Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag

Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
Spying on the opposition candidate is not the FBI's job, dingbat. The fact that you believe it has license to do so only shows what a traitor you are.
He didn’t really fit in anyway. He’s too competent and well informed.

TRANSLATION: Loyal to the Democrats and disloyal to the President and country he swore to serve.

Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president. You tipped your hand. He was following his oath. That’s why he was fired.
Hmmm, why does military refer to him as the commander in chief then?
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
That's a lie.

which part? I have so much info in my posts you need to be specific
Well, it starts at "he" and ends at the question mark.
Oh Patraues didn't go to jail? Who did he server under Obama, I think I'm right as usual
There's also Flynn who was persecuted by the FBI minions from the Obama administration.
Retarted bullshit, in any sane trial highly relevant evidence and witnesses can be introduced.

Proposition that prosecutors (trial managers here) can be stoppped by the jury (Congressional Republicans, who pledged to work "hand-in-glove" with the defense) is a product of shameless politics not good faith process in pursuit of justice and truth.

EVEN SO. We have a long list of Senate Republicans that agree that Trump is in fact guilty of the wrongdoing in Ukraine just as Atricle I charged. These findings ARE bipartisan.

And yet their votes didn't reflect that.
Yes. I don't agree with them that Trump was wrong, but, I do think that it was a widely held belief among the Senate GOP that Trump was wrong to bring up Biden in the phone call, but that it certainly was not a removeable offense.

Biden is a former Senator and it looks to me like they will do everything they can to make sure he is never held to account for his open corruption. Quite frankly, the entire US Senate may be similarly corrupt.

He wasn't just "brought up on the call". Trump was pressuring Zelensky to go on CNN and publicly announce investigation into Bidens.

That is not good faith pursuit of justice, it has nothing to do with justice, it's the opposite.

Belive it or not there actually is a proper process to report illegal activities to DOJ.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup...
You seriously are going to quibble over the distinctions of a coup and a coup d etat and bloody vs bloodless rather than engage the large point?
... It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain ...
You really are not aware that neither article alleged a statutory crime and that "Obstruction of Congress" is just a phrase they manufactured out of thin air, that there is no such crime in the Federal Register?
... by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution...
The Wholly Exonerated President.
... The House of Representatives proved their case...
This claim was tested by a Senate Vote and only managed a fraction of the vote necessary for removal.
... We all know Donny's guilt...
Actually we all know his innocence as declared by the Chief Justice after the vote.
... He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter...
You folks tried to overturn the last election and circumvent the upcoming election, clearly you have no confidence in your ability to obtain the support of The Electorate, so you viciously attacked them. Not quite as bad as when the Democrats fired on Fort Sumter but ill advised, none-the-less.
... I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
As you did last time, big deal. If you guys had any confidence in yourselves you would have never tried an election year impeachment scam without any statutory crimes that had no hope of being successful. The Corrupt House's goal was to unconstitutionally impact the upcoming election, and it looks like you have failed as miserably as you deserved to.

You engaged in a horrific abuse of power before the entire nation. And then Nancy demonstrated that your are led by a Crazy Lady. She started practicing tearing the pages as soon as Trump handed OUR copy of the speech to her, which she committed a felony by destroying.

How come you are so big on made up crimes but quite ok with real ones?
Last edited:
He didn’t really fit in anyway. He’s too competent and well informed.

TRANSLATION: Loyal to the Democrats and disloyal to the President and country he swore to serve.

Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president. You tipped your hand. He was following his oath. That’s why he was fired.

'Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president.'

here is the current oath of service members:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Do you see the part about obeying the orders of the President? Yeah. You are fucking clueless

Don't expect that lowlife to ever get on here and admit he was wrong. Leftards are balless, flame-throwing cowards without an ounce of integrity.
Retarted bullshit, in any sane trial highly relevant evidence and witnesses can be introduced.

Proposition that prosecutors (trial managers here) can be stoppped by the jury (Congressional Republicans, who pledged to work "hand-in-glove" with the defense) is a product of shameless politics not good faith process in pursuit of justice and truth.

EVEN SO. We have a long list of Senate Republicans that agree that Trump is in fact guilty of the wrongdoing in Ukraine just as Atricle I charged. These findings ARE bipartisan.

