Looks Like I'm Voting For Trump

Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Because we all know that its only the constitutional rights of the bad guys that would be trashed.

Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Too bad the Constitution doesn't.

Speaking of which, guess what the first thing is that the POTUS has to pledge to do upon taking the oath of office.

Fuck the constitution. It's time for a NEW DEAL. Next, I don't know what that POTUS thing is about.

Are you new to this country? When taking the oath of office ---- literally while taking it ---- the incoming POTUS has to swear to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution". Obviously, closing down mosques would be a blatant violation of the First Amendment thereof. Consequently Rump either (a) would have to try to defy that Constitution in order to implement that idea and then be impeached for doing that; or (b) is blatantly lying right now about considering it.

Regardless whether (a) or (b) is the case, how could anyone consider that a real candidate?

That's exactly what these slime want.

They want a dictator. That's why they're always humping Pooting's leg.

That Obama has led more than 7000 specifically targeted raids on ISIL and the fact that there are more than 60 other countries who have followed his lead is the opposite of what they want.

Nice that Pooting has SAID he will FINALLY do what President Obama has been doing all along but nazi scum don't want a leader. They want a mommy figure like Drumpf to tell them when to change their underwear.

Most important is they KNOW Drumpf is lying and they don't care. They want to be lied to so they don't have to think for themselves.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Another fan of true American interests. Next.......

You heard it here, folks. National Socialism is a "true American interest".
You want to talk about true American interests? I will include a copy of a thread that I found. Read it and tell me more about true American interests.

View attachment 55020
Where is that from?
I want the Corporate States of America where every voter is a shareholder and only shareholders have rights or citizenship. Start with the ones that are citizens now and make everyone else pay for it.
I want a White National Socialist America. Where we can improve our own lives and not have foreign lowlife non-whites insisting on sharing what we have done for our own kind.
I hear Stormfront calling your name, Adolph.
Being banned from about everywhere else, I did join stormfront. After starting my first thread, I was banned. I was also banned from VNN. Why was I banned from these places? It is because they are forums secretly run by Jews to keep track of those who are against them. But I made too much sense.
Being banned from SF is fairly easy but how in the hell did u get banned from VNN?
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Too bad the Constitution doesn't.

Speaking of which, guess what the first thing is that the POTUS has to pledge to do upon taking the oath of office.

LOL when was the last President to care about that? When was the last time a majority of the citizens gave a shit, for that matter?
But I do agree :thup:
I want the Corporate States of America where every voter is a shareholder and only shareholders have rights or citizenship. Start with the ones that are citizens now and make everyone else pay for it.
I want a White National Socialist America. Where we can improve our own lives and not have foreign lowlife non-whites insisting on sharing what we have done for our own kind.

Translation: I'm a failure, living in a crappy trailer, waiting for my food stamps, dead drunk most of the time and I need to blame non-whites for my own lack of balls.

Trump would be a huge improvement from being led by a muslim racist America hater like Obama. One year to go!
Your avatar if fuckin awesome!


Before you pee your pants, here's one just for you.

Why would I pee my pants, statist?


Its okay, you don't need to thank me.
hey, have you stocked up on ammunition yet clowny ?
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.
Another fan of fascism. Next...

Thats not fascism. The US didn't allow immigrants in from certain countries for forty years from the1920-1960s. Perhaps, when islam can move into the 21 century and away from its 7th centruy barbarism, we can start reconsidering their limited entry in.
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Too bad the Constitution doesn't.

Speaking of which, guess what the first thing is that the POTUS has to pledge to do upon taking the oath of office.

LOL when was the last President to care about that? When was the last time a majority of the citizens gave a shit, for that matter?
But I do agree :thup:

Rump isn't a President though -- he's a pretend candidate. And he just shot any chances directly in the foot by admitting BEFORE being elected, or even nominated, that the Constitution is meaningless to him. Therefore he can't be elected.

Even George W. Bush didn't make that bad a gaffe while running for office. This gaffe is, to coin a phrase, "HUUUUUGE".
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Too bad the Constitution doesn't.

Speaking of which, guess what the first thing is that the POTUS has to pledge to do upon taking the oath of office.

LOL when was the last President to care about that? When was the last time a majority of the citizens gave a shit, for that matter?
But I do agree :thup:

Rump isn't a President though -- he's a pretend candidate. And he just shot any chances directly in the foot by admitting BEFORE being elected, or even nominated, that the Constitution is meaningless to him. Therefore he can't be elected.

Even George W. Bush didn't make that bad a gaffe while running for office. This gaffe is, to coin a phrase, "HUUUUUGE".
So he is the same as all the others, he is just honest?
Anybody who would close mosques and send overpopulating illegal invader scab scum back to mexico has my vote.

Too bad the Constitution doesn't.

Speaking of which, guess what the first thing is that the POTUS has to pledge to do upon taking the oath of office.

LOL when was the last President to care about that? When was the last time a majority of the citizens gave a shit, for that matter?
But I do agree :thup:

Rump isn't a President though -- he's a pretend candidate. And he just shot any chances directly in the foot by admitting BEFORE being elected, or even nominated, that the Constitution is meaningless to him. Therefore he can't be elected.

Even George W. Bush didn't make that bad a gaffe while running for office. This gaffe is, to coin a phrase, "HUUUUUGE".
So he is the same as all the others, he is just honest?

He's either profoundly stupid, or as Flopper suggested, he's deliberately painting himself into a corner so he can drop out.

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