Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

Who are these "forces on the ground"?

That's "sources" not "forces", milady. And those sources would dare not reveal their identities for fear of retaliation by their own government.

Sorry about the mistake, and I do not know where miladay comes from. In other words though, none of these sources are identified. I could say people who were there said, and follow it with anything that I wanted.

"Mi lady" comes from deep down in TK's subconscious where he believes himself to be a night in shining armor. It is how he escapes the reality that is his life.
After hearing about and reading the investigative report by the New York Times blaming a video for the attacks on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012; which killed four Americans including Ambassador Chris Stevens, sources and eyewitnesses on the ground that night slammed the report as 'completely false.'

Doesn't pay to contradict people who were actually there as it happened, now does it. I gather the NYT and the Obama Administration should be ashamed of themselves for turning this into a farce. Those four men who died that night deserve better than this.

Fifteen months after the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, the narrative of the attack continues to be shaped, and reshaped, by politicians and the press.

But a New York Times report published over the weekend has angered sources who were on the ground that night. Those sources, who continue to face threats of losing their jobs, sharply challenged the Times’ findings that there was no involvement from Al Qaeda or any other international terror group and that an anti-Islam film played a role in inciting the initial wave of attacks.

“It was a coordinated attack. It is completely false to say anything else. … It is completely a lie,” one witness to the attack told Fox News.

The controversial Times report has stirred a community that normally remains out of sight and wrestles with how to reveal the truth, without revealing classified information.

Fox News has learned that the attack on the consulate started with fighters assembling to conduct an assault.

"Guys were coming into the compound, moving left, moving right…and using IMT (individual movement techniques). … That’s not a spontaneous attack,” one special operator said.

"One guy was shooting, one guy was running. There are guys watching the gates. … The bosses on the ground were pointing, commanding and coordinating -- that is a direct action planned attack."

The community of operators in Libya that night and since includes the CIA, FBI, U.S. military, U.S. State Department and contractors working for the United States in a number of capacities. According to multiple sources on the ground that night, all the intelligence personnel in Benghazi before the attack and there now understand Al Qaeda is a significant threat in Libya.

'Completely false': Sources on ground in Benghazi challenge NYT report | Fox News

Rice was right... after all it was about the videos ... where the Al-Qaeda had nothing to do with it .... now you repub-lie-tards are tap dancing all over the place for not doing your job as well, "SO-called reporters" ...see what happens when you use a investigating reporter you get the truth and you can't stand that fact .... I'm loving it .... MORE CROW ON repub-lie-tards faces CAW!!! CAW !!! CAW !!! CAW !!!
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Poor baby, nobody likes you.


Clinton/Warren 2016 ?

Wow, really Candy ? I do expect to see Hillary win the White House, but not with Warren as her running mate.

I would say not a chance in hell, but after this country elected Obama twice nothing would surprise me.

It's a long shot. A really long shot. But if you think about it from the viewpoints of what it takes to be POTUS:

Name Recognition-Hillary-Check
Heavy Weight Credentials-Hillary-Check
Good in all time zones-Hillary-Check
Wants the Job-Hillary-Check

Now add in what you want from the VPOUTS candidate:

Energize the base-Warren-Check+++
No significant baggage-Warren-Check
Geographically balance the ticket-Warren-wiff

Then you get into the "like to haves" such as ethnicity (no bump from Warren), "rockstar" credentials (moderate bump), and ready to take over just in case (no bump from Warren but there is likely no great bump from any other DEM out there so it's a wash).

The pieces fit. Again, it's a long shot but there is some "there" there.

Are you reasonably sure about "wants the job?"
Yes the NY times is a known far left propaganda organization for the DNC. All this proves that they are a mouth piece for the current administration.


hate the truth do ya????

I wonder, what are the supporters of the video theory going to say about this? All the sources and eyewitnesses are contradicting the NYT!
can't stand it can ya ... you have a factual source for your anger here do ya??? I thought so ....one big empty bucket .... just say it... you can put on your big boy pants and say it ... "AH fuck it" we republ-iie-tards were wrong again.... :lol::lol::lol:
Benghazi deniers are the same as 9/11 truthers.

you mean, why did Bush ignore the warnings, those truthers ???? or where we said it was about a video those truthers ??? or where we said they outed a CIA agent those trutheres ??? which truthers are you wanting us to tell you about ... I realize you republicans love to be lie to all the time ... so yeah... you guys are always right ... really !! I wouldn't jive ya ...:lol::lol::lol::lol:
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I found this nifty chart at a right wing site:


The conducting of the survey was in February of 2013 and Ben-gotcha wasn't drawing 50% then. Around September 2016 (If Ms. Clinton is on the ticket), it should be somewhere in the 20's perhaps. If I read it right, they asked 2,184 Republicans and didn't get 50%...

