Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag

It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.
Have your way. We will probably have another constitutional coup first week of November. Grow up.
I doubt it.

Gallup: 59% of Americans say they are better off financially than they were a year ago, the highest level in the history of Gallup polling.

Gallup has never recorded this level in over 40 years - even the dot com boom was 58%.

This is how Trump wins reelection in November.

He took 30 states last time, could easily take 35 this time.



Vindman was unreliable and had questionable judgment, according to his own outgoing superior, Tim Morrison, the National Security Council’s senior director for European affairs.

In fact, Morrison viewed Vindman as so untrustworthy that he opted to exclude him from his conversations with William Taylor, the senior US diplomat in Ukraine.

Vindman had an “unfortunate habit,” Morrison thought, of defying the sprawling executive branch’s carefully delineated chain of command. Vindman’s testimony vindicates Morrison’s dripping disdain for his former subordinate.

The nation was put through this imbroglio because Vindman opted to work in tandem with a Deep State whistleblower to jump-start impeachment proceedings over a disagreement with a phone call’s ethics.

Suffice it to say, this is not how our constitutional republic is intended to operate.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 1 of the US Constitution is remarkably straightforward:

“The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America.”

Leftists may invariably decry constitutional law’s “unitary executive theory,” but as Attorney General William Barr noted last Friday, the notion that the president of the United States, and only the president of the United States, is responsible for carrying out “the executive power” of which Article II speaks is not a mere “theory.”

It is, as Barr said, a “description of what the Framers unquestionably did in Article II.”

When anyone else in the executive branch — be it Deep State, Shallow State or anywhere in between — attempts to undermine and thwart the president’s executive power, such action is not merely insubordinate or morally problematic. It is outright unconstitutional.

The executive power incontrovertibly includes within its ambit all “residual” foreign-affairs powers, meaning all foreign-affairs powers not legislatively vested in Congress in Article I, Section 8.

It is appropriate for top-level national security advisers to offer substantive opinions to the president. But Vindman has testified that he never even directly communicated with Trump.

Vindman actually attempted to deliberately thwart or undermine the duly enacted president’s foreign policy agenda, he was attempting to unconstitutionally carry out the executive power that the Constitution of the United States vests in the president of the United States alone.

Executive power, especially in the areas of foreign policy and national security, flows from the very person of the president. A lieutenant colonel has no right to interfere with the president’s discretion or attempt to undermine the president’s authority over policy disagreements — which is what the impeachment allegations amount to.

Now this piece of insubordinate crap is rightfully dismissed from his perch on the National Security Council.
What utter hogwash. I like the way my investments have performed also, but doesn't mean he didn't illegally try to use money assigned by both houses of congress to force Ukraine to make a public statement of investigation to benefit his election campaign.
Vindman followed the rules and spoke the truth, as did Sondland and the others.

Let me know when that article 32 session on charges of insubordination starts.

And Sondland testified that when he spoke to Trump, Trump told him no quid pro quo's. Out of all the witnesses, he's the only one that talked with Trump directly. ..
Witnesses with no first hand information, even Kangaroos don't do that.
... The aid was released, two weeks before the deadline.
Trump got nothing in return, therefore, no quid pro quo.
Quid pro quo's have been used by most Presidents. They are not against the law.
It was all a bid farce by a Mad House Drunk With Arrogated Power. Now so shamefully repudiated that Crazy Nancy committed a felony, deliberately, in full view of the Nation.

