Looks like the Division Pimp teams are set!


Name them now, JoeB, or be exposed for the liar that you are.

You have 2 minutes to say who these 4 guys are. JoeB131

1st guess: The Royals.

And I know you're online now. I bet you can't.

bob hope, John Wayne (marion morrison), Ronald Reagan, Dean Martin....


You're not him, but I'll keep in mind you're sharper than the average leftist shill, k? At least you're an American, so there's that. :113:

Newsalert! We're all in this thing together.

Who won the 85 world series....you have 2 minutes.

1st guess: The Royals. Am I wrong? I can be wrong.

So if you are wrong...would that mean you're not an American anymore than naming people in a photograph?

If you recognize Stalin and Lenin...does that make you a Russian?

Fuck off, who was their star player that year? I know that one, too! :abgg2q.jpg:

I bet you don't.
bob hope, John Wayne (marion morrison), Ronald Reagan, Dean Martin....


You're not him, but I'll keep in mind you're sharper than the average leftist shill, k? At least you're an American, so there's that. :113:

Newsalert! We're all in this thing together.

Who won the 85 world series....you have 2 minutes.

1st guess: The Royals. Am I wrong? I can be wrong.

So if you are wrong...would that mean you're not an American anymore than naming people in a photograph?

If you recognize Stalin and Lenin...does that make you a Russian?

Fuck off, what was their star player that year?

The Royals? George Brett, Frank White, Quisenberry....
You're not him, but I'll keep in mind you're sharper than the average leftist shill, k? At least you're an American, so there's that. :113:

Newsalert! We're all in this thing together.

Who won the 85 world series....you have 2 minutes.

1st guess: The Royals. Am I wrong? I can be wrong.

So if you are wrong...would that mean you're not an American anymore than naming people in a photograph?

If you recognize Stalin and Lenin...does that make you a Russian?

Fuck off, what was their star player that year?

The Royals? George Brett, Frank White, Quisenberry....
I think they had a guy named Willie Wilson in CF as well. Don't remember the pitching staff that well.
Fuck off, what was their star player that year?

The Royals? George Brett, Frank White, Quisenberry....

Mmk.. you got it. :04:

Again, what does it prove?[/QUOTE]

It proves who's American and who isn't. Pay attention, boy!

No Russians probably know who George Brett is, get it?

If you're a Russian, ya got me fooled.

You know, one can throw things out there that only Americans would get. ;)

And it ain't that hard, nomsayin'?

You pass the test. Next!
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Fuck off, what was their star player that year?

The Royals? George Brett, Frank White, Quisenberry....

Mmk.. you got it. :04:

Again, what does it prove?

It proves who's American and who isn't. Pay attention, boy!

No Russians probably know who George Brett is, get it?

If you're a Russian, ya got me fooled.

You know, one can throw things out there that only Americans would get. ;)

And it ain't that hard, nomsayin'?

You pass the test. Next![/QUOTE]

Its silly. Trivia proves nothing except you know trivia.
How weird. Remember the attempted left wing political radio network, Air America? That didn't work out, but a far more organic replacement sure is.

Late-night hosts unite in sketch following Trump rally

Division Pimps - Media types who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and divided - are now strangely divided into the Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin brigade vs. the Late Night TV talk show brigade. Now these pundits can make a fortune making things even worse.

The willing and obedient flocks from each side are now evenly drawn, and here we go!

Attack attack attack! Don't look in the mirror, don't question your side! Just attack!


Democracy has long been weaponized by the bureaucracies and the deep state, my friend. We see different concepts introduced into society all of the time just to widen division. Then comes crisis, predictably. Then solution ultimately. Also predictably. Democracy is an ideal weapon of the deep state and the bureaucracies and without it they could not remain in control. And it's global. Not just here. They keep us out of harmony with oursels and each other because it's the only way they can get their desired result whether it be policy or legislation or anything. They have everyone on the wrong frequency. Know what I mean? Order out of chaos. And The People don't know any better. They think they're venting in some meaningful way when they go vote, but the reality is that all they're really doing is recycling the same slimeballs into office without ever really disrupting the bureaucracies or the deep state.

But the answer is simple. Just check out. Turn them off. Do not participate anymore. Return to things that are meaningful. Go outside and go for a walk. Or listen to the birds or something. Take a stick and make a circle in the dirt and play some marbles. Nobody ever plays fukin marbles anymore. Get back on the 432hz the way people were meant to be is what we need to do. Right now the bureaucracies have everyone on the wrong frequency. And it's a bad energy. Bad, bad energy. It's meant to disrupt. It's meant to stimulate crisis as a consequence of disruption. And it is meant to achieve the desired solution. Which is control.

