Looks like the race card got trumped.

One thing is certain, Asclepias is a racist.
I love white women. I cant be racist.

The KKK likes to fuck black bitches too.....
I already know the KKK are animal molesters. Hell lots of white guys I met in the military told me the raped cows and sheep. I am surprised that the KKK members like having sex with black dogs. One would think they like having sex with white dogs instead of black ones.
I love Asschap's racial theories. :) The sense of powerlessness and inadequacy is both sad and funny at the same time. :lol:
I doubt he is any blacker than I am.
Dont worry white boy. We know thats not the case. If I was white...white women wouldn't like me. You should hear the things they say about you white boys.

Grow up son.
Forget the race card(s). Tuesday, everything about the black boy in our White House got trumped. Everything.

Now one of Barry's chief fluffers, Politico, is writing about the Dimocrats' Lost Generation! Taking stock of their grievous losses...noting the virtual wipeout of the Democratic talent pool across the country. Depleted is not only their Major-League talent, but also its Triple-A recruitment prospects as down-ballot dims also got their nuts crushed Tuesday.

And what's left now is the smoldering ashes of hope and change. What a nice sight to see.
Sorry white boys. The POTUS is still Black.

Not really. The POTUS will have even less concern for the Black community now. He has never held a fund-raiser in Harlem or Detroit. The POTUS likes to wine and dine with the likes of George Clooney. He has gotten your vote again and your vote accounted for nothing. We now have a conservative Congress so the Black community will be swept neatly back under the rug until 2016 when it will be brought out again for another election cycle. Your days in the limelight are gone bye-bye.
Keep telling yourself that and maybe you will convince at least one person. Sorry white boy but we are here to stay. Your women and children love Black people. We will continue to influence them until racist whites like you are dead and gone.

Too bad you Blacks are totally irrelevant this morning. You're not even a voting bloc.
We are never irrelevant. You dont spend time talking to irrelevant people trying to convince them they are irrelevant do you? :laugh:

Exactly. The majority of the posts in this forum are about black people and are posted by non black people. If a subject was irrelevant, I certainly would not even dignify it with any attention.

As far as the political party infighting, neither party is worth a damn, and elections of the future will be won based on how much money was invested in a candidate, not their personal integrity or interest in what is best for Americans in the middle class....two wings, one left and one right on one big stinking bird.
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One thing is certain, Asclepias is a racist.
I love white women. I cant be racist.

The KKK likes to fuck black bitches too.....
I already know the KKK are animal molesters. Hell lots of white guys I met in the military told me the raped cows and sheep. I am surprised that the KKK members like having sex with black dogs. One would think they like having sex with white dogs instead of black ones.
Nope, that never happened. No one believes your bullshit stories, so i dont know why you keep telling them.
One thing is certain, Asclepias is a racist.
I love white women. I cant be racist.

The KKK likes to fuck black bitches too.....
I already know the KKK are animal molesters. Hell lots of white guys I met in the military told me the raped cows and sheep. I am surprised that the KKK members like having sex with black dogs. One would think they like having sex with white dogs instead of black ones.
Nope, that never happened. No one believes your bullshit stories, so i dont know why you keep telling them.
Denial shows how desperate you are to convince yourself of this. Its amazing how much energy you put into denying my stories. :laugh:
"Looks like the race card got trumped."

There is no 'race card,' it's an inane contrivance of the partisan right, like 'politically correct' or 'liberal media.'
Sure, you're also the guy that insists political correctness doesn't exist either.I imagine in your ghetto, calling someone on playing the race card is racist just as claiming political correctness is not politically correct.

You're a bit of a joke, although an impotent one.
One thing is certain, Asclepias is a racist.
I love white women. I cant be racist.

The KKK likes to fuck black bitches too.....
I already know the KKK are animal molesters. Hell lots of white guys I met in the military told me the raped cows and sheep. I am surprised that the KKK members like having sex with black dogs. One would think they like having sex with white dogs instead of black ones.
Nope, that never happened. No one believes your bullshit stories, so i dont know why you keep telling them.
I like his great sub-Saharan civilizations. Those are really cool to.
"Looks like the race card got trumped."

There is no 'race card,' it's an inane contrivance of the partisan right, like 'politically correct' or 'liberal media.'

priceless. there is no race..there is no card..the left is misunderstood ....and it's all the "right's" fault.

They're going to deny the existence of the race card and PC for absolutely as long as they can.

Either way, it has worked fabulously for them for decades now, and they're not going to give it up until they have to.

Sure, it's funny to see them do it. All you can do is laugh and enjoy watching it begin to slowly collapse.

Once it's gone, we'll finally be able to have honest conversations about race in this country, and that's long overdue.

ETA- Lots of whites are going to vote for Ben Carson in the R Party because they believe in his policies and his articulate honest nature. Almost all liberals, regardless of race will vote against him. Does that mean they are racist?
ETA- Lots of whites are going to vote for Ben Carson in the R Party because they believe in his policies and his articulate honest nature. Almost all liberals, regardless of race will vote against him. Does that mean they are racist?
Only if they call him racist names like the cons do Obama.
ETA- Lots of whites are going to vote for Ben Carson in the R Party because they believe in his policies and his articulate honest nature. Almost all liberals, regardless of race will vote against him. Does that mean they are racist?
Only if they call him racist names like the cons do Obama.
More lies. You say im a racist, and im definitely a conservative, so if your statement is true, you should have no problem providing a quote of me calling Obama a racist name. Good luck with that, liar.
ETA- Lots of whites are going to vote for Ben Carson in the R Party because they believe in his policies and his articulate honest nature. Almost all liberals, regardless of race will vote against him. Does that mean they are racist?
Only if they call him racist names like the cons do Obama.
More lies. You say im a racist, and im definitely a conservative, so if your statement is true, you should have no problem providing a quote of me calling Obama a racist name. Good luck with that, liar.

Your over reaction pretty much pegs you as a racist not to mention many of your posts. Where in my post did I mention your name?
ETA- Lots of whites are going to vote for Ben Carson in the R Party because they believe in his policies and his articulate honest nature. Almost all liberals, regardless of race will vote against him. Does that mean they are racist?
Only if they call him racist names like the cons do Obama.
More lies. You say im a racist, and im definitely a conservative, so if your statement is true, you should have no problem providing a quote of me calling Obama a racist name. Good luck with that, liar.

You must be new on the forum. Everyone knows Asclepias is the most racist and vulgar individual on the forum. He also thinks women are only sexual objects of no other value. He's really a very degenerate individual.
ETA- Lots of whites are going to vote for Ben Carson in the R Party because they believe in his policies and his articulate honest nature. Almost all liberals, regardless of race will vote against him. Does that mean they are racist?
Only if they call him racist names like the cons do Obama.
More lies. You say im a racist, and im definitely a conservative, so if your statement is true, you should have no problem providing a quote of me calling Obama a racist name. Good luck with that, liar.

You must be new on the forum. Everyone knows Asclepias is the most racist and vulgar individual on the forum. He also thinks women are only sexual objects of no other value. He's really a very degenerate individual.
He is also a wigger.

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