Looks like Obama was correct about Benghazi

My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.


pretty much says it all doesn't it ... as long as it puts democrat in harms way in office, then nail them to the wall the republicans say.... then tell them how concern they are when in reality Lonelaugher, its political gain the republicans here seek .... I guess Ive been soooooo tired of their attacks on dems/liberals that i too have become Cynical when I see a republican post here ...
My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.

Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

we realize you don't get it... cause that would actually take some sort of actual thought on your part... in no way was this poster was trying to say see bush did it too... what they posters intent was to show you what Hypocrites you republicans are ... when it happens on the republicans watch no big deal ... no outrage from the right ... shit happens !!!! as they say ... when it happens to the dems, on their watch, its the biggest crime of the century... where you republicans go on until you puke to prove that you're the concerned guys ... where in reality you could care less on how many Americans die on your watch .. say it like it is
My hope is the NYTimes False story starts the unraveling of the truth about Benghazi.
I Will NEVER Forget Benghazi where Americans were left to die & the POS POTUS went to Vegas.


pretty much says it all doesn't it ... as long as it puts democrat in harms way in office, then nail them to the wall the republicans say.... then tell them how concern they are when in reality Lonelaugher, its political gain the republicans here seek .... I guess Ive been soooooo tired of their attacks on dems/liberals that i too have become Cynical when I see a republican post here ...

Benghazi is the Republican response to 9-11

"We may have given up 9-11, but Obama had BENGHAZI"
Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

we realize you don't get it... cause that would actually take some sort of actual thought on your part... in no way was this poster was trying to say see bush did it too... what they posters intent was to show you what Hypocrites you republicans are ... when it happens on the republicans watch no big deal ... no outrage from the right ... shit happens !!!! as they say ... when it happens to the dems, on their watch, its the biggest crime of the century... where you republicans go on until you puke to prove that you're the concerned guys ... where in reality you could care less on how many Americans die on your watch .. say it like it is


It's a long shot. A really long shot. But if you think about it from the viewpoints of what it takes to be POTUS:

Name Recognition-Hillary-Check
Heavy Weight Credentials-Hillary-Check
Good in all time zones-Hillary-Check
Wants the Job-Hillary-Check

Now add in what you want from the VPOUTS candidate:

Energize the base-Warren-Check+++
No significant baggage-Warren-Check
Geographically balance the ticket-Warren-wiff

Then you get into the "like to haves" such as ethnicity (no bump from Warren), "rockstar" credentials (moderate bump), and ready to take over just in case (no bump from Warren but there is likely no great bump from any other DEM out there so it's a wash).

The pieces fit. Again, it's a long shot but there is some "there" there.

Are you reasonably sure about "wants the job?"

-Doing nothing to quell suspicion of her running.
-Can legitimately say that Obama was a fluke that derailed her in 2012.
-Aside from being 8 years older, what has changed from 2012?

Well, the eight years older is kind of a doozy. I remember in 2008, she was talking about how much sleep she lost per day to hair and makeup; stuff that let the guys get more much-needed rest.
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Sure its a dangerous place, thats why they should have been provided with adequate protection--------protection that they requested and Hillary denied.

Tell that to your Republican leaders who refused to fund more security......the rw is all about not taking responsibility for their ineptness.

First off, there were no cuts.
Second, which party is constantly calling for cutting defense spending? Yeah, it isn't the GOP.
Third, the issue was not funding but giving a shit. Something the Democrats don't do.

don't ya just love it when they don't do their research ...

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, has scheduled a fairly high-profile hearing today on security lapses at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. There’s one nagging problem, however, that might cause Republicans some trouble.

For example, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), a member of Issa’s committee, told Soledad O’Brien this morning that he expects to hear testimony about security that “didn’t meet the basic, minimum standards required for a facility such as the one we had in Benghazi.” Chaffetz added that policymakers have to “make sure it doesn’t happen in other places around the world.”

Asked if he’d voted to cut federal funding for security at U.S. embassies and consulates, Chaffetz responded, “Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country…. When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.”

Hmm. Those “priorities” apparently don’t include security at U.S. diplomatic outposts abroad.

