Looks like Hussein Obama forgot he isn't president any longer

Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

He can't really win whatever.

He doesn't make a speech for TWO YEARS and people are like "where's Obama?" and then he makes a speech and they're like "he thinks he's president still".

Grow the fuck up.
Another delusional Leftard who can't deal with the results of the 2016 election. Very enlightening!
And you shouldn't unless if you are someone that has no morals and ok with racism, bullying, fraud, lying, narcissism, etc....

But Mr Harvey Weinstein Farrakhan, you do know that Leftards are totally OK with racism, bullying, fraud, narcissism, etc. as long as the person is a fellow commie, anti American, anti white, anti capitalist, Democrat.
1. Did I praise them ? No.
2. Are they leading us and the country to a cliff? No.
3. You didnt answer the question.

I have NEVER seen the country so divided and polarized as it was under Obama, and he had everything to do with it.
Not true and i didnt othe for Obama.
The country is not divided really...os just that 26% of racists, bigots, fools, idiots that voted for the orange clown think they can hijack the majority.
Nah, you didn't see "99 Percenters" rioting and looting, no city neighborhoods and businesses being burned down incited by Obama-holes and other racist anti police anti white false allegations. Hands up, don't shoot! Ooops, that fake news never actually happened. And you guys wonder why Trump is president. :cuckoo:
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

He can't really win whatever.

He doesn't make a speech for TWO YEARS and people are like "where's Obama?" and then he makes a speech and they're like "he thinks he's president still".

Grow the fuck up.
He's supposed to keep his pie-hole shut and let the new president do his job. Like all past presidents no longer in office.
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

You mean when about 3 million more people voted for Hillary?

Those American people?

Why don't you remind us, who won the election, dumbass?

Tell us again, who received the most votes from the American people?

Another Leftard that can't come to terms with the results of the election.

Notice that you don't actually dispute the fact that Hillary received nearly 3 million more votes from the American people than Trump did.
i noticed that you forgot that some 3.4 million votes in sanctuary cities were invalid as you idiots allowed Non-Americans the voting right in violation of US law.. Now be a good little snowflake and fuck off with your left wing propaganda.
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.
Looks like he just got tired of being slandered. If Trump was doing such a good job he wouldn’t need to slander Obama. Saying Obama tapped his phones and Obama did this and Obama did that. It just shows how worthless Trump is.
Wrong , most Americans voted for Hillary...I didnt...but you cant change facts.
Another delusional Leftard who can't deal with the results of the 2016 election. Very enlightening!
And you shouldn't unless if you are someone that has no morals and ok with racism, bullying, fraud, lying, narcissism, etc....

But Mr Harvey Weinstein Farrakhan, you do know that Leftards are totally OK with racism, bullying, fraud, narcissism, etc. as long as the person is a fellow commie, anti American, anti white, anti capitalist, Democrat.
1. Did I praise them ? No.
2. Are they leading us and the country to a cliff? No.
3. You didnt answer the question.

I have NEVER seen the country so divided and polarized as it was under Obama, and he had everything to do with it.
exactly.... Obama used race and race wars in a effort to keep us divided and fighting among ourselves... Any one who has studied strategy knows this is how you defeat a common people.
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.
Looks like he just got tired of being slandered. If Trump was doing such a good job he wouldn’t need to slander Obama. Saying Obama tapped his phones and Obama did this and Obama did that. It just shows how worthless Trump is.
If Trump was doing such a poor job, some former ex-president who is now obsolete wouldn't have to crawl out of the woodwork to bore us all to tears with his race baiting.
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.
Looks like he just got tired of being slandered. If Trump was doing such a good job he wouldn’t need to slander Obama. Saying Obama tapped his phones and Obama did this and Obama did that. It just shows how worthless Trump is.
Incompetent, inept Obama spent eight years slandering Bush (and he still does as we saw in his latest speech), and not once did Bush step out and say anything.

I'm not a big fan of Bush, but at least he was a patriot who was classy enough not to throw stones at the current president in office, for the benefit of the nation. Perhaps Obama is afraid that his criminal conpiracy to frame Trump and defraud the the US will be exposed, should Republicans maintain their control of govt.
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

Indeed. One of the absolute BESTEST things about the Trump Presidency is that Obabble is not on TV every blessed day saying "I, Me, My, Mine" ad nauseum.

That just ended..... with Trump making obama's legacy into dog crap, obama will now be out every single day....which is a good thing, because too many republicans forgot what we avoided when we beat hilary.

I missed your A rated foundation and what you did for 9/11 families and African kids
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

You mean when about 3 million more people voted for Hillary?

Those American people?
Hey Stupid, the system was intentionally set up so the 8 million in NYC can’t dictate to the farmers in Iowa how to grow the soy beans for their NYC tofu.

Hillary didn't get nearly 66 million votes in New York City. But from 10s of millions of votes by the American people across the US.

So much for the claim that the American People rejected Obama.......the man never lost an election in his life.
She won urban areas. My point stands.

And do we know more whites voted for O in only 4 states?
Mmm, wonder why?
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

Indeed. One of the absolute BESTEST things about the Trump Presidency is that Obabble is not on TV every blessed day saying "I, Me, My, Mine" ad nauseum.