That's where the fortune telling came into the impeachment. They couldn't say they impeached Trump for something that Obama did, and Joe on video laughing about it. So they made up this little story that Biden was Trump's rival, even though any honest person knows that wasn't true. We won't know for a couple of months who Trump will be facing. And if Biden is not chosen, I wonder if the Democrat leadership will offer Trump a public apology for impeaching him on something that never existed, such as Biden being his rival?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
Spying on the opposition candidate is not the FBI's job, dingbat. The fact that you believe it has license to do so only shows what a traitor you are.
Didn't happen. Stop lying.
They did, we all know it, they spied on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign, and DID NOT tell Trump (they usually tell the leader like in the Feinstein case) so you are full of shit, stop letting me beat your face with my dick...….it's just too much fun
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
Spying on the opposition candidate is not the FBI's job, dingbat. The fact that you believe it has license to do so only shows what a traitor you are.
Didn't happen. Stop lying.
The evidence that it did happen is irrefutable.
Nope. There isn't any.
Of course there is, dumbass. It has been discussed endlessly in this forum.
What has been discussed here is fake news, conjectures, and outright lies. There is no evidence of spying.
Spying on the opposition candidate is not the FBI's job, dingbat. The fact that you believe it has license to do so only shows what a traitor you are.
Didn't happen. Stop lying.
They did, we all know it, they spied on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign, and DID NOT tell Trump (they usually tell the leader like in the Feinstein case) so you are full of shit, stop letting me beat your face with my dick...….it's just too much fun
Spying on the opposition candidate is not the FBI's job, dingbat. The fact that you believe it has license to do so only shows what a traitor you are.
Didn't happen. Stop lying.
The evidence that it did happen is irrefutable.
Nope. There isn't any.
Of course there is, dumbass. It has been discussed endlessly in this forum.
What has been discussed here is fake news, conjectures, and outright lies. There is no evidence of spying.
What was the FISA warrant for, moron?
Thank you Dems!

You blew up Biden your Front Runner-
Pushed Trump to his highest approvals - EVER
And show the World that Schiff and Pelosi are barking mad!

CHANGE: Pollster John Zogby: Best week yet for President Trump.

In beating back the Democrats' impeachment effort and taking control of the House chamber as Speaker Nancy Pelosi fumbled and mumbled behind him during the annual State of the Union address, President Trump had the best week of his presidency, according to our weekly White House report card.

Democratic pollster John Zogby even gave the president his first A+ and noted that Trump’s week was made better by the hapless Democrats. Meanwhile, several polls, notably Gallup, found Trump reaching his highest job approval yet.

Zogby's report was so comprehensive and favorable that conservative grader Jed Babbin, traveling at press time, simply said, “Ditto.”

John Zogby
Grade A+

He actually pitched some policies aimed at capturing a few extra black voters — school choice, economic opportunity zones, and increased (lifesaving) funding for historically black colleges.

Poll Alert: Our new Feb 2/5-6 statewide poll of 400 likely New Hampshire voters for the ACU: 48% approve @realDonaldTrump
Trump beats Biden 49%-45%.
Trump beats Sanders 48%-45%.
Biden 57% neg,
Sanders 54% neg,
Pelosi 56% neg!​

Meanwhile, the hapless Democrats received their expected defeat on removing the president in the partisan impeachment drama and showed that they can't even count votes accurately in the Iowa caucuses.

The caucuses are a good system, and they are supposed to be part of an organic process: winnow out some losing candidates to narrow the field as well as provide a springboard for winning candidates and those who exceed expectations to move into New Hampshire with media, money, and Big Mo.

But the biggest winners were two billionaires — Trump and Mike Bloomberg, who didn't compete there but got pretty much what he wanted.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi tearing up his speech was bad form and an admission that she lost. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II might have referred to the Democrats' week as a 'weekus horribilus!'"
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
No he wasnt

He didn't follow chain of command, it was a hit job with Schiff.....
Honest people follow rules.
So...why is America operating under the preposterous delusion that Trump stood to benefit politically by having the Ukrainians investigate the Bidens' shenanigans?

In order to believe this one would have to:
  • Believe that without this announcement, the American voters would never find out about Hunter Biden and all the rest of it. Which is preposterous. EVEN THE DEMOCRATS would have brought it up if it hadn't been raised during this impeachment kerfuffle.
  • Believe that from the time of the Ukrainian announcement, NOTHING OF SIGNIFICANCE would happen in the Democrat primary process to overcome the "stain" of this innocuous announcement.
  • Believe that any investigation would have (and it still might) resulted in credible charges of corruption against Biden and/or his challenged son. But if that is so, then how can Trump be criticized for pushing an investigation, starting in Ukraine?
The description of this whole episode has been cast as Trump's nefarious plan to kill Biden's candidacy, and assumes that without Trump's "push," the Bidens' activities would have either remained secret, or would be accepted by the electorate as insignificant.