Dana Milbank picked up on the same problem: inadequate diplomatic security is the direct result of Republican budget cuts.

For fiscal 2013, the GOP-controlled House proposed spending $1.934 billion for the State Department’s Worldwide Security Protection program – well below the $2.15 billion requested by the Obama administration. House Republicans cut the administration’s request for embassy security funding by $128 million in fiscal 2011 and $331 million in fiscal 2012. (Negotiations with the Democrat-controlled Senate restored about $88 million of the administration’s request.) Last year, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned that Republicans’ proposed cuts to her department would be “detrimental to America’s national security” – a charge Republicans rejected.

Ryan, Issa and other House Republicans voted for an amendment in 2009 to cut $1.2 billion from State operations, including funds for 300 more diplomatic security positions. Under Ryan’s budget, non-defense discretionary spending, which includes State Department funding, would be slashed nearly 20 percent in 2014, which would translate to more than $400 million in additional cuts to embassy security.

The GOP's embassy security problem | MSNBC

don't ya just love them concerned republicans about diplomatic security for our diplomats
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Just can't get over Boooosh! Get up to date...But MOM! They did it too...!:cuckoo:

we realize you don't get it... cause that would actually take some sort of actual thought on your part... in no way was this poster was trying to say see bush did it too... what they posters intent was to show you what Hypocrites you republicans are ... when it happens on the republicans watch no big deal ... no outrage from the right ... shit happens !!!! as they say ... when it happens to the dems, on their watch, its the biggest crime of the century... where you republicans go on until you puke to prove that you're the concerned guys ... where in reality you could care less on how many Americans die on your watch .. say it like it is


what ever floats your boat ...nice picture of you ... did it take you long to pose for it
looks like skookerasbil is looking for some one he can blow ... sorry hun.. I'm strait... so head for San Francisco ... I hear they might have a lover for ya... well at least some one to wrap your lips around.... puff !!! puff !!! skookerasbil ...
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looks like skookerasbil is looking for some one he can blow ... sorry hun.. I strait... so head for San Francisco ... I hear they might have a lover for ya... well at least some one to wrap your lips around.... puff !!! puff !!! skookerasbil ...

Skooberbill is best ignored.

I mean, I give other conservatives credit, they add something to a thread, even the weakest of them.

Skoobie just reposts the same images and thinks he's relevent, and then wonders why even conservatives don't respond to him.
Nothing fake about four dead men.

Nothing fake about all those warning they got.

Nothing fake about the Brits and the Red Cross pulling out because of those warning.

Nothing fake about Barry jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser.

Nothing fake about Hillary's State Department fucking the pooch on Benghazi.

Nothing fake about no one getting fired for their abject incompetence.

The only fake thing I see is that bs story in the NYSlimes.

Oh wait. I forgot. The NYT is the mouthpiece for the DNC. Never mind.

Did you mean "screwing the pooch?"

Obama flew off to Nevada the next day - on the 12th of September.

The warning??? What warning? Someone KNEW that there was going to be an attack, or are you talking about a general warning?

Nope. I meant they fucked the pooch.

And yes. They got warnings. Months of warnings. They asked for more security and were denied. They got the same warnings the Brits and the Red Cross got. Those folks were smart enough to pull out of Libya.

Our State Department under Hilbat did nothing. They didn't beef up security or close the embassy so four very good men died.

And yes Barry jetted off to his fund raiser the next day even though his ambassador and four Americans were killed in Libya. Sure showed where his priorities were. I'm sure he thought no more of those dead men that Hilbat did.

After all, "What difference does it make."
That's "sources" not "forces", milady. And those sources would dare not reveal their identities for fear of retaliation by their own government.

Sorry about the mistake, and I do not know where miladay comes from. In other words though, none of these sources are identified. I could say people who were there said, and follow it with anything that I wanted.

"Mi lady" comes from deep down in TK's subconscious where he believes himself to be a night in shining armor. It is how he escapes the reality that is his life.

He should use it on women then.
looks like skookerasbil is looking for some one he can blow ... sorry hun.. I strait... so head for San Francisco ... I hear they might have a lover for ya... well at least some one to wrap your lips around.... puff !!! puff !!! skookerasbil ...