When you find that you're arguing with everyone all of the time and you find that everyone is arguing with each other all of the time, just check out. Fighting isn't meaningful. Nor is arguing meaningful. At least not in a way that guides a positive, healthy, outcome.

That's what I'm doing. Trying to anyway. It's challenging. Heck, just signing in here ripped me right out of the 432hz and put me immediately into the 440hz. Ha.
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Mod Note:

Posters will note references to Nazis and Hitler have been edited and/or deleted.

This is new, granted, but will be enforced in zones 3 and 4.

in the near future, posters that make Nazis references will be thread banned.
I may to go back to hannity to use adult language
How weird. Remember the attempted left wing political radio network, Air America? That didn't work out, but a far more organic replacement sure is.

Late-night hosts unite in sketch following Trump rally

Division Pimps - Media types who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and divided - are now strangely divided into the Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin brigade vs. the Late Night TV talk show brigade. Now these pundits can make a fortune making things even worse.

The willing and obedient flocks from each side are now evenly drawn, and here we go!

Attack attack attack! Don't look in the mirror, don't question your side! Just attack!


Democracy has long been weaponized by the bureaucracies and the deep state, my friend. We see different concepts introduced into society all of the time just to widen division. Then comes crisis, predictably. Then solution ultimately. Also predictably. Democracy is an ideal weapon of the deep state and the bureaucracies and without it they could not remain in control. And it's global. Not just here. They keep us out of harmony with oursels and each other because it's the only way they can get their desired result whether it be policy or legislation or anything. They have everyone on the wrong frequency. Know what I mean? Order out of chaos. And The People don't know any better. They think they're venting in some meaningful way when they go vote, but the reality is that all they're really doing is recycling the same slimeballs into office without ever really disrupting the bureaucracies or the deep state.

But the answer is simple. Just check out. Turn them off. Do not participate anymore. Return to things that are meaningful. Go outside and go for a walk. Or listen to the birds or something. Take a stick and make a circle in the dirt and play some marbles. Nobody ever plays fukin marbles anymore. Get back on the 432hz the way people were meant to be is what we need to do. Right now the bureaucracies have everyone on the wrong frequency. And it's a bad energy. Bad, bad energy. It's meant to disrupt. It's meant to stimulate crisis as a consequence of disruption. And it is meant to achieve the desired solution. Which is control.

When you find that you're arguing with everyone all of the time and you find that everyone is arguing with each other all of the time, just check out. Fighting isn't meaningful. Nor is arguing meaningful. At least not in a way that guides a positive, healthy, outcome.

That's what I'm doing. Trying to anyway. It's challenging. Heck, just signing in here ripped me right out of the 432hz and put me immediately into the 440hz. Ha.
I think that's largely true. So little of this hate and rage actually accomplishes anything. Surely, at some level, we know that -- don't we?

Unfortunately, and who knows why, I find the psychological/sociological/anthropological angle to this absolutely fascinating. The actual specifics of what is said is largely irrelevant to me - it's the tribal behaviors I find so interesting. I wonder about the motivations behind the behaviors. So USMB is a freakin' gold mine for me.

The Division Pimps are in a position to not only profit handsomely from the hate, but make it worse at the same time. These are their glory days.
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STFU you stupid fuck! The chants that brainwashed Patty Hearst are in the same genre as what the leftist "protestors" chant today, dumbshit!

What brainwashed Hearst was being kidnapped, raped, starved, and then told her family had written her off for dead.

They have the same beat and everything. While they're chanting, they're brainwashing themselves. Oh! You thought nobody would notice? Well I did. Too bad, so sad. Not!

Guy, the problem isn't what they "chanted", it was that they were willing to use violence to get it, most of it unfocused.
Unfortunately, and who knows why, I find the psychological/sociological/anthropological angle to this absolutely fascinating. The actual specifics of what is said is largely irrelevant to me - it's the tribal behaviors I find so interesting. I wonder about the motivations behind the behaviors. So USMB is a freakin' gold mine for me.

Yawn, Stormy, this is nothing new, it's nothing all that interesting...

The only thing your whining shows is how much of an outlier you are.

The Division Pimps are in a position to not only profit handsomely from the hate, but make it worse at the same time. These are their glory days.

Again, we were a LOT more divided in the 1960's than we are today.
Mod Note:

Posters will note references to Nazis and Hitler have been edited and/or deleted.

This is new, granted, but will be enforced in zones 3 and 4.

in the near future, posters that make Nazis references will be thread banned.

There is now a rule that references to Hitler or Nazi's are forbidden?
Mod Note:

Posters will note references to Nazis and Hitler have been edited and/or deleted.

This is new, granted, but will be enforced in zones 3 and 4.

in the near future, posters that make Nazis references will be thread banned.

There is now a rule that references to Hitler or Nazi's are forbidden?

Maybe, maybe not. There was yesterday.

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