Best to drop the issue from a political standpoint. But I don't see that happening.

New Poll: Clinton, Benghazi and Conservatives | Conservative Intelligence Briefing

Please stop trying to use the death of those four people for political gain.


its not political gain we are establishing here ... its the fact that we on the left were attack by the right, in the media, by these people here on the boards without any reason for it other then political gain at the death of these people .... so now we have shown to them it wasn't the Al-Qaeda, as the right claim or Darrol Issa insisted on ... and tried to insist he was right on meet the press again ... the place that was attack was a CIA out post and the people there knew it ... that is a fact... when some clowns over in the states did what he was told not to do... it would cause the people over there to seek out the Americans and kill them ... we all knew that too ...so when push came to shove they were killed because of a video ... just like we were told the first time .... except the first time they weren't a 100% sure ... becasue nobody had totally investagated the casue.... now that they have we know... now these idiots here want to be the deniers again ....just because of one and only one reason LoneLaugher Political gain ... period !!!
Clinton/Warren 2016 ?

Wow, really Candy ? I do expect to see Hillary win the White House, but not with Warren as her running mate.

I would say not a chance in hell, but after this country elected Obama twice nothing would surprise me.

It's a long shot. A really long shot. But if you think about it from the viewpoints of what it takes to be POTUS:

Name Recognition-Hillary-Check
Heavy Weight Credentials-Hillary-Check
Good in all time zones-Hillary-Check
Wants the Job-Hillary-Check

Now add in what you want from the VPOUTS candidate:

Energize the base-Warren-Check+++
No significant baggage-Warren-Check
Geographically balance the ticket-Warren-wiff

Then you get into the "like to haves" such as ethnicity (no bump from Warren), "rockstar" credentials (moderate bump), and ready to take over just in case (no bump from Warren but there is likely no great bump from any other DEM out there so it's a wash).

The pieces fit. Again, it's a long shot but there is some "there" there.

Are you reasonably sure about "wants the job?"

-Doing nothing to quell suspicion of her running.
-Can legitimately say that Obama was a fluke that derailed her in 2012.
-Aside from being 8 years older, what has changed from 2012?
No, four diplomats died because the middle east is a dangerous place.

That your side kept trying to use the coffins of brave Americans as soap-boxes and got slapped down repeatedly for trying it shows you just don't learn.

Sure its a dangerous place, thats why they should have been provided with adequate protection--------protection that they requested and Hillary denied.

Tell that to your Republican leaders who refused to fund more security......the rw is all about not taking responsibility for their ineptness.

First off, there were no cuts.
Second, which party is constantly calling for cutting defense spending? Yeah, it isn't the GOP.
Third, the issue was not funding but giving a shit. Something the Democrats don't do.
Guys, why can't we just debate the facts here and stop with the childish insults?

oK... we told them that we believed it was because of the video... we were called liars
we told them we didn't have the total information in what happen ... we were told we were trying to cover up information...
we told them that there wasn't any evidence that the Al-Qaeda was involved ... we were called liars ...
now that a investigative reported on the ground talked to the people who were there, the people involved ....what are the republicans saying to us now ???? we're liars ... the republicans here don't want the truth .... they want to do what they do best ... name call ... sooooooooooo pay backs are a bitch!!!
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Guys, why can't we just debate the facts here and stop with the childish insults?

oK... we told them that we believed it was because of the video... we were called liars
we told them we didn't have the total information in what happen ... we were told we were trying to cover up information...
we told them that there wasn't any evidence that the Al-Qaeda was involved ... we were called liars ...
now that a investigative reported on the grount talked to the people who were there the people involved what are they saying to us now ???? we're liars ... the republicans here down't want the truth they want to do what they do best name call ... sooooooooooo pay backs are a bitch

Sure -

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