And yet their votes didn't reflect that.

Horsecrap, Mitt's vote did reflect exactly that, but your argument is pure red herring either way.

Their vote was not for lack of evidence, these Republicans agree that Trump is culpable and what they are actually publicly saying with their vote is that removing him for it should be left to voters.

Either way, these improprieties are real and Vinman was correct to report what he saw to NSC lawyers and then give his truthful testimony to Congress as he was required by law.

Republicans now wanting to hang him for doing the right thing is deplorable.

One day when Trump is long gone it just may be a Democrat in the White House who is doing something wrong, so be careful where you fools are going with this, because guess what, there will be no one left to report it.

Well the next commie President will be impeached by a Republican led House because your people created this impeachment war. Thanks to them, you no longer need a crime or an impeachable offense to be impeached. Just do something the leaders of the House don't like, and off to impeachment we go.

Romney is not really a Republican. He's hated Trump since before he ran for office. HIs vote was out of hatred, not based on wrong or right. Vindman is part of the deep state. In fact, he was at the last Democrat primary when Biden kissed his ass right on stage. You can't have people in your administration working against you. That's why Trump got rid of him.

If you were a manager of a baseball team, and your pitcher was rooting for the other side, do you put him in the game? Of course not. You put in players that want your side to win. You don't want your pitcher walking batters, missing a ball hit in his direction, allowing base runners to steal bases. Only an idiot would do that. So if you see your pitcher acting that way, you take him out of the game. That's what Trump did.
Romney votes with the President more often than Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Lisa M, Jon Kyle, or Susan Collins.

Tracking Congress In The Age Of Trump

Not that I don't hate the backstabbing bastard, but he is a vote for McConnell and with the incredible importance of returning the Judiciary to it's Constitutional moorings, let's not expose Cocaine Mitch to any unnecessary vulnerability.

Romney actually votes with the President 78.8% of the time.

This was not just a vote, it was a historic vote. It was not only the first impeachment without a crime or impeachable offense, but it was the first Thought Police impeachment.

The Democrats "thought" that Trump withheld aid to advance himself against Biden. Their crystal ball told them that Biden was going to be Trump's rival. They "thought" Trump threatened aid to Ukraine unless Zelensky helped him. They knew what Zelensky was "thinking" when Trump said he wanted a favor.

Anybody with an ounce of dignity and honesty would have voted against removal. But we all know, Democrats don't have dignity, and neither does Romney.
It was also the first First Term impeachment, when the voters could decide whether or not the President should remain in office.

This was a horrific abuse of Power by the House, and then Crazy Nancy, before the entire nation demonstrated that she is both a felon and insane.
Only team players work in politics. Not being a team player only works in the business world. Buh bye.
Vindman was part of the failed bloodless coup d'etat that they began plotting before Trump was even sworn in.

The Electorate thought he was the RIGHT President, the Swamp disagreed and tried to take matters OUT of OUR hands, but failed miserably, then Crazy Nancy committed a felony before the entire nation and proved she is completely out of her mind, which explains this ridiculous impeachment.


Note that in 2012, when Obama won an undeserved term against the loser Benedict Romney -- who almost seemed to be working for Obama himself -- Americans' satisfaction with their lives was a mere 78%. In 1992 %when Papa Bush managed to lose to BJ Clinton, satisfaction was

And now? 90%! Highest level ever recorded by Gallup.

On one hand, the economy is at levels never before seen; Americans say they're doing better than last year at the highest rate ever recorded; and furthermore they expect to do better next year at the highest rate since the Summer of Star Wars; and American's satisfaction with their lives is the highest level ever recorded.

But, on the other hand: Trump's TWEETS.

This is what they got. This is what all their hopes are riding on.

Sure you're making money, America is at peace for the first time in decades, and you think the economy is in great shape.

On the other hand: Trump's Tweets.​

Easy call!

Ace of Spades HQ
And yet their votes didn't reflect that.
Yes. I don't agree with them that Trump was wrong, but, I do think that it was a widely held belief among the Senate GOP that Trump was wrong to bring up Biden in the phone call, but that it certainly was not a removeable offense.

