Looks Like I'm Voting For Trump

Any religion that wants to destroy or enslave infidels isn't a religion that should be protected by our constitution.

You let us know if somebody invents one then. Actually you can "want" all you want; you just can't do it. That has much to do with why we wrote the First Amendment in the first place --- to be free of that witch-burning and deportation and forced-conversion shit.

Also, if terrorist discussions are found to be going on in a mosque, it can be closed down.

Or you could just close down the Imaginarium where that's going on. What a concept.
Ok. I'll let you know now. It's called Islam. Next, do you find it unusual that an enemy would find a way of attacking you through shortcomings in your law? It doesn't surprise me one bit. And it IS happening. Also, the constitution was written over two hundred years ago. But like it or not, times change. Your position is as ridiculous as the muslim fundamentalists who want to return to the laws of the sixth century. Next, everybody knows that mosques are often the breeding grounds of extremism. Tell me, are you a muslim yourself? Or do you just enjoy having their dicks up your ass.
Another fan of fascism. Next...

Lol, you want a dictator....

You're both retarded.
Nationam socialism is just a necessary first step before moving on to something better. Also, are you actually a libertarian? Because it's hard to get much more retarded than that.
The White race races to extinction. You need to get up with the program. The white race as a singular race is dead.
The only way the White species is going to die is if everybody else dies too. Which is a likely to happen sooner than most people expect.

In 1950, whites were 28 percent of world population and Africans 9 percent, a ratio of three-to-one. In 2060, the ratio will remain the same. But the colors will be reversed. People of African ancestry will be 25 percent of the world`s population. People of European descent will have fallen to 9.8 percent.

The white population is shrinking not only in relative but in absolute terms. Two hundred million white people, one in every six on earth—a number equal to the entire population of France, Britain, Holland and Germany—will vanish by 2060.

The Caucasian race is going the way of the Mohicans.:ack-1:

United Nations Population Division | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

In the u.s in 2011 non-whites for the first time outweighed Caucasians in the under-one-year age group in the United States. According to the Census Bureau, by 2043 America should become a predominantly non-white country.

In the UK, one in five people is now foreign-born, most likely in Pakistan or India. In Germany, a Turkish community is on the rise, and in France, a North African Arab one.
Another fan of fascism. Next...

Lol, you want a dictator....

You're both retarded.
Nationam socialism is just a necessary first step before moving on to something better. Also, are you actually a libertarian? Because it's hard to get much more retarded than that.
The White race races to extinction. You need to get up with the program. The white race as a singular race is dead.
The only way the White species is going to die is if everybody else dies too. Which is a likely to happen sooner than most people expect.

In 1950, whites were 28 percent of world population and Africans 9 percent, a ratio of three-to-one. In 2060, the ratio will remain the same. But the colors will be reversed. People of African ancestry will be 25 percent of the world`s population. People of European descent will have fallen to 9.8 percent.

The white population is shrinking not only in relative but in absolute terms. Two hundred million white people, one in every six on earth—a number equal to the entire population of France, Britain, Holland and Germany—will vanish by 2060.

The Caucasian race is going the way of the Mohicans.:ack-1:

United Nations Population Division | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

In the u.s in 2011 non-whites for the first time outweighed Caucasians in the under-one-year age group in the United States. According to the Census Bureau, by 2043 America should become a predominantly non-white country.

In the UK, one in five people is now foreign-born, most likely in Pakistan or India. In Germany, a Turkish community is on the rise, and in France, a North African Arab one.
Hey. Shit for brains. By 2060, all humans will likely be dead. Though if I can help it, some White people will band together and try to save at least some of their own kind. Despite morons like you calling them "RACISTS!!!" for trying to do so. The question then come up if they are worth saving. Read this. Maybe it will give you a clue. It is a thread I found called, "Is the White Species Superior?"

is the white species superior.jpg
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

I'll be voting against you, and working to undermine your cowardice.
Does your username stand for "Dick Black"? Such as in the kind of dick you prefer having up your ass? Well you may call it cowardice for others to not want black dick, muslim dick or LaRaza (The Race) dick up their ass. But that is your opinion.
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I really do believe Obama wants to turn America into a third-world nation so bad that he is fully willing to cause the Democrat Party to lose the 2016 Presidential Election. This move on hiss part to defy the will of the American people once again shows he will do whatever it takes even if it means destroying what little legacy he has and loosing the election for his party. Go figure.
The U.S. is already a third world country compared to countries like Germany and Japan. The only question is how much more worse things can get.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Because we all know that its only the constitutional rights of the bad guys that would be trashed.

Luddy Needite,
Having rights is nice. But if your enemy uses those rights as a means of defeating us, then I am more than willing to surrender any right that is needed to keep that from happening. It's a hell of a lot better than any "rights" sharia law would give you. Or having to have to learn Spanish.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Another fan of true American interests. Next.......

You heard it here, folks. National Socialism is a "true American interest".
You want to talk about true American interests? I will include a copy of a thread that I found. Read it and tell me more about true American interests.

View attachment 55020
Where is that from?
I want the Corporate States of America where every voter is a shareholder and only shareholders have rights or citizenship. Start with the ones that are citizens now and make everyone else pay for it.
I want a White National Socialist America. Where we can improve our own lives and not have foreign lowlife non-whites insisting on sharing what we have done for our own kind.
I hear Stormfront calling your name, Adolph.
Being banned from about everywhere else, I did join stormfront. After starting my first thread, I was banned. I was also banned from VNN. Why was I banned from these places? It is because they are forums secretly run by Jews to keep track of those who are against them. But I made too much sense.
Being banned from SF is fairly easy but how in the hell did u get banned from VNN?
I already said. I made too much sense for the Jews who secretly run those forums.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.
Another fan of fascism. Next...
What this country needs is National Socialism.


