Looks Like I'm Voting For Trump

Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.
Another fan of fascism. Next...

Lol, you want a dictator....

You're both retarded.
Nationam socialism is just a necessary first step before moving on to something better. Also, are you actually a libertarian? Because it's hard to get much more retarded than that.
The White race races to extinction. You need to get up with the program. The white race as a singular race is dead.

There is only one race - human race.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Another fan of true American interests. Next.......

You heard it here, folks. National Socialism is a "true American interest".

National Socialism was never mentioned in either quote specifically. As a mod, you should know better.........fuckwad!!!

Perhaps if you were be a little more careful of the people you reflexively throw your support behind, you'd save yourself some embarrassment.

I threw my support behind his statements, not him. Mosques in the middle-east are armorys' for Jihadist weapons and will be here and illegals are just that, illegal.
National Socialism, I've never supported.

No, you threw your support to him, calling him a "fan of true American interests".

It's ok to be embarrassed about, but denying it makes you look silly.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.
Another fan of fascism. Next...

So says the guy who endorses genocide of Israeli Jews.
Zionists, all of them.

"Zionist" is just the antisemite's euphemism for "Jew."
but you continue to delude yourself if that helps you save face.
Another fan of fascism. Next...

So says the guy who endorses genocide of Israeli Jews.
Zionists, all of them.

"Zionist" is just the antisemite's euphemism for "Jew."
but you continue to delude yourself if that helps you save face.
If that were true there wouldn't be Jews who aren't Zionists, Zionists who aren't Jews, and Jews who oppose Zionism.
I would like to vote for somebody that promises us no more time changes--we all stay at daylight savings, somebody that promises to get rid of all bureaucracies, and somebody that promises to crunch our workweek to 4 days a week with 10 hour days.

So far, no candidate has touched any of my desires.
So you want the government to decide how businesses run? Are you kidding me right now?
There may be a couple aspects to capitalism that isn't too bad. But overall, capitalism is pure filth. One of the bad things about some of the things that government does run is that there are many in government who want to turn them over to the private sector. Which is about as stupid as you can get.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Another fan of true American interests. Next.......

You heard it here, folks. National Socialism is a "true American interest".

National Socialism was never mentioned in either quote specifically. As a mod, you should know better.........fuckwad!!!

Perhaps if you were be a little more careful of the people you reflexively throw your support behind, you'd save yourself some embarrassment.
All of our politics are a sham. But at least Trump isn't a globalist pile of shit who wants to see all borders basically disappear.
Trump would be a huge improvement from being led by a muslim racist America hater like Obama. One year to go!
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Another fan of true American interests. Next.......

You heard it here, folks. National Socialism is a "true American interest".

National Socialism was never mentioned in either quote specifically. As a mod, you should know better.........fuckwad!!!

Perhaps if you were be a little more careful of the people you reflexively throw your support behind, you'd save yourself some embarrassment.
All of our politics are a sham. But at least Trump isn't a globalist pile of shit who wants to see all borders basically disappear.

Trump is a supporter of capitalism, so Hillary might be more your cup of tea.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Too bad the Constitution doesn't.

Speaking of which, guess what the first thing is that the POTUS has to pledge to do upon taking the oath of office.


Fuck the constitution. It's time for a NEW DEAL. Next, I don't know what that POTUS thing is about.

Are you new to this country? When taking the oath of office ---- literally while taking it ---- the incoming POTUS has to swear to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution". Obviously, closing down mosques would be a blatant violation of the First Amendment thereof. Consequently Rump either (a) would have to try to defy that Constitution in order to implement that idea and then be impeached for doing that; or (b) is blatantly lying right now about considering it.

Regardless whether (a) or (b) is the case, how could anyone consider that a real candidate?
Any religion that wants to destroy or enslave infidels isn't a religion that should be protected by our constitution. Maybe an amendment to the constitution would fix that. Also, if terrorist discussions are found to be going on in a mosque, it can be closed down.
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Any religion that wants to destroy or enslave infidels isn't a religion that should be protected by our constitution.

You let us know if somebody invents one then. Actually you can "want" all you want; you just can't do it. That has much to do with why we wrote the First Amendment in the first place --- to be free of that witch-burning and deportation and forced-conversion shit.

Also, if terrorist discussions are found to be going on in a mosque, it can be closed down.

Or you could just close down the Imaginarium where that's going on. What a concept.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.
Another fan of fascism. Next...

Lol, you want a dictator....

You're both retarded.
Nationam socialism is just a necessary first step before moving on to something better. Also, are you actually a libertarian? Because it's hard to get much more retarded than that.
The White race races to extinction. You need to get up with the program. The white race as a singular race is dead.
The only way the White species is going to die is if everybody else dies too. Which is a likely to happen sooner than most people expect.

In 1950, whites were 28 percent of world population and Africans 9 percent, a ratio of three-to-one. In 2060, the ratio will remain the same. But the colors will be reversed. People of African ancestry will be 25 percent of the world`s population. People of European descent will have fallen to 9.8 percent.

The white population is shrinking not only in relative but in absolute terms. Two hundred million white people, one in every six on earth—a number equal to the entire population of France, Britain, Holland and Germany—will vanish by 2060.

The Caucasian race is going the way of the Mohicans.:ack-1:

United Nations Population Division | Department of Economic and Social Affairs

In the u.s in 2011 non-whites for the first time outweighed Caucasians in the under-one-year age group in the United States. According to the Census Bureau, by 2043 America should become a predominantly non-white country.

In the UK, one in five people is now foreign-born, most likely in Pakistan or India. In Germany, a Turkish community is on the rise, and in France, a North African Arab one.
In 1950, whites were 28 percent of world population and Africans 9 percent, a ratio of three-to-one. In 2060, the ratio will remain the same. But the colors will be reversed. People of African ancestry will be 25 percent of the world`s population. People of European descent will have fallen to 9.8 percent.

The white population is shrinking not only in relative but in absolute terms. Two hundred million white people, one in every six on earth—a number equal to the entire population of France, Britain, Holland and Germany—will vanish by 2060.

The Caucasian race is going the way of the Mohicans.:ack-1:
Then they will force the jews to intermarry... you need to look further than the tip of your nose...
I would like to vote for somebody that promises us no more time changes--we all stay at daylight savings, somebody that promises to get rid of all bureaucracies, and somebody that promises to crunch our workweek to 4 days a week with 10 hour days.

So far, no candidate has touched any of my desires.
So you want the government to decide how businesses run? Are you kidding me right now?
There may be a couple aspects to capitalism that isn't too bad. But overall, capitalism is pure filth. One of the bad things about some of the things that government does run is that there are many in government who want to turn them over to the private sector. Which is about as stupid as you can get.
My reaction was of surprise that Ray believed that.

I am all for more socialization in this country. However, if you think Trump will deliver on that than you are painfully mistaken.
I really do believe Obama wants to turn America into a third-world nation so bad that he is fully willing to cause the Democrat Party to lose the 2016 Presidential Election. This move on hiss part to defy the will of the American people once again shows he will do whatever it takes even if it means destroying what little legacy he has and loosing the election for his party. Go figure.

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