Biden is a former Senator and it looks to me like they will do everything they can to make sure he is never held to account for his open corruption. Quite frankly, the entire US Senate may be similarly corrupt.

He wasn't just "brought up on the call". Trump was pressuring Zelensky to go on CNN and publicly announce investigation into Bidens.

That is not good faith pursuit of justice, it has nothing to do with justice, it's the opposite.

Belive it or not there actually is a proper process to report illegal activities to DOJ.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.
Have your way. We will probably have another constitutional coup first week of November. Grow up.
Yes. I don't agree with them that Trump was wrong, but, I do think that it was a widely held belief among the Senate GOP that Trump was wrong to bring up Biden in the phone call, but that it certainly was not a removeable offense.

Biden is a former Senator and it looks to me like they will do everything they can to make sure he is never held to account for his open corruption. Quite frankly, the entire US Senate may be similarly corrupt.

He wasn't just "brought up on the call". Trump was pressuring Zelensky to go on CNN and publicly announce investigation into Bidens.

That is not good faith pursuit of justice, it has nothing to do with justice, it's the opposite.

Belive it or not there actually is a proper process to report illegal activities to DOJ.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.
Have your way. We will probably have another constitutional coup first week of November. Grow up.
I doubt it.

Gallup: 59% of Americans say they are better off financially than they were a year ago, the highest level in the history of Gallup polling.

Gallup has never recorded this level in over 40 years - even the dot com boom was 58%.

This is how Trump wins reelection in November.

He took 30 states last time, could easily take 35 this time.



Vindman was unreliable and had questionable judgment, according to his own outgoing superior, Tim Morrison, the National Security Council’s senior director for European affairs.

In fact, Morrison viewed Vindman as so untrustworthy that he opted to exclude him from his conversations with William Taylor, the senior US diplomat in Ukraine.

Vindman had an “unfortunate habit,” Morrison thought, of defying the sprawling executive branch’s carefully delineated chain of command. Vindman’s testimony vindicates Morrison’s dripping disdain for his former subordinate.

The nation was put through this imbroglio because Vindman opted to work in tandem with a Deep State whistleblower to jump-start impeachment proceedings over a disagreement with a phone call’s ethics.

Suffice it to say, this is not how our constitutional republic is intended to operate.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the US Constitution is remarkably straightforward:

“The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America.”

Leftists may invariably decry constitutional law’s “unitary executive theory,” but as Attorney General William Barr noted last Friday, the notion that the president of the United States, and only the president of the United States, is responsible for carrying out “the executive power” of which Article II speaks is not a mere “theory.”

It is, as Barr said, a “description of what the Framers unquestionably did in Article II.”

When anyone else in the executive branch — be it Deep State, Shallow State or anywhere in between — attempts to undermine and thwart the president’s executive power, such action is not merely insubordinate or morally problematic. It is outright unconstitutional.

The executive power incontrovertibly includes within its ambit all “residual” foreign-affairs powers, meaning all foreign-affairs powers not legislatively vested in Congress in Article I, Section 8.

It is appropriate for top-level national security advisers to offer substantive opinions to the president. But Vindman has testified that he never even directly communicated with Trump.

Vindman actually attempted to deliberately thwart or undermine the duly enacted president’s foreign policy agenda, he was attempting to unconstitutionally carry out the executive power that the Constitution of the United States vests in the president of the United States alone.

Executive power, especially in the areas of foreign policy and national security, flows from the very person of the president. A lieutenant colonel has no right to interfere with the president’s discretion or attempt to undermine the president’s authority over policy disagreements — which is what the impeachment allegations amount to.

Now this piece of insubordinate crap is rightfully dismissed from his perch on the National Security Council.
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And yet their votes didn't reflect that.
Yes. I don't agree with them that Trump was wrong, but, I do think that it was a widely held belief among the Senate GOP that Trump was wrong to bring up Biden in the phone call, but that it certainly was not a removeable offense.

Biden is a former Senator and it looks to me like they will do everything they can to make sure he is never held to account for his open corruption. Quite frankly, the entire US Senate may be similarly corrupt.

He wasn't just "brought up on the call". Trump was pressuring Zelensky to go on CNN and publicly announce investigation into Bidens.