While I have no doubt that Trump was keen to embarrass Biden and publicize his cashing in on his office, the political aspect of Trump's plan was either non-existent or insignificant. It was all about Trump being Trump. If you badmouth him, he will strike you back, harder. Biden has been badmouthing Trump for three years with no real retaliation from Trump. Until then.
Didn't happen. Stop lying.
They did, we all know it, they spied on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign, and DID NOT tell Trump (they usually tell the leader like in the Feinstein case) so you are full of shit, stop letting me beat your face with my dick...….it's just too much fun
Didn't happen. Stop lying.
The evidence that it did happen is irrefutable.
Nope. There isn't any.
Of course there is, dumbass. It has been discussed endlessly in this forum.
What has been discussed here is fake news, conjectures, and outright lies. There is no evidence of spying.
What was the FISA warrant for, moron?
Legal surveillance of contacts with foreign Nationals.

Why, what do you think it was for?
They did, we all know it, they spied on Carter Page, a member of the Trump campaign, and DID NOT tell Trump (they usually tell the leader like in the Feinstein case) so you are full of shit, stop letting me beat your face with my dick...….it's just too much fun
The evidence that it did happen is irrefutable.
Nope. There isn't any.
Of course there is, dumbass. It has been discussed endlessly in this forum.
What has been discussed here is fake news, conjectures, and outright lies. There is no evidence of spying.
What was the FISA warrant for, moron?
Legal surveillance of contacts with foreign Nationals.

Why, what do you think it was for?
In other words, it was for spying. You are officially now the forum's biggest dumbass.
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
No he wasnt

He didn't follow chain of command, it was a hit job with Schiff.....
Honest people follow rules.
So you are admitting that tRump and pretty much every republican leader is dishonest?

He didn’t really fit in anyway. He’s too competent and well informed.

TRANSLATION: Loyal to the Democrats and disloyal to the President and country he swore to serve.

Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president. You tipped your hand. He was following his oath. That’s why he was fired.
Sure they do. You’re fked in the head. The oath was posted In here
Dirty pool.

tRump and co. are vindictive scumbags.

He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
No he wasnt

He didn't follow chain of command, it was a hit job with Schiff.....
Honest people follow rules.
So you are admitting that tRump and pretty much every republican leader is dishonest?

What rule did they not follow?
In the old days, that treasonous chipmunk would have been hung or shot and already unceremoniously dumped in a hole and covered up by now.

I miss the good ol' days.

In the old days no Military man would ever go against the Commander In Chief.

Vindman: fluffing his credentials, lauding his own patriotism, and presenting himself as the arbiter of U.S. policy toward Ukraine. He just didn’t like the duly elected President actually making the foreign policy decisions. Too bad no one elected him to run the country.
He needed to leave
He didn’t really fit in anyway. He’s too competent and well informed.

TRANSLATION: Loyal to the Democrats and disloyal to the President and country he swore to serve.

Service members pledge loyalty to the country, not the president. You tipped your hand. He was following his oath. That’s why he was fired.

Tip my dick. The president is the empersonalization of the country, the arbiter of our foreign policy, and if you cannot serve whatever role he has for you, you don't belong there.

He’s not the king. He is a public servant. Vindman is more loyal to the country than he is Trump and for that he has to go.
Vindman did think he was king. Why else did he tell the Ukraine pm not to listen to trump and his foreign policy?
So...why is America operating under the preposterous delusion that Trump stood to benefit politically by having the Ukrainians investigate the Bidens' shenanigans?

In order to believe this one would have to:
  • Believe that without this announcement, the American voters would never find out about Hunter Biden and all the rest of it. Which is preposterous. EVEN THE DEMOCRATS would have brought it up if it hadn't been raised during this impeachment kerfuffle.
  • Believe that from the time of the Ukrainian announcement, NOTHING OF SIGNIFICANCE would happen in the Democrat primary process to overcome the "stain" of this innocuous announcement.
  • Believe that any investigation would have (and it still might) resulted in credible charges of corruption against Biden and/or his challenged son. But if that is so, then how can Trump be criticized for pushing an investigation, starting in Ukraine?
The description of this whole episode has been cast as Trump's nefarious plan to kill Biden's candidacy, and assumes that without Trump's "push," the Bidens' activities would have either remained secret, or would be accepted by the electorate as insignificant.