Skooberbill is best ignored.

I mean, I give other conservatives credit, they add something to a thread, even the weakest of them.

Skoobie just reposts the same images and thinks he's relevent, and then wonders why even conservatives don't respond to him.

well, I was just helping him out to find a same sex lover for him ... he seems desperate ... that's what we liberals do when we see a desperate person look for same sex love we reaching out for them so then can get some action ... we help...
I am wondering, which of these are liberals supporting in this thread of left wing bullshit?

Let me clarify, so that you can all understand the creepy, double talking, hypocritical, mind of the left.

They are taking BOTH SIDES of the issue. Both sides yet again.

This is what they do, on every issue.
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I am wondering, which of these are liberals supporting in this thread of left wing bullshit?


Let me clarify, so that you can all understand the creepy, double talking, hypocritical, mind of the left.

They are taking BOTH SIDES of the issue. Both sides yet again.

This is what they do, on every issue.
Can't accept things can happen concurrently when angry ****ed up groups assemble, it appears.

Does denying there was ANY video fan-flaming make you feel more huggy to daddy Fox, who insisted it had nothing to do with it?

It was two-fold, as we know now, the CIA op made it necessary to blow some smoke and make the video a part of it, or I should say, stronger than it was and, and perhaps because the conflicting intel was telling them it played a part?

There were people scaling the walls of our Embassy in Cairo, burning our flag -- just a few hours earlier because of that video - and demonstrations erupted at our Embassies and elsewhere ALL OVER THE WORLD, in some 54 incidents in twenty Countries for gawds sake. This was going on for days and days after. That stupid video did ignite a good part of the Muslim world. We know it did.

And this, my post from October of 2012 :::: There were people there in Benghazi who claimed the video was why they were angry. That was from initial eye-witness accounts. Now we read the Al-Sharia group was gathering restless Muslims from nearby neighborhoods to chant against the film.

"The neighbors all described the militants setting up checkpoints around the compound at about 8 p.m. The State Department’s timeline says the attack itself began at around 9:40 p.m.

Khaled al-Haddar, a lawyer who passed by the scene as he headed to his nearby home, said he saw the fighters gathering a few youths from among passers-by and urged them to chant against the film."

Libyan witnesses recount organized Benghazi attack - Washington Times

To repeat: There were people there in Benghazi who claimed the video was why they were angry - join that up with the Ansar al-Sharia (who first claimed, then denied responsibility) crowd - who no doubt were mightily pissed and ready to do us harm to begin with, and add the gasoline of that video to their whacked out religious sensibilities, and you get KA-BOOM!

It's not like the "reasons" can't happen concurrently, and the Intel was, as officials tell us, still fluid.

But no, you go with...the video had nothing to do with it.

Maybe it will help you guys win the next election.
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Nothing fake about four dead men.

Nothing fake about all those warning they got.

Nothing fake about the Brits and the Red Cross pulling out because of those warning.

Nothing fake about Barry jetting off to his Vegas fundraiser.

Nothing fake about Hillary's State Department fucking the pooch on Benghazi.

Nothing fake about no one getting fired for their abject incompetence.

The only fake thing I see is that bs story in the NYSlimes.

Oh wait. I forgot. The NYT is the mouthpiece for the DNC. Never mind.

Did you mean "screwing the pooch?"

Obama flew off to Nevada the next day - on the 12th of September.

The warning??? What warning? Someone KNEW that there was going to be an attack, or are you talking about a general warning?

Nope. I meant they fucked the pooch.

And yes. They got warnings. Months of warnings. They asked for more security and were denied. They got the same warnings the Brits and the Red Cross got. Those folks were smart enough to pull out of Libya.

when theres no money to spend on security were are you going to get this security money from Claudette please enlighten us here your republicans cut it so there wasn't any money there... and you want to blame Hillary for it??? riiiiiiiiiight we got ya ...

Our State Department under Hilbat did nothing. They didn't beef up security or close the embassy so four very good men died.

at the cost of republicans cutting the budget they died for ... once Again ...there's no money to spend on security ....were are you going to get this security money from Claudette ??? please enlighten us here... your republicans cut it ...so there wasn't any money there... tell us why the republicans felt they didn't need to pay for security????