That is not good faith pursuit of justice, it has nothing to do with justice, it's the opposite.

Belive it or not there actually is a proper process to report illegal activities to DOJ.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup...
You seriously are going to quibble over the distinctions of a coup and a coup d etat and bloody vs bloodless rather than engage the large point?
... It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain ...
You really are not aware that neither article alleged a statutory crime and that "Obstruction of Congress" is just a phrase they manufactured out of thin air, that there is no such crime in the Federal Register?
... by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution...
The Wholly Exonerated President.
... The House of Representatives proved their case...
This claim was tested by a Senate Vote and only managed a fraction of the vote necessary for removal.
... We all know Donny's guilt...
Actually we all know his innocence as declared by the Chief Justice after the vote.
... He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter...
You folks tried to overturn the last election and circumvent the upcoming election, clearly you have no confidence in your ability to obtain the support of The Electorate, so you viciously attacked them. Not quite as bad as when the Democrats fired on Fort Sumter but ill advised, none-the-less.
... I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
As you did last time, big deal. If you guys had any confidence in yourselves you would have never tried an election year impeachment scam without any statutory crimes that had no hope of being successful. The Corrupt House's goal was to unconstitutionally impact the upcoming election, and it looks like you have failed as miserably as you deserved to.

You engaged in a horrific abuse of power before the entire nation. And then Nancy demonstrated that your are led by a Crazy Lady. She started practicing tearing the pages as soon as Trump handed OUR copy of the speech to her, which she committed a felony by destroying.

How come you are so big on made up crimes but quite ok with real ones?
You seriously are going to quibble over the distinctions of a coup and a coup d etat and bloody vs bloodless rather than engage the large point?
Yep. No Coup, clueless. An investigation, by the House, per the constitution, an Impeachment, Just like Bill Clinton (who was also acquitted and is still impeached), a show trial in the Senate where republicans totally controlled and voted to acquit, Sounds constitutional to That ain't happening.

The Wholly Exonerated President. Ha, hah, hah. What a joke. He is impeached, just like the other two who were acquitted. I guess now you think they should not have been impeached or were the subject of a coup.

As you did last time, big deal. Don't blame me for last time. You would have had to be totally stupid or a party tool to vote for either of the crooked lying c@cksucker that ran in 2016. I voted Libertarian for a change. Minimal moral decency is a standard for leadership to get my vote.

Actually we all know his innocence as declared by the Chief Justice after the vote.
Too late. We all know what he did. I'm as impressed by his innocence as I am with OJ's.

she committed a felony by destroying. WOW! You really are gone, aren't you?

You folks tried to overturn the last election. Who? The Libertarians? The independents? Grow up.
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
That's a lie.

which part? I have so much info in my posts you need to be specific
Well, it starts at "he" and ends at the question mark.
Oh Patraues didn't go to jail? Who did he server under Obama, I think I'm right as usual
No, Petraeus did not got to jail. It was a a minor matter that was blown all out of proportion by RWNJs because they finally had a scandal related to the Obama administration.

Your post is either a knowing lie or you repeating lies you have been told by your leaders.

And either way a lie.
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
No he wasnt

He didn't follow chain of command, it was a hit job with Schiff.....
That's a lie.
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
Spying on the opposition candidate is not the FBI's job, dingbat. The fact that you believe it has license to do so only shows what a traitor you are.
Didn't happen. Stop lying.
He didn’t really fit in anyway. He’s too competent and well informed.

TRANSLATION: Loyal to the Democrats and disloyal to the President and country he swore to serve.

Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president. You tipped your hand. He was following his oath. That’s why he was fired.

'Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president.'

here is the current oath of service members:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Do you see the part about obeying the orders of the President? Yeah. You are fucking clueless

Don't expect that lowlife to ever get on here and admit he was wrong. Leftards are balless, flame-throwing cowards without an ounce of integrity.
I agree, but flaming him is too easy and so much fun.....berating stupid people should be a sport.
He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
That's a lie.

which part? I have so much info in my posts you need to be specific
Well, it starts at "he" and ends at the question mark.
Oh Patraues didn't go to jail? Who did he server under Obama, I think I'm right as usual
No, Petraeus did not got to jail. It was a a minor matter that was blown all out of proportion by RWNJs because they finally had a scandal related to the Obama administration.