While I have no doubt that Trump was keen to embarrass Biden and publicize his cashing in on his office, the political aspect of Trump's plan was either non-existent or insignificant. It was all about Trump being Trump. If you badmouth him, he will strike you back, harder. Biden has been badmouthing Trump for three years with no real retaliation from Trump. Until then.

The Democrats never believed that Trump was holding aid unless Zelensky came up with something. If they really thought that, they would have sat on the phone call until Trump actually did a quid pro quo. Their real intention was to stop Trump from finding anything by Zelensky. They knew Zelensky didn't want to get involved in a pissing contest between Trump and the House. Both are in charge of foreign aid.
He spied on Trump, fuck if it were Washingron, he would have shot the guy. Hes lucky Trump was so nice. Oh and Obama was ok with Patreus leaking? Didnt he get jail?
SPIED? He was doing his job. Same as the FBI was doing it's job when it checked out the Russians sticking their nose in the 2016 campaigns.
No he wasnt

He didn't follow chain of command, it was a hit job with Schiff.....
Honest people follow rules.
So you are admitting that tRump and pretty much every republican leader is dishonest?

What rule did they not follow?
Crepitus , waiting on the rule? Come on liar speak up
Retarted bullshit, in any sane trial highly relevant evidence and witnesses can be introduced.

Proposition that prosecutors (trial managers here) can be stoppped by the jury (Congressional Republicans, who pledged to work "hand-in-glove" with the defense) is a product of shameless politics not good faith process in pursuit of justice and truth.

EVEN SO. We have a long list of Senate Republicans that agree that Trump is in fact guilty of the wrongdoing in Ukraine just as Atricle I charged. These findings ARE bipartisan.

And yet their votes didn't reflect that.

Horsecrap, Mitt's vote did reflect exactly that, but your argument is pure red herring either way.

Their vote was not for lack of evidence, these Republicans agree that Trump is culpable and what they are actually publicly saying with their vote is that removing him for it should be left to voters.

Either way, these improprieties are real and Vinman was correct to report what he saw to NSC lawyers and then give his truthful testimony to Congress as he was required by law.

Republicans now wanting to hang him for doing the right thing is deplorable.

One day when Trump is long gone it just may be a Democrat in the White House who is doing something wrong, so be careful where you fools are going with this, because guess what, there will be no one left to report it.

Well the next commie President will be impeached by a Republican led House because your people created this impeachment war. Thanks to them, you no longer need a crime or an impeachable offense to be impeached. Just do something the leaders of the House don't like, and off to impeachment we go.

Horseshit, you find me a lefty president abusing his office for personal gain like Trump has and I'll be the first to support his removal.

This is not a question of political ideology, this is a question of principles, a question of knowing right from wrong and holding those that are in power responsible for corrupt acts. Most Republicans have clearly sold off these principles for a ride in the Trump swamp.

Biden threatened to withhold aid unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor that was investigating his son. We have the prosecutor on video stating so.

...wow you mean to tell me that the prosecutor Biden got fired for corruption wants to say something bad about Biden?

What are you going to say next? That you WEREN'T born yesterday?

Besides that you need to go get your facts straight, Shokin NEVER claimed to have been investigating Biden's son himself, only the company he worked for. Other Ukranian officials produced documents that showed the case against Burisma idle for 2 years before Shokin was fired. And that's the recurring story with Shokin's performance at the job he was asked with - he burried corruption against rich and powerful in Ukraine, while living a lifestyle far beyond what his government salary could possibly afford.

Read up. Trump endorses Ukraine's swamp monster, prosecutor Viktor Shokin

Bottom line, unlike Trump's actions, Biden forcing Ukrainian congress to remove Shokin was 100% in line with our foreign policy objectives to address corruption in Ukraine. Alternative theory that it was done for Biden's son personal gain has no evidence behind it beyond circumstantce of his employment at Burisma.
Last edited:
And yet their votes didn't reflect that.

Horsecrap, Mitt's vote did reflect exactly that, but your argument is pure red herring either way.

