Looks Like The Days Of Waco TX Are Back....Just Because A Guy Threatened Biden

You immoral Leftest turds will defend any oppression the goddamn government does, even when it is murdering someone for a Facebook post, won't you?

When someone makes a very clear threat on a facebook post (actually, multiple threats over a period of years) and then shoots it out with FBI agents, then, yes, I have no problem with this. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
When someone makes a very clear threat on a facebook post (actually, multiple threats over a period of years) and then shoots it out with FBI agents, then, yes, I have no problem with this. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

I haven't watched all the video's but all I ever heard was one shot. Not a shoot out.
Oh, fucking please.

The fact that this guy was ranting like this for years before the FBI did something about it says a lot about White Privilege.
The militarized police shoot black kids for playing with toys on a playground.

I do have a big problem with Moosejaw, Montana having a Heavily Armed SWAT team and a surplus army MRAP.

I don't have a problem with an FBI team responding to a crazy Mormon who makes threats against the president for years and pictures of himself waiving guns around.
Not everyone in Utah is Mormon.
And his religion doesn't matter.
Would you say the same about a Muslim?


The fact is this guy wasn't smart enough to keep his thoughts to himself, and the Biden Administration murdered him for it.
When someone makes a very clear threat on a facebook post (actually, multiple threats over a period of years) and then shoots it out with FBI agents, then, yes, I have no problem with this. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
So if a Female Transsexual makes threats on social media, is it okay to just ram an armored car into her home and shoot her fucking dead when she pops her head out?
So if a Female Transsexual makes threats on social media, is it okay to just ram an armored car into her home and shoot her fucking dead when she pops her head out?

Threats against the president have always been investigated. Always will be.
So if a Female Transsexual makes threats on social media, is it okay to just ram an armored car into her home and shoot her fucking dead when she pops her head out?
Yes. Democrats have set the standard for this in motion.
More than we can likely say for the young man killed at the proposed site of the police militarization complex in Atlanta.
My understanding is that those were ANTIFA looking to sabotage the place.
That's a bit more serious than posting a rant on social media.
Threats against the president have always been investigated. Always will be.
Not really.
If they investigated every threat against Trump the FBI wouldn't have any time to set him up on Jan 6th or with Russian Collusion.
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I haven't watched all the video's but all I ever heard was one shot. Not a shoot out.

He had a gun.

Not everyone in Utah is Mormon.
And his religion doesn't matter.
Would you say the same about a Muslim?

No, because some Muslims are decent people. Mormons are all scum. It's a cult started by child molestors.

The fact is this guy wasn't smart enough to keep his thoughts to himself, and the Biden Administration murdered him for it.

Um, that would be fine, if he actually had taken the first time he was questioned seriously, instead of escalating his threats.

So if a Female Transsexual makes threats on social media, is it okay to just ram an armored car into her home and shoot her fucking dead when she pops her head out?
If you catch her displaying guns and specifically threatening to shoot specific people, yes.
When someone makes a very clear threat on a facebook post (actually, multiple threats over a period of years) and then shoots it out with FBI agents, then, yes, I have no problem with this. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Sorry....I only heard one shot.
He had a gun.

He had lots of guns. Not enough reason to kill him. Anytime law enforcement kills someone and there is no video evidence to support their story, I will always question their story.
Oh really?
You weren't there.....so you don't know. What do you think an old guy is going to do when a bunch of armed cops wearing tactical gear show up at your home pointing guns at you at 6am? They planned on murdering the guy.

Nancy Pelosi was caught on video threatening Trump.
The founder of the Lincoln Project said somebody needed to put a bullet in Trumps' head.
Snoop Dog made a video with him blowing Trump's head off with a gun.
Just about every anchor on CNN said they needed to kill Trump.
Biden said he was going to take him out back and punch him in the mouth.
Maxine Waters said they need to "Take Him Out".

None of them was shot or even issued a warrant for their arrest.

So STFU you lying POS.
You were not there either.
The Democrats in the last 4/6 years have done a bang up job in wiping out what ever respect I had for Police,The FBI,CIA,DOJ and the court system etc.

Good job jackasses.
He had a gun.

No, because some Muslims are decent people. Mormons are all scum. It's a cult started by child molestors.

Um, that would be fine, if he actually had taken the first time he was questioned seriously, instead of escalating his threats.

If you catch her displaying guns and specifically threatening to shoot specific people, yes.
Oh....so anyone who owns a gun should be shot now?

Not all Mormons are scum. I know a ton of them.

The escalation began when the feds showed up at his home and rammed his house with an armored car. Note they didn't tell CNN about the bust this time because they wanted it to be clandestine.

I'm scratching my head on your constant assumptions that he was displaying a gun. You simply have no proof that happened.
The Democrats in the last 4/6 years have done a bang up job in wiping out what ever respect I had for Police,The FBI,CIA,DOJ and the court system etc.

Good job jackasses.
I lost all of mine after the '68 Democratic Party Convention.
Oh....so anyone who owns a gun should be shot now?

Not all Mormons are scum. I know a ton of them.

The escalation began when the feds showed up at his home and rammed his house with an armored car. Note they didn't tell CNN about the bust this time because they wanted it to be clandestine.

I'm scratching my head on your constant assumptions that he was displaying a gun. You simply have no proof that happened.
I have a gun but I don't wave or expose it to pigs.
Some of us condemned the militarization of the police for a long time. We were ridiculed.

In large part "defund the police" was all about this. We were ridiculed.

Should we be funding the militarization of the police or not?

One can not continue to threaten the president and not get a visit but is this how we want people policed?

If not, maybe one needs to reconsider their condemnations of others condemning this in the past.

Ammon Bundy had it right.
One of my co-workers was at lunch and he made a threat against Obama.
A black guy in the shop called the FBI and they showed up at his house.
They had on suits and ties and just questioned him.
That's what you're supposed to do.

Talk is cheap. And it doesn't deserve getting your head blown off.

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