Your post is either a knowing lie or you repeating lies you have been told by your leaders.

And either way a lie.
Ok, he was put on probabtion and paid a $100,000 fine......so Comey, Schiff and Vindman owe us ALOT of money.
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
No he wasnt

He didn't follow chain of command, it was a hit job with Schiff.....
That's a lie.
No it's not
Trump allies charge Lt. Col. Vindman is disrespecting chain of command with testimony

"Some would say that because the Department of Defense is under the executive and the president is commander in chief, the officer should not go outside that more confined chain of command," Hansen said. But the Constitution gives oversight roles to Congress, meaning it's OK for officers to share their opinions there, according to Hansen.

so he did go outside the chain of command, and right to little schiffy……..I cant wait for the hearings on this......I hope they both go to jail.
He wasn't just "brought up on the call". Trump was pressuring Zelensky to go on CNN and publicly announce investigation into Bidens.

That is not good faith pursuit of justice, it has nothing to do with justice, it's the opposite.

Belive it or not there actually is a proper process to report illegal activities to DOJ.
The same DOJ that tried to stage a coup against Trump?

TDS morons like you are crazy.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.
Have your way. We will probably have another constitutional coup first week of November. Grow up.
I doubt it.

Gallup: 59% of Americans say they are better off financially than they were a year ago, the highest level in the history of Gallup polling.

Gallup has never recorded this level in over 40 years - even the dot com boom was 58%.

This is how Trump wins reelection in November.

He took 30 states last time, could easily take 35 this time.



Vindman was unreliable and had questionable judgment, according to his own outgoing superior, Tim Morrison, the National Security Council’s senior director for European affairs.

In fact, Morrison viewed Vindman as so untrustworthy that he opted to exclude him from his conversations with William Taylor, the senior US diplomat in Ukraine.

Vindman had an “unfortunate habit,” Morrison thought, of defying the sprawling executive branch’s carefully delineated chain of command. Vindman’s testimony vindicates Morrison’s dripping disdain for his former subordinate.

The nation was put through this imbroglio because Vindman opted to work in tandem with a Deep State whistleblower to jump-start impeachment proceedings over a disagreement with a phone call’s ethics.

Suffice it to say, this is not how our constitutional republic is intended to operate.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the US Constitution is remarkably straightforward:

“The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America.”

Leftists may invariably decry constitutional law’s “unitary executive theory,” but as Attorney General William Barr noted last Friday, the notion that the president of the United States, and only the president of the United States, is responsible for carrying out “the executive power” of which Article II speaks is not a mere “theory.”

It is, as Barr said, a “description of what the Framers unquestionably did in Article II.”

When anyone else in the executive branch — be it Deep State, Shallow State or anywhere in between — attempts to undermine and thwart the president’s executive power, such action is not merely insubordinate or morally problematic. It is outright unconstitutional.

The executive power incontrovertibly includes within its ambit all “residual” foreign-affairs powers, meaning all foreign-affairs powers not legislatively vested in Congress in Article I, Section 8.

It is appropriate for top-level national security advisers to offer substantive opinions to the president. But Vindman has testified that he never even directly communicated with Trump.

Vindman actually attempted to deliberately thwart or undermine the duly enacted president’s foreign policy agenda, he was attempting to unconstitutionally carry out the executive power that the Constitution of the United States vests in the president of the United States alone.

Executive power, especially in the areas of foreign policy and national security, flows from the very person of the president. A lieutenant colonel has no right to interfere with the president’s discretion or attempt to undermine the president’s authority over policy disagreements — which is what the impeachment allegations amount to.

Now this piece of insubordinate crap is rightfully dismissed from his perch on the National Security Council.
What utter hogwash. I like the way my investments have performed also, but doesn't mean he didn't illegally try to use money assigned by both houses of congress to force Ukraine to make a public statement of investigation to benefit his election campaign.
Vindman followed the rules and spoke the truth, as did Sondland and the others.

Let me know when that article 32 session on charges of insubordination starts.

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