And yes Barry jetted off to his fund raiser the next day even though his ambassador and four Americans were killed in Libya. Sure showed where his priorities were. I'm sure he thought no more of those dead men that Hilbat did.

there you go with he didn't care shit ... even thought he went to a fund raiser he did not drop the ball ..but you keep trying, cause ya got nothing there .... lets see when Bush ignored his embassies request for more money, 60 Americans died .... when Obama asked for more money Americans still died ... hey how come we never heard about those 60 embassy people dying under the bush administration ... all we ever here from you is how Horrible it was for the people in Libya who were kill, can ya tell us that one, guess it slipped you mind ...

After all, "What difference does it make."
none I guess now does it
I am wondering, which of these are liberals supporting in this thread of left wing bullshit?


Let me clarify, so that you can all understand the creepy, double talking, hypocritical, mind of the left.

They are taking BOTH SIDES of the issue. Both sides yet again.

This is what they do, on every issue.
Can't accept things can happen concurrently when angry ****ed up groups assemble, it appears.

Does denying there was ANY video fan-flaming make you feel more huggy to daddy Fox, who insisted it had nothing to do with it?

It was two-fold, as we know now, the CIA op made it necessary to blow some smoke and make the video a part of it, or I should say, stronger than it was and, and perhaps because the conflicting intel was telling them it played a part?

There were people scaling the walls of our Embassy in Cairo, burning our flag -- just a few hours earlier because of that video - and demonstrations erupted at our Embassies and elsewhere ALL OVER THE WORLD, in some 54 incidents in twenty Countries for gawds sake. This was going on for days and days after. That stupid video did ignite a good part of the Muslim world. We know it did.

And this, my post from October of 2012 :::: There were people there in Benghazi who claimed the video was why they were angry. That was from initial eye-witness accounts. Now we read the Al-Sharia group was gathering restless Muslims from nearby neighborhoods to chant against the film.

"The neighbors all described the militants setting up checkpoints around the compound at about 8 p.m. The State Department’s timeline says the attack itself began at around 9:40 p.m.

Khaled al-Haddar, a lawyer who passed by the scene as he headed to his nearby home, said he saw the fighters gathering a few youths from among passers-by and urged them to chant against the film."

Libyan witnesses recount organized Benghazi attack - Washington Times

To repeat: There were people there in Benghazi who claimed the video was why they were angry - join that up with the Ansar al-Sharia (who first claimed, then denied responsibility) crowd - who no doubt were mightily pissed and ready to do us harm to begin with, and add the gasoline of that video to their whacked out religious sensibilities, and you get KA-BOOM!

It's not like the "reasons" can't happen concurrently, and the Intel was, as officials tell us, still fluid.

But no, you go with...the video had nothing to do with it.

Maybe it will help you guys win the next election.

denying is all they got
Asswipe....how does your smoke and mirrors help counter an Islamic terrorist group killed 4 Americans on 11 Sep???

I bet you have some stupid gif for it.:cuckoo:

Time for you rw's to manufacture a new phony scandal.

Maybe we should attack Spain? Like Bush went and attacked Iraq? Brilliant....:lol::lol:

Well Obama already gave his "Mission Accomplished" political football spike when he took credit for killing Osama Bin Laden. I guess the fight against terrorism didn't leave them so decimated as he led the media to believe, otherwise he would have heightened security on all his American Embassies prior on to the anniversary of 9-11. What president actually RELAXES security measures for embassies in volatile parts of the world anyways? One that is too confident in himself to think clearly, evidently.
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And it turns out Al Qaeda wasn't involved.

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi - The New York Times

Months of investigation by The New York Times, centered on extensive interviews with Libyans in Benghazi who had direct knowledge of the attack there and its context, turned up no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault. The attack was led, instead, by fighters who had benefited directly from NATO’s extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Qaddafi. And contrary to claims by some members of Congress, it was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam.

In Conservatopia, your posting of this thread would get you burned as a witch.

Literally. Burned. As a witch.

in moronatopia you be the king:cuckoo:

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