That just ended..... with Trump making obama's legacy into dog crap, obama will now be out every single day....which is a good thing, because too many republicans forgot what we avoided when we beat hilary.

I missed your A rated foundation and what you did for 9/11 families and African kids

Linky to yours?
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

Indeed. One of the absolute BESTEST things about the Trump Presidency is that Obabble is not on TV every blessed day saying "I, Me, My, Mine" ad nauseum.

That just ended..... with Trump making obama's legacy into dog crap, obama will now be out every single day....which is a good thing, because too many republicans forgot what we avoided when we beat hilary.

Well, I rarely watch TV except for old movies...a habit I developed during Obabble's Reign of Narcissism.
The limit of your intelligence ?
I guess you don't have the brains to start a $150mm business underO like my daughter did.
Remember we're losing 750000 jobs a month when O come in?
And don the cons first year was the worst job creation In 6 years?
Knees news didn't tell you that?
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.
Why don't you have the balls to call him what you really think white boy rube?
An uppity nixxer?
And where Is he and where are you again?
That is his name.

Hussein Obama isn't his name. Anymore than our president is named John Trump.
Try again junior. His middle name is indeed Hussein. He himself mentioned it and made a joke about it. Try learning.

Of course, but we know why white rubes concentrate on that.
No uppity nixxer?
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

You mean when about 3 million more people voted for Hillary?

Those American people?
Hey Stupid, the system was intentionally set up so the 8 million in NYC can’t dictate to the farmers in Iowa how to grow the soy beans for their NYC tofu.

Hillary didn't get nearly 66 million votes in New York City. But from 10s of millions of votes by the American people across the US.

So much for the claim that the American People rejected Obama.......the man never lost an election in his life.
She won urban areas. My point stands.

And do we know more whites voted for O in only 4 states?
Mmm, wonder why?
Ever notice where minorities live most?
You mean when about 3 million more people voted for Hillary?

Those American people?
Hey Stupid, the system was intentionally set up so the 8 million in NYC can’t dictate to the farmers in Iowa how to grow the soy beans for their NYC tofu.

Hillary didn't get nearly 66 million votes in New York City. But from 10s of millions of votes by the American people across the US.

So much for the claim that the American People rejected Obama.......the man never lost an election in his life.
She won urban areas. My point stands.

And do we know more whites voted for O in only 4 states?
Mmm, wonder why?
Ever notice where minorities live most?

It's called redlining.
Try todo some research.
And would you rather grow up black or white blind rage rube? silence ?
Giving one of his speeches talking down to the American people, and once again talking shit about Trump and America. He forgot that the American people totally rejected his presidency and his incumbent crooked Hillary in 2016.

Indeed. One of the absolute BESTEST things about the Trump Presidency is that Obabble is not on TV every blessed day saying "I, Me, My, Mine" ad nauseum.

That just ended..... with Trump making obama's legacy into dog crap, obama will now be out every single day....which is a good thing, because too many republicans forgot what we avoided when we beat hilary.

Well, I rarely watch TV except for old movies...a habit I developed during Obabble's Reign of Narcissism.
The limit of your intelligence ?
I guess you don't have the brains to start a $150mm business underO like my daughter did.
Remember we're losing 750000 jobs a month when O come in?
And don the cons first year was the worst job creation In 6 years?
Knees news didn't tell you that?

You are silly.
Hey Stupid, the system was intentionally set up so the 8 million in NYC can’t dictate to the farmers in Iowa how to grow the soy beans for their NYC tofu.

Hillary didn't get nearly 66 million votes in New York City. But from 10s of millions of votes by the American people across the US.

So much for the claim that the American People rejected Obama.......the man never lost an election in his life.
She won urban areas. My point stands.

And do we know more whites voted for O in only 4 states?
Mmm, wonder why?
Ever notice where minorities live most?

It's called redlining.
Try todo some research.
And would you rather grow up black or white blind rage rube? silence ?
I live in a black locale so your question is empty.
You mean when about 3 million more people voted for Hillary?

Those American people?
Hey Stupid, the system was intentionally set up so the 8 million in NYC can’t dictate to the farmers in Iowa how to grow the soy beans for their NYC tofu.

Hillary didn't get nearly 66 million votes in New York City. But from 10s of millions of votes by the American people across the US.

So much for the claim that the American People rejected Obama.......the man never lost an election in his life.
She won urban areas. My point stands.

And do we know more whites voted for O in only 4 states?
Mmm, wonder why?
Ever notice where minorities live most?

What's that got to do with more whites voting for O's opponent?
Your pathetic insulting pic tells us all we need to know about your small mind
Let me guess, non college white rube?
Hey Stupid, the system was intentionally set up so the 8 million in NYC can’t dictate to the farmers in Iowa how to grow the soy beans for their NYC tofu.

Hillary didn't get nearly 66 million votes in New York City. But from 10s of millions of votes by the American people across the US.

So much for the claim that the American People rejected Obama.......the man never lost an election in his life.
She won urban areas. My point stands.

And do we know more whites voted for O in only 4 states?
Mmm, wonder why?
Ever notice where minorities live most?

What's that got to do with more whites voting for O's opponent?
Your pathetic insulting pic tells us all we need to know about your small mind
Let me guess, non college white rube?
I was responding specifically to your post about obama voters. They mostly live in urban areas.

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