Their vote was not for lack of evidence, these Republicans agree that Trump is culpable and what they are actually publicly saying with their vote is that removing him for it should be left to voters.

Either way, these improprieties are real and Vinman was correct to report what he saw to NSC lawyers and then give his truthful testimony to Congress as he was required by law.

Republicans now wanting to hang him for doing the right thing is deplorable.

One day when Trump is long gone it just may be a Democrat in the White House who is doing something wrong, so be careful where you fools are going with this, because guess what, there will be no one left to report it.

Well the next commie President will be impeached by a Republican led House because your people created this impeachment war. Thanks to them, you no longer need a crime or an impeachable offense to be impeached. Just do something the leaders of the House don't like, and off to impeachment we go.

Horseshit, you find me a lefty president abusing his office for personal gain like Trump has and I'll be the first to support his removal.

This is not a question of political ideology, this is a question of principles, a question of knowing right from wrong and holding those that are in power responsible for corrupt acts. Most Republicans have clearly sold off these principles for a ride in the Trump swamp.

Biden threatened to withhold aid unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor that was investigating his son. We have the prosecutor on video stating so.

...wow you mean to tell me that the prosecutor Biden got fired for corruption wants to say something bad about Biden?

What are you going to say next? That you WEREN'T born yesterday?

Besides that you need to go get your facts straight, Shokin NEVER claimed to have been investigating Biden's son himself, only the company he worked for. Other Ukranian officials produced documents that showed the case against Burisma idle for 2 years before Shokin was fired. And that's the recurring story with Shokin's performance at the job he was asked with - he burried corruption against rich and powerful in Ukraine, while living a lifestyle far beyond what his government salary could possibly afford.

Read up.

Trump endorses Ukraine's swamp monster, prosecutor Viktor Shokin

Bottom line, Biden forcing Ukrainian congress to remove Shokin was 100% in line with our foreign policy objectives to address corruption in Ukraine. Alternative theory that it was done for Biden's son personal gain has no evidence behind it beyond circustantial evidence of his employment at Burisma.
The question is, why did Biden brag about it?
Hey deplorable fuckhole how many Purple Hearts were you awarded for defending this country?
At least I spent my senior trip in Vietnsm. And didn't get a purple heart for SPLINTERS as John Kerry did...and you. Little coward?

So none then. Ok now go fuck yourself and your disgusting vitriol against a decorated vet who put his job on the line when he saw our President conducting a corrupt operation in Ukraine and faithfully followed the protocol to report it.
BS.........After all your BS you couldn't even come up with a Statute of violation in law...........Straight down party lines on the vote both times......

Ray Charles can see how political it was.................You lost and you are LOSING VOTERS.........poor thing.

GAO finding is that Trump’s admin broke the law in holding without adequate reason Congressionally approved aid.

So yes, I certainly can.
I would question every ribbon and medal the cocksucker pollutes his uniform with.

The Purple Heart was because of a roadside bomb. He had it bandaged and returned to duty the same day. He never led a unit in combat and received the CIB due to the roadside bomb and because he was an Infantry officer. He served as a Plans and Operations officer. He is no hero and he doesn't have any medals for valor. Other than his PH, his medals are all "atta boy" decorations. Here's a story by former classmates and others who knew him.

“Chow Thief” – Rangers Wanted Alexander Vindman Removed from Ranger School

By Mike Cernovich 74 Comments

Alexander Vindman was a “chow thief,” and “lazy,” a classmate of his at Ranger School told me. The Ranger (Scroll and Tab with multiple deployments) went on, “We tried peering him out in Mountains.” Mountains refers to the Mountain Phase of Ranger School.

Chow thieves steal MREs from other Rangers and are notorious in Ranger School, where students are subjected to near-starvation conditions. It’s not uncommon for students to lose up to 40 pounds, and most students lose 20 pounds.

During Ranger School, the people who don’t use team work and screw others over are often voted out of Ranger School in a process known as peer evaluations.

Despite not having the respect of his peers, Vindman was pushed through due to his language proficiency.


"Chow Thief" - Rangers Wanted Alexander Vindman Removed from Ranger School


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