+ - HT Health

In Reality, millions of young adults who are still on their parents insurance, they love Obama care!

In Reality, millions of UN-insurable are just WAITING for Obama care to KICK IN in 2014. they love Obama care!

In Reality, millions are happy that corporate death panels have been stopped,
they love Obama care!

In Reality, millions are happy that they get free yearly checkups, they love Obama care!

Many, many more people are going to die of disease thanks to it.
CAUSE?? your flapping gums say so? you could at least try linking to some wackadoodle blog.

But I think that was their ultimate goal.
So you wacky cons think the "liberals" (which Obama has a long way to get to) want people to die of disease, on purpose?

Right Wing brain washing is pretty effective it seems.

It's like a damn cult.

It's not that ZERO wants people to die, it's that his drive to socialism is more important to him than the life or death of mere Americans.
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A recent "Investor's Business Daily" article provided very interesting statistics from a survey by the United Nations International Health Organization.

Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:




Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who
received treatment within six months:




Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received
it within six months:




Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within one month:




Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:




Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are in "excellent health":




And now for the last statistic:

National Health Insurance?




Check this last set of statistics!!

The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know what the private business sector is; a real-life business, not a government job. Here are the percentages.

T. Roosevelt....................


Wilson ...........................




F. Roosevelt.....................


Eisenhower................ ....







GH Bush..........................


GW Bush........................


This helps to explain the incompetence of this administration: only 8% of them have ever worked in
private business!

That's right! Only eight percent---the least, by far, of the last 19 presidents! And these people are trying to tell our big corporations how to run their business?

How can the president of a major nation and society, the one with the most successful economic system in world history, stand and talk about business when he's never worked for one? Or about jobs when he has never really had one? And when it's the same for 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers? They've spent most of their time in academia, government and/or non-profit jobs or as "community organizers." They should have been in an employment line.

Time to call bullshit on this; quit believing everything the talking heads tell you.

PolitiFact | Beck says less than 10 percent of Obama Cabinet has worked in private sector

BTW, how about a link to your healthcare figures. I'm willing to bet you can't give us one because it's a bogus chain mail that you found on your facebook page.
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Thanks for sharing the link to your source. That was really helpful.

investers business daily.

Where is the link to the article? Anybody can make shit up and say so and so said this or you can find it here. There is no article. Actually by saying this was found in Investors Business Daily, you could get yourself in trouble for falsely attributing this nonsense to them.
Government run retirement plans, i.e. social security, have worked out so well, why should i be the least bit concerned about them running healthcare?

Social Security has worked for 75 years. I don't see many seniors who want to give it up

Yeah? Tell that to the folks coming along who have paid in for their whole lives and will get nothing. You really need to think things through there mr. sewer worker.

Yea, I'm sure none of us will be collecting Social Security. :cuckoo:
Social Security has worked for 75 years. I don't see many seniors who want to give it up

Yeah? Tell that to the folks coming along who have paid in for their whole lives and will get nothing. You really need to think things through there mr. sewer worker.

Yea, I'm sure none of us will be collecting Social Security. :cuckoo:

Well, the vast majority of us certainly won't be getting out what we paid in...
Government run retirement plans, i.e. social security, have worked out so well, why should i be the least bit concerned about them running healthcare?

Social Security has worked for 75 years. I don't see many seniors who want to give it up

the system is going broke.

In its current form, it will be short funding. The simple solution is raising the retirement age. People are living ten years longer than they were at the program's inception. SS was never meant to support people for fifteen years. So we have a choice; leave it as is and pay more into it, or reduce the number of years people collect. The problem is that cons don't want to pay more but they also don't want to raise the retirement age. Nobody seems to want to do that even though that is the most logical solution.

This can't be!! There must be some mistake. Obviously Redfish is an honest and intelligent individual who would never attempt to mislead and would thoroughly check information before he shared it with others.

I'm shocked I tell you....shocked!

So many of them don't even know what it is that they are against. They say they are against government run healthcare but they don't want anyone taking away Medicare because they will need it when they retire, but they are against buying private insurance because the government is telling them they have to, and that makes private insurance government run healthcare. You can't argue with people like that because there is no real basis for their argument. It's just political bullshit they pick up on radio talk shows.
So, is this about govt. run medical treatments or a rant on this administration ?

Both. This administration is solely responsible for the disasterous Obamacare. It's a bad idea, too costly and will mean doled out care. Obama and the Dems deserve criticism for forcing this shit on us.

So you agree that private health insurance is too expensive? Good, now maybe you will start to see the light.
Social Security has worked for 75 years. I don't see many seniors who want to give it up

the system is going broke.

In its current form, it will be short funding. The simple solution is raising the retirement age. People are living ten years longer than they were at the program's inception. SS was never meant to support people for fifteen years. So we have a choice; leave it as is and pay more into it, or reduce the number of years people collect. The problem is that cons don't want to pay more but they also don't want to raise the retirement age. Nobody seems to want to do that even though that is the most logical solution.

What will happen to the job market for entry level positions when people work 10 years longer? How many age discrimination cases will hit the court dockets when old aged workers are dumped by their employer.

Here is a better idea, much better...

So, is this about govt. run medical treatments or a rant on this administration ?

Both. This administration is solely responsible for the disasterous Obamacare. It's a bad idea, too costly and will mean doled out care. Obama and the Dems deserve criticism for forcing this shit on us.

So you agree that private health insurance is too expensive? Good, now maybe you will start to see the light.

See the light? Are you serious?

This is exactly what ZEROcare DOESN'T DO!!!

Tell me, when is it that insurance costs are supposed to go down?

See, this is exactly what O is banking on. Passes the monstrosity legislation affectionately known as ZEROcare, which does ZERO to help the cost of healthcare. Then he get the "drones" to complain about the ever increasing cost of insurance ----- Enter SOCIALISM --- I can hear it now! "Single payer will save the day!" - we just need everyone to pay an extra 10% of their income in taxes! (of course that is on page 2,378,402 of the single-payer bill - in tiny print)
Yeah? Tell that to the folks coming along who have paid in for their whole lives and will get nothing. You really need to think things through there mr. sewer worker.

I haven't met any of those people. Neither have you

Allow me to introduce you to my wife, then.
The SSA held up her disability claim for so long..... appeal after appeal.....that by the time she was deemed disabled she didn't have enough work credits in the past 10 years to draw any money.
Now, after all that, as she gets closer to 65 we find out that she won't draw ANY social security retirement. ZERO.
Regardless of how much she paid in for her lifetime, because she doesn't have X amount of credits within X number of years.

A person needs 40 credits, which can be acquired pretty easily by working and paying into social security for 40 quarters or ten years. Anyone who has worked less than this is not eligible.

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