No. What the entire world needs if for slime like you to get off.
Luddy Needsbrains,
First of all, fuck off. Next, it isn't "slime" like me who are at fault for all the worlds problems. Slime like you ARE.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.
Another fan of fascism. Next...

Thats not fascism. The US didn't allow immigrants in from certain countries for forty years from the1920-1960s. Perhaps, when islam can move into the 21 century and away from its 7th centruy barbarism, we can start reconsidering their limited entry in.
As long as muslims are muslims, they can't get away from the concept of killing or enslaving infidels. It would be like having Christians reject Jesus's teachings about forgiveness.
Any religion that wants to destroy or enslave infidels isn't a religion that should be protected by our constitution.

You let us know if somebody invents one then. Actually you can "want" all you want; you just can't do it. That has much to do with why we wrote the First Amendment in the first place --- to be free of that witch-burning and deportation and forced-conversion shit.

Also, if terrorist discussions are found to be going on in a mosque, it can be closed down.

Or you could just close down the Imaginarium where that's going on. What a concept.
Ok. I'll let you know now. It's called Islam. Next, do you find it unusual that an enemy would find a way of attacking you through shortcomings in your law? It doesn't surprise me one bit. And it IS happening. Also, the constitution was written over two hundred years ago. But like it or not, times change. Your position is as ridiculous as the muslim fundamentalists who want to return to the laws of the sixth century. Next, everybody knows that mosques are often the breeding grounds of extremism.

Oh I see --- "Everyone knows". Well isn't that rock-solid logic.

Tell me, are you a muslim yourself? Or do you just enjoy having their dicks up your ass.

No I'm not a Muslim or anything else. I don't believe in organized religion. What I do believe in is facts. I guess that's out of your league though. Better stick to the homoerotic fantasies.
So we need to start keeping track of the Trump idiot-syncrosies.
Like Bush.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best [sic]. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

“In my book I predicted terrorism because I can feel it,” said Trump.

"I'm going to put people in my place, so when the history of this administration is written at least there's an authoritarian voice saying exactly what happened." --George W. Bush

"Should the Iranian regime-do they have the sovereign right to have civilian nuclear power? So, like, if I were you, that's what I'd ask me. And the answer is, yes, they do." --George W. Bush, talking to reporters in Washington, D.C., July 2, 2008

Trump is starting to build up a good supply of whackjobs statements. Bush may lose his title.
Tell me what you need it for first.
I just wanted to measure up if you were in the same league with the guy who created that much... Just wondered about the remark of "profoundly stupid."
Tell me what you need it for first.
I just wanted to measure up if you were in the same league with the guy who created that much... Just wondered about the remark of "profoundly stupid."

I'm not aware of anybody who created that much. I am aware of a clown who pushes other people's money around and then claims it's his. Not counting those pesky bankruptcies of course.... :eusa_whistle:
I'm not aware of anybody who created that much. I am aware of a clown who pushes other people's money around and then claims it's his. Not counting those pesky bankruptcies of course.... :eusa_whistle:
Envy drives the progressive band wagon..... Good business leader looks out for the interests of the business by all lawful means... Good statesman looks out for the interest of the country by all lawful means....
I'm not aware of anybody who created that much. I am aware of a clown who pushes other people's money around and then claims it's his. Not counting those pesky bankruptcies of course.... :eusa_whistle:

Envy drives the progressive band wagon..... Good business leader looks out for the interests of the business by all lawful means... Good statesman looks out for the interest of the country by all lawful means....

Yup. And the interests of those two are mutually opposed.
Yup. And the interests of those two are mutually opposed.
....says the socialist who could have had a great life in Paris but came back to the "fucked up" home land to be miserable...he found happiness in his mental misery...oximoron? It may seem to be
Any religion that wants to destroy or enslave infidels isn't a religion that should be protected by our constitution.

You let us know if somebody invents one then. Actually you can "want" all you want; you just can't do it. That has much to do with why we wrote the First Amendment in the first place --- to be free of that witch-burning and deportation and forced-conversion shit.

Also, if terrorist discussions are found to be going on in a mosque, it can be closed down.

Or you could just close down the Imaginarium where that's going on. What a concept.
Ok. I'll let you know now. It's called Islam. Next, do you find it unusual that an enemy would find a way of attacking you through shortcomings in your law? It doesn't surprise me one bit. And it IS happening. Also, the constitution was written over two hundred years ago. But like it or not, times change. Your position is as ridiculous as the muslim fundamentalists who want to return to the laws of the sixth century. Next, everybody knows that mosques are often the breeding grounds of extremism.

Oh I see --- "Everyone knows". Well isn't that rock-solid logic.

Tell me, are you a muslim yourself? Or do you just enjoy having their dicks up your ass.

No I'm not a Muslim or anything else. I don't believe in organized religion. What I do believe in is facts. I guess that's out of your league though. Better stick to the homoerotic fantasies.
So you doubt what I say about mosques often being breeding grounds for extremism. Are you high? Islam IS an extreme religion. Even Mohammed himself is said to have personally, with his own two hands, cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. What is it you don't get. Next, if I said anything in this thread or in any other thread that you disagree with, I invite you to let me know what it is. If you dare.

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