Looks like the Division Pimp teams are set!

When all the "free press" does is parrot the leftist meme for the day, that's not free press, it's a propaganda arm of the leftists.

Um, a free press is one that can say what it likes. Don't like what it says, start your own press...

Illegal aliens are a triple drain on the citizens of the US. They take jobs, space, and suck up social services.

The Nazis had equally "valid" complaints about the Jews. Even the Bible says the Jews killed Jesus. See how that works?

The government could use some scaling back. Why should taxpayers have to pay 5 different agencies that are all supposed to do the same thing, yet nothing gets done?

Okay, you guys have been screaming that for 40 years now, and you keep making government bigger.

Trump's screaming that the FBI is on a witch hunt (it isn't) is not advocating for leaner government.

Trump's not the only one talking about locking up some people who ended up being his political opponents in 2016. People were talking about locking them up wayyyy before that.

Uh, uh... now you are stretching...

Never heard Obama call for locking up Mitt Romney. Or John McCain.

No, you just use the IRS to take down those you fear!

Nazi Reference Removed

McCarthy would be laughing at your simple minded way of thinking!

You love one party governments as long as your political party is in control!

You love slanted News as long as they slant it to what you love to read.

Oh and before you lecture me about me being a blinded fool and loving Trump:

1. I voted for Johnson the only lunatic sane enough to be President at that time.

2. My news sources are BBC and Al-Jazeera because let face reality I prefer better slant than the tabloid nonsense we get here in the States.

3. I am not a paid partisan whore like some of you and believe Trump is a moron and hope he loses in 2020, well unless you run Hillary or Warren and if so then enjoy another term of Tabloid America!
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I assume my stalker is trying to change the subject and derail a thread. Again. Always a good sign.
I only stalk you once a day and twice on Sundays!!!
How weird. Remember the attempted left wing political radio network, Air America? That didn't work out, but a far more organic replacement sure is.

It didn't work out because the few companies that own most of the radio stations in this country wouldn't carry their programming, but don't let that stop you, Stormy Mac.

Division Pimps - Media types who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and divided - are now strangely divided into the Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin brigade vs. the Late Night TV talk show brigade. Now these pundits can make a fortune making things even worse.

The willing and obedient flocks from each side are now evenly drawn, and here we go!

Attack attack attack! Don't look in the mirror, don't question your side! Just attack!

Waaaaaahhhhhh.... liberals don't think the Democrats should be Republican Lite, worshiping greed and hating Muslims like Stormy Mac does.

Liar air America didn't work out because liberals like music not information..

My grandparents fled Nazi Germany... but never mind, you're just stupid.

Okay faggot, name these 4 people in order if you're of the age that your parents fled Nazi Reference Removed Germany. You get 2 minutes, or you're a liar.

Watch this ya'll, I bet he only gets the 2nd one. ;)

Mod Note:

Posters will note references to Nazis and Hitler have been edited and/or deleted.

This is new, granted, but will be enforced in zones 3 and 4.

in the near future, posters that make Nazis references will be thread banned.
Then air America star went on to become a US senator from Minnesota and got disgraced...

How weird. Remember the attempted left wing political radio network, Air America? That didn't work out, but a far more organic replacement sure is.

It didn't work out because the few companies that own most of the radio stations in this country wouldn't carry their programming, but don't let that stop you, Stormy Mac.

Division Pimps - Media types who have a vested professional interest in keeping us angry, myopic and divided - are now strangely divided into the Limbaugh/Hannity/Levin brigade vs. the Late Night TV talk show brigade. Now these pundits can make a fortune making things even worse.

The willing and obedient flocks from each side are now evenly drawn, and here we go!

Attack attack attack! Don't look in the mirror, don't question your side! Just attack!

Waaaaaahhhhhh.... liberals don't think the Democrats should be Republican Lite, worshiping greed and hating Muslims like Stormy Mac does.
As per usual when it comes to radio JoeyB Dolezal just makes stuff up to fit his lefty agenda. If it’s radio, it’s lyin’ time for him.

Air America failed because not enough fools were willing to tune in regularly. Can’t garner an audience, stations ain’t interested in adding you to their lineup. It’s quite simple; it’s a numbers game. Case in point. AA’s flagship station was in NYC, forget its call letters now, but it replaced the stations former all-Caribbean format and the station’s ratings shrunk to something like 25th in the market. The lefty programming was LESS popular than Caribbean music, for God’s sake! And the story was the same in liberal bastions like LA and San Francisco. When your message doesn’t attract a viable audience in such liberal cesspools why would stations in smaller markets even take the risk?

Contributing to its demise was the idiots running it. You’d think folks in the radio broadcasting business would know something about the industry but these clowns were clueless. They had no idea what talent it takes to be a successful radio host. They thought you just plop someone, anyone, behind a microphone and away you go. So they hired radio nobodies Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo, thinking two such well known lefties would help provide the needed wind for their ratings sails. Didn’t happen of course because neither of them had any experience behind the microphone. Franken was so bad I would even tune in now and then to hear him dying live on the air. It was painful listening, so much so that I actually felt sorry for the jerk. But I’m not talking about the content, what he was saying. He just had no clue whatsoever how to be a radio host, zero! Boring as hell.

Finally, it’s been a few years now JoeyB since you assured us all Rush’s days were numbered and I was just wondering if you had an update for us? Thanks, pal.
So, JoeB131 Being your parents fled Germany, you should be of the right age to name all 4 people in this picture within 1 minute. 'sup?


Name them now, JoeB, or be exposed for the liar that you are.

You have 2 minutes to say who these 4 guys are. JoeB131

And I know you're online now. I bet you can't.
^And I posted that 3 minutes ago, and it would take JoeB131 an hour to correctly google the people that are in that pic and he'd still probably fail

Name them now, JoeB, or be exposed for the liar that you are.

You have 2 minutes to say who these 4 guys are. JoeB131

And I know you're online now. I bet you can't.

bob hope, John Wayne (marion morrison), Ronald Reagan, Dean Martin....


You're not him, but I'll keep in mind you're sharper than the average leftist shill, k? At least you're an American, so there's that. :113:

Newsalert! We're all in this thing together.
No, you just use the IRS to take down those you fear!

You mean by "actually making them follow the law as written"... um... yeah. That's scary.

You love one party governments as long as your political party is in control!

Well, not really. Most of my life, I voted Republican.. until the nuts took over.

In 2014, I voted for Rauner in IL because I felt Quinn wasn't getting the job done. I'll vote for Pritzker this time... but I'm already planning on being disappointed.

Okay faggot, name these 4 people in order if you're of the age that your parents fled ... Germany. You get 2 minutes, or you're a liar.

Watch this ya'll, I bet he only gets the 2nd one.

Okay, whatever you got deleted, I'm not sure.

My GRANDPARENTS fled Germany in the 1930's.. They brought along my Dad who was a small child, being born in 1925 in a town on the Rhine.

My dad was drafted into the US Army in 1943 and was at Normandy and the Bulge.

I was